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Plant Self-assessment grids

Plant name : Score

P1 Quarry operations
P2 Raw mix preparation
P3 Kiln & Mill operations User's guide (extract)
P4 Refractory selection and lining
P5 Major cleaning operations
P6 Management of contracted works
M1 Managing electrical distribution
M2 Mastering kiln mechanics
M3 Kiln stoppage maintenance management
M4 Management of contracted works
M5 Lubrication management
Q1 Lab reliability
Q2 Quality control Quality assurance
Pc1 Process measurement management
Pc2 Managing the critical process sensors
Pc3 Control system management
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BasicSkills Plant Self-Assessment
Plant name :

608661214.xls / Graph Printed the 08/31/2022

Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid

Operational objective: safe operations, run according to Lafarge recommandations and best practices, in collaboration with other plant departments and
well documentated.

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimize and share Level Comments

All permits are existing, the plant is

All permits are existing and land All permits are existing and automatically informed about the
Not all permit are existing and land
control to fullfill short term mining continuous contact with authorities is necessary update of permits. Long
Permit/ land control control to fullfill short term mining is
plan is given. Work on land control is maintained. Land control is followed term strategy for land control with
not given.
not systematic. consequently by the plant. continuous negociations with land
owners exist.

Some drillings with chemical data is Drilling and geological data are A block model not older than five
Geological data are missing. There
existing but not complete. available but not fully updated. years is based on reliable drill data
Data about long term is no reliable drilling campaign and
Geological studies are partly Topography is done. The block and geological information. It is used
reserves / Block model topography. Chemical data are too
existing. Block model is not reliable model can be used but is not very regularly. Topography is not older
doubtfull to build a block model.
because of missing/doubtfull data. accurate. than 1 year.

The blasting pattern contains all

Blasting plans exist but some
specifications (diameter, inclination,
information required at level B are Face profiling is done to identify

There is no formalized blasting spacing, burden, depths, blasting

Basic blasting plan missing. Explosives' user guideline where the distance between the wall
pattern. materials, charge detonators).
provided by suppliers is taken into and the drill could be a problem.
Geological specifities and safety
aspects are precised.

A drilling protocole is systematically
There are well-defined practices

Quarry operations 1/3


written, with indications on material

Drilling protocole for There is no formalised drilling (such as verify with a lamp that the The Best Practices for drilling &

characteristics (soft or hard),

operators protocole. blast holes are straight) but they not blasting (from LNA) are applied.
warnings (caverns, cracks) and

The basic blasting pattern is

customized for each blast. Each It is based on the profiling and the
The specific blasting plan is done
There is no specific or not regularly plan contributes to improve the blast borehole tracking. Video of each
Specific blasting plan but their is no formal process of
up-dated blasting plan. design thanks to analyses (vibration, blast are used to analyse it for
improvement between two blast.
fragmentation, muck pile profile, continuous improvement.
back break).

Several criterias are regularly

This optimisation is the result of a
assessed to control fragmentation
constant improvement loop through
Some adjustements are done efficiency such as performance of
Fragmentation performance is not successive trials, including a
according to experience and some the primary crusher, number of big
monitored. Number of big blocks systematic recording, analysis &
Blasting optimisation measurements. There is no precise blocks/1000t (< 10 for level B) and
(which cannot be put in the crusher) comparison with previous trials, up-
monoritoring neither formalized fragmentation curves. Drilling and
is > 20/ 1000t. dating of basic and detailled plans,
action plan. blasting costs are calculated.
new targets. Recommandations are
Recommandations from Geomining
all applied.
Guide are applied.

Fuel and tyres consumption is

Some effort are done to improve Rolling resistance is minimized.

recorded, long term calculations

road conditions. No evaluation of Water trucks wet roads lightly and
Keep roads in good Road conditions are not optimized at (unit cost per ton) are run to better

road conditions on productivity and frequently. Roads are maintained by

conditions all. evaluate the impact of roads
maintenance cost is done. graders not only to clear debris but
conditions on maintenance cost and
also to ensure drainage and level.
The fleet is used close to its
You have a complete benchmark
capacity, integrated in quality
that integrates all choice criterias
control process to deliver the
There is no specific selection The choice is done only according a (best operating cost, maintenance
requested quality on time with high

procedure. There is no optimisation small number of criterias. There is requirements & costs, cost effective
Equipment selection reliability (RF>= 86, 87) Equipment
to minimize downtime and to no formal studies to help select the repair strategy and after-sale
is choosen taking into account rock
lengthen equipment life. equipment. service, life expectancy, re-sale
properties, capacity and size for
value) and that you could share with
output material according to the
other plants.
Quality Control plan.

1st level of inspections, vibration

1st level inspections are done, but measurement (4 times /year) and Regular wear measurements are run
There is no regular 1st level
observations are not formalized and hammers control (frequency to anticipate changes of spare parts,
inspection, vibration are never
Maintenance of measures ( for vibration for example) according to abrasivity) are regularly to optimize preventive maintenance
measured. Check-lists exist (from
equipment are not always interpreted. Check- done. Check-lists for inspections are scheduling, predicts maintenance
supplier e.g.) but are not used
list exist but maintenance jointly created by Quarry and costs and to help select new
because they are not operational.
department is not involved. Maintenance Dpts, using check-lists equipment.
from suppliers.

The stockpile logic is defined in an Sampling frequency between


Choose the appropriate No stock pile logic defined in Regular checks are run to control
unformal way, subcontractors are crusher and prehomo piles is

method for pile common in anticipation, no control the adequate proportioning and
not involved, few controls are run adjusted according to complexity (1

composition and on the quality of subcontractors' homogeneity of piles. Basic

afterwards and only some people or 2 /shift) ; the stockpile logic is
homogeneity (based on work, no formal and regular check principles for pile constitution and
are applying the basic principles for reported in the QC Process plan and
quarry specificities) on pile homogeneity. reclaiming are known and applied.
pile homogeneization. is applied

Guidelines and procedures for
The capacity of equipment is no Best practices for each equipment Best practices and guidelines per
efficient blending versus equipment

adjusted to the need and/or Best are known but not completely equipment are used. Most of the

Quarry operations 2/3

Equipment capacity (Geomining Guide) are formalised
Practices concerning equipment are implemented and/or their capacity is time capacity of equipment is fully
and applied. Full capacity is always
not known. not fully used. used.
used for every blending equipment.

Adapted check-lists for 1st level-

inspection of mobile equipment are
Some check-lists for 1st level- The Geo. Guide and assessment
rigourously used by workers before
Safety practices (pre- inspection of mobile equipment are tool are used for regular internal
There is no check-list, no risk each operation. Cleaning is part of
operation inspections, used by workers before each audits. Recommandations for mining
assessment and no formal the inspections. Sub-contractors are
clean up, fire protection, operation. Housekeeping is not operations (Geomining Guide) are
inspections. Recommandations for involved in inspections. Every
personnel protection perceived as a priority. all respected. There are safety
mining operations (Geomining employee feels responsible for
equipment, access to Recommandations for mining inductions for subcontractors and
Guide) are not applied. keeping equipment in good shape
machine…) operations (Geomining Guide) are employees in compliance with
(Clean = Safe). Recommandations
known but not always applied. Lafarge and legal rules.
for mining operations (Geomining
Guide) are respected,

These documents and maps are

There is no specific traffic Specific documents and maps
Rules exist but are unformal or not systematically shared with new
coordination and only a few traffic describing the safety rules for traffic
Traffic coordination clearly communicated in particular to comers and subcontractors. As
signals. There are often incidents and who is allowed to drive, how,

subcontractors. much as possible, one way traffic is

and some of them are recurrent. what, when exist are communicated.

Benchs are not completely Full protection from the crest of the
Benchs are not securised and securised and maintenance of roads bench. Roads and sign roads Local legislations or documentations
Road construction and maintenance is done from time to is not very regularly done. (speed limits) are constantly are systematically applied and all
conditions time. Recommandations are not Recommandations of the maintened. Recommandations of recommandations of the Geo. Guide
applied. Geomining Guide are known but not the Geo. Guide are respected and too.
always applied. local legislation is applied.

Alarms for blasting operations are

External people could enter in External people cannot enter in the
External people (in particular indicated on boards and made
quarry without difficulties. Limits of area. Limits of the quarry are fenced.
Fencing the quarry children) enter easily into the quarry. public.The quarry is surrounded with
the quarry are signalized . Some Legal rules and Geo. Guide (Site
Recommandations are not applied. a buffer zone except for justifiable
recommandations are applied. security, Appendix V) are applied.
Angles for reposition are respected Additional preventive action have
Angles for reposition are respected
Slope stability and No special actions concerning this and verified by geotechnical been run in the plant to avoid
but not verified. Mobile equipments
dumps management point. technics. Bottoms of dumps are all accident linked to slope stability or
are not always secured against falls.
secured against falls. dumps.

Water intrusions are controlled and There is a full compliance with

There is no problem but nothing is
minimized by adequate measures. in legislation. Water is evacuated out

There are problems of water done to avoid them. Legislation is

Ground & surface water the quarry (chanels, collectors). A of the quarry in a clean way, without
intrusion. Legisation is not applied. taken into account but not
water permit is regularly issued, any danger for personnel &
systematically applied.
according to local legislation. equipment.

Water sprays are functioning for

haulage roads and benches, open
Stake holders For continuous improvement, dust
No specific actions are done to Actions to reduce dust emission are surface is minimised everywhere,
relationship / Dust sources are regularly analysed and
reduce dust emission. not systematically done. wind protection is added when
emission corrective actions are taken.
necessary. You are in compliance

with the legislation.

Noise limitations are respected for

Noise analysis are run for crusher,
trucks, reloaders, belt conveyors.
mobile equipment, screens,

Stakeholders Noise is not monitored or there are Some actions are done to reduce Detonating cords are avoided or
conveyors for full compliance with
relationships/ Noise complaints from stakeholders. noice but not systematically. covered if you have to use them.
legislation and good stakeholders
Closest neighbours are informed
about blast campaigns.

Vibration measurements are done Blasting vibrations are monitored in

Vibration are not monitored or there
Stakeholders from time to time and some actions sensitive areas for each blast (two The quarry is in full compliance with
are problems with stakeholders
relationships/ Vibration are consequently carried out but times a year for other sites). Action legislation and with local standards.
about that.
there is no formalized action plan. plan including targets exists.

Rehabilitation plan is partly The Lafarge rehabilitation policy as
A rehabilitation plan which takes into

There is no formalised rehabilitation formalized but local legislations and explained in SQRP and Geomining

Quarry operations 3/3

Rehabilitation account Lafarge policy and local
plan. Lafarge policy are not systematically Guide (Appendix V) and the local
legislation exists.
considered. legislation are fully respected.

Areas which are not homogeneous

Short term reserves are not Mine Cad reports are used in order
Planning phase for There is no real plan for the short are identified and a plan is done to

precisely known : their exploitation is to optimize the composition of the

short term reserves term exploitation. obtain a final mix with regular
approximatively planned; mix.
Engineers/ Managers

Chemical analysis of drilling cutting
Continuous corrections are done
Loading and feeding are not done Some chemical analysis are done are sufficient to be representative for
Quality Control of according precise chemical analysis
according to the composition of the and give indications for loading and the blast material. These analyses
blasted material to optimize the quality and regularity
blast material. feeding but they are approximative. define loading sequences and feed
of the crusher feed.
to crusher.
The QC plan is in line with the Compoptim or a similar mix
Quality Control plan exist but is not
QC in feed to the There is no formalized Quality blending rules and the composition calculation tool is used to set targets
fully applied. It is updated only from
crusher Control plan dedicated to this point. specifications, is rigurously applied for composition of material after the
time to time.
and regularly updated. crusher

All characteristics of reserves and


Your block model and geological deposit, property limits, mining rights
Block model doesn't exist or is not A block model is generated and up-
data are not complete enough to and methods, transportation and
Long term mining plan usefull. Guidelines for future dated every 5 years, with support
have a good vision of your long term crushing system, reclamation plan
exploitation are not defined. from Technical Center specialists.
exploitation. and cost, clinker quality and cost
Engineers/ Managers

targets are detailed.


All permits to operate are there,

You have a 3D digital map but it is
You don't have any 3D digital map. following legal requirements.A 3D
Short Term mining plan not updated and environmental, Lafarge guidelines are fully applied
The short-term mining plan is not digital map with ownership and legal
(yearly up-dated) legal consideration ar enot always (cf Geomining guide "Mining plans").
updated or not complete. situation is regularly up-dated.
taken into account.
Environmental risks are identified.

You have all permissions for

Safety rules (Geomining guide Safety rules are respected but there
explosives using. They are stored in Implementation of specific actions to
Explosives appendix IV) are not always is weakpoint(s) in the procedure
a safe place, explosives & go further than the general safety
management respected and not formally (transit, vehicules contaning
detonators separately. Only rules.
communicated. explosives, etc)
authorized people blast.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: raw mix preparation ensures best clinker consistency and kiln line productivity optimization
Level D Level C Level B Level A
Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimize and share Level Comments

All analysis are very regularly

Collect all chemical collected (from the purchasing
Most of the analysis are coming
analysis necessary for department, lab, databases,
from suppliers or run from time to Some analysis are collected but not
Raw Material : fuels, suppliers, etc) in a formal document Quality audits regularly done to

time. It is impossible to assess the systematically. Variability from batch

physical and handling that is updated according to all control Quality management system.
risk and the variability of these to batch can not be assessed.
properties (fineness, dust, changes (new alternative fuels, new
materials from the collected data.
sticky). materials, etc) and shared by

At plant level, everybody Purchasing is involved in the

There is no common rules There is just one tool valited by TC.
uses the same formulas In general you use the same tools process and systematically informed

concerning the use of calculation Standardized calculation reports are


for the calculation and but it is not a rule. Simulation tools about the calculation results, key-
tools. Several of them are used used. Simulations are regularly
common tools for are used from time to time. functions are fully aware of the
giving slightly different results. done.
optimisation standard tools and documentation.

Ressources and procedures exist on

Tests are done but not site for regular raw mix and
Testing is erratic and not coherent
systematically. Only a few people alternative fuels sampling and You analyse results to optimize the
Regular testing (several factors changed in one test
are able to run them and to analyse testing. Quality control is permanent. products' influence.
the results You have all permits to use the

P2 Raw mix preparation



Identify the main drivers They are identified thanks to Level C + potential risks have been
Documents with best and worse
(plant specific) for They are not identified. rigourous studies run jointly by all identified: what can happen in
scenarios have been written.
optimisation departments process with new tests, products?

Check-lists for all products that can

Check list for each new influence the raw mix preparation

Check-lists exist and are complete

product (chemichal, Information is partial and are available at the Purchasing
but are not gathered in the There is a benchmark between the
physical analiysis, desiminated between several Department. They indicate needed
Purchasing department and not different type of products.
hazards, suppliers people information to use a material. They
regularly updated
information) are systematically consulted before

You have an approximative idea on You have procedures for Risk management is included in the
Anticipate impacts on

There is no anticipation. fineness impacts but you haven't acceptance of raw material to avoid procedure and control chart has
formalized them. problem linked to fineness. been implemented.

Analyse emission impacts Some analysis are run but only in You try constinuously to reduce
There are regular emission control

(checked with legal There is no precise analysis. case of major incident (in particular if emission impacts (even though you
charts and environmental reports.
constrains) there no strong legal constrains) respect legal constrains).

Level C + for major change a

The impact on burnability is not Burnability tests (K 1450) for a new burnability test (K 1450) is run.
Anticipate the burnability correctly assessed or it does not raw mix composition are not run People are aware on test done by Study on burnability involving the TC

impacts lead to new instructions for before burning but after, in case of external laboratory and control chart experts are done when necessary.
operations incident for parameter which influence the
burnability is implemented.
There is some procedures but there
Procedures for checking You have implemented a control
is no systematic control of You have procedure to check your
All and maintain reliability of loop to improve continuously
There is no procedure. equipment. Ponctual actions are raw mix about sampling system
dosing, testing and reliability of dosing, testing and
done to correct errors. There is no (accurate dosing).
mixing equipment mixing.
real improvement approach.

Storage capacity and You have an approximative idea on There is a calibration sheet, a Storage is optimized. Specific

logistic management They is no precise anticipation storage situation but you don't delivery and storage plan so that the solutions heve been implemented to
related to (silos, about the storage of raw materials. formalized logistical aspects linked material is in right amount, in right improve the storage conditions
deposit…) to it. time and in right place. according local conditions.

There is a daily morning meeting

There in particular collaboration focus on raw mix between quality
Homogeneisation and There is from time to time a meeting Actions based on the daily report are
between Process, Production and and production teams. A daily report

handling of raw materials/ between Quality and Production systematically taken to optimise
Quality on that point. Nothing is is written about the fluctuation of kiln
raw meal. teams. A short report is written. homogeneisation and handling.
formalized. feed & raw mix composition
checking the compliance to targets.

Raw Mix samples are done on a

Sampling (frequency, The sampling plan is updated and
There is no sampling plan Sampling is done from time to time regular basis according to

procedures, optimized continuously according to

specificaly dedicated to raw mix. or/and is not reported. procedures (representativity) and
representativity) tests results.
the sampling plan.

Calculate variation (C3S,

The calculations are not frequent The calculations is regular and Adjustement are systematically done
C2S, C3A,sulfates, Calculations are not done or nor

enough to efficiently adjust control chart is implemented to according to the temperature profile
alkalies ratio, liquid complete. They are erratic.
production factors . adjust production factors. (t°, lenght of burning zone).

"Classical" calculations are run

You have sufficient knowledge about
without specifying the specific You have defined your own

P2 Raw mix preparation

Get a plant specific set of Specific drivers are not identified process and production to do
ranges of the main drivers for the modulis/drivers taking into account

modulis/drivers to control and only few indications are given to pertinent calculation and be able to
raw mix. Information given to what has the biggest influrnce on
the clinker quality the production team. give the best indications to the
production team could be more your process.
production team.

CCR operators have procedures Specific procedures documentation


Establish corrective You use statistical tools but and documentation of actions for of actions are formalized to improve
Statistics skills are missing. Trend

actions thanks to corrective actions are not systematic quick corrective actions with a reactivity of production team and
analysis are not run.
statistical control tools or badly communicated. shorter range than daily. They use consequently the efficiency of
control charts. corrective actions.

Some corrective actions are run but Procedures are formalized including
Set points, targets and There is no specific procedure if
you don't formalize a complete time schedule and techical center You have implemented a continuous

plan actions if they are targets for raw mix quality are not
action plan. Targets are not up- reports are used (feasability, simix improvement process.
not reached reached, or they are not applied.

dated document…).

You are able to identify when you

Simulations are done but TC need to run a simulation and plant The knowledge about simulation
Raw Mix simulation recommandations are not applied. people are involved in the process. (how use simulations, what have

You don't run simulations.

(simix, simpile…) Operators & supervisors are not You use TC reports and you can simulations shown/teach to us) is
really aware. It's only the job for TC. interprete results and do some fully capitalized


Risks have been all identified and

you use systematically a specific Risk management is an everyone's
Risk management is formalised but
Risk management for Raw document inluding all points you concern in your plant and you would

There is no risk management. not complete. External experience is

Mix equipment have to survey (what to do in case of be able to share your experience on
needed to progress
anormal result). All trials are that with other plants.
INDUSTRIAL/ PR Level C + you are able to react and
There is a regular reporting including to adapt quickly to the evolution Like some effects appear only after
Continuous control of the You only run ponctual checks.
All industrial tests results, compliance (new alternative raw materials for several months, you analyse and
process concerning wear There is no analysis with time and
to targets, time scheduling, example). Validations on a time report also the process on longer
& corrosion reference data.
incidents, etc. schedule including the expectable basis.
effects of evolutions are planned.

You run a specific survey about laws


Raw mix line compliance Local laws and legal affairs are not Local laws are known and legal Local laws are mastered and evolution concerning raw mix and
with local laws a major issue at the plant level. affairs are followed. communicated to concerned teams. preventive actions to avoid legal
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: produce more, with uniformity and minimum cost.

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimize and share Level Comments
Pre-start checks (kiln feed
Procedures are accurately followed
system, cooler and clinker All equipment is checked according

whatever the situation. Checklists

handling, ID Fan, coal Checks are all done but not to pre-start checklists; for each piece
are regularly reviewed and updated.
conveying system, baghouse, Not all the checks are done. systematically according to a formal of equipment a check sheet is filled
A formal debriefing (Post audit) is
preheat system, material flow, procedure. in and validated through a formal
organised one week after the start-
common equipment, burner process.

The start-up program (kiln

temperature increase per unit time,
The preheating program is not All the parameters to be followed are
turning schedule, timing of
precisely defined. Process The preheating program exists but is recorded and deviations are

introduction of raw feed, etc) has

parameters (shell scanner, tire not complete and/or not consistent analyzed during the post audit (cf
been clearly defined considering the
Preheating phase creep, turning schedule, kiln hood with the BPs "Preheat the kiln BP "Post audit"). The schedules
type of start-up (cold or hot), the
pressure, etc, cf list in the BP refractory brick lining", "Preheating have been adjusted to plant
type of refractories, the design of the
"Preheating phase") are not phase" and "Kiln turning schedule". specifities taking into account these
kiln system and the mechanical
followed. records.
system. All parameters are
accurately followed.

Operators are able to achieve and

maintain production targets and to

P3 Kiln & Mill operations

Operators are able to maintain keep parameters constant (volume Process deviations are

Operate with stable stable conditions but do not follow load, clinker cooler bed depth, hood systematically detected and
Operators are not able to maintain
conditions and optimize operating guidelines aimed at pressure, oxygen, calcination, ID fan analysed. Control charts and
stable conditions (kiln cycling).

performance. maximizing production and meeting outlet pressure, free lime). Incidents procedures are regularly reviewed
quality targets. are analysed during reliability and improved accordingly.
meetings. Procedures and charts
are available.

Process inspections (false


air, hot spots, build-ups, Routine inspections are made, but Regular inspections are made, and Detailed checklists are used and
spillages, leakages, flap There are no routine inspections. observations are not recorded and inspection routes are defined. work orders are automatically
condition, vibrations, noices, checklists are not formalized. Checklists are available and used. generated.
dedusting system, etc.)

Audits are done completely The TC is only consulted for

internally: all measurements, technical references on the full kiln

inspections, calibrations, analysis of audit; otherwise, all analyses and all

Process audits (combustion, Audits are done but the plant needs
Audits are not done. data and trends, reporting, etc are evaluations are mastered at plant
heat balance) external help to perform them.
performed and mastered by the level. Audit follow-up has already led
plant team. A full kiln audit is to significant improvements at the
regularly done with the help of TC. plant.

Operators are able to bring

Each incident is analyzed and leads

Process incident Operators can only solve incidents equipment back to target range in
to an update of procedures /
management (hot spots, Nobody is able to solve incidents with the help of management. There optimal time by using available tools
recommandation trees. Operators
cyclone blockages, rings, without the help of TC. are no procedures or tools to help like BP, Les Cas. Procedures /
are trained to solve incidents on a
build ups) them. recommandation trees are available
kiln simultor.
in the plant.
There is an SOP for emergency
shutdown (power failure, PLC
Operators are able to implement the
Operators Operators are able to manage an failure, electrical distribution failure)
SOP in case of emergency
Emergency procedures and cooling emergency shutdown, but there is in order to secure equipment. There
Controlled and emergency shutdown without external help (e.g.
procedures are not followed and not no written procedure. Cooling are cooling procedures including
shutdown they have sufficient electrical
formalized. program is followed but not turning schedule and temperature
background/training, know how to
formalized by a written document. curve for kiln, cooler grate
reboot the PLC).
protection, burner pipe protection, ID

The charge is sorted every

5000/7000 running hours and at

least once a year for the first

Additional sorting is done in case of
The charge is sorted only when mill The charge is sorted from time to compartment; every 10000/14000
Ball charge sorting contamination (scraps, deformed
performance is seriously affected. time without any schedule. running hours and at least every two
balls, unsuitable size).
years for the second compartment.
Mill shutdowns are planned in the
production plan.

Charge is monitored with troughput,

Ball charge is also adjusted
power consumption and is estimated
Process engineer

according to the plant priorities

during the monthly inspection (by
(reduce mill power consumption or
Ball charge is not monitored with measuring the heights in several
maximize production). Ball charge is
Ball charge level is not monitored. enough accuracy to be really points). Ball charge size is adjusted
Ball charge management accurately monitored and the effects
Ball additions are not done. managed. Ball additions are only according to material fineness
on performance are analysed and
done to keep the charge constant. curves in the different chambers
optimised (use of software) .The
(samples). All ball sizes are always
best practice "Ball charge
available in stocks in sufficient
management" is fully applied.
quantity for additions.

Operators fully understand the


Operators are able to anticipate

Operators modify levers only when Operators do not fully master all the process and are able to adjust on
Operations (feed, ventilation deviations and can make the
instructed to do so by the levers. Only some procedures are their own the different levers.
and separator) decision to stop the mill when out of
quality/process team. available. Procedures are implemented and

P3 Kiln & Mill operations


Routine inspections
There are routine inspections but There are regular inspections, and Detailed checklists are used and
(spillages, leakages, weigh
There are no routine inspections. observations are not recorded and inspections routes are defined. work orders are automatically
feeder cleanliness, belt
checklists are not formalized. Checklists are available and used. generated.
tracking, etc)

Shutdown inspections
(liners, diaphragms, There are regular inspections and

Work orders are automatically

ventilation screens, ball There are shutdown inspections but inspection sheets are formalized,
generated. Results of inspection are
charge, nib traps, trunnions; There are no shutdown inspections. observations are not recorded and used and analyzed. Diaphragms and
recorded and trends are analysed to
for separator: reject cones, inspection sheets are not formalized. trommel screens are systematically
optimize mill performance.
liners, selector blades, cleaned.
distribution tables, etc).

The annual mill audit is done
completely internally: all tests, The TC is only consulted for
inspections, calibrations, analyses of technical references concerning the

Audits are done but the plant needs trends and flow sheets, reporting, triennial mill audit; otherwise, all
Audits (annual and Audits are not regularly done and/or
external help to perform them (even etc (as per the BP "Ball mill analyses and evaluations are
triennial) are not performed by the plant team.
for short, annual mill audit). optimisation and performance") are mastered at plant level. Audit follow-
performed and mastered by the up has already led to significant
plant team. The triennial mill audit is improvements at the plant.
done with help from TC.
Test results are properly translated
All operators & technicians
Translation of test results into into operational parameters. Even if
understand perfectly the link
Take appropriate corrective operational parameters is under expert software is usually used for
between tests results and
actions for kiln or mill Corrective actions for kiln or mill control only if an expert software corrective actions (QMC, Lucie),
operations (eg: if blaine too high,
operations based on results operations are not appropriate and system (QMC, Lucie) is in use. operators are able to react
what action should be taken on
(feeders, separator speed, are not under control. Some tools exist for calculation and appropriately in case of sofware
separator and why?), and they are

etc.) decision making (charts, tables), but breakdown by using calculation and
involved in Quality Management
they are not always used. decision making tools (charts,
tables, decision tree).

Quality is also an objective for the

The production shift is able to
Quality indicators and objectives are production shift. IQP are known and
Quality indicators and objectives are analyse quality indicators and
Quality indicators and taken into account by the production taken into account. Quality aspects

not a matter of concern to the objectives and to adjust production

objectives shift, but they are not fully are reviewed at daily production
production shift. parameters accordingly. Operators
understood by the operators. meeting and completely mastered
are involved in IQP review.
by the team.
Production mger

Use of alternative fuels is planned in The plant can use any kind of fuel,
Alternative fuels are regularly and
Fuels management (relevant Alternative fuels are used without advance in the production plan. Raw as per the ressource recovery lever.
properly dosed; some raw mix

P3 Kiln & Mill operations

only if plant uses alternative any planning, proper dosing system mix chemistry is designed taking into This fuel flexibility allows the plant to
adjustments are done on a day-to-
fuels) or raw mix adjustements. account the chemistry of alternative take get the best fuel prices
day basis.
fuel ashes. available.


Regulations are taken into account


Regulations on emissions are not and emissions are monitored, but Emissions are fully controlled. There Specific tools or management
Emissions management

really considered. Emissions are not the plant doesn't yet comply with is a real commitment within the plant systems have been implemented to

(dust, NOx, SO2, CO2)

monitored. local regulations (or the Group's and at BU level to reduce them. manage emissions.

All recommandations/ remarks are

Safety pep talks involving all

reviewed on a weekly basis by the

Safety pep talks are given from time operators are given at the start of
production manager; he/she

Safety pep talk There are no safety pep talks. to time (for example in case of each shift. All recommandations/

responds to requests and chooses
incident). remarks are written down in a
points to be mentionned at the
dedicated notebook.
monthly safety meeting.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: choose and install refractories for maximum kiln reliability factor and minimum cost.

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments
Analyse the Kiln lining chart is regularly updated
performance of existing Kiln lining chart doesn't exist or is
Kiln lining chart exists but is not Kiln chart is regularly updated. and analysed with an appropriate
bricks incomplete (type of bricks vs
regularly reviewed. Data collection is Types and shapes of bricks are computing tool (e.g. Winbrix ).
position vs year, kiln shell T°,
insufficient for correct analysis. analysed. Operations documentation (IP21) is
coating formation, drilling, etc.)

Drilling is carried out every meter

Drilling and consumption (g/tonne) No local working group to run RCFA
(avg. of 3 measurements). Regular
estimations are not regularly done. with recent production data or Brick consumption is calculated and
dialogue with Tech Centres leads to
There is no RCFA (Route Cause previous audits. Improvements to optimised thanks to correct drilling
technical improvements. BRIKK
Failure Analysis) for refractory kiln operational procedures and and laying operations.
database is also used to post lining
issues. brick types are not made.
chart, incidents reports, repairs, etc.

Analyse wear Refractory are systematically

mechanism and Local expertise is missing to run
inspected and the wear profile of
Production/Process No analysis of the type of wear, no correct diagnosis for wear Technical documentation and
refractories is analysed. Reliability
parameters (KFUI, comb. inspection reports after incident mechanism. No local working group expertise reports are available on
committees compare this
Audit, fuel preparation, stoppages, and no analysis with to run RCFA with recent production site to get wear diagnosis and
information with production/
recent production data. Incidents are data or previous audits and to corrective actions, by taking into

etc.) mechanical/ process data, to enable

frequent and recurrent. modify the kiln operational account previous kiln inspections.

P4 Refractory selection and lining 1/2

cross-departmental documented
corrective actions.

The kiln stoppage and start-up

The kiln stoppage and start-up The kiln stoppage and start-up procedures take into account
Kiln stoppage and start-up
procedures do not take into account procedures take into account refractory properties and are
Engineers / Managers

procedures are not always used.

the refractory properties. refractory properties. regularly reviewed and
Analyse cost situation Equivalency chart and trial
Equivalency chart not known. Equivalency chart not used. No clear Equivalency charts and trial
procedures used and updated.
Suppliers are not guided; they lead and collective analysis of refractory procedures are used. Specifications
Benchmarking and trials between
the decision process. consumption. to suppliers are clearly defined.
different suppliers are performed.

Plant habits determine type of bricks Participation in the Refractory

The choice of brick characteristics
per zone. Basic rules of castable The type of bricks to use per zone is Network for choice of bricks.
per kiln zone is optimised. But no
application are not respected. not determined by technical or Dialogue with Tech Centres, BRIKK
review of similar bricks by
Purchasing documentation operational considerations. & Les Cas databases, lead to
performing benchmarks and trials.
incomplete. technical improvements.
Analyse refractory Incidents result in Root Cause
incidents No local working group to run RCFA
analysis by plant reliability Refractory incidents are
with recent production data or
Basic documentation (Supplier docs, committee. Refractory wear is systematically analysed according to
previous audits. Brick wear is not
internal reports, etc.) is missing to analysed using operational a well-known and accepted
analysed taking all factors (process,
analyse incidents over a long period. (overheating, coating failure, etc.) procedure. Operations
raw mix, production, kiln mechanics,
and mechanical conditions of documentation (IP21) is used. H18
etc.) into consideration.
equipment (ovality, etc.).

Reliability committees bring together

Incidents are recurrent, damages
all expertise areas and lead to
are repaired but no collective External help is needed for Corrective actions are clearly
documented and controlled cross-
corrective actions are taken. No corrective actions. Methods and defined and applied with help of
departmental corrective actions.
specification given to suppliers, and expertise are lacking on site. suppliers, contractors and TC.
Supplier and contractor impact is
no supervision of refractory works.
Update reporting
BRIKK and Les Cas databases
Most operational procedures exist.
No operational procedures, no Operational procedures are missing regularly consulted. Local experts
Specifications to suppliers are
collective formalisation effort. or are not applied because not also contribute to BRIKK and BRS
clearly explained and followed
Technical documentation (suppliers, appropriate. No review of casting or databases and participate in the
(acceptance notes). Inspection and
Tech Centres, etc.) is not used or bricking plans. Audit, inspection and Refractory Network. Local
incident analysis reports are
not known. No written trace of incident reports are not procedures are regularly reviewed.
systematically issued and used.
previous incident analyses. systematically written and used. Regular dialogue with TCs leads to
BRIKK database is known.
technical improvements.

Installing bricks in kiln =

brick work preparation, Lafarge guidelines as explained in
Knowledge and skills are formalised
dismantling, cleaning, BRIKK are not systematically
Guidelines as explained in BRIKK into operational drawings and
base line tracing, brick Basic guidelines are not known. applied. Operators and supervisors
are known, applied and explained to procedures, and used for every new
placing and laying, ring Quality of job depends on do not have sufficient understanding
contractors. Most operational comer. Procedures comply with TC
closing, brick cutting, contractors' knowledge; contractors of brick installation. Operational
procedures, drawings, and experts' and BRIKK
joints (cardboard, metal are not guided. Tools and machines procedures are widely missing. Lack
installation guidelines exist and are recommendations. Contractors
shims) in poor condition or missing. No of formalisation leading to vague
applied. No more steps, groove receive instructions and procedures
warehouse for refractory storage. instructions to contractors.
formations or twisting effects. to follow. Supervision is systematic.
Refractory not systematically stored
Know-how transfer is organised.
against humidity.

Installing castables and

concrete blocks in kiln =
planning / preparation, Knowledge and skills are formalised
anchoring, gas trapping, Lafarge guidelines as explained in Guidelines as explained in BRIKK into operational drawings and
homogenisation, dosing BRIKK are not systematically are known and applied. Some procedures, and used for every new
Basic guidelines are not known.
(no excess water), applied. Operators and supervisors mixing, vibrating, anchoring, etc. comer. Procedures comply with TC
Quality of job depends on
mixing, transport, do not have sufficient understanding procedures, plans and drawings experts' and BRIKK
contractors' knowledge; contractors
pouring, compaction, of brick installation. Operational exist. Expansion, insulation, shell recommendations. No contractors
are not guided. Tools and machines
procedures are widely missing. Lack protection, castables preparation without supervision. Contractors

curing, drying, heating- in poor condition or missing,

up of formalisation leading to vague and compaction, etc. issues are receive instructions to follow.
instructions to contractors. understood. Supervision is systematic. Know-
Supervisors & operators

how transfer is organised.

P4 Refractory selection and lining 2/2

Installing bricks in the
preheater and cooler Lafarge guidelines as explained in Knowledge and skills are formalised
(brick work preparation, Basic guidelines are not known. BRIKK are not systematically Guidelines as explained in BRIKK into operational drawings and
dismounting, cleaning, Quality of job depends on applied. Operators and supervisors are known, applied and explained to procedures, and used for every new
base line tracing, brick contractors' knowledge ; contractors do not have sufficient understanding contractors. Most operational comer. Procedures comply with TC
placing, ring closing, are not guided. Tools, cutting of brick installation. Operational procedures and drawings for experts' and BRIKK
brick cutting, joints, machine in poor condition or procedures are widely missing. Lack installation of key bricks, joints, etc. recommendations. Contractors
anchoring, shelving) missing. of formalisation leading to vague exist. receive instructions and procedures
instructions to contractors. to follow.

Installing castables and

concrete blocks in the Guidelines as explained in BRIKK Knowledge and skills are formalised
preheater and cooler Lafarge guidelines as explained in
Gunning techniques systematically are known, applied and explained to into operational drawings and
(preparation, anchoring, BRIKK are not systematically
used. Basic guidelines are not contractors. Most procedures, plans procedures, and used for every new
shuttering/gas trapping, applied. Operators and supervisors
known. Quality of job depends on and drawings exist. Expansion, comer. Procedures comply with TC
homogenisation, dosing do not have sufficient understanding
suppliers' knowledge; contractors insulation, gas trapping, etc. issues experts' and BRIKK
(no excess water), of brick installation. Operational
are not guided. Tools and mixer are are understood. No more burnt or recommendations. Contractors
mixing, transport, procedures are widely missing. Lack
in poor condition or missing. No broken anchors and roof beams. receive instructions and procedures
pouring, compaction, of formalisation leading to vague
mixing and casting procedure. Castable curing is taken into to follow. Supervision is systematic.
curing, drying, heating- instructions to contractors.
account in start-up procedure. Know-how transfer is organised

Specific installations for

specific points (retaining Suppliers are not guided and Guidelines as explained in BRIKK Knowledge and skills are formalised
Lafarge guidelines as explained in
rings, nose ring, burner generally lead the operations. are known, applied and mostly into operational drawings and
BRIKK are not systematically
pipe, etc.) Lafarge guidelines (retaining rings formalised thanks to drawings and procedures, and used for every new
applied. Operators and supervisors
shapes, insulating material, plans. Castables curing is taken into comer. Procedures comply with TC
do not have sufficient understanding
compaction techniques, expansion account in start-up procedure. experts' and BRIKK
of brick installation. Operational
joints…) not known. No local Guidelines for burner pipe refractory recommendations. Contractors
procedures are widely missing. Lack
expertise on these delicate technical installation are respected. No more receive instructions and procedures
of formalisation leading to vague
issues. Tools and machines are in cracks or pinches around retaining to follow. Supervision is systematic.
instructions to contractors.
bad condition or missing. rings. Know-how transfer is organised.
Safety for refractory
Safety rules are regularly updated
All safety procedures are written and and communicated internally.
Basic safety rules not applied. No Basic safety rules are applied but
applied. Workers are aware of risks. Contractors receive safety
specific precautions during formalisation and communication
They are regularly informed of instructions and procedures to

refractory operations, in particular for are missing. Safety shields or cages

modifications in protective rules and follow. Safety audits are run during
dismantling and decoating, or when are missing during decoating.

accept them. Safety shields or refractory operations. Safety aspects

using scaffolds. No written Reporting of incidents is not
cages are systematically used when are systematically assessed when
instructions or supervision for systematic. No risk analysis. Lafarge
decoating. Lafarge guidelines for running trials. Lafarge guidelines for
contractors; protective equipment guidelines for scaffolding and work
scaffolding and work at height are scaffolding and work at height are
not systematically used. at height not communicated.
known. known and available for suppliers
and new comers.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid

Operational objective: properly conduct all major operations to guarantee constant flow and prevent most blockages under the safest conditions

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comment

Daily checks are made for material

flowrate (by observing loading time)
Flowrate is only checked from time to and lumps. Silos are emptied out at

Specific preventive actions are taken

Plant does not organize daily actions time; visual control is only done in least once a year to check the
to reduce build-ups and avoid
to detect blocages. Plant does not case of problem. Plant does not have available vs nomimal capacity and a
Silos and hoppers blockage (e.g. by painting the inner
check flowrate regularly. Visual SOP for silo blockage detection and visual control of build-ups is
surface of the cone silo or by
control inside silos is not done. does not monitor back pressure. performed; water infiltration and
installing vibrators).

Water infiltration is not checked. aeration blowers are regularly

checked. All these checks are done
according to procedures.

Spillage and pressure rises are


Spillage is usually detected and monitored continuously. Transport Precise criteria have been
Transport equipment (belts, equipment pressure levels are equipment is inspected by production determined at plant level to identify
chain-supported, air, elevators, Spillage is not usually detected. checked from time to time. and maintenance teams on a when cleaning is necessary.
drag chains) Procedures do not exist or are not scheduled basis to avoid spillages Continuous improvement process is
applied. (belt alignment, belt cleaning device, implemented to minimize spillages.
bucket elevators recycling, etc).

P5 Major cleaning operations 1/3

Static pressure, gas temperature and
material build-up (with radioactive Kiln monitoring by kiln operators is

detection system, if available) are sensitive enough to quickly detect

Plant does not organize any routine
Plant does not monitor materials and continuously monitored to detect small process parameters (air
Pre-heaters (cyclones, pre- actions to detect build-ups and avoid
pressure regularly. Procedures exist blockage as soon as possible. The distribution, thermal profile, pressure
calciner, risers) risks of blockage. There is no
but are not systematically applied. pre-heater is inspected very regularly change, etc.) induced by build-up
procedure concerning this issue.
(meal pipes, riser ducts, etc). All formation in cyclones, riser ducts,
procedures are accurate and fully and dip tube.

For each major cleaning operation a


There is no risk analysis done at risk analysis is done, taking into All the concerned persons are
Some risk analyses are performed
plant level. Risks associated with account specific risks such as involved in the risk analysis.
Risk analysis but not systematically and/or all risks
certain cleaning devices are not temperature, burying, suffocation, Significant actions have already been
are not taken into account.
precisely known. falls, dust inhalation, electrical injury, taken to reduce the identified risks.
reduced visibility.

A prevention plan is decided at a

formal meeting with all works
supervisors. All potential risks are
A prevention plan exists but not all
reviewed and actions are taken to Every contractor is certified on safety
supervisors are involved. Thus, not

Prevention plan There is no prevention plan. reduce them. All concerned before admission to the plant and
all risks are analysed and/or are not
operators are systematically briefed they involved in the prevention plan.
fully communicated to operators.
on potential hazards, receive safety
training and have regular medical

A safe work permit including specific

There are specific safe work permit
Safe work permits are delivered but hazards is systematically delivered
(e.g. for confined space) including

Safe work permit Safe work permits are not delivered. not systematically and/or they are not before any intervention and signed
also specifc requirements, air
complete. by the responsible person and the
monitoring, emergency numbers, etc.
concerned operators.
All unnecessary equipment is
removed and protection installed to
prevent fires due to spillage of hot
materials. Suitable work platforms
Procedures exist and are applied, but are installed according to After each operation a debriefing is
Critical areas are not fully secured.
some hazardous points remain within procedures. Access to equipment is organised in view of improved

Securing the area There are no written procedures

work areas (inadequate work secured and easy to use (especially securing of the area for future
concerning this point.
platforms, difficult access, etc). for poke holes). Equipment is locked operations.
out. Adequate lighting is provided. All
safety equipment is prepared and
emergency escape areas are

Cleaning plan for regular A schedule exists but does not take A cleaning plan exists and is The frequency of cleaning operations

There is no scheduled combining of

operations (conveyors, into account all the works and/or is updated; it describes each operation, is adjusted according to previous
major cleaning operations.
cyclones, etc) not updated. its frequency and responsabilities. experiences.

All devices affecting the silo are

locked out. The cleaning operation
starts only after an inspection inside

P5 Major cleaning operations 2/3


from the top of the silo, and after

Not all precautions (cf level B) are Root cause analysis involving
determining the safest way to work.
taken before entering the silos. Precautions are taken, but some operators is carried out for all near
Silos and hoppers The cleaning operation is performed
Procedures do not exist or are not procedures are lacking. misses. Safety procedures and
CLEANING EXECUTION (if contracted use grid P6)

according to the BP "Silo entry and

applied. training are adjusted accordingly.
cleaning". Written procedures
covering all aspects from preparation
to hand-back to production are in
place and fully applied.

Robust guards prevent access to all

hazardous parts of conveyors and

Most hazardous parts of equipment transport equipment. They are

Not all hazardous parts of equipment Root cause analysis involving
Transport equipment (belts, are provided with guards. Written removed only after isolation and
are provided with guards. There are operators is carried out for all near
chain-supported, air, elevators, procedures concerning maintenance lockout, with non-reverse ratchet
no written procedures concerning misses. Safety procedures and
drag chains) work on transport equipment are engaged where necessary.
interventions on transport equipment. training are adjusted accordingly.
applied, but some may be lacking. Procedures are available and strictly
applied (e.g. no cleaning operation
performed on equipment in motion).

Routine coating cleaning operations

Routine coating cleaning operations in pre-heaters are executed
Routine coating cleaning operations in pre-heaters are executed on a according to a written procedures

in pre-heaters are executed without regular basis, but procedures are describing the operations and safety Root cause analysis involving
Pre-heaters (cyclone written procedures, and only from only partly written. Cyclone risks. All actions mentionned in the operators is carried out for all near
blockages) time to time. Cyclone blockages are blockages are cleared according the BP "Clearing Cyclone Blockages" misses. Safety procedures and
not cleared according the BP BP "Clearing cyclone Blockages" but (part 9, page 7) are taken for every training are adjusted accordingly.
"Clearing cyclone Blockages". there are no adapted procedures operation of blockage clearance, and
available in the plant. are included in procedures available
in the plant.

Before sending anyone into the kiln,

the manager in charge checks that all
A safety tunnel is used for any

safety conditions are met: heat,

Checks (cf level B) are not done by Checks (cf level B) are done by the intervention in the kiln. Root cause
secured access to the kiln upstream
the manager in charge before manager in charge before sending analysis involving operators is carried
Kiln and downstream, coating, dust. A
sending personnel into the kiln.There personnel into the kiln. Written out for all near misses. Safety
safety tunnel is used for every major
are no written procedures. procedures are partly available. procedures and training are adjusted
intervention in the kiln. Written
procedures are in place and are fully
CLEANING EXECUTION (if contracted use grid P6)
Enough persons are systematically
In case of emergency, precautions
and constantly posted and are
Working conditions (team are not systematically taken;
No precautions of this kind (cf level provided with relief breaks to All operators participating in cleaning
staffing, breaks and first aider operations may take place without
B) are taken. minimise heat stress effects. At least operations are trained as first aiders.
skills) enough people or without a first aider
one member of the cleaning team is
on hand.
fully trained as a first aider.

There is close radio communication

with CCR and continuous monitoring
Continuous communication with CCR

There is no continuous of operating conditions to prevent

is usually maintained but not
communication with CCR and/or hazards from hot spillages, After each operation a debriefing is
systematically and/or operational
Provide close supervision operational conditions are not blowbacks, flushes, and to ensure organised in view of improving the
conditions are not always
continuously monitored during the safe working conditions process and working conditions.
continuously monitored during the
operations. (temperature, air composition, etc)

P5 Major cleaning operations 3/3

and full application of cleaning

Relevant PPE are available in

sufficient quantities and suited to
each individual. All safety equipment
Not all required equipment is Some aditionnal equipment is also
All required equipment is not always is available and in good working
Availability of safety available or is not adequate used to avoid specific hazards.

in good working condition, but is condition (first aid boxes, proper

equipment (especially PPE) or not in good Equipment is not only maintained, it
usually available. drench showers, fire extinguishers,
working condition. is also improved.
etc). Equipment is regularly checked
and maintained, and an inventory is
done regularly.

Equipment is carefully checked

before hand-back and material and

There is a written procedure for

tools are cleared from cleaning sites.
hand-back, but it doesn't precisely Additional safety actions have been
Hand-back process is done without There is a systematic check that
Checking before release state all the steps to be followed taken (e.g. locks keyed differently
any written and precise procedure. nobody remains in the area, that the
and/or if it is complete, it is not with different colors)
area is cleared. Remove padlocks
correctly applied.

and tags according to detailed


There is a formal release involving

A specific protocol to ensure release cleaning and production teams after
There is no formal release to to production is followed but not all necessary equipment inspections
Process for release to production is

Release to production production once the cleaning is always formalised by a written (door closed, dampers, guards are in
formally defined in a procedure.
finished. document. All aspects are not always place) and before tests of the
communicated. installation. All useful information is
systematically communicated.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: no accidents, no delays, no claims and with minimum cost.
Level D Level C Level B Level A
Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments

Identification of a The need is formally identified but it The need is formally identified and

The need is not well identified. The need is partly identified.

contract need. is not formally requested. formally requested.

The largest contracted works are All the subcontracted works are
Definition of subcontracted works is defined through a specification that systematically defined through a
Specification of the The subcontracted work is not incomplete. There is no information includes technical conditions, specification that includes technical

service/supply formally defined. to the subcontractor about risks deadlines, works quality, risk conditions, deadlines, works quality,
analysis and safety. analysis and contractor's obligations risk analysis and contractor's
in terms of safety. obligations in terms of safety.

Contractors requested by the plant


P6 Management of contracted works

Plant + contractors

are qualified: they should have

Qualification of
experience in the cement industry
contractors (to be
Contractors follow a qualification showing their technical capabilities The certification of new contractors
assessed by plants where There is no qualification of
process but without previously to do the work and meet the is done according to a defined
local conditions allow it; contractors.
defined criteria. requirements previously defined in process including tests.
otherwise write "Not
terms of respect of legal rules as
well as safety and environmental
prerequisites .

Contracts with contractors are

signed after a comparison with other
Contracts with contractors are
offers. Contracts include all the
All + Purchasing

signed without systematic

required documents: specifications, There is template for common works
comparison with other offers.
contract conditions, standards, rules. proposed by the BU's lawyers, and
Contracts do not include all the
Contract There is no contract formalization. In some cases a work order is for major operations or investment,
required documents or their content
included to better describe the contract documents are reviewed by
is poor (no clear description of the
work. Each contract includes the the BU lawyers.
work to do, no clear definition of
names of Lafarge and contractor
responsibilities, etc).
managers responsible for the

Before starting the work all the
Formal communication
Contractors' workers sometimes contractors' workers receive
about plant All the contractors' workers receive
Contractors' workers do not receive receive individualized individualized communication on

characteristics and individualized communication on

formal communication on safety. communication on safety and on safety and on plant in general. The
technical risks for all the safety and on plant in general.
plant in general. worker signs an acknolweldgement

contractors' workers.
of this training.

Before starting the work the

contractor receives information

Contractors' workers sign an

The contractor receives information about the content and the safety
Explaining the work to the The contractor receives insufficient acknowledgement of receiving all
about the content and the safety risks of the work through
contractor focusing on information about the content and this information. There is a system
risks of the work, but this process is explanations in the related work
the safety risks. the risk of the work. in place to control all entries of
not formalized. orders, especially in terms of safety.
contractors' workers into the plant.
Lock out/tag out procedure is
Lafarge contract manager checks in
Supervisors + Mgrs the field that the work done by the
contractor meets expectations. A

report is written in case of

Lafarge contract manager deficiencies, especially in regards to The plant maintains a partner
Follow-up of works in the
There is no follow-up of the work sometimes checks in the field that safety. The plant assesses the relationship with the contractor with

P6 Management of contracted works

field and assessment of
done by the contractor in the field. the work done by the contractor quality of works done by the the aim of improving and avoiding
meets expectations. contractor. This assessment is used failures.
to decide to continue or not working
with the contractor in the future.
There is a special procedure for
monitoring high risk works.

Lafarge contract manager is present

Lafarge contract manager is physically to check that all the
Lafarge contract manager is not sometimes physically present to contract conditions are met and the
physically present to check that all check that all the contract conditions quality of the works is as expected. The acceptance includes required

Acceptance of the works

the contract conditions are met and are met and the quality of the works He signs the acceptance document. tests and a check-list is used to
done by the contractor
the quality of the works is as is as expected. He signs the In the case of Projects a provisional accept works.
expected. acceptance document. acceptance is carried out that must

be confirmed when the guarantees

are fulfilled.

The concerned Operations

department closes the Work Orders

Purchasing closes the requests with finished by the subcontractor and
Purchasing closes the requests

a formal acceptance from includes the relevant information in

Closing No closing process formalized. without a formal acceptance from
Operations or Projects in order to the equipment history. Certificate of
Operations or Projects.
proceed with payment. completion is issued and
performance of the contractor is
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid
Operational objective: ensure an uninterrupted power system to ensure reliability and safety

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comment

The electrical network supplier is

Incoming substation :
challenged to ensure distribution
equipment condition There is a formalised monthly
quality and effective maintenance.
(lighting, ventilation, inspection to check high, medium

Every three years a thermographical

pressurisation, filtration, air and low voltage equipment. Work
There is a regular inspection, but it is analysis is done and equipment is
conditionning, cleanliness, orders are used and include a formal
It is not regularly inspected. only partly formalised (no checklist controlled by constructor. Every
locked access, telephone in checklist. Documentation including
and/or no work order). intervention is recorded. Fire
service, unusual sounds, single line diagram is available near
detection is done by a certified
fire detection, etc) and each piece of equipment.
contractor and is formally reported.
checks for proper
Work orders are automatically

Substations : equipment
There is a formalised monthly Every three years a thermographical
condition (lighting,
inspection to check medium and low analysis is done and equipment is

ventilation, pressurisation,
voltage equipment. Work orders are controlled by constructor. Every
filtration, air conditionning, There is regular inspection, but it is
used and include a formal checklist. intervention is recorded. Fire
cleanliness, locked access, They are not regularly inspected. only partly formalised (no checklist
Documentation including single line detection is done by a certified
telephone in service, and/or no work order).
diagram is available near each piece contractor and formally reported.
unusual sounds, fire
of equipment. Work orders are automatically
detection, etc) and checks
for proper functionning

While running according to checklists

and formalised procedures and
There are first-level inspections while
circuit breakers/switches are annualy

running (visual control, meter

inspected during shutdown (checks Every 4 or 5 years circuit
reading, checking hydraulic controls,
Circuit Breakers/ There is no regular preventive for cleanliness, tightness of breakers/switches are also inspected
etc) but no formalized yearly
Switches inspection. connections, poles, contacts, fuses, by the constructor. Work orders are
inspection during shutdown.
hydraulic controls, dielectrical check, automatically generated.
Checklists and procedures are partly
etc.). Work order are systematically
used. In case of incident a dielectrical

analyse is done.

All transformers are checked

annually: oil analysis, number of
regulator adjustments, first-level

Inspections are done from time to checks (temperature, noise,

Every 3 years a thermographical
There is no regular preventive time but they are not planned. leakage), dessicator, voltage
Transformers analysis is done. Work orders are
inspection. Checklists and procedures are partly balance, electrical and non electrical
automatically generated.
available. protections are tested, cleaning,
tightness of connections. A work
order is used including a written
Cos phi is monitored and recorded.
During each major turnaround Alert is automatically generated if the
condensers are cleaned and visually Cos phi is not correct. Supplier and

Inspections are done from time to inspected (overheating). Every 2 or 3 plant cos phi data are compared and
There is no regular preventive time but they are not planned. major turnarounds protections are corrective actions are taken if
inspection. Checklists and procedures are partly checked (max intensity, thermal, necessary. Every 3 years a
available. homopolar, fuses). Consumed thermographical analysis is done.
current is measured annually under Work orders are automatically
running conditions. Work orders are generated.
systematically used.

Map of the network is regularly

updated. Distribution network is Work orders are automatically

Map of the network is not updated or completely inspected (cable generated according to a defined
Map of the network is not available.
Distribution network not complete. Inspections are done connexions, cleaning of isolators, route. Thermography is done for all
There is no regular preventive
inspection from time to time but they are not checking of cable head condition) the network over a period of three
planned. over a period of three years. All years. All cables routes have ground
inspections are scheduled and work identification markings.
orders are systematically generated.

Readings are automatic; an expert


Energy metering and The main substations are equiped All shops are equiped with electrical
Only incoming meters are installed. system enables load shedding in
management with electrical meters. meters which are read monthly .
case of excessive loads.

All the electrical distribution network

has multi-level protection. All network
Distribution network is not optimised A selectivity study has been done
characterictics are known.

(no selectivity study). Only some and rolled out by a qualified

Performance of the distribution
Distribution network Performance of distribution system is indicators are taken into account to contractor, who is responsible for
system (selectivity, bus bars
performance not monitored. estimate performance. Some actions inspecting entire network once
dimensioning, voltage drops, short
have been implemented to correct yearly. Study is updated with each
circuit power, etc.) is monitored and
recurrent problems. modification.
maintained taking into account
network extension/modification.

No load test (<20mn) is done


monthly to check start up and

Emergency/Stand by Tests are done from time to time but abnormal behaviour. Every 2 or 3
There is no regular preventive Work orders are automatically
generators (uncoupled to they are not planned. Checklists and years load test is done to check
inspection. generated.
MV) procedures are partly available. running conditions and to clean the

motor. All checklists and procedures

are available.

Each month an on load test is

performed and temperatures,

Tests are done from time to time but pressure and load levels are Work orders are automatically
Power generators There is no regular preventive
they are not planned. Checklists and recorded. All checklists and generated. If possible, borescope
(coupled to MV) inspection.
procedures are partly available. procedures are available. Every 5 to inspections are done.
7 years global maintenance is done
(wiring, yoke, etc).

All electrical auxiliary equipment is

Auxiliary equipment (UPS, inspected on a regular basis (e.g. Every 3 years equipment is inspected
Auxiliary equipment are not Inspections are done from time to
starters, VSD, marshalling annually) for preventive by the constructor (e.g. UPS batteries
inspected. time but they are not planned.
boards, etc) maintenance. Work orders including are changed).
checklists are systematically used.

Electrical lockout is systematically Training procedures are used for

Safety procedures are not formalised Safety procedures are applied but done prior to any work. Detailed newcomers. Procedures are updated

Safety procedures
or not accurate. not all formalised. electrical safety procedures are taking into account new equipment,
available and systematically applied. near misses, etc.
Involved personnel (including
contractors) are well trained in safety
Only some of the electrical team are
aspects. All personnel who work in All newcomers to the electrical team
authorised/ certified; other

Personnel authorisation/ Technicians do not receive formal electrical areas are certified and are properly trained. Visitors entering

populations involved are not

certification autorisation/certification. authorized in accordance with tasks the electrical substation are aware of
necessarily trained/aware of safety
they have to perform. They have electrical risks.
good knowledge of the upstream
network and can anticipate the risks.

All required electrical safety All required electrical safety All safety electrical equipment is
Not all required electrical safety
equipment (PPE and tools) is equipment (PPE and tools) i+F8s regularly tested by a specialised
equipment (Personnal Protective

Specific safety equipment available but there is no regular stored in a dedicated place and an office. Additional equipement is
Equipment and tools) is available
inventory to check if it is in good inventory is regularly done. always availabe for contractor
within the plant.
working condition. Equipment use is controlled. personnel, etc.
M2 Managing electrical distribution 1/2
M2 Managing electrical distribution 2/2
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: perform all control measurements to prevent catastrophic failures

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimize and share Level Comments

Check fastenings, running

conditions (noise, vibrations, Some daily inspection job plans
There is no daily inspection job plan Inspection job plans exist and are Daily inspection job plans exist and
temp, up and down movement), exist but they are not used. Daily
and/or some daily checks are not partially used. Daily inspections are are used. Inspections are done on
leaks and spills, measure tyre inspections are done from time to
done. done only on weekdays. a daily basis. Results are tracked.
migration (chalk) and check time.
safety aspects

Check uphill & downhill There is no checking of kiln Kiln movement is checked from Kiln movement is checked on a Kiln movement is checked on a
movement movement. time to time. daily basis. daily basis and recorded.

DC motor brushes are checked on

Check whether DC motor DC motor brushes are never DC motor brushes are checked DC motor brushes are checked on
a weekly basis & results are
brushes are sparking checked. from time to time. a weekly basis.

There is no checking of teeth Job plan exists but is not used. Job plan exists and is used. Teeth Job plan exists and is used. Teeth
Check appearance of pinion &
appearance and/or nobody knows Teeth appearance is checked from appearance is checked on a appearance is checked weekly and

girth gear teeth

M2 Mastering kiln mechanics 1/2

how to do it. No job plan. time to time. weekly basis. results are tracked.

Roller position is checked regularly.

There is no checking of roller Roller position is checked on a
Roller position is checked from time At least one person knows how to
Check roller position with position. Nobody understands roller weekly basis. At least one person
to time. Nobody understands its link correct the problem if there is a
regards to kiln movement position and its link to kiln in the plant understands its link to
to kiln movement. discrepancy with regards to kiln
movement. kiln movement.

Vibrations are measured from time

Vibration measurement is not done Vibrations are measured on a
Measure vibrations of the drive to time, but results are not always Vibrations are measured on a
and no tools are available. Nobody monthly basis and results are
(overall level) reliable (the method is not always monthly basis & results are reliable.
knows how to measure vibrations. reliable & tracked.
the right one).

Job plan exists but is not used. Job plan exists and are used. Roller shaft appearance is checked
Check for surface damage on There is no checking of roller
Roller shaft appearance is checked Roller shaft appearance is checked on a monthly basis and results are
roller shafts shafts. There is no job plan.
from time to time. on a monthly basis. tracked.

During major turnaround, verify

conditions (wear, profile,
Some measurements are done. Most measurements are done. A All measurements are done as All the measurements are done.
surface shape, etc.) and
There is no job plan. job plan exists but is not used. described in the job plan. Results are tracked.
position/ adjustment of kiln

Check oil/grease appearance,


There are no lubrication inspection Some lubrication job plans exist but Lubrication job plans exist and are Lubrication job plans exist and are
level, pressure and
job plans and/or some checks are they are not used. Checks are done applied. Checks are done only on used. Checks are done on a daily
temperature, Check for oil or
not done. from time to time. weekdays. basis. Results are tracked.
grease leaks/spills
There are no lubrication inspection Some lubrication job plans exist but Lubrication job plans exist and are Lubrication job plans exist and are
Check lubrication of roller
job plans and/or some checks are are not used. Checks are done applied. Checks are done only on used. Checks are done on a daily
bearings and pinion/girth gear
not done. from time to time. weekdays. basis. Results are tracked.

M2 Mastering kiln mechanics 2/2

Sample oil from main reducer No oil sampling is done and/or Oil sampling is done from time to Oil sampling is done on a monthly
Oil sampling is done reliably on a

and from girth gear/pinion tank nobody knows how to take an oil time and/or sampling is not done basis and sampling operations are
monthly basis & results are tracked
for debris detection sample. There is no job plan. correctly. Job plan is not used. done properly. Job plan is used

During major turnaround,

There is no oil sampling and/or Oil sampling is done and/or Oil sampling is done and sampling Oil sampling is done reliably on a
sample oil from main reducer
nobody knows how to perform oil sampling is not done as it should operations are done properly. Job monthly basis & results are tracked.
and from girth gear/pinion tank
sampling. Filter cleanliness is not be. Job plan is not used. Filter plan is used. Filter cleanliness is Filter cleanliness is checked &
for analysis, check filter
checked. No job plan exists. cleanliness is checked. checked. maintained.

Engineers & supervisors know how Engineers & supervisors

Nobody knows how to skew kiln Certain people know how to check
to skew rollers. Certain people understand & know how to skew

Roller skewing rollers and/or roller technology is roller position but they are not able
know how to check kiln movement rollers, check position of rollers,
not understood/known. to skew rollers.
and induce it if needed. and check kiln movement.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational Objective: Kiln shutdown meets cost and deadline expectations, with all works identified and completed.
Level D Level C Level B Level A
Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments
The duration is based on longer

The kiln shutdown duration is works deadlines. Dates are decided

determined based on objectives in coordination with Sales
Kiln shutdown duration is determined
Define the kiln shutdown described in the budget (utilization departement and other plants of the
based only on market needs.The
factor, clinker production and BU/Zone (use of same contractors,
duration and the number and

number of kiln shutdowns is based

There is no preparation program. reliability). The number of kiln sharing markets, etc.) and
dates of programmed kiln on the condition of refractory and
shutdowns is based on the condition Purchasing is involved to buy clinker
shutdowns critical equipment. Dates are not set
of refractory and critical equipment. if neccessary. A system is in place to
or are not respected.
Dates are decided in coordination optimize shutdown duration.
with Sales department.

Preparation of all works to Rrefractory lining thickness

be done during the kiln development and mechanical and

All work orders are prepared and

shutdown: electrical equipment condition is
All the work orders are prepared and included in the kiln shutdown
Required monitored year round: the former
included in the shutdown portfolio. portfolio. Investments works are

with a scanner or other means, the

manpower and spare parts. There is no portfolio program. Investments works are included too. included. There is systematic
latter through preventive and
Identification of urgent No systematic verification of spare verification of spare parts in stock or
predective (vibration, temperature,
works by knowing which parts in stock or to be purchased. to be purchased. This is organized
etc.) maintenance. This information
on schedule jointly with Purchasing.
critical equipment might stop allows identifying critical equipment
the kiln that could stop the kiln.

All the shutdown works are

scheduled, all possible conflicts are
All the shutdown works are
Schedule all activities to take

analysed, all works are coordinated. Shutdown duration, costs and

There is no schedule. scheduled, but possible conflicts are
place during kiln shutdown not analysed.
Critical path is identified and manpower are optimized.
shutdown duration is defined
according to shutdown program.

Coordination of all kiln shutdown Coordination of all kiln shutdown

activities is organized in a pre- activities is organized in a pre-
Coordination of all kiln The coordination of all kiln shutdown

There is no coordination. shutdown meeting. All concerned shutdown meeting. Meeting is

shutdown activities activities is not formalized.
plant departments attend this attended by all concerned plant
meeting. departments and contractors.

Prior to the start of kiln shutdown, a

High-risk works are identified. The
meeting is held between plant
applicable scaffolding policy is
Meeting with contractors to Compliance with safety rules by Verification of contractor safety managers and contractors to check

implemented and all operations

define safety rules. contractors is not verified. actions is not formalized. that each contractor is taking
involving major safety issues are
necessary actions to ensure good
analyzed in detail.
shutdown safety results.

All specified kiln shutdown


First-level inspections are done

inspections are done as early as
during kiln shutdown, resulting in the
Preventive maintenance Preventive maintenance is not done Kiln shutdown inspections are not possible, with formalized feedback
issue of work orders to be completed

during kiln shutdown during kiln shutdown. well formalized.

during current shutdown or following
resulting in the issue of work orders
to be completed during current
shutdown or following one.
FOLLOW There is at least one meeting per
A formal meeting is held each day to
week attended by all concerned
coordinate the shutdwon works; all
All Daily coordination of There is no formalized coordination people to analyze in detail any
There is no daily coordination. concerned people attend and
shutdown works of all kiln shutdown activities. interferences. A brief meeting is held
analyze in detail all current and
each day to coordinate on-going
potential interferences.

Safety supervision is reinforced by

an external additional check done by

a qualified company. Some risky


Plant supervisors check the

tasks are done by specialized
Not all works are followed-up during fullfillment of safety rules, the quality
Control of works execution companies: work at height, work
No follow-up of works. the kiln shutdown; this includes of all works (contracted or not) and
and safety safety supervision. the productivity of the people under
involving cranes, scaffolding, etc.
Cleaning of major equipment is done
their responsibility.
prior to maintenance work. Work
areas are cleared of tools, spares,

The supervisor of each job

The supervisor of each job tests
systematically tests each piece of
Equipment test following

each piece of equipment repaired.

Equipment is not tested. Some equipment is tested. equipment repaired, calling on
repairs/servicing Lock out procedure is strictly
production people if required. Lock
out procedure is strictly obeyed.

Users, like control room operators, Users, like control room operators, All users systematically receive all
receive insufficient training when receive suitable training when new necessary training when new
User training in case of

No training. new equipment is received or when equipment is received or when equipment is received or when
important modifications important modifications have been important modifications have been important modifications have been
carried out in the field. carried out in the field. carried out in the field.

Transfer of responsability for

equipment having been In most cases, when equipment is In all cases, when equipment is
No formalized reception of ready to be run the Maintenance or ready to be run the Maintenance or
worked on, from No transfer.
equipment by the production team. Project supervisors formally transfer Project supervisors formally transfer
Maintenance/Projects to it to the production team. it to the production team.

Program and coordinate Kiln is started up after all installation

Kiln is started up after testing part of A protocole is in place and is strictly
Kiln is started up without prior testing elements worked on have been
instalation test before kiln of the installation.
the installation, but without following
tested according to formal
followed, ensuring that all equipment
start-up. formal procedures. is tested before each kiln start-up.

All Work Orders are systematically

Closing of Work Orders, Work Order are used but are not All Work Orders are systematically closed and recorded, including
systematically closed. The global closed and recorded. The global cost technical feedback and financial
including technical

There are no Work Orders.

cost of the kiln shutdown is not of the kiln shutdown is accurately information (spare parts, manpower
information and cost. estimated. estimated. and contractors). Global cost is
precisely estimated.
Mgrs + Purchasing

A system is in place to ensure that

Closing of all works Purchasing closes all works or Purchasing follows formal acceptance documents for all
supplying done by procedures to close in coordination contracted works or supplies are
contracted during the No formal closing.
contractors/suppliers, but there is a with the Operations department all systematically delivered to the
shutdown lack of formal procedures. contracted works or supplies. Purchasing dept. for kiln shutdown
accounting/payment purposes.
M3 Kiln stoppage management 1/2
M3 Kiln stoppage management 2/2
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: no accidents, no delays, no claims and with minimum cost.
Level D Level C Level B Level A
Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments

Identification of a contract The need is formally identified but it The need is formally identified and

The need is not well identified. The need is partly identified.

need. is not formally requested. formally requested.

The largest contracted works are All the subcontracted works are
Definition of subcontracted works is defined through a specification that systematically defined through a
Specification of the The subcontracted work is not incomplete. There is no information includes technical conditions, specification that includes technical

service/supply formally defined. to the subcontractor about risks deadlines, works quality, risk conditions, deadlines, works quality,
analysis and safety. analysis and contractor's obligations risk analysis and contractor's
in terms of safety. obligations in terms of safety.

M4 Management of contracted works

Contractors requested by the plant
Plant + contractors

are qualified: they should have

Qualification of
experience in the cement industry
contractors (to be
Contractors follow a qualification showing their technical capabilities The certification of new contractors
assessed by plants where There is no qualification of
process but without previously to do the work and meet the is done according to a defined
local conditions allow it; contractors.
defined criteria. requirements previously defined in process including tests.
otherwise write "Not
terms of respect of legal rules as
well as safety and environmental
prerequisites .

Contracts with contractors are

signed after a comparison with other
Contracts with contractors are
offers. Contracts include all the
All + Purchasing

signed without systematic

required documents: specifications, There is template for common works
comparison with other offers.
contract conditions, standards, rules. proposed by the BU's lawyers, and
Contracts do not include all the
Contract There is no contract formalization. In some cases a work order is for major operations or investment,
required documents or their content
included to better describe the contract documents are reviewed by
is poor (no clear description of the
work. Each contract includes the the BU lawyers.
work to do, no clear definition of
names of Lafarge and contractor
responsibilities, etc).
managers responsible for the

Before starting the work all the
Formal communication Contractors' workers sometimes contractors' workers receive
All the contractors' workers receive
about plant characteristics Contractors' workers do not receive receive individualized individualized communication on

individualized communication on
and technical risks for all formal communication on safety. communication on safety and on safety and on plant in general. The
safety and on plant in general.
the contractors' workers. plant in general. worker signs an acknolweldgement

of this training.

Before starting the work the

contractor receives information

Contractors' workers sign an

The contractor receives information about the content and the safety
Explaining the work to the The contractor receives insufficient acknowledgement of receiving all
about the content and the safety risks of the work through
contractor focusing on the information about the content and this information. There is a system
risks of the work, but this process is explanations in the related work
safety risks. the risk of the work. in place to control all entries of
not formalized. orders, especially in terms of safety.
contractors' workers into the plant.
Lock out/tag out procedure is
Lafarge contract manager checks in
Supervisors + Mgrs the field that the work done by the
contractor meets expectations. A

report is written in case of

Lafarge contract manager deficiencies, especially in regards to The plant maintains a partner
Follow-up of works in the

M4 Management of contracted works

There is no follow-up of the work sometimes checks in the field that safety. The plant assesses the relationship with the contractor with
field and assessment of
done by the contractor in the field. the work done by the contractor quality of works done by the the aim of improving and avoiding
meets expectations. contractor. This assessment is used failures.
to decide to continue or not working
with the contractor in the future.
There is a special procedure for
monitoring high risk works.

Lafarge contract manager is present

Lafarge contract manager is physically to check that all the
Lafarge contract manager is not sometimes physically present to contract conditions are met and the
physically present to check that all check that all the contract conditions quality of the works is as expected. The acceptance includes required

Acceptance of the works

the contract conditions are met and are met and the quality of the works He signs the acceptance document. tests and a check-list is used to
done by the contractor
the quality of the works is as is as expected. He signs the In the case of Projects a provisional accept works.
expected. acceptance document. acceptance is carried out that must

be confirmed when the guarantees

are fulfilled.

The concerned Operations

department closes the Work Orders

Purchasing closes the requests with finished by the subcontractor and
Purchasing closes the requests

a formal acceptance from includes the relevant information in

Closing No closing process formalized. without a formal acceptance from
Operations or Projects in order to the equipment history. Certificate of
Operations or Projects.
proceed with payment. completion is issued and
performance of the contractor is
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid

Operational objective: lubrication costs are less than 4% of the maintenance costs and catastrophic incidents are avoided

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments
The list is exhaustive and is
List of equipment with A list exists, but it is not exhaustive updated from time to time. Type of
List is exhaustive and regularly
description and location of and/or the type of monitoring is not procedures (e.g. systematic oil
No such list exists. updated. Maintenance procedures
all monitoring/ chosen according to well-defined changes vs. condition-based) is
are optimised.
maintenance points rules. chosen according to well-defined

All SOPs exist and include details

of oil and grease quality/quantity, SOPs are regularly updated, taking
Standard operating SOPs exist only for some
sampling points for specific testing, into account inspection/analysis
procedures for each There are no SOPs. procedures and/or some important
required levels and all necessary results, so as to optimise lubrication

maintenance operation information is missing (cf. Level B).

instructions for each procedure mgmt. and machine lifetime.
(tools, known difficulties, etc).

All tasks are planned one week in

Planning is done but is not advance, taking into account any Planning is optimised in terms of
No formal planning for lubrication
Planning exhaustive (not all tasks are possible constraints (stoppage not stoppages. Each task/procedure
planned). possible, ordering of material/ has been assigned a priority level.
equipment, delivery time, etc.)

Software is used systematically.

Use of software for Software is used only for certain
No software is used. Software is used systematically. Data and indicators (consumption,
lubrication management tasks/procedures.
cost, etc.) are analyzed.

Work Orders are used for All abnormalities are reported,


Work Order forms are inexistent or monitoring of levels, for oil make- possibly resulting in a new WO. All
Issuing of work orders Work Orders are sometimes used.
are not used. ups, 1st level inspections, taking of departments contribute to this
samples and oil changes. process.

Pumps are regularly checked


Mgmt. is contracted out because no (manual mode and 1st level One spare pump is always
Mgmt. is contracted out for cost
Mgmt. of centralised lube one in the plant knows the systems, inspection) and maintained. When available. At least 2 plant persons
reasons, but no plant personnel are
system (if applicable) or no preventive maintenance work is contracted out, it is are competent in managing
qualified to monitor the work done.
procedures exist. coordinated and monitored by the centralised lubrication systems.
lube team.

Data is analyzed to detect possible

Communicating on tasks There is never any communication Make-up oil and operating hours Level C + any modifications of work
problems (e.g. oil leaks) and to
and procedures on tasks and procedures. are recorded. order instructions are noted.
optimise the lubrication cycle.

Viscosity, presence of water,

1st level analyses 1st level testing is performed The other plant teams are aware of
1st level testing not performed metals (magnet test) are checked

(viscosity, presence of regularly, but observations are not the importance of being vigilant and
regularly. regularly. All abnormalities are
water, metals, etc. recorded. reporting all abnormalities.
recorded on the Work Order.

Samples are taken according to

Sampling frequency is optimized
WOs are issued for sample taking. well-defined instructions (same
Samples are taken only from time according to level of criticality
Sample taking Sample identification information is sampling point, equipment running,
to time. No formal procedures exist. (major equipment, incident cost,
recorded on the WO. etc.) Any problems with a given
significant oil quantity, etc).
sample are indicated on the WO.
Plant is autonomous in terms of Plant does not automatically accept
Interpretation of lab results in not interpreting results of major standard lab interpretations. Lube
No plant persons are able to
Interpretation done internally, even if some plant analysis types (contamination, supervisor knows the plant's
interpret sample analysis results.
persons are qualified to do it. water, etc.) The Tech Centre is specificities and takes them into
contacted in case of difficulties. account when interpreting results.

Close collaboration between plant

Plant personnel been trained by the Level C + a well-defined warning and labs. Labs know the plant's
Interaction with There is no real interaction with the
laboratories or know well the types procedure can be applied any time needs and there are technical
laboratories laboratories.
of analyses performed. the lab points out a major problem. exchanges between lab and plant,
if needed.

Tracking/trends are analyzed in a

A file exists for storing all sample ID
Tracking/data retention is well-defined manner, with graphs to
Tracking/data retention is not info, along with all new, pertinent
Tracking / data retention systematic, but the information is identify drifts and to indicate when
systematic. info concerning each machine. This
not exploited. further testing is required. Risk
can help detect major problems.
mgmt is also optimised.

All lubricant users in the plant know

There is no dedicated storage area A dedicated area exists but is not Drums are easily accessible in a
Dedicated storage area the lubricant storage organisation
for lubricants. well organised. dedicated area.
and use if correctly.

Capacity of retention basin(s)

Capacity of retention basin(s) is Waterproofness of retention
There are no retention basins. complies with legislation and/or
insufficient. basin(s) is checked regularly.
international standards.

Safety instruction are not always
Safety instructions relating to fire Fire safety instructions are fully Persons not directly concerned with
followed. Extinguishers (indoors +
hazards are ignored. Extinguishers obeyed by all users. Extinguishers lubrication have been made aware
outdoors) work but are not
are inexistent or do not work. are inspected regularly. of safety issues.
inspected regularly.

Used oils/greases are destroyed or

Used oils/greases and their drums recycled (e.g. by the supplier). Absorbent materials are available
Environment (disposal of Used oils/greases and their drums
are generally destroyed or Systematic tracking ensures used in case of leaks. Elimination of
oil, grease and containers) are not disposed of.
recycled, but not systematically. lube removal. Drums are also these materials is provided for.
M5 Lubrication management 1/2
M5 Lubrication management 2/2
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: lab reliability index is above 75%, and lab audits do not show serious deviation from good practices

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments

The sampling plan exists and is

Execute the sampling plan for The sampling plan is not clearly The most critical steps are perfectly
The sampling plan exists and is complete. It is posted in the
finished and in-process products defined or presents weaknesses, understood by the operators, and
satisfactory but it is not followed control room (and/or laboratory),
(ref. to Q2 grid for sampling plan nor it is clearly communicated to their experience is leveraged in
accurately. and all the samplings are done as
definition) the operators & technicians. order to optimise the plan.
per the sampling plan.

Inspection of sampling and

Inspect sampling and There is little inspection of
No inspection of sampling and preparation equipment and
preparation equipment (residual sampling and preparation
preparation equipment nor cleaning cleaning maintenance is done by Inspection results are tracked and
material, mechanical aspects) equipment, little cleaning
maintenance is done. This activity operators & technicians. These the choice of equipment is
and do the cleaning maintenance maintenance. These activities are
is not described in the sampling activities are part of the sampling optimised according to this data.
(to prevent contamination, included in the sampling
plan/procedure (if existing). plan/procedure. Inspection
incidents, etc.) plan/procedure but are not applied.
checklists exist and are used.

Some procedures defining Procedures compliant to "cahiers

The critical steps are well identified
sampling tools, methods, size and techniques" defining sampling
No sampling procedures exist or and their application is checked on

Q1 Lab reliability 1/3

location are written but they are not tools, methods, size and location
Take representative samples are inadequate. Suitable sampling a regular basis. Methodology is
systematically applied. Suitable exist, are well known and are
(size, tools, location, frequency, tools are not available. No regularly reviewed & studies are
sampling tools are available in the followed. Sampling tools are
method, etc.) sampling location marked in the done to identify the most

field but are not always used available in the field and are used
field. representative sampling points and

properly. Most of the sampling properly. All sampling locations are

locations are marked in the field. clearly marked in the field.

Sample is well identified and

Procedure / work instruction handled (integrity maintained, no
There is no sample identification All the operators and technicians
Handle the samples (identify and defines how to maintain sample possible contamination with other
between extraction and are well trained in sample handling
maintain sample integrity) integrity, but it is not systematically products) between its extraction
preparation. and they understand its impact.
followed. and preparation. Procedure / work
instruction exists.

Procedures exist, are well known

Suitable tools and equipment are
and followed. Suitable and well-
Prepare samples (split, crush, No procedures exist for sample available in the plant for sample All the operators and technicians
maintained tools and equipment
prepare the composite, preparation and integrity preparation and to maintain its are well trained for sampling
are available and are used
pulverize, blend, screen and maintenance. Proper tools are not integrity, but are not always used preparation and they understand
properly. Impact of sampling
store) available. properly. Very few procedures are the impact.
method on representativity and
defined for sample preparation.
results is well understood.

Samples retained for long periods

are identified in accordance with
Local standard for sample retention
Local standard for sample retention defined and documented Full traceability is ensured and is
Identify samples for retention is not applied; no identification, no
is understood & applied. identification rules. The part of a complete retention plan.
identification is unique, thus
ensuring good traceability.
The testing plan exists and is
Execute the testing plan for The testing plan is not clearly The most critical steps are perfectly
The testing plan exists and is complete. It is posted in the Control
finished and intermediate defined or presents weaknesses, understood by the operators, and
satisfactory, but it is not followed room (and/or laboratory), and all
product (ref. to Q2 grid for nor is it clearly communicated to their experience is leveraged in
accurately. testings are done as per the testing
testing plan definition) operators & technicians. order to optimise the plan.

No specific inspection of lab

Inspection of lab equipment as well
Inspect lab equipment and check equipment and environment is Inspection of lab equipment as well
as environment is rarely done by
environment (temperature, done by the technicians & as environment is done by The test conditions are
operators & technicians. This
humidity, alarm, cleanliness, oil operators. This activity is not operators & technicians. Inspection continuously improved.
activity is included in the testing
in the blaine, etc.) described in the testing procedure check lists are used for follow-up.
procedure but is not applied.
(if existing).

A check standard is run by A check standard is run on a There is regular dialogue with the
operators & technicians from time regular basis, as defined in the Tech Centres and with other plants
Check standards are never run by
Run check standard to ensure to time, based on specific testing plan. Specific actions are via the Quality Network in order to
operators & technicians or/and
low testing errors and requirements by management. This taken according to well defined have good knowledge of lab
there is no knowledge about testing
repeatability activity is not really documented procedures. Testing error and testing precision and inter-analyst
errors and repeatability.
and is done only occasionally and/ acceptability ranges are well-known variability to benchmark and to
or there is no action. and followed with control charts. progress.

Procedures and/or work Procedures and/or work

Laboratory tests are not under
instructions do not exist for all the instructions exist for all the tests Methods are regularly improved
Perform the analysis: manipulate control. Procedures are missing,
tests performed in lab and/or they performed in lab and they are and certification process is in place
sample and equipment to do the and no technicians or operators
are not followed. Lab equipment followed. Lab equipment (weighing for personnel performing lab
test have the required knowledge of the

Q1 Lab reliability 2/3

(weighing accuracy, blaine accuracy, blaine apparatus, etc.) is testing.
tasks and equipment.
apparatus, etc.) is used properly. used properly.

Appropriate control actions (re test, Some operators & technicians are
Validate the results in acceptable Some non-compliant data have Level C + Plausibility of results is
etc.) are taken when result is out of able to analyse the results perfectly
range tolerance and manage out already been transmitted to taken into account . Trend of
specifications, as per a well defined and to estimate the influence of the
of specifications results (re-test, production without any reaction. results is followed in order to
decision tree. Production dept is process on the results. In case of
management validation, inspect, Control actions might not always be anticipate out of specifications
informed about all non-compliant deviation, a process is in place to
re-sample, etc.) taken. results.
data. identify the causes.

A reporting tool exists (can be xls

A reporting tool exists but is not spreadsheet) and well used. A
A standard system of reporting is in
well understood by technicians & system is in place to minimise
Report results No proper reporting tools exist. use (as per Lafarge Standard) and
operators. Errors are frequent in the errors (mis-typing, numbers
is perfectly mastered.
reporting (mis-typing, units, etc). roundings, units, etc.) and is
regularly updated.

A maintenance & calibration plan

A maintenance & calibration plan is Calibration plan exists and is
Execute the calibration plan (ref. exists but it is not complete and/or Calibration methods are optimised,

not clearly defined and nobody is complete. All calibration tests are
to Q2 grid) nobody is really responsible for it Best Practices are challenged.
responsible for it. done as per the calibration plan.
and/or it is not followed.

Lab Accuracy Index <65 >65 >75 >85

The plant regularly participates in
additional IU interlab programs. Innovative ideas or initiatives to
Evaluate performance through The plant participates only in The plant participates in additional
Results of interlab tests are share with other plants, tech
round robin /Interlab mandatory Lafarge IU interlab IU interlab programs from time to
reviewed and appropriate actions centres, etc. have been
(participation, follow up) programs. time.
are taken and documented in case implemented.
of deficiency.

Procedures for calibration of lab

equipment and reagents exist, are
followed and comply with the lab

Some procedures exist for Some procedures exist for environment specification (T° /
Calibrate all equipment and take calibration of lab equipment and calibration of lab equipment and moisture). All the calibration tests Calibration methods are optimised,
appropriate action reagents, but this activity is not reagents, but they are not are done as per the procedures. Best Practices are challenged.

under control. systematically applied. Best Practices (e.g. XRF software)

calibrations are implemented.
Records and corrections are kept
on file and are auditable at any

Non-compliant equipment Non-compliant equipment is well Non conformity report is


Manage non-compliant No action is taken when equipment management is unsatisfactory. managed. Actions to be taken in documented and corrective /
equipment is out of calibration. There are no defined actions to be case of deviation are well defined & preventive actions are taken
taken in case of deviation. documented, and they are followed. accordingly.

Preventive maintenance is well

Most of the time, equipment is managed. Reliability indicator is
Equipment is repaired or replaced
repaired or replaced once failure calculated & followed, and plan B is Initiatives have already been

Maintenance of Lab equipment only once failure has occurred. No

has occurred. However, some identified. Key equipment is implemented to optimise the task.
preventive maintenance is done.
preventive maintenance exists. identified and its replacement is
budgeted & planned.

Chemicals and gas cylinders are

Chemicals and gas cylinders are
Chemicals and gas cylinders are properly disposed of. All lab

Q1 Lab reliability 3/3

properly disposed of and chemicals
Use proper storage and disposal not disposed of properly or some containers are properly labelled Initiatives have already been
are identified, but some MSDS
for chemicals & gas cylinders chemicals are not identified or no with the material they contain. implemented to optimise the task.
sheets are missing / not completed

MSDS sheets available. MSDS sheets are updated and

or updated.
available for consultation.

CRMs (Certified Reference

CRMs (Certified Reference
Materials) are not necessarily
Use proper storage to maintain Materials) are stored separately
No CRMs (Certified Reference stored separately from samples. Initiatives have already been
integrity of certified reference from samples in controlled
Materials) are used. They are not in a controlled implemented to optimise the task.
material & standards environment and certificates of
environment and/or certificates of
analysis are available.
analysis are not available.

Level C + this assessment is taken

All major risks associated with
into account by operators at all Continuous improvement is
Risk assessment is done mainly in sampling and testing activities are
Safe sampling and testing times and all necessary tools & encouraged through internal &
a reactive mode. identified using an appropriate
equipment are available in the plant external inspections and audits.
methodology (ranking, etc).
in order to prevent these risks.

Sampling & lab specific safety Lab specific safety equipment

equipment (PPE's, eye wash (PPE's, eye wash station, showers) All equipment maintenance is
Some sampling & laboratory station, showers) is well identified is well identified and accessible to documented and auditable at any
Laboratory and sampling safety

specific safety equipment is (ref to risk assessment) and all. It is available at all times and time. Continuous improvement is
missing. accessible to all. Some equipment used by all technicians & operators. encouraged through internal &

is missing from time to time and/or Equipment is inspected, cleaned external inspections and audits.
it is not used by all operators. and maintained on a regular basis.
Some technicians and operators do
The laboratory is kept clean at all
not systematically clean and tidy up
times. All operators & technicians Good laboratory practices have
their equipment after use. Some
Housekeeping & proper Laboratory housekeeping is not systematically clean and tidy up been defined and could be shared
cleaning instructions exist for
organisation acceptable. their equipment after use. Cleaning with other plants (give one example
critical equipment but are not
instructions for critical equipment in "comments").
followed or no such instructions
exist and are followed.

Some safety instructions exist but Continuous improvement is

No safety instructions defined for Safety instructions are well defined,
Safe handling & behaviour are not complete and/or not encouraged through internal &
the lab. documented and followed.
followed by everyone. external inspections and audits.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid
Operational objective: full compliance with relevant product standards, no customer complaints or concerns, no quality incidents and product-
related risks kept at a minimum.

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments
Plant's targets are not defined
Establish plant's targets to meet through a controlled process and/or Plant's targets are established Trends are regularly analysed
Process levers are well known and
Quality Objectives (for finished they are not reviewed annually annually for all products with the thanks to statistical tools to
and in-process products) and/or they are not defined for all process team. optimise plant levers.

Define the sampling plan for Sampling plan is complete and is Variographic analyses are run in
A sampling plan is available but it is
finished & intermediate product regularly reviewed taking into order to define sample frequency.
No sampling plan is defined. not complete and/or it is not
(method, location, frequency, account the representativity of Methods are reviewed and
reviewed on a regular basis.
size, responsibility and safety) samples. optimised.

Define testing plan (method,

A testing plan is available but it is
instrument, frequency, Testing plan is complete and is Methods are reviewed and
No testing plan is defined. not complete and/or it is not
parameters, responsibility and regularly reviewed & updated. optimised.
reviewed on a regular basis.

Q2 Quality control / Quality assurance 1/2

The calibration plan is regularly
Calibration plan is available but it is
Define Calibration Plan (nature of Calibration plan is complete and is challenged and improved &
No calibration plan is defined. not complete and/or it is not
tests, frequency, responsibility) regularly reviewed. systematic review of equipment by
reviewed on a regular basis.
metrological company is performed.

Key process parameters, targets

and performances are reviewed
Key process parameters having Actions are taken to optimize
Define Quality control strategy regularly (operation meeting). QC
There is no formalized Quality impact on quality are identified but performance. Benchmarking is
(measure variations, analyse records are maintained and
Control strategy. there is no precise strategy to done with other plants having the
trends, statistics) controlled. Trends are analysed
optimize them. same equipment.
according to plant capabilities &

Compliance with local standards is

Local standards are ignored and ensured. Latest applicable version
Ensure compliance to industry
not reviewed on a regular basis of standard is available in the plant. Level C + good management of Active participation in certification
standards (ASTM, EN or local
and/or the latest version of the Audits and inspections are relations with the certification body. bodies.
standard is not available. performed as required by


Quality contract is established with

Level C + contract is based on in-
participation of plant and mktg, but
No quality contract exists, or it is depth knowledge of plant There is a formalized benchmark of
plant capabilities and customer
Set IQP & Quality contract established without communication capabilities and market data the plant's products versus the
Mgrs + Marketing

needs are not fully taken into

between plant and marketing. (segmentation, value proposition, market.
account. The IQP calculation is
based on quality contract.
Mgrs + M
QUA Quality objectives are set annually
Quality objectives are set annually
according to the quality contract
No quality improvement objectives according to the Quality contract
Set Quality improvement and result in an action plan which is Formalised benchmarking of the
are defined or they are not in line but there is no action plan resulting
objectives fully implemented. Personal plant's products versus the market.
with Quality contract. from it or the action plan is not fully
objectives are well defined through
this action plan.

Characterisation of the product is

done using suitable techniques to Characterisation of the product is
Techniques used for product
ensure compliance with quality done using suitable techniques to
Characterise product to ensure characterisation are inadequate to Innovative characterisation method
contract. However, suitable ensure compliance with quality
compliance with Quality contract ensure compliance with quality has been promoted at the plant.
measurement tools are not fully contract. Suitable measurement
available to ensure total tools are available at the plant.

A system is in place to ensure

Q2 Quality control / Quality assurance 2/2

A system is in place to ensure quality of shipped material (release
quality of shipped material (release procedure) and proper equipment
There is no system in place to Methods (plant procedures, quality
procedure). However, proper are in place to avoid contamination
Ensure good delivery of product ensure compliance of shipped contract, transition production at

equipment (storage facilities, and deterioration of product

and delivery of the right product product. Wrong deliveries are the bagging machine, etc.) are
proper loading and bagging, fringe (storage facilities, proper loading
experienced from time to time. reviewed and optimised.

bin) is not fully available to ensure and bagging, fringe bin). Records
total compliance. of release exist & material shipped
is perfectly traceable.

Management of non conforming Re-introduction/re-process of non-

products exists but is not conforming product is tested for The plant is able to anticipate and
Manage non-conforming There is no specific management of

formalised and there is no specific compliance. A formal system is in prevent non- conformity from
products non-conforming products.
communication with Sales & place for communication & follow- occurring.
Marketing. up with Sales & Marketing.

All complaints are closed or in

The plant is involved in the process of active resolution and
customer complaints process, but corrective actions are documented. Preventive actions are taken
Complaints are not taken into

Manage customer complaints only a few get results and there is Rules of communication have been following investigations of customer
account at the plant level.
no systematic approach to follow- established with Sales & Marketing. complaints.
up on complaints. The complaint handling BP is

Control of records is done but is not Records are traceable (original The system guarantees that all
integrated into the quality plan. The version, changes, etc.). Quality data is retained for a significant
There is no control of records.

Ensure integrity of data retention policy is not clearly data can be retrieved easily period (Lafarge rule = 10 years)
Integrity of data is not ensured.
defined. Uncontrolled changes according to a record retention and can be extracted without
could happen. policy. possibility of data corruption.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: well managed process measurements are fundamantal to optimising the reliability and efficiency of the process

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments
Technicians/ Production

Perform basic Aims to continually improve the


All basic measurements are conducted by

measurements Plant is not able to perform basic All basic measurements are accurracy of measurements and to
a Process Technician or Production
(temperature, moisture, measurements conducted by the Process Engineer increase the involvement of the
pressure) production team

Pc1 Process Mesurement Management 1/2

Portable gas analysers (CO and CO2)
are used according to written procedures Operators in charge are able to
Plant does not perform sampling

Measure gas composition Plant does not perform all the gas on a regular basis. The sampling system analyse the impact of gas moisture
and measurements properly.
& gas moisture with analyses. Moisture is not is chosen according to temperature, dust and composition on pyroprocessing
Procedures are missing. The
portable gas analysers, determined on a regular basis. concentration and moisture. The line characteristics (especially the
sampling frequency is not defined
psychrometer and silica Procedures are not fully applied if appropriate method for moisture flowrate) to optimize them.
and the accuracy of measurements
gel they exist. measurements is chosen according to the Adjustements are done by following

is insufficient.
temperature (if T° > 150°C, the silica gel procedures.
is used, otherwise psychrometer).

Plant is proficient in the use of isokinetic

dust method and the results
determination. The actual testing can be Technician performs all dust

Dust measurement is not done on a

performed by competent persons from the measurements with an isokinetic
Measure dust level with regularly basis or the procedure is
plant or by contractors provided their dust sampling probe and masters
isokinetic dust sampling Plant does not measure dust level. not formalised. Technicians are not
work is overseen by a competent person all the sampling methods and
probe sufficiently trained to use the
from the plant. The plant follows the guidelines for location and data
isokinetic dust sampling probe.
country regulations for calibration, interpretations.
sampling and calculation (if available),
otherwise the international standards.
Technicians/ Production

Usually clinker production is estimated

from raw weighing feeders (calibrated by
regular material extraction) and from the Plant uses a system to record the
Plant does not weigh clinker and

raw mix coefficient. This coefficient is history of weigh checks.

Weigh feeder calibration Plant does not know check the raw mix on regular basis and
established and cross-checked through Organises meeting to discuss
check by belt weigh off accuracy of the material flowrate estimates material flowrate mainly
the effective clinker production. Clinker is measurements and implement
from stock data.
weighed during 24 hours at least once a actions plan to improve results.
year. Raw material flowrate is established
Does not have all the equipment (in Does not own all the equipment but
The plant has all the necessary portable
Availability of equipment, working condition) or measuring borrows additional from other Performs tests of new equipment
equipment, measuring points and
measuring points and points necessary so cannot perform plants or TC so that it is generally with the aim to continuously
standard calculation tools to conduct
calculation tools all the audits. Needs are not really available to perform the develop measuring techniques.
identified. measurements.

Calibration is done regularly (at least

Calibrations (infrared

once a year) according to a calibration

pyrometer, thermocouple,
schedule and written procedures for all
stroboscope, non contact The plant organises the equipment
Calibrations are not done, only a Calibrations are done but not the required portable measurement
tachymeter, isokinetic calibration and ensures a complete
few procedures exist and/or they regularly, and most of the equipment. Last update of international
dust sampling probe, set of equipment is available at all
are not really applied. procedures are applied. and/or local calibration standards are
digital manometers, S and times.
known. The calibration is contracted to an
L pitot tubes,

expert agency only if necessary (e.g. for


Gas analysers calibrated, but not

every time for a series of tests A written procedure exists for the The plant organises the equipment
Gas analysers rarely or never
Calibration of Portable and/or written procedure exists but calibration of portable gas analysers and calibration and ensures a complete
calibrated and/or there is no written
Gas Analysers is not fully applied. Plant calibrates is fully applied for every series of tests set of equipment is available at all

Pc1 Process Mesurement Management 2/2

the portable gas analysers from a done on site. times.
sample of standard gas bottles.

Equipment are maintained according to a

No maintenance is conducted on The plant organises the equipment
schedule. Usually it would an involve
Portable equipment the portable equipment. Equipment Maintenance is conducted, but not maintenance and ensures a
offsite contractor. Calibration and
Maintenance is kept in poor condition and is on a planned basis. complete set of equipment is
maintenance recording of main portable
consequently quite unreliable. available at all times.
equipment is implemented.
Technicians / Production operators

Reviews the effectiveness of the

A plan exists for verification of the process control instrumentation and
Verfication of Process process control sensors on a frequent aims to optimise the information
Control Instrumentation basis (e.g. gas analysis weekly, presented to the CCR operators.
Verification not done or only Verification done, but no planning
(for temperature, pressure, temperature and pressure 3 monthly) This would include additionnal
partially done. or corrective action procedure.
speed of rotation, gas Procedures are used to determine sensors where necessary,
analysis) corrective action when significant reviewing the location of sensors
differences are found. and new improved sensors for

greater reliability.

The plant follows a plan to track false air All the measurements data are
False air is not measured False air is tracked and repaired,
level in the preheater, raw mill, coal mill recorded and compared with other
False air measurements frequently or only in case of but with a frequency of two months
and cement mills on a regular basis, at plants results to identify points to
problem. or greater.
least monthly. be improved.

Fans are checked at least yearly and

after any major work in accordance with
Fan performance checked, but not the Best Practice 'Monitoring the
Discusses issues with suppliers
Fan Performance Fan performance checked only on on a planned basis, or no follow up Performance of Fan Systems'. Suppliers
and continually seeks to maximise
Management a few major fans, not systematically actions defined. Manufacturer are involved if necessary. This should
Technicians / Engineer

fan efficiency.
specifications are not known. have a follow up check list on
actions/checks to make in the case of
finding low efficiency.
Technicians / E
Sharing of audits with other plants
An audit plan exists concerning all the
and Technical Centre. Specific
Audits are mainly done internally, audits. Assistance of TC's is not required,
Audits (Mini and full mill audits / measurements are defined
occasionally with the assistance of but sometimes discussed with TC for
audits, Mini kiln audits, Audits are not done by the plant. to investigate opportunities to
TC's. There is no formalized audit second opinion. All audits have brief
combustion audits) optimise the process not covered in
plan and/or no written reports. written report with conclusions and
standard audits. For example -
practical actions to improve the process.
precalciner temperature profile.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: the data provided by sensors are reliable enough to allow process control optimisation

Level D Level C Level B Level A

Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments

Determine needs and

Formal needs analysis is done in
techniques to be used (for No needs analysis is done and/or Comparative study of the various
Informal needs analysis is done in collaboration with process dept.
gas analysis, determine no collaboration with process dept. techniques available, taking into
collaboration with process dept. Agreement is reached as to choice
gases concerned, ranges in the choice of method. account past experiences.
of method.
and testing principles)

Sampling point location Partial study, not sufficient to Formal study considering
Distance between sampling point
(for analyser probes: No formal technical study on ensure best location is chosen (e.g. accessibility, representivity of
and analyzer is minimized
place, direction, angle and sampling point location. no comparison of alternative measurements and manufacturer
(response time < 30 seconds).
cooling) locations). recommendations.

Pc2 Managing critical process sensors

Choice made in formal manner
Sensors are chosen with no
All criteria not always considered based on needs of process,

Choice of sensor device consideration of criteria given in B Study of sensors already installed
when choosing, and/or choice not reliability, precision of
(cf. table below) and/or without collaboration of helps optimize future choices.
made in a formal manner. measurements and supplier
process dept.

Partly formalized tech. study does Specs are formalized and include Comparative study of sensor
Tech. Study preparation
No formal tech. study prior to work. not address all issues related to plant specificities and supplier quality (reliability, response time,

for installation
sensor installation. recommendations. etc.)

Work is improvised due to lack of

Installation/wiring Prior tech. study is only partial Prior tech. study is complete and is Electrical diagrams are
prior tech. study or because it is not
(contracted out or not) and/or its application is not verified. followed; results are validated. systematically updated.

Validity and integrity of signal are When in doubt, internal

Calibration is not rigorously and/or Calibration is done only as per
Calibration checked. A formal procedure exists comparisons are systematically
systematically done. manufacturer recommendations.
for calibration and implementation. done.

Analyzer environment is temp.
Supplier recommendations for There is a system for eliminating
No study is done of analyzer controlled and equipped w/
Gas Analyzers: Ensure installation are followed, but build ups (if study indicates need)
environment; no actions are taken dry/clean compressed air blowback
stable environment and cleaning of probe an other actions and temp. monitoring to ensure
to ensure stable measurement system (if study indicates need).
measurement conditions to ensure stable conditions are stability of measurement
conditions. Probe condition is regularly
done only occasionally. conditions.

Measurement chains are

Gas Analyzers: Identify Measurement chains not identified Measurement chains are written Integrity of measurement chain is
systematically identified, from
measurement chain and for all sensors and/or are not down but are not always analyzed systematically checked after
analyzer to control system. Data
check data integrity written down. in terms of data integrity. modification.
integrity is ensured.
Scheduling of preventive checks is
Maintenance plan is regularly
Maintenance plan is formalized, but according to sensor type (supplier
There is no formalized updated and optimized (scheduling
Written maintenance plan does not contain all instructions (cf. recommendations); visual checks
maintenance plan. adjustments, specific checks noted,
Level B). every 6 mos., preventive
etc.) based on lessons learned.
maintenance, calibration.

Some critical sensors are regularly Regular visual checks of all critical
They are not regularly inspected Job plan is optimized according to
Maintenance of other checked, but no details study has sensors (identified by study), with
and action is taken only in case of maintenance experience with each
sensor types been done to determine criticality an updated record sheet for each
problem/incident. type of sensor.
levels. one.

Cabinet inspection is done weekly

Cabinet is regularly inspected and and according to a detailed

analyzer calibrated, but there are procedure. Preventive replacement Job plan is optimized and
Maintenance of gas Cabinet is inspected only form time
no written procedures. Preventive of filters, pump valves, humidity measurement chain (probe to

Pc2 Managing critical process sensors


analyzers to time and/or same for calibration.

maintenance actions are not sensor, etc. Analyzers are analyzer) is regularly recalibrated.
systematically done. calibrated monthly with standard

Sensor condition is systematically

checked and main maintenance
Level C + measurement chain is Manufacturer servicing is
Annual shutdown No particular maintenance program work is done (dismantling and
checked with CCR at the end of the scheduled during kiln stops.
maintenance during annual kiln shutdown. cleaning). Replacement or
annual campaign. Transmitter scales are checked.
servicing of analyzers is

There is a list of sensitive parts (i.e. Maximum unavailability time is

No particular management system Management is done on an those that should be in stock); list is known and supplies are maintained
Spare parts management
for spare parts. informal basis. kept up to date to track parts based on knowledge of most critical
availability. parts or most probable incidents.

Operations personnel are trained in

1st level maintenance, and
Operations personnel point out all Failure rates and system
No permanent, organized procedures are available to them

Collaboration with observed irregularities but are not unavailability due to minor incidents
collaboration with operations and are used (incident simulation,
operations personnel able to take appropriate action. is analyzed. Preventive measures
personnel. checklists, coherence between
Observations are followed up on. are taken.
diagnosis and prescribed actions,

Daily analysis of historized data for

Data historization rigorously done Historized data for the various
all sensors in collaboration with
Analysis of historized Data historization not always done only for some sensors and/or sensors are systematically

process dept., taking into account

sensor data and/or not analyzed. analyses are done only by process compared to check signal quality.
stability or measurement conditions
teams. Drifts are tracked and analyzed.
and measurement reliability.

Gas/Fire detectors are


Gas analyzer safety: Past experiences (including form

systematically installed and
Secure the installation No particular safety measures are Not all safety measures are other plants) are known and taken

regularly tested. Standard gas

(possible presence of in place for gas analyzers. implemented (cf. level B). into consideration when deciding
cylinders are store outside the
toxic gases and acids) on analyzer safety measures.
analyzer cabinet.
Basic Skills Self-Assessment Grid


Operational objective: control system is reliable and ensures safe operations and protection of equipment. It provides accurate reporting and allows
process optimisation
Level D Level C Level B Level A
Fully dependent Partly dependent Autonomous Optimise and share Level Comments
All the analogical loops are
The cards are protected with fuses protected against electrical
Hardware management (I/O I/O cards analysis are
and all I/O cards/hardware malfunctions. All hardware
cards changes, input equipment I/O cards are only changed after systematically done when a
replacements are anticipated and problems are identified thanks to
replacement, input systems failure. stoppage takes place because of
planned with the maintenance preventive maintenance and
network verification, etc) I/O card or hardware problems.
team. communicated to the supplier for

Procedures exist and are used.

Some procedures are written and Backup parts are regularly checked. There is a "virtual store" between
control system inspections are All the spare parts are available in plants of the same region or with
Backup parts management There is no backup management.

done but not planned around plant the plant and equipment supplier where all spare parts are
stoppages. inspections are planned during the registered.
plant shutdown.

The plant can manage small

Adding components (minor Hardware configuration of new All the modifications are managed
The modifications are always modifications such as I/O
modifications, network shops and network connections can internally, including reporting,

Pc3 Control system management 1/2

driven by suppliers. configuration but needs external
extension, addition of a rack,etc.) be handled internally. timing and all commissioning.
help for software programming.

There are no special PC room Preventive maintenance is done for

Utilities (air-conditioning, Computers are installed in a
and/or computers are not always Air-conditioning and UPS are protection systems and needs are


dedusting, UPS…) and safety special room, regularly cleaned and

dedusted and/or they are not provided. anticipated according to the system
issues (fire in particular) protected from fire.
protected from fire. changes.

Disk backup are systematically All backups are done and easily
Software agent have been installed
Disk backups are not done done but their follow-up is not retrievable.Bachups are stored in a
Data backup management to verify that backups have been
systematically. planned or the scheduling is not fireproof cabinet located in a room
always respected. other than the PC room.

Secure connections to Lafarge

The system is secure but Internal network access is well
Security management (access, networks can be managed at plant
Nothing special is done for security. passwords are not often changed managed, passwords are changed
anti-virus…) level. A technological watch is in
and antivirus is not always updated. regularly and antivirus is updated.
place for antivirus systems.

The plant can perform some of Automation team is able to design

Applications development Loops are optimised and
these developments but needs sequences and shop startups
(security, start up, equipment The plant need external help to automation team is able to
external help to solve problems of including active security. Control
control, problem solving develop these types of applications. anticipate Process, Electrical and
software programming (for loops are regularly reviewed and
loops,etc) Mechanical troubles.
example). incidents are analysed.

Equipment is monitored with the Historic data are used to follow all Automation team is able to create

Equipment follow-up There is no follow-up.

PCS system tools. equipment with a daily reporting. new reporting (SQL query).

Procedures are regularly updated.

Some procedures are written and All procedures are written and used
PCS maintenance procedures There are no procedures. New ones are created when the
used. regularly.
need arises.
Application documentation is
Technicians available and regularly updated
Documentation is up to date and
Original documentation is available. caters to the specific needs cement
There is no documentation for (functional analysis, operator
Documentation PCS & IT Additional plant-specific plants,
applications installed at the plant. manuals, latest electrical drawings,
documentation is partially written. Documentation can be used by
etc,). Classification system is clear
and logical.

Best available tools are identified

Techonogical watch for Needs are systematically identified, thanks to a thorough technological
No technological watch and/or Some needs are identified, but are

computer products. Anticipation and are based on failure rate watch. Precise studies are done to
changes not anticipated. not based on failure rate analysis.

of system developments. analysis. optimise upgrades according to

plant needs.

All technical specification are

Ability to design major upgrades
The plant can write some written by the plant team,
internally (e.g. integration of a Nobody can write specifications for Comparative grids are done for

specifications but they must be IT knowledge is sufficient for to

new shop into the existing this kind of project. benchmarking of integrators.
checked externally. manage integrators and evaluate
their work.

Pc3 Control system management 2/2

PCS Administration (access

All PCS administration is done by

configuration, I/O mgmt., There is no PCS administrator in Problems are not always detected Warning system is installed for

the plant, including programming

configuration & the plant. and/or solved internally. detecting problems.
and problem solving.

IT network administration, mgmt

Network administration is done by
of data extraction systems and There is no network administrator Problems are not always detected Warning system is installed for
the plant, including programming

tranmission of data to other in the plant. and/or solved internally. detecting problems.
and problem solving.

Licences of all software versions

IT licences management (at BU The plant cannot quickly give the Licences availability ( for multi- Licences costs are optimised
are systmatically registered: a
or plant level) stauts of licences. licence) can be known at any time. thanks to multi-licences or other.
status can be given at any time.

All applications are connected

The PCS system is connected to
The architecture application can within the plant. Knowledge of the
No structure for architecture external applications and external

Inter-application architecture only connect a part of systems PCS team is sufficient to manage a
application has been developed. access to plant databases are well
within the plant. contractor for developing inter-
application architecture.

Most plant problems are solved All hot line calls are logged for
There is no hot line or support Support exists but only small
Internal support (hotline) internally, only the most analysis (statistics, weakness, etc)

available internally. problems are solved.

complicated require external help. and identifying FAQs.

Modifications are systematically Booklets giving usefull information

Formal communication with other
There is no communication with communicated and the other teams about IT networks and tools are
Training/communication with teams within the plant is done only
other departments in the plant even are trained in first level given to all plant employees and/or
other departments for major modifications or if a new

when the IT system is modified. diagnostics/interventions ( e.g.: there is specific training for
system is implemented.
restart the server) newcomers.

Know-how transmission All essential procedures are

People in charge of control system
concerning older equipment and Some essential procedures are written : the knowledge is shared
This Know-how is not transmitted. are members of a community of
old software versions used in the written. within the department and
plant. transmitted in case of departure.
The grids are sorted by domains: each department of the plant should assess collectively its own level under the
responsibility of the manager.
(that explains why there are two grids about contractors, one for the maintenance team and one for the production team)

Two levels of responsibility are mainly The column «comments» should be used in
identified: Technicians (operators, particular:
supervisors, etc.) & Managers. Each level includes the level below - each time you hesitate between two levels
(i.e. you are at level A only if you do what is - each time you choose level A
described at level B & A, etc.)
- each time the task does not concern your plant

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