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Article 1

Removal of nutrients and pesticides from agricultural run-off 2

using microalgae and cyanobacteria 3

Miguel A. Castellanos-Estupiñan 1,2, Astrid M. Carrillo-Botello 2, Linell S. Rozo-Granados 2, Dorance Becerra-Mo- 4

reno2, Janet B. García-Martínez 2, Néstor A. Urbina-Suarez2, Germán L. López-Barrera 2, Andrés F. Barajas-Solano 2, 5
Samantha J. Bryan 3, and Antonio Zuorro 4,* 6

1 School of Natural Resources and Environment, Universidad del Valle, Cali 760015, Colombia; miguel.castel- 7 (M.A.C-E) 8
2 Department of Environmental Sciences, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Av. Gran Colombia 9
No. 12E-96, Cucuta 540003, Colombia; (A.M.C-B); 10
(L.S.-R-G); (D.B-M); (J.B.G.-M.); nestorandre- 11 (N.A.U-S); (G.L.L-B); (A.F.B-S.). 12
3 Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Notting- 13
ham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK; (S.J.B) 14
4 Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Environment, Sapienza University, Via Eudossiana 18, 15
00184 Roma, Italy 16
* Correspondence: 17

Abstract: The use of pesticides in agriculture has ensured the production of different crops. How- 18
ever, due to their excessive use, inadequate application, toxic characteristics, and minimal residue 19
control, pesticides have become an emerging public health problem for Latin American countries. 20
The current project evaluates the ability of 2 strains of algae (Chlorella and Scenedesmus sp) and one 21
cyanobacteria (Hapalosyphon sp) to remove excess pesticides and other nutrients present in runoff 22
water from rice production. Different concentrations of wastewater and carbon source (Na2CO3 and 23
NaHCO3) were evaluated. According to the results, all three strains can be grown in wastewater 24
without dilution (100%), with a biomass concentration comparable to a synthetic medium. All three 25
strains significantly reduced the concentration of NO3 and PO4 (95 and 85%, respectively), with no 26
difference between Na2CO3 or NaHCO3. Finally, Chlorella sp obtained the highest removal effi- 27
ciency of the pesticide (chlorpyrifos), followed by Scenedesmus and Hapalosyphon (100, 75, and 50% 28
Citation: Lastname, F.; Lastname, F.; respectively). This work shows that it is possible to use this type of waste as an alternative source 29
Lastname, F. Title. Water 2022, 14, x. of nutrients to obtain biomass and metabolites of interest, such as lipids and carbohydrates, to pro- 30 duce biofuels. 31
Academic Editor: Firstname Last-
name Keywords: Pesticides, Nitrate removal, Phosphate removal, biomass production, metabolites. 32
Received: date
Accepted: date
Published: date
1. Introduction 34
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
Ensuring water availability and quality, sustainable agriculture, and food security 35
tral with regard to jurisdictional
are critical issues that require sustainable alternatives that positively impact the growth 36
claims in published maps and institu-
tional affiliations.
of societies [1]. Pesticides are one of the most important agricultural inputs that guarantee 37
quality and efficiency in crop production. However, due to their excessive use, inadequate 38
application, toxic characteristics, and minimal residue control, pesticides have become an 39
emerging problem of public health, water pollution, and environmental contamination in 40
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
general [2]. Agricultural sectors such as the rice industry use large amounts of water and 41
Submitted for possible open access
agrochemicals for their crops that can be transported through surface runoff, leaching into 42
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
the soil and evaporation into the atmosphere, contaminating bodies of surface or ground- 43

Attribution (CC BY) license

water, food, and the air we breathe [3]. In the region of Norte de Santander (Colombia), 44
( one of the most used pesticides is Chlorpyrifos, which has no reported restrictions accord- 45
s/by/4.0/). ing to the National Ministry of Agriculture. Nitrogen and phosphorus are two 46

Water 2022, 14, x.

Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 12

macronutrients present in these fertilizers that favor crop growth and productivity, but if 47
applied in excess or inadequately, they are not completely assimilated by plants and infil- 48
trate through runoff, contaminating ground and surface water, causing severe damage to 49
the environment and human health [4]. The techniques applied in the industrial produc- 50
tion of fertilizers cause environmental problems; generally, the production of nitrogen at 51
the industrial level is carried out through synthesis processes that convert atmospheric 52
nitrogen into ammonia using natural gas, generating large amounts of CO 2 released into 53
the atmosphere contributing to global warming, on the other hand, phosphorus is ob- 54
tained from minerals based on non-renewable phosphates, using chemical processes with 55
sulfuric acid to obtain them, which produce by-products that are hazardous to both health 56
and the environment [5]. 57
Microalgae and cyanobacteria as photosynthetic microorganisms represent a viable 58
alternative in wastewater treatment given their diverse environmental and biotechnolog- 59
ical production benefits such as assimilation of nutrients, use of light, consumption of CO2 60
from the atmosphere, generation of high-value products and biomolecules, production of 61
oxygen, generation of homogeneous biomass, high photosynthetic efficiency, among oth- 62
ers [6]. During the last decade, these characteristics have been studied focused on the 63
treatment of different types of wastewaters: domestic [7], industrial, agricultural, among 64
others, evidencing its growth in agricultural wastewater [8-13]. However, the application 65
of algae and cyanobacteria for the removal of contaminants possess limitations such as 66
their tolerance to the type of wastewater and its concentration, high-energy demand, es- 67
pecially in the mixing and harvesting of the biomass produced [14,15] 68
Wastewater contains several compounds that can be used as raw material for various 69
industries, which is why in recent years, the reuse of these compounds as essential nutri- 70
ents for microalgae production has been proposed [9], reducing production costs for high 71
value-added products whose operation in terms of costs is unfeasible in the current mar- 72
ket [16]. The cultivation of microalgae in the biotechnology industry demands a large 73
amount of water, which is a factor to consider considering the scarce availability of the 74
resource in times of intense summer; for this reason, the cultivation of microalgae in 75
wastewater offers an ideal scenario in three indispensable factors for the cultivation of 76
microalgae: water reuse, availability [17] of nutrients and assimilation of pollutants. Re- 77
cent studies have demonstrated the efficiency of microalgae for the treatment of different 78
types of pesticides used in the agricultural industry; Garcia-Galán et al [18] showed that 79
a microalgae culture system worked effectively to decontaminate agricultural runoff con- 80
taminated with different types of pesticides commonly used in various crops. On the other 81
hand, Li et al [19] demonstrated the elimination of pollutants and production of by-prod- 82
ucts with the use of wastewater from the swine industry, which opens the possibility of 83
its application in different scenarios that lead to a decrease in the pressure and contami- 84
nation of water resources, the reduction of costs in algal biorefining, the production of 85
high-value by-products and the care of the environment in general [20]. 86
The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability of the cultivation of microal- 87
gae and cyanobacteria using two types of wastewater from rice cultivation, determining 88
the assimilation capacity of contaminants present in this medium such as nitrates, phos- 89
phates, and pesticides in the search for the production of metabolites of interest, offering 90
a viable alternative focused on the reuse of wastewater from rice cultivation, the treatment 91
of wastewater to optimal conditions for its discharge and the bioconversion of these in the 92
production of high value-added metabolites. 93

2. Materials and Methods 94

2.1. Agricultural runoff 95

The agricultural wastewater was obtained from the discharge canals of the irrigation 96
area of rice production fields in the municipality of Zulia (Cúcuta, Norte de Santander) 97
during the month of march (2019). For cultivation, the effluents were filtered twice with a 98
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 12

cloth filter and sterilized by autoclave (120°C, 20 min) to avoid interference for bacteria or 99
fungi. The wastewater was chemically analyzed (NO3, PO4, pH, turbidity, conductivity, 100
temperature, salinity, total dissolved solids, COD, BOD5, total solids, total suspended sol- 101
ids, volatiles suspended solids, Sedimentable solids) according to Standard methods for 102
the examination of water and wastewater [21], and the concentration of chlorpyrifos was 103
determined according to the method described by Zalat et al [22]. 104

2.2. Strains 105

Hapalosyphon sp (HAPA_UFPS002), Chlorella sp (CHLO_UFPS010), and Scenedesmus 106
sp (SCEN_UFPS015) from INNOValgae collection (Universidad Francisco de Paula San- 107
tander, Colombia) were used in this study. These strains were previously isolated from 108
thermal springs nearby the city of Cucuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia) and possess 109
the capacity to grow in contaminated waters (data not shown). The strains were pre-cul- 110
tivated in 2 L glass flask with a working volume of 1.2 L containing Bold Basal media for 111
the algae, and BG11 for the cyanobacteria [23]. The media was mixed through the injection 112
of filtered air (Acro® 37 TF Vent, PTFE membrane) with 0.5% (v/v) CO2 at a flow rate of 113
0.78 L min-1, 25°C, and light:dark cycle of 12:12 hours at 100 µ mol m -2 s-1 for 30 days. 114

2.3. Experimental design 115

Initially, the capacity of the strains to grow in wastewater was determined. The se- 116
lected strains were inoculated with different concentrations of wastewater diluted with 117
distilled water (10, 50, 75, and 100 v/v). The concentration of wastewater that allowed the 118
growth of the three strains was supplemented with different concentrations (0.8, 1.2, and 119
1.6 g/L) of either sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) [24] prior 120
to inoculation to enhance the biomass production and the removal of NO3 and PO4. The 121
results were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA GraphPad Prism version 9. 122
All the strains were cultured (by triplicate) in 2 L glass flask with a working volume 123
of 1.2 L of sterile wastewater. Each flask was mixed through the injection of filtered air at 124
a flow rate of 0.78 L min-1, (Resun, LP-100), and light:dark cycle of 12:12 hours at 110 µ mol 125
m-2 s-1 for 20 days. The produced biomass was concentrated by electroflotation (10 alumi- 126
num electrodes, 20 min, 150 rpm, and 50 W) [25], washed twice with distilled water, 127
freeze-dried, and stored (4°C) until use. Finally, the different components of the strains, 128
including carbohydrates [26], lipids [27], proteins [28], carotenoids [29], phycocyanins 129
[30], and ash [31] were measured. 130

3. Results 131
The physicochemical analysis shows the initial characteristics present in the agricul- 132
tural wastewater (Table 1), considering the analysis it can be observed that the wastewater 133
from the discharge of the irrigation canal presents a high concentration of pesticides (15.3 134
mg/L), which according to Colombian regulations (Resolution 631 - 2015) is outside the 135
maximum permissible limits for active ingredients of pesticides of toxicological categories 136
1A, 1B and II. Additionally, there are concentrations of nitrates and phosphates that may 137
affect the ecological balance of the water sources. 138

Table 1. Chemical analysis of agricultural runoff. 139

Parameters Units Results Max limit (Res 0631 2015)

Nitrates (NO3) mg/L NO3 35.23 analysis & report
Phosphates (PO4) mg/L PO4 4.74 analysis & report
pH pH units 7.08 6.00 to 9.00
Turbidity FAU 20 N/A
Conductivity µS 164.5 N/A
Temperature °C 25 N/A
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 12

Salinity ppm 102 N/A

Total Dissolved Solids ppm 117 N/A
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L 20.01 150.00
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/L 2 50.00
Total solids (TS) mg/L 160 N/A
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 25 50
Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) mg/L 12 N/A
Sedimentable Solids (SS) ml/L*h 4 1
Chlorpyrifos mg/L 1.5 0.05
Results show that all three strains can grow in different concentrations of the agricul- 141
tural runoff, under low levels (10% v/v) of the wastewater, the biomass produced was 142
relatively low (< 0.3 g/L), and increased with higher concentrations of the wastewater due 143
to higher levels of NO3, PO4 (figure 1). All strains reported their highest biomass concen- 144
tration at full strength of the agricultural runoff, which also indicates that the presence of 145
toxic compounds such as chlorpyrifos does not negatively affect the proper growth of 146
these strains. According to the ANOVA analysis, a higher difference was observed be- 147
tween different concentrations of the agricultural runoff. however, the biomass concen- 148
tration achieved by all three strains is lower in comparison with the control (BG11 and 149
Bold basal media). 150

Figure 1. Strains grow in different concentrations of agricultural runoff. 152

Results in figure 2 highlight that after 20 days of culture in the agricultural runoff, 154
the NO3 concentration can be reduced up to 88% by Scenedesmus sp, while Chlorella sp and 155
Hapalosyphon sp removed up to 85% of the total NO3 present in the wastewater re- 156
moval.According to ANOVA analysis, there is a significant difference between the strains 157
in the removal of NO3. The removal of PO4 behaves similarly to nitrate since the values 158
obtained are very close among the three strains studied, with values of up to 82% of PO 4 159
removed by Scenedesmus sp, followed by Chlorella sp and Hapalosyphon sp; however, no 160
significant difference was observed in the removal of PO4. 161
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 12

Figure 2. Nitrate and Phosphate consumption by the studied strains. 165

The addition of inorganic salts (Na2CO3 and NaHCO3) was evaluated as alternative 167
carbon sources to improve biomass production. Results show that sodium carbonate sig- 168
nificantly improved the biomass concentration for the three strains evaluated in compar- 169
ison with the control (Bold Basal Medium) (figure 3a). Scenedesmus sp and Hapalosiphon sp 170
reported the maximum biomass concentration using 1.2 g/L of Na 2CO3 (0.71 and 0.83 g/L 171
respectively), while Chlorella sp, obtained the largest biomass concentration up to 1 g/L 172
with 0.8 g/L of sodium carbonate. In general, the strain that used this carbon source was 173
Chlorella sp. On the other hand, when sodium bicarbonate was used, Chlorella sp was able 174
to grow up to 0.8 g/L using 1.2 g/L of NaHCO3. In the case of Scenedesmus sp, a significant 175
difference on the concentration of biomass (in comparison with the control) was achieved 176
using 1.2 g/L of sodium bicarbonate. Finally, the final concentration of Hapalosiphon sp. 177
Was not affected by the concentration of NaHCO3 in the media. 178

Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 12

Figure 3. Effect of different concentrations of Na2CO3 (a) and NaHCO3 (b) in the bio- 180
mass concentration of the three strains evaluated 181
According with the previous results, all the strains were grown with the concentra- 183
tion of addition of Na2CO3 that enhanced the biomass production (0.8 g/L for Chlorella sp. 184
and 1.2 g/L for Scenedesmus sp. and Hapalosiphon sp). Results show that (figure 4) that the 185
strain with the highest percentage (%) of removal was Chlorella sp, followed by Scenedes- 186
mus sp and Hapalosiphon sp (99, 79, and 63% respectively). More importantly there is no 187
statistical difference between the carbon source and the efficiency on the removal of the 188
pesticide 189

Figure 4. Chlorpyrifos removal by the three strains evaluated. 191

Finally, the concentration of different metabolites (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, 193
and others) of the three strains evaluated (figure 5) shows that the wastewater does not 194
affect the metabolic level. Interesting metabolites such as carbohydrates were obtained in 195
concentrations higher than 20% w/w in Chlorella and Scenedesmus sp (26% and 29% w/w, 196
respectively). Total lipids did not exceed 10% in both microalgae and cyanobacteria eval- 197
uated. On the other hand, the total proteins reported exceeded 40% w/w of the total bio- 198
mass in the three strains. Other exciting metabolites such as natural colorants like carote- 199
noids did not exceed 4% w/w, and total phycocyanins in Hapalosyphon sp reached concen- 200
trations of 12% w/w. 201

Figure 5. The concentration of different metabolites in the three strains cultured in 202
agricultural runoff. 203

4. Discussion 204
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 12

The application of microalgae and cyanobacteria cultures to remove contaminants 205

present in wastewater is a technological process that has gained strength at the industrial 206
level [32] because the biomass produced can be transformed into different products, in- 207
cluding biofuels (bioethanol, biogas, biodiesel, etc), biofertilizers [33], and even bioplastics 208
[17]. 209
The selection of the carbon source to be used in the cultivation of microalgae and 210
cyanobacteria is a critical variable in the capacity to produce biomass and high value- 211
added metabolites [34]. Table 2 presents different works in which Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 212
are used as alternative carbon sources. According to Sivaramakrishnan and Incharoen- 213
sakdi [35], low concentrations of Na2CO3 (0.03 g/L) increase the biomass concentration of 214
different strains of microalgae; this is also supported by the results of Shuyu et al. [36]. On 215
the other hand, high concentrations of this carbon source (up to 5 g/L) can reduce the 216
biomass concentration in certain strains of S. obliquus [37]. According to Tu et al. [38], Na- 217
HCO3 supplementation promotes the transfer of HCO3- ions across the plasma membrane 218
into chloroplasts, which significantly improves biomass concentration and promotes lipid 219
synthesis. Unlike Na2CO3, high concentrations of NaHCO3 do not seem to affect the cell 220
division of different microalgae species negatively. According to data reported by 221
Lohman et al. [39], concentrations of up to 4 g/L NaHCO3 do not affect the growth of C. 222
vulgaris. The same occurs with Dunaliella salina, which can have a final biomass concen- 223
tration of up to 3 g/L using up to 5 g/L NaHCO3 [40]. Other studies using Scenedesmus sp. 224
CCNM 1077 [41] and Tetradesmus wisconsinensis [42] reported average biomass concentra- 225
tions (0.55 and 07 g/L respectively) using relatively high NaHCO3 concentrations (1.5 and 226
1.68 g/L respectively). 227

Table 2. Strains cultured with Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 as carbon sources. 228

Culture media Biomass Reference

Carbon source (g/L)
Chlamydomonas sp 1.7
Chlorella sp 0.03 1.6 [35]
Scenedesmus sp Na2CO3 1.7
Chlorella sp (FACHB-1298) 0.005 1.89 [36]
S. Obliquus 5 n/a 0.02 [37]
Chlorella sp. LPF 80 F/2 n/a [38]
C. vulgaris UTEX 395 4.2 Bold Basal 0.6 [39]
Dunaliella salina JDS 001 NaHCO3 5.0 MJ 3.17 [40]
Scenedesmus sp. CCNM 1077 1.5 BG11 0.55 [41]
Tetradesmus wisconsinensis 1.68 Bold Basal 0.7 [42]
The tolerance of different strains and species of these microorganisms is one of the 230
main challenges for cultivation in wastewater. According to the present work results, the 231
high concentration of chlorpyrifos and other nutrients does not affect the proper growth 232
of these strains, making this type of wastewater an exciting alternative for algal biomass 233
production. Studies such as the one reported by Khalid et al. [43], where a strain of C. 234
sorokiniana can grow on simulated agricultural wastewater. 235
According to EU regulations, chlorpyrifos is one of the pesticides banned; however, 236
this pesticide is widely used in Colombia, therefore the scientific information on the re- 237
moval of this type of pesticide using microalgae is rare. According to García-Galán et al. 238
[18], no chlorpyrifos concentrations were reported after nine days of cultivation. On the 239
other hand, Matamoros and Rodríguez [44] found that in the cultivation of multiple mi- 240
croalgae strains (in which Chlorella sp predominates) can remove up to 50% of the concen- 241
tration of this pesticide. These results correspond to the data reported in this work, where 242
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 12

it is possible to remove up to 50% of this pesticide present in the agricultural runoff from 243
rice cultures. 244
Nutrients such as N and P are necessary for different metabolic processes critical for 245
the correct cellular functioning of microalgae and cyanobacteria [44]. Table 3 summarizes 246
the different strains evaluated for the removal of NO3, PO4, and pesticides from agricul- 247
tural runoff. One of the main characteristics of this group of microorganisms is their ability 248
to capture high concentrations of NO3. Works such as those reported by Vazirzadeh et al. 249
[45] demonstrate that certain strains can remove up to 100% of NO3 in high concentrations 250
(>1000 mg/L). Cai et al. [46] and Kumar et al. [47] reported similar removals rates. For the 251
case of microalgae and cyanobacterial strains grown in agricultural runoff, NO 3 removal 252
efficiencies are similar, ranging from 80% [43,48-50] to 95% of the total NO3 present in the 253
wastewater [17,51,52]. 254
Algae are also known for their capacity to remove more significant phosphorus con- 255
centrations from liquid media; one of these mechanisms is the chemical precipitation of P 256
[53]. However, this process requires a change in the pH of the culture media [54]. In this 257
study, the pH did not change drastically during the culture time. The wastewater used in 258
this work has relatively low concentrations of NO3, and PO4 (table 1), which are signifi- 259
cantly lower than those found in culture media such as Bold basal or BG11; therefore, the 260
concentration of NO3 and PO4 present in this type of agricultural wastewater can be re- 261
moved to non-hazardous levels. 262
Table 3. strains cultured on different agricultural runoff. 264
Pesticide NO3 PO4 Biomass Reference
Strain Wastewater
removal removal produced
Naturally occurring horticultural
n/a 86% 52% 0.51 g/L [48]
algal mixture wastewater
C. vulgaris n/a 85% 91% 4.2 g/L [17]
agricultural runoff
Naturally occurring
Agricultural runoff n/a 0.72 g m-2 d-1 b 0.37 g m-2 d-1 c 11.45 g m-2 d-1 [51]
algal mixture
Naturally occurring Peri-urban
54% 100% 6.9 gVSS m-2 d-1 a [18]
algal mixture agricultural runoff Multiple pesticides
agricultural including chlorpyrifos
microalgae consortium n/a n/a 0.64 g/L [44]
drainage water
filamentous agricultural
n/a 6 22 22 g m-2 d-1 [52]
green algae stormwater
Mixture of Pediastrum sp.
Chlorella sp. Agricultural
n/a 80% 70% 0.8 g/L [49]
Scenedesmus sp. runoff
and Gloeothece sp.
Mixture of Chlorella sp.
Agricultural runoff and
Stigeoclonium sp.
partially treated n/a 85% 99% 0.6 g/L [50]
Nitzschia sp.
domestic wastewater
and Navicula sp.
Chlorella sp. 85% 82% 1.0 g/L
Agricultural runoff
Scenedesmus sp. Chlorpyrifos 88% 82% 0.71 g/L This study
from rice production fields
Hapalosiphon sp. 85% 82% 0.83 g/L
aVolatile Suspended Solids 265
bTotal Nitrogen 266
c Total Phosphorous 267

5. Conclusions 268
Due to its concentration of excess fertilizers, agricultural runoff is an exciting source 269
of nutrients for algal biomass production; however, different pesticides can reduce the 270
growth capacity of algal strains. The results show that the three strains studied (Chlorella, 271
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 12

Scenedesmus, and Hapalosyphon sp) can effectively grow in undiluted agricultural runoff 272
and remove more than 80% of NO3 and PO4 present in this type of wastewater. On the 273
other hand, it was found that Chlorella sp reported the highest biomass concentration (1 274
g/L) with the lowest concentration of Na2CO3 evaluated (0.8 g/L). It was also found that 275
the excess chlorpyrifos can be removed up to 40% by the three strains evaluated. Finally, 276
the concentration of metabolites of interest, such as lipids and carbohydrates that can be 277
transformed into biofuels or even bioplastics, was not affected by the presence of the pes- 278
ticide. However, it is necessary to focus on other cultivation conditions (light-dark cycle, 279
semicontinuous cultivation) that maximize the synthesis of specific metabolites. 280
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.A.C-E., and A.F.B-S.; methodology, J.B.G-M., D.B-M., 282
and S.J.B.; software, A.F.B.S., and A.Z.; validation, N.A.U-S., and G.L.L-B; formal analysis, A.M.C- 283
B., L.S.R-G., and M.A.C-E.; investigation, A.M.C-B., L.S.R-G.; resources, A.F.B-S. and J.B.G-M..; data 284
curation, A.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, J.B.G-M.; writing—review and editing, A.F.B-S.; 285
visualization, G.L.L-B.; supervision, N.A.U-S.; Project administration, A.F.B-S. and S.J.B.; funding 286
acquisition, A.F.B-S. and S.J.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the 287
manuscript. 288

Funding: This paper was supported by Newton-Caldas Fund Institutional Links, with the project 289

Acknowledgments: We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Universidad Francisco de 292
Paula Santander (Colombia) for providing the equipment for this research and the Colombian Min- 293
istry of Science Technology and Innovation MINCIENCIAS for the support to national Ph.D. Doc- 294
torates through the Francisco José de Caldas scholarship program. 295

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 296

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