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Classifications of Fires and Extinguishers

Class A
Class A fires involve ordinary combustible materials, such as cloth, wood, paper, rubber, and
many plastics. Extinguishers with an A rating are designed to extinguish fires involving these
ordinary combustible materials.

Class B
Class B fires involve flammable and combustible liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, oil-based
paints, lacquers. Therefore, extinguishers with a B rating are designed to extinguish fires
involving flammable and combustible liquids.

Note: Do not attempt to extinguish a fire involving flammable gas unless there is reasonable
assurance the source of fuel can be promptly shut off. In fact, if the only fuel burning is the
leaking gas, the best method for extinguishing the fire is to shut off the fuel supply.
Extinguishing a flammable gas fire, without shutting off the fuel, will allow unburned gas to
escape into the atmosphere, which may permit a dangerous accumulation of gas to develop,
and an explosion may occur if the gas is exposed to an ignition source.

Class C
Class C fires involve energized electrical equipment. Extinguishers with a C rating are
designed for use with fires involving energized electrical equipment.

Class D
Class D fires involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, and sodium.
Extinguishers with a D rating are designed to extinguish fires involving combustible metals.

Note: Common extinguishing agents may react with a combustible metal fire causing the
severity of the fire to increase. The most common method for extinguishing a combustible
metal fire is to cover the burning material with a dry powder, such as sand, which will not react
with the material. If you store or use combustible metals, contact the Fire Prevention Services
office for a consultation regarding the proper type and amount of extinguishing agent you
should have available.

Class K
Class K fires involve vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats in cooking appliances. Extinguishers
with a K rating are designed to extinguish fires involving vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats
utilized in commercial cooking appliances.
Note: Extinguishers with a K rating are normally required where deep-fryers and/or griddles
are utilized to prepare large quantities of food. An example would be a commercial kitchen
similar to those found in restaurants and cafeterias.

Multipurpose Extinguishers
Most portable extinguishers are rated for use with more than one classification of fire. For
example, an extinguisher with a BC rating is suitable for use with fires involving flammable
liquids and energized electrical equipment. An extinguisher with an ABC rating is suitable for
use with fires involving ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids and energized electrical
equipment. An extinguisher that is rated for use with multiple hazards should include a symbol
for each hazard type.

Fire class A
Fire Class "A" means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish fires
in solids. Solids of organic origin: such as wood, paper, straw, plastics, coal. The
extinguishing agent used can be water (the extinguisher then has a silver color: this in
contrast to the other extinguishers. The pressure vessel is then painted red) or the
extinguishing agent is a special type of powder. Another extinguisher is the so-called
hose reel. Because fire hose reels are associated with possible legionella infections,
the hose reel main valves must be sealed and flushed at regular intervals.

Fire class "B" means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish
liquid fires, such as oil, gasoline, alcohol, some plastics, fats and bitumen. Extinguishing
agents used are: Powder, CO2 and Foam, such as FFF (triple F) and AFFF (A triple F).
Fire class "C" means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish gas fires, such
as propane, butane and natural gas. Extinguishing substances used are CO2 and foam (Foam
is a wet extinguisher)
Sometimes fire classes are combined, for example an ABC extinguisher (also known as glow
powder). Powder extinguishers are often referred to as these fire classes. The glow powder can
enclose a smoldering solid effectively smothering it.

Fire class "D" means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish metal fires.
Metal fires are fires involving magnesium, zirconium, lithium, potassium or sodium, and which are
very difficult if not impossible, to extinguish with the above fire extinguishers. The extinguishing
agent is a certain type of powder that is spread over the burning metal. Metal fires are
particularly fierce (such as magnesium fires; remember that magnesium is used in fireworks and
flash cubes). The extinguisher then states that there is a D (powder) extinguisher or ABCD
powder extinguisher.
Fire class "E" means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish fires caused
by electricity. However, fire class E was abolished in 1987 in the Netherlands. Electricity can be a
cause of fire, but it is the electrical components that burn and that fall under fire class A (solids)
or B (liquids) plastics melt in a fire. For example, a short circuit causes a television to burn. This
television is made of a plastic. There is then a fire class B fire and not an E. B because electronic
equipment is often made of plastics (plastics, including melting substances) fall under class B

Fire class "F" means that the extinguisher has an extinguishing agent to extinguish fat fires (for
example frying fat). Fat burning is difficult to extinguish with other extinguishing agents since re-
ignition can take place. As soon as the temperature of oil or fat rises above 320 degrees Celsius,
self-ignition takes place and the fat or oil catches fire spontaneously, so that no flame is kept.
Because the temperature is so high any water from an extinguishing agent will evaporate
explosively, as a result of which all the fuel (very hot fat) from the pan or deep-frying oven will
be sprayed very finely by the resulting steam cloud. The cause of such fires can often be traced
to malfunctioning temperature protections such as a broken thermostat, or the use of old or
contaminated fat.

An "F" extinguisher is a new class with a certain type of foam (chemical or chemical
extinguishing foam). This foam provides a gas-tight layer above the frying fat and has a strong
cooling effect and partially mixes with the fat. Re-ignition is then no longer possible. Stalls that
bake fries are best placed to hang an F extinguisher. It is wise to use a fat fire extinguisher that is
equipped with a metal lance on the hose. This allows extinguishing from a safe distance. See
the supplement under ‘other types’. It is wise to use a fat fire extinguisher that is equipped with
a metal lance on the hose. This allows extinguishing from a safe distance. See the supplement
under ‘other types’. It is wise to use a fat fire extinguisher that is equipped with a metal lance on
the hose. This allows extinguishing from a safe distance. See the supplement under ‘other

The modern fire class F fire extinguishers contain a content that mixes with the fat and makes it
into a non-combustible substance. The material enters into an emulsion with the fat. A fat fire
generally falls under fire class F with a capacity that is larger than 5 liters, because insufficient
extinguishing capacity cannot be achieved with the regular extinguishing agents to prevent re-
FSH DIRECT uses a specific extinguishing agent which has been specially developed to combat
fire class F fires. We will gladly explain this product to you in a personal conversation.
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