Joveo Whitepaper The Ultimate Guide To Programmatic Job Advertising

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The Ultimate Guide

to Programmatic
Job Advertising
How the world’s smartest recruiting
teams advertise their jobs

Talent Acquisition and recruitment marketing teams today are
constantly running against the clock and uncertain budgets to
achieve their hiring goals. They continue to be tasked with
finding more qualified applicants quickly - amidst a rising pile
of varied challenges - at almost every stage in the
recruitment process.

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Recruitment teams are currently under a tremendous amount of stress in
terms of budgets, especially since the onset of the global COVID19
pandemic, which has severely impacted their ability to hire according to
plan. Most talent acquisition organizations or staffing / RPO teams are
operating with reduced and uncertain budgets, forcing them to explore
more creative and cost-effective ways to source the most qualified talent.

Candidate relevance and quality

Whether you’re hiring a truck driver, a registered nurse, an entry-level
customer service executive, or a data scientist, finding and attracting the
right talent has always been hard. Rising unemployment levels due to
upheavals in the labor market caused by the pandemic, have led to a large
number of available candidates for all kinds of jobs. However, contrary to
what one may expect, this has actually made life harder for recruiters that
must screen thousands of applications to identify the ones that truly
satisfy the job criteria.

Recruitment marketing teams may also be painfully unaware of how their
talent (candidate) sources are really performing when it comes to hiring
outcomes and related costs. This lack of transparency could be due to
either their reliance on post-and-pray job sites or the lack of visibility into
down-the-funnel metrics beyond cost-per-click (CPC or cost-per-
applicant (CPA. The ability to compare these metrics - all the way from
click to application to hire - in real-time across various job sites as well as
search engine job ads and social media, is non-existent in most platforms.

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Efficiency and productivity

With all of these different options, how can your

internal talent acquisition team know which types of
posts and which channels will work the best for
your needs? Traditional recruitment advertising is
rife with inefficiencies. It takes a lot of time and
effort to manage multiple job advertising vendors or
publishers, collect and consolidate data, and track

Without a practical way to work with hundreds of In addition, as many organizations are currently
publishers, most recruitment teams limit running lean recruitment teams, it becomes
themselves to the ones that bring in the most essential to enhance recruiter productivity and
volume or deliver the lowest CPC  regardless of ensure most of their time is spent on doing the job
whether or not they are the most economical (in they typically know best, which is interviewing,
terms of cost-per-hire or CPH, or even offer the hiring, and onboarding candidates.
highest candidate quality.


Finally, there’s the issue of lack of predictability and

consistency in delivering hiring outcomes. The
ability to predict what your top (and most cost-
effective) sources will be for a particular position
you’re trying to fill - and how much recruitment
advertising budget you really need - can be a huge
advantage, especially as you’re trying to do more
with less.

However, it’s almost impossible to have a predictable recruitment process across the entire job seeker journey
(from click to hire) when recruitment marketing decisions are driven by intuition and not data. Most recruiters
today are guessing their sources and required budgets – with little data.

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So - how can you source the most qualified and
relevant applicants that convert to successful hires
quickly, with shrinking and uncertain budgets, and
without compromising on candidate experience?

The answer:


What is programmatic job advertising?
Programmatic job advertising (or programmatic recruitment advertising) is the use of technology for buying,
placing (distributing), and optimizing job ads - and their associated budget - automatically across the Internet. It
is the application of a machine-driven, rules-based approach to buying recruitment (advertising) media that
ensures the most relevant and effective:


By selecting the ones (among hundreds or

Since having
thousands) that will showcase your job ads to the
most qualified and relevant job seekers cost- Joveo in place,
effectively - using data-driven decisions to
eliminate human bias or error they have
allowed us to
over-deliver on
By targeting audiences precisely when they are
most likely to see your job ads and convert quickly applications
across 14 sites
within the care
By setting the right bids and budget caps (by job,
publisher, etc.) and advertising on the right sector. It allowed
channels, to avoid both over- and under-spends.
This often involves the use of machine learning and
us to achieve
AI to automate the process of bidding on job ad
placements across the Internet.
119% of our goal
delivery. It’s a
TRAFFIC game changer!
By setting caps to deliver the right volume of
relevant, high-quality applications for your jobs.
This ensures you always have an adequate number Nathan East
Media Director, Oliver Raine
of applicants for each of your open positions and
leftover budgets can be allocated to other hard-to-
fill jobs.

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How programmatic job advertising works
Programmatic job advertising offers a lot more than just automatically distributing your job ads at scale. With the
use of machine learning and AI, it continually optimizes your job ad placements and bids based on down-the-
funnel metrics such as your hiring outcomes and cost-per-hire.

Intelligence The programmatic job advertising platform then

overlays your seed data with your budget and goals

This involves a way to ingest and gather all your data (number of hires / qualified applicants, cost-

current and historical data, including your job per-hire, time-to-fill, etc.), to create your target and

requisition data; source, apply, and hire data; and lookalike (similar) audiences - not only to meet your

any other data from your current or previous current recruiting goals, but to also prepare itself

recruitment marketing efforts. This constitutes your for your future hiring needs.

“seed data.”
These are the “rules” that ensure that you stay on
track for your goals, and maintain discipline at
every step along the way.

Seed data : :
and goals
Number of qualified
& hire data
Jobs data Time to hire

Incumbent info Cost per hire

! !

! !
optimized distribution

! !

Activation This enables you to buy media from the most

effective sources (where the most qualified job

This is where the programmatic job advertising seekers are) with the highest ROI, when you need it

platform activates your data to inform recruitment and for the right amount of time.

media buying decisions, create rules, and provide

machine learning-based recommendations, so you This unbiased, data-driven, and automated media

can automate and optimize your job distribution planning and buying has helped businesses source

based on your goals. up to 2X more qualified candidates, while reducing

their cost-per-hire by up to 50%.

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Here, you can track and analyze the performance This component provides you with end-to-end
and costs of all your recruitment media (including visibility and control of your entire job advertising
job boards, search engines, and social media) – via process, whether you're working with pay-per-click
a centralized dashboard – from click to hire. All your (PPC job boards, duration-based postings, slot-
recruitment advertising data is crunched to based job boards, search ads, display ads, social
generate real-time insights on ad performance and ads, or even organic options. It allows you to
costs at a campaign, publisher, job group, and compare all your digital candidate sources apples-
ideally at a job level too. The insights are your to-apples and easily identify the ones that are
outcomes. delivering the most (and the least) ROI.

“It's really great to be able to see all of our sources in one

central location - really helps us to understand where we're

getting the most bang for our buck, where our ROI is coming in

from. The other thing that I love is the track to hire feature.”

Michael Swift
Director, Recruitment Marketing, HealthTrust Workforce Solutions


Activation Continuous Optimization

based on “your” data



Learned Intelligence of your recruitment advertising process and results,

eliminating any guesswork typically involved in

This creates a virtuous cycle / loop, so your traditional job advertising.

insights, outcomes, and learnings flow back into the

intelligence gathering component of the platform to With this constant feedback loop, your hiring

inform subsequent media buying decisions. This outcomes and costs also become much more

leads to continuous optimization and improvement predictable and consistent over time.

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Benefits of programmatic job advertising

Lower cost per hire and greater control on spend

This is one of the most obvious benefits of Furthermore, your programmatic job advertising
programmatic job advertising. A programmatic solution enables you to avoid wasting your
recruitment advertising platform enables you to recruitment marketing dollars on non-performing
allocate budgets (spending caps) at multiple levels: job boards, bot clicks, and intermediary fees.
campaign, job group, job (ideally), publisher, and You can ensure your job ads are distributed only on
more. the most cost-effective publishers - and your
media buying strategy is aligned with your cost
It also allows you to track performance and costs goals. All of this drives down your cost per
across all your media – whether it’s job slots, pay- applicant as well as cost per hire.
per-click publishers, duration-based job boards,
Google, Facebook, or others – via a single, Our clients typically see a 20  50% reduction in
centralized dashboard. You can easily compare and cost-per-applicant (and cost-per-hire) and a
understand how individual channels are performing proportionate increase in recruiting ROI.
and contributing (and which ones are performing
better) - and use those insights to drive job
advertising decisions.

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Higher qualified / relevant applicant volumes

Qualified and relevant – these are important words A major benefit of programmatic recruitment

when it comes to recruitment. You can spend an advertising is that it ensures your job ads are

enormous amount of money on the post-and-pray targeting the most qualified / relevant job seekers

approach to job advertising and get hundreds or for your specific needs. Intelligent, automated

even thousands of applications. But how qualified / optimizations (driven by a machine learning engine)

relevant are they? In other words, how many of allocate spend to the best-fit publishers, where

them have a high probability of turning into actual you’re more likely to find these candidates. As a

hires? Without the right applicants you need, the result, the number of qualified and relevant

volume of applications is worthless. applicants, which have a significant probability to

convert into hires, is much higher.

“This partnership is the first step in moving quickly to enable our

clients to achieve improved hiring outcomes from the very first step.
Making a program with Joveo part of our solution ensures our clients’
jobs are seen not just by more job seekers, but by the right job
seekers who become the best quality candidates for their hourly jobs.”

Jerry Collier
Managing Director of the Products Division, Alexander Mann Solutions
Greater reach

There are thousands of job boards and publishers. You can also find and engage passive job seekers
Programmatic job advertising enables you to get that aren’t on job boards but on the rest of the
your job ads in front of more job seekers globally, World Wide Web, visiting Google, Facebook, or
especially on sites that will deliver the best (and their favorite lifestyle websites.
most cost-effective) results for your business. This
might include niche job sites that you may be It is worth noting that a truly global reach will
unaware of, but can potentially deliver exceptional require a programmatic job advertising platform to
hiring outcomes. support multiple languages and currencies, in
addition to publisher networks internationally.

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Significantly more productive recruiters
A lot of businesses today are operating with lean recruiting teams. Improving recruiter productivity is one of the
top priorities of talent acquisition leaders around the world.

Automating repetitive tasks can go a long way in making talent acquisition (TA and recruitment marketing
teams more productive. Programmatic job advertising saves a massive amount of time for recruiters and TA
professionals as it removes the manual labor involved in posting, managing, and optimizing job ads across a
multitude of channels and interfaces (job boards, social channels, and other sites used for finding and recruiting

This allows them to not only spend more time on people-centric functions, such as interviewing, screening
candidates, hiring, and onboarding, but also operate at a much larger scale and manage vastly more expansive
programs than traditional methods.

Faster time-to-hire
The increase in relevant applicant volume as well as the efficiency of programmatic job advertising technology
reduces the time it takes to deliver hires (time-to-hire).

For many of our clients, time-to-hire has been reduced by 35% or more.

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A modern programmatic job advertising platform
should allow you to retarget job seekers that
started applications, but for whatever reason,
dropped off without completing them. The ability to
re-engage such candidates by sending them
targeted messages and nudging them to finish their
application process can be very powerful in
delivering a high number of qualified applications at
a low CPA.

Real-time tracking of performance and cost

One of the most desirable benefits of programmatic job advertising is its ability to deliver end-to-end visibility
(transparency) into your recruitment advertising.

In traditional job advertising, real-time tracking of performance and cost across all media was next to
impossible. Even when you did get data at, say, the end of a month, collating it across all the varied sources
(slot or duration-based publishers, pay-per-click job boards, Google, etc.) and then having someone adapt it to
a pre-agreed format and redistribute it for analysis, took so much time that it served little to no practical
purpose by the end of the exercise.

With a programmatic recruitment advertising platform, you know precisely where your precious job advertising
dollars are going, in real-time. You can track performance and costs across all your recruitment media - job
boards, search engines, and social media - from clicks to applications to hires. You can also slice and dice the
data any way you want - across campaigns, jobs, publishers, and more - based on your needs.

You can answer questions such as – how did this budget work? Do we need to raise the budget? Do we have
enough candidates for this job? Do we even need to sponsor these jobs, or can we fill them with organic results
without having to spend anything?

With such robust data, analytics, and insights, you can make intelligent, informed, and effective recruiting
decisions that drive maximum ROI  at every step of the job seeker journey.

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Questions to ask your programmatic platform provider
There are a number of options when it comes to selecting a programmatic job advertising platform for your
recruitment needs, so it can be challenging to determine which one is right for your business.

Whether you are looking to deploy such a solution for the first time and evaluating different solution providers -
or re-evaluating your existing vendor (or even re-negotiating your contract with them), it is imperative to have a
deep understanding of the platforms’ capabilities to best serve your needs not just today, but in perpetuity –
because hiring, for the most part, is an ongoing business process.

Given the complex and fragmented nature of the talent acquisition landscape, the more specific your questions,
the better your understanding and selection will be. Here are the top questions to ask:

Job ad targeting options

Which online recruitment marketing channels do you support?

How many job boards (or publishers) is your solution compatible with?

Can your platform / team buy and manage media across all required job boards?

Can your platform advertise jobs and target both active and passive job seeker audiences on Google, social

channels, and the whole World Wide Web?

Can we manage our existing slots and duration-based postings from the same platform?

Is your job ad targeting limited to specific countries? If so, which ones?

Segmentation and automation capabilities

Can your platform allocate budgets and goals at the campaign, job group, and job levels?

Can your platform showcase insights by campaign, job group, and job?

Can your platform optimize and set up automation rules and expansions down to the job level?

What media buying channels or publishers does your platform automate (CPC, CPA, duration-based and

slot job boards, Google, Facebook, etc.?

How long does it typically take for a user to learn how to use automations?

Does your platform recommend publishers based on performance goals?

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Tracking and analytics

Can your platform track all our required metrics - from click to hire - in a single dashboard?

Can you track metrics across all our online sourcing channels - job boards, search engines, organic, and

social - in one platform?

Can your solution track candidate conversions across any channel (universal conversion tracking)?

Does your platform indicate how many organic applications a particular job has received?

Is your dashboard customizable?

What types of reports can be generated?

Job application experience

How do you ensure a great job application experience?

Does your job application experience improve the number of applications as well as click-to-apply


Can you optimize the applications for all devices?

Can you re-target and re-engage relevant job seekers that did not complete their application?

Product usability
How much training is necessary to use the platform?

How quickly will my team be up and running?

Service and support

What are your levels and hours of support?

Do you offer managed services? Do you assist in setting up campaigns?

What is your implementation process?

What level of technical assistance do you provide?

Are there costs for support? If so, how much?

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What is the cost structure of your self-service model?

Is pricing based on a percentage of media spend? Is there a fixed fee option?

If you offer managed services, how much is the additional cost?

Are there minimum spend levels or commitments?

Global presence
Which geographical markets is your solution best suited for?

Does your platform support multiple languages? Which ones?

Does your platform support multiple currencies? Which ones?

Can our globally distributed teams have centralized visibility into data across multiple

geographies or regions?

What are your market expansion plans?

Vendor due diligence

How big is your R&D team? What’s the percentage of engineers / developers out of all employees?

When was the last time your platform had a new feature release?

How often do you release product updates and enhancements? Are they based on customer input? Are

there any associated costs?

What are some of the features on your product roadmap?

Who are some of your clients? Can I speak to a couple of them about their experiences?

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About Joveo
Programmatic is the future of
Joveo is the most advanced and transparent recruiting. Joveo is the most
programmatic job advertising platform. We enable innovative and technologically
businesses to hire the most qualified talent in the advanced player in this field.
shortest time, while supercharging recruitment
Davide Villa
advertising ROI and delivering unprecedented
CEO of JobCloud
predictability and agility.

Powering more than 20 million job postings every

day, Joveo’s intelligent job advertising platform
uses machine learning to dynamically manage and
optimize sourcing and
Up to
applications across all online channels, while
2x 2050%
providing real-time insights at every step of the job lower cost
more qualified per hire
seeker journey - from click to hire. applicants

Joveo replaces the guesswork, complexity, and

inefficiency of today’s recruitment practices with
intelligence, transparency, and power, delivering
more qualified candidates, more certainty, and Up to Up to

more success to employers around the world. 2X 40%

increase in recruiter higher click-to-apply
productivity conversion rates

GET IN For more information about Joveo’s award-winning programmatic job advertising
platform, email or give us a call at 1.724.204.5400.

TOUCH Sign up for a free demo here:

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