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Article title: The Influence of Strategic Human Resource Management on Emotional


University of Gondar
Postgraduate program in Management studies

Individual assignment for the course seminar in Human

Resource management

By Yadergal A.

Submitted to: Teshale B. (Associate Professor of Management)

January, 2022

Zawahir Siddique(2007), The Influence of Strategic Human Resource Management on

Emotional Competencies, International Review of Business Research Papers ,Vol. 3 No.4 ,
The article, “The Influence of Strategic Human Resource Management on Emotional
Competencies” by Zawahir Siddique tried explores the implications of Strategic Human
Resource Management on Emotional Competencies.

The author looked on literature reviews to explore the role of HRM practice on emotional
intelligence stated that HR professionals become more involved in the overall strategy of an
organization to develop a set of complementary competencies that force HR to redefine its
role. This new paradigm i.e. Emotional intelligence according to the author, will allow it to
excel in a competitive environment. The author adopted Daniel Goleman’s revised model, or
framework of emotional intelligence currently consists of twenty emotional competencies
such as Self-awareness(Emotional Self-awareness, Self-assessment,Self-confidence), social
awareness( Empathy, Orientation,Organizational Awareness), self-management( Emotional
Self-control, Trustworthiness , Conscientiousness , Adaptability , Achievement Drive,
Initiative) and relationship management( Developing others , Influence , Communication,
Conflict Managemen ,Visionary Leadership , Catalyzing Change , Building Bonds
,Teamwork and collaboration). Nonetheless, the author has failed to mention which
competence is more relevance to organizational performance rather added that the key factors
that will help businesses succeed in today's competitive environment are: Globalization, cost-
effective growth, and capability focus.

The author explained that Self-Monitoring and In-depth Interviewing are two effective ways
to promote Self-Awareness in EI coaching interventions. Anger Management Programs and
Counter Conditioning are effective methods to enhance Self-Regulation. Methods like
Achievement Motivation Training are used to promote self-Motivation. Hiring is one of the
quickest ways to increase emotional intelligence in an organization. Unless an organization
has a critical mass of emotionally intelligent personnel, there may not be a significant impact.
Organizations can use HR applications such as hiring, training and executive coaching to
select for and develop emotional intelligence.

To select those with EI, the author recommended the application of Behavioral Event
Interview (BEI) which is an operant measure designed to capture naturally occurring
behavior. By enabling the candidate to choose the events, the BEI evaluates the competencies
that the candidate is most likely to exhibit. The BEI can last for over three hours and is one of
the best techniques for selecting for emotional intelligence. Targeted BEIs use questions
designed to focus candidates on incidents likely to reveal competencies pertinent to the job

being filled. Another time-and-cost-saving technique is training the interviewer to code
emotional competencies. Some organizations opt for a videotaped interview and depend on
trained coders to analyze them later.

The author also revised various theories and stated that Emotional competency based theory
of performance predicts positive links between EI leadership, organizational climate and
subsequent performance. Four out of six leadership styles - visionary, affliliative, democratic
and coaching - drive organizational climate in a positive direction. He added, the most
effective leaders integrate four or more of the six styles regularly. Singh(2006) revealed
however , Contrary to the popular belief that ‘time heals’, there is evidence to show that
emotions such as fear, grief or the memory of a trauma, do not just fade away. They diminish
in intensity if you repeatedly expose yourself to the unpleasant memories in a relaxed
atmosphere or under less stressful conditions. Far from this, other Studies (for example, as
cited by robins, 2003) have looked at the link between HRM policies and practices and
organizational performance has found that certain policies and practices have a positive
impact on performance. One study reported that significantly improving an organization's
HRM practices could increase its market value by as much as 30 percent. The term used to
describe these practices that lead to such results is not emotional intelligence but high-
performance work practices. High-performance work practices can lead to both high
individual and high organizational performance. The common thread in these practices
seems to be a commitment to improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of an
organization's employees, increasing their motivation, reducing loafing on the job, and
enhancing the retention of quality employees while encouraging nonperformers to leave

After all, the author concluded that organizations need to hire for emotional competency
along with technical skills or business expertise. When it comes to promotions and succession
planning, emotional aptitude should be a major criterion. However, the author failed to
distinguish which type of job requires EI as researchers (for example Martin Yate, 1977)
have looked at the talents and abilities needed to excel in many types of jobs and found that
Jobs that can be completed alone or with others in a fixed, set, or structured manner do not
necessitate a high level of emotional intelligence.

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