Social Science - Attempt Review

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10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Dashboard My courses DepEdLEPTReview-Y2021 GENERAL EDUCATION Social Science

Started on Saturday, 23 October 2021, 12:07 PM
 State Finished
Completed on Saturday, 23 October 2021, 12:57 PM
 Time taken 49 mins 52 secs
Grade 32.00 out of 50.00 (64%)

Question 1 Who is the public announcer
of the barangay who announce
 Correct barangay laws and promulgations during the Pre
Mark 1.00 out period?

of 1.00

Select one:

 a. Friars

b. Conquistadores
 c. Umalohokan 

d. Datu

The correct answer is: Umalohokan

Question 2 If Christianity is the

legacy of the Spaniards to Filipinos, what
Correct then is the legacy of the Americans?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:
a. Universal access to education 

b. Puppet government

c. Duty Free shops

d. Encomienda system

The correct answer is: Universal access to education 1/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 3 Excavated burial jars in the Philippines reflect the same

Incorrect designs and
purposes like that of Taiwan’s, Indonesia’s, and
Mark 0.00 out Japan’s, among other Asian
of 1.00
 What does this suggest

Select one:

a. It points to traces of possible Austronesian peopling in
various parts
of Asia.

b. It suggests the presence of active trading relations
 within the
Southeast region.

c. It suggests the presence of highly complex beliefs

 which include those
pertaining to the afterlife realm.

d. It suggests that giving funeral gifts to the dead before

 they proceed to
afterlife is common among ancient Asian
societies. 

 The correct answer is: It suggests the presence of active

trading relations within the
Southeast region.

 Question 4 In the word “kasaysayan”, what is its root word which also
Correct implies that
kasaysayan must have sense or relevance?

 Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:
a. salaysay

b. saya

c. kasaysay

d. saysay 

The correct answer is: saysay

Question 5 The rise of the propagandists can be considered a glorious

Incorrect moment in
Philippine History. They worked out a tripartite
Mark 0.00 out view of history composed of
liwanag (pre-colonial era),
of 1.00 kadiliman(colonial era)  and muling pagliwanag ( post-
colonial or
Which of the following statements does not match with the
being described?

Select one:
a. “They have endeavored to make us abandon our good
customs, initiating
the people in a false belief.” – post-
colonial or liberation.

b. “We were deceived by their offers to guide us on the

paths of wisdom and
increased prosperity” - colonial

c. “This would bring to our people, one in blood and

brotherhood, happiness
without end.” – post colonial or
liberation 

d. “These islands were governed by our own compatriots

who were   living
in the greatest abundance and
prosperity.”– pre-colonial

The correct answer is: “They have endeavored to make us

abandon our good customs, initiating
the people in a false
belief.” – post-colonial or liberation. 2/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 6 Which of the following works is a primary source of a

Incorrect historical

Mark 0.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:

a. Cracks in the Parchment Curtain by W. Henry Scott 

 b. Liwanag at Dilim -Emilio Jacinto

c. The 1st Voyage Around the World –Antonio Pigafetta

d. Pasyon at Revolution – Reynaldo Ileto

The correct answer is: The 1st Voyage Around the World –
 Antonio Pigafetta

Question 7 Who led the longest revolt in Philippine

 Correct

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

 of 1.00
a. Diego Silang

b. Macario Sakay

c. Francisco Dagohoy 
 d. Andres Bonifacio

The correct answer is: Francisco Dagohoy

Question 8 In Rizal’s “El Amor

Patrio”, he pointed out that the greatest,
Incorrect most heroic love one could offer is
his love for his country.
Mark 0.00 out Which work of Andres Bonifacio also had the same
of 1.00
and which line best captures it?

Select one:

Dekalogo ng Katipunan – ang matapat na

sa Kanya ay ang pag-ibig sa tinubuang



Pag-ibig saTinubuangLupa – Alingpag-ibig pa

kaya? Wala  na nga wala.

c. Kartilya–  Ang tunay na pag-ibig sa.

Diyos ay siyang
tunay na  pag-ibig din sa  Lupang Tinubuan.

d. Pahimakas- ang mamatay ay siyang pagkagupiling!

The correct answer is:

Pag-ibig saTinubuangLupa – Alingpag-ibig pa

kaya? Wala  na nga wala. 3/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 9
In Rizal’s toast
speech for the Filipinos who won in the 1884
Madrid exposition, he again
emphasized that Filipinos can
Mark 0.00 out also become great artists of world class.
of 1.00
 Which of the following best captures his

Select one:
 a. We are all equal in the eyes of God.

b. Everyone has an appointed place under the sun.

c. Genius knows no race.
 d. The deeds of the great will be rewarded. 

The correct answer is: Genius knows no race.

 Question 10 According to Guerrero,

three factors could explain Rizal’s
Correct lackluster performance at UST.
 Mark 1.00 out Which of
these factors was institutional and well reflected in
of 1.00
one of the chapters of El
Filibusterismo involving Placido
 Penitente?

 Select one:
a. Hostility of the Dominican professors to Rizal

b. Racial discrimination against Filipino students

c. Rizal’s dislike for

medicine as a course

d. Obsolete and repressive method of instruction 

The correct answer is: Obsolete and repressive method of


Question 11
R.A. 1425 mandates the teaching of
the life, works and writings
of Rizal in all schools in the country.
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 Which of
the following is not an objective of
the teaching of

Select one:
a. to expose the evils of the Spanish government and the
Catholic church
during that time 

b. to pay tribute to our national hero’s contribution in

shaping the
Filipino character and nation

c. to rededicate the lives of the youth to the ideals of

freedom and

d. to offer an inspiring source of patriotism through the

study of Rizal’s
life, works and writings

The correct answer is: to expose the evils of the Spanish

government and the Catholic church
during that time 4/20
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Question 12 What is the famous literary work where Rizal

voices out the
Correct conviction that women should be educated, should be more
Mark 1.00 out active
in the affairs of the society and should hold public
of 1.00 office?

Select one:

a. My First Inspiration

 b. To the Flowers of Heidelberg

c. Letter to the Young Women of Malolos 

 d. To the Maria Clara

The correct answer is: Letter to the Young Women of Malolos

 Question 13 The government takes the

land of Mr. Chino for a government
Correct project upon payment of just compensation.  He resisted the
 Mark 1.00 out government’s action.
of 1.00
power of the government was involved in this situation?

Select one:
 a. Power of eminent domain 

b. Power of taxation

c. Police power

d. Absolute power of the state

The correct answer is: Power of eminent domain

Question 14 Every time Ashley’s parents

leave their house, they put Ashley
Correct on a room and padlock the door without food,
water and
Mark 1.00 out sunlight.
of 1.00
What child rights
were violated?

Select one:
a. The right of the parents to
rear their children in the
manner most convenient to them.

b. The right to healthful well-being

and ecology, and the
right to child protection, care and support. 

c. The right to life and


d. The right to travel and

have a beautiful home.

The correct answer is: The right to healthful well-being

ecology, and the right to child protection, care and support. 5/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 15 Whose responsibility is it

to ensure that Filipino children are
Incorrect provided quality education?
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 Select one:

a. Quality education is all
but children’s task

 b. Quality education is
everybody’s concern

c. Quality education is every

parent’s and school’s task.

d. Quality education is all
but a teacher’s and student’s
responsibility 

 The correct answer is: Quality education is every

parent’s and
school’s task.

 Question 16 Section 1 of Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution clearly

Incorrect states that “The Philippines is a democratic and republican
 Mark 0.00 out state. Sovereignty
resides in the people and all government
of 1.00 authority emanates from them.” 
 Which of the following options specifically
demonstrates the
“republican” nature of the Philippines?

Select one:
 a. All government authority comes from all the members
of the society. 

b. People’s consensus on an
issue may be sought
through a referendum.

c. Members of the Senate and Congress are elected by

voting public.

d. Any Filipino citizen can run for an elective position.

The correct answer is: Members of the Senate and Congress

are elected by the
voting public. 6/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 17
Reference:   Sec 1 of the Bill of Rights states that “No
shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
Mark 0.00 out process of
law, nor shall any person be denied the equal
of 1.00
 protection of the laws.”
 Situation:  A government official was issued a formal
of sexual harassment by the Committee on Decorum and
 Investigation.
Consequently, a preventive suspension order
was issued to the official with the
commencement of the
 formal investigation.
 Problem:  Is the official denied equal
protection before the

 Select one:
a. Yes, because it means that
the law is siding with the
 complainant by suspending the respondent while
investigation is on-going.

 b. No, because being a person in authority, he/she might

resort to acts
contrary to law that will unduly influence the

c. No, because he/ she can tamper whatever evidence is
 there in his/her office, being the head of the unit.

d. Yes, because he/she has the right to defend

himself/herself and prove
his/her innocence of the
charge filed against him/her. 

The correct answer is: No, because being a person in

authority, he/she might resort to acts
contrary to law that will
unduly influence the investigation. 7/20
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Question 18 Section 10 of Article II (Declaration of

Principles and State
Incorrect Policies) declares that “The State shall promote social
Mark 0.00 out in all phases of national development.” Those who have “less
of 1.00 in life must have more in law”
echoes the principle of social


Which of the following programs does not directly exemplify


 Select one:
a. The Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Progam invests in
 health and education of poor families, primarily
those with
children aged 0-18. 

b. The Department of Trade and Industry expands
shoemaking shared service facility in Davao to benefit
 out- of- school youth,
youth in the marginalized
communities and persons with disability.
 c. The Sustainable Livelihood Program of the DSWD seeks
to improve the participants’ socio-economic status
 through micro-enterprise
development and employment
 d. Capacity-building programs that ensure the
development and practice of
organic agriculture are
 launched by the Department of Agriculture to promote
health and safe farming practices.

The correct answer is: Capacity-building programs that

ensure the development and practice of
organic agriculture
are launched by the Department of Agriculture to promote
health and safe farming practices.

Question 19 The Philippines, being a democratic and republican state

Correct also adopts a
presidential form of government.
Mark 1.00 out
Which of the following is the principal
identifying feature of a
of 1.00
presidential form of government?

Select one:

There is separation of powers

legislative, judicial) in the government. 

b. The government remains in power as long as it enjoys

the support of the majority of the legislature.

c. The president is elected or

holds office for a fixed term.

d. The members of the cabinet are simultaneously

members of the

The correct answer is:

There is separation of powers

legislative, judicial) in the government. 8/20
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Question 20 Section 8 of Article III states that “The right of the people,
Correct including
those employed in the public and private sectors,
Mark 1.00 out to form unions, associations,
or societies for purposes not
of 1.00 contrary to law shall not be abridged.”  Similarly, this was

expressed in Sec 6 of Art
III of the 1935 Constitution, stating
that the right to form associations or
societies for purposes
 not contrary to law shall not be abridged.  As could be
observed, the phrase including those employed in the public
 sector and the word unions were
added in the 1987 Philippine
 For what purposes are these added?

 Select one:
a. To specify that the right belongs to all people including
 those in the
public and private sector and that this right
includes the right to form
unions. 

 b. To specify that this right also guarantees those in

private and public sectors the right not to join an
 association.

c. To specify that even those serving in the government

 are also guaranteed the right to form unions.

d. To ensure that those joining unions will not be

 terminated or penalized by the company or institution
they work with.

The correct answer is: To specify that the right belongs to all
people including those in the
public and private sector and
that this right includes the right to form

Question 21 The decrease of fish in the

Philippine seas has been reported.
Correct BFAR
reported the possible extinction of the smallest fish
Mark 1.00 out endemic to the
of 1.00
What could be the root cause of this problem?

Select one:
a. Pollution of beaches in the

b. Irresponsible fishing and destruction

of coral reefs 

c. Proliferation of use of
smaller nets

d. Diving of foreigners

The correct answer is: Irresponsible fishing and destruction

coral reefs

Question 22 The government spent more

than it has collected in taxes.
What would be its result?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00
Select one:
a. Taxation

b. Fiscal deficit 

c. Corruption

d. Fund transfer

The correct answer is: Fiscal deficit 9/20
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Question 23 The objective of the

agrarian reform program is to provide
Correct lands to the landless.
Mark 1.00 out Which of the
following is NOT considered as beneficiaries of
of 1.00
 the CARP or Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Program?

Select one:

a. Children of landowners who
are at least 15 years of age
 
b. Seasonal farm workers
 c. Regular farm workers

d. Agricultural lessees and


 The correct answer is: Children of landowners who

are at
least 15 years of age

 Question 24 The Philippine agrarian

problem has its roots in the colonial
Incorrect past.
 Mark 0.00 out
What is the main issue of agrarian problem
in the Philippines?
of 1.00

 Select one:
a. Graft and corruption

b. Land distribution

c. Environmental degradation 

d. Nepotism

The correct answer is: Land distribution

Question 25 One company controls the

distribution and production of
Correct sugar in the market.
Mark 1.00 out What does this situation

of 1.00

Select one:
a. Monopoly 

b. Inflation

c. Equilibrium

d. Trickle-down effect

The correct answer is: Monopoly

Question 26 A 25% decrease in the price of a mobile phone resulted to a

Correct 40% increase
in the demand for the product.
Mark 1.00 out
What type of elasticity is illustrated by this

of 1.00

Select one:
a. elastic demand 

b. inelastic demand

c. perfectly elastic demand

d. perfectly inelastic demand

The correct answer is: elastic demand 10/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 27
A store sells ice cream cones, sundaes and floats and is open
hours a day.
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 Its daily average price of purchase per customer is P25.00. If it
 serves an average of 150 customers a day, how much is its
total revenue per
 To answer this question, which of
the following set of solution
steps must be performed?

 Select one:

 Divide the number of customers by the average

price of
 b.

Multiply the average price of purchase with

the average
 number of customers per day 


 Multiply the average price of purchase with

the average
number of customers per day,

 then multiply the answer by 8 hours.


 Divide the average purchase price by 8 hours

multiply the answer by 150 customers

 The option does not refer to the formula for getting

total revenue.

The correct answer is:

Multiply the average price of purchase with

the average
number of customers per day

Question 28
Which of the following does not
refer to a limitation of the
Gross National Product in measuring economic
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00

Select one:
a. Resale transactions are not included in the
computation of GNP.

b. GNP does not measure the quality of goods and

produced. 

c. Products from illegal sources are not accounted.


It does not mean that the general economic condition

has improved.

The correct answer is: Resale transactions are not included in

computation of GNP. 11/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 29
Which of the following refers to the social responsibility of
a company
or firm to its workers?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00
 Select one:

 Make good profits for the stock holders and maintain

transparency in its operations
 b.

Provide just compensation and a favorable work

 environment 

c. Satisfy the needs of consuming public and offer fair

 prices


 Play fair with other competitors and follow ethical


 The correct answer is:

Provide just compensation and a favorable work

 environment

Question 30 Agrarian reform is concerned with the total
development of
 Incorrect the farmers’  economic,
political and social condition.   This
Mark 0.00 out explains why it is closely linked to
social justice.
of 1.00
In effecting a relevant agrarian program, which of the
following should be least considered?

Select one:
a. The agrarian reform program should provide
security of ownership to the beneficiaries.

b. Necessary credit should be made available to farmers

at easy and low interest payment terms.

c. Transfer of agricultural technology from more

developed countries should be facilitated to optimize

d. The agrarian reform program must provide assistance

farmers on organizing their cooperatives. 

The correct answer is: Transfer of agricultural technology

from more
developed countries should be facilitated to
optimize production. 12/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 31 Ms. Bedural would like to know how her taxable income was
Incorrect determined.
Mark 0.00 out
What should the employee from the Accounting unit tell her?

of 1.00

Select one:
 a. Subtract the personal and additional exemptions from
the gross
compensation income.
 b. Subtract gross compensation income from the
and additional exemptions. 
 c. Determine her status as a tax payer to get her
 d. Consult the tax table to check under which bracket her
taxable income falls.

 The correct answer is: Subtract the personal and additional

exemptions from the gross
compensation income.

 Question 32
The following options except one prove the
importance of
rice in the life of the early Filipinos.
 Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00 Which is the exception?

Select one:
a. Any meal cannot be complete without it.

b. Rice was used in community rituals in the ancient


c. Green rice either dried or pounded makes a special


d. It is with rice that their day begins; it is

often matched
with dried fish. 

The correct answer is: Green rice either dried or pounded

makes a special delicacy.

Question 33 In the rural areas of the

Philippines, and generally among
Correct Filipinos, social relationships tend to be
more personal and
Mark 1.00 out social.
of 1.00
What describes this kind of social system?

Select one:
a. Primary group

b. Gesselschaft

c. Caste

d. Gemeinschaft 

The correct answer is: Gemeinschaft 13/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 34 What refers to the

interrelated social structures that fit
Correct together to form an integrated whole?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:

a. Conflict theory

 b. Structural functionalism 

c. Disruptive functionalism

d. Social mobilization

The correct answer is: Structural functionalism

Question 35 What refers to the totality
of all that which are socially
Correct learned and shared by members of society?

 Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:
 a. Culture 

b. Folkways

c. Nature
 d. School

The correct answer is: Culture

Question 36 Victor of Aveyron was

isolated in his early childhood. He did
Correct not learn to speak and did not adjust well.
Mark 1.00 out
What explains this phenomenon?

of 1.00

Select one:
a. He does not have a family who
supported him.

b. Everyone can catch up as an


c. Social isolation in early

development stages can cause
permanent developmental damage.   

d. Social isolation in early

development stages do not
cause permanent developmental damage

The correct answer is: Social isolation in early

stages can cause permanent developmental damage. 14/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 37 Which of the following statements views religion from the

Incorrect conflict perspective?

Mark 0.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:

a. Religion’s ideology is used by the ruling elites to
maintain the status
quo and deceive the poor.

b. One impact of religion or an individual is the
 development of
self-identity as a result of social
relationships and interactions. 

 c. Religion legitimizes and integrates the values system of

a society.
 d. Relationship with God and religious practices are the
defining elements
of Filipino religiosity.

The correct answer is: Religion’s ideology is used by the ruling

elites to maintain the status
quo and deceive the poor.

Question 38 According
to C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination is the

Correct ability to see the
interrelationships between biography and
Mark 1.00 out history or the connection between our
individual lives and

of 1.00 larger social forces.

 Which of the following scenarios is

contrary to this concept of
sociological imagination?

Select one:
a. A child whose parents do not have stable jobs had to
stop schooling and
do menial work.

b. Six people lost their families from an avalanche of

garbage in Payatas due to heavy rains.

c. An employee experienced discrimination because of


d. A person becomes unemployed because of laziness

and undesirable work
ethic. 

The correct answer is: A person becomes unemployed

because of laziness and undesirable work
ethic. 15/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 39
to Cooley, society
provides a sort of mirror, or
“looking-glass,” that
reflects to us who we are.
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 Which of the following statements below best explains the
 possible
positive effect of the concept of the looking-glass
self as applied to our
being citizens of our nation?

 Select one:
a. Our self-image is a product of the perceptions
 impressed upon and
identities imposed by colonizers in
the past.
 b. Our self-image as a Filipino influences how we
with other nationalities.

c. If we teach our young that we are a nation imbued with
greatness in virtue and talents, they will strive to keep up
 to this image. 

d. If we think that other countries see us as inferior,

 may possibly also come to see ourselves in those terms.

The correct answer is: If we teach our young that we are a
 nation imbued with
greatness in virtue and talents, they will
strive to keep up to this image.

Question 40 Ms. Aggarao uses  Filipino symbols, heroes, and heritage sites
Correct to teach nouns among her Grade II students.
Mark 1.00 out From a sociological perspective,
what is she employing?

of 1.00

Select one:
a. Acculturation

b. Enculturation 

c. Assimilation

d. Accommodation

The correct answer is: Enculturation

Question 41 Which of the following

statements shows that cultural beliefs
Correct may impact people’s attitudes on birth
control policies?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:
a. The governmental imposition of birth control on its
people may be
considered a violation of human rights.

b. Mortality rates could be significantly reduced if

contraceptive supplies
could be made available in Africa.

c. Many women refuse using contraceptives for their

alleged ill effects on health.

d. The use of contraceptives if allowed will disrupt the

continuous and cyclical flow of life. 

The correct answer is: The use of contraceptives if allowed

will disrupt the
continuous and cyclical flow of life. 16/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 42 Which of the following statements best captures Dewey’s

Incorrect claim that “the organism
interacts with the environment
Mark 0.00 out through self-guided activity that coordinates
and integrates
of 1.00 sensory and motor responses”?

Select one:

a. All knowledge is tentative unless proven otherwise.

 b. Knowledge and learning are

produced thru active
manipulation of the environment.

 c. Knowledge and learning should have practical use. 

d. Guided inquiry yields

productive learning.

 The correct answer is: Knowledge and learning are

thru active manipulation of the environment.

 Question 43 Which of the following statements runs

contrary to Lev
Correct Vygotzky’s construct called Zone of Proximal Development
 Mark 1.00 out (ZPD)?

of 1.00

Select one:

a. Development is a
pre-requisite to learning. 
 b. Mediated learning allows
for the possibility of future

c. The capacity to teach and

learn are fundamental
attributes of human beings.

d. Learning propels

The correct answer is: Development is a

pre-requisite to

Question 44 Which
of the following definitions BEST articulates the
Correct essence of “Personhood”?

Mark 1.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:
a. A
complete stage of  maturity

b. An
active state of becoming 

c. A
continual process of social mobilization


A gradual
unfolding of one’s ability

The correct answer is: An

active state of becoming 17/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 45 During the physical

examination in the school, a physician
Correct conducts activities that will reveal
quantitative increase
Mark 1.00 out among learners in terms of height and weight?

of 1.00

Select one:
a. Development

b. Growth 
 c. Maturation

d. Abnormal growth

 The correct answer is: Growth

Question 46 Awee talks to herself – a kind of talking where
she thinks
 Correct about what has been done, how was it done, what are the
Mark 1.00 out consequences
and if she will do it again.
 of 1.00
What does this tell about Awee?

 Select one:
a. Creative thinking

b. Metacognition 

 c. Learning

d. Bricolage

The correct answer is: Metacognition

Question 47 Which of the following statements reflects an empiricist view?


Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Learning is inevitable when the child is
ready for it.

b. Learners learn best through

active experience. 

c. The capacity to learn is innate among all


d. Learning becomes meaningful

when pleasurable.

The correct answer is: Learners learn best through

experience. 18/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

Question 48 What must be required from an integrated

individual in order
Incorrect to gain a meaningful existence?

Mark 0.00 out

of 1.00 Select one:

a. The
body and soul must work together to do good

 b.

The spiritual
faculties of the human person must be
 further developed.


 The material
faculties of the human person must be given
an attention.
 d.

The soul or
the spirit must give into the desires of the body
 and be happy 

The correct answer is: The
body and soul must work together
to do good

Question 49
Which of the
following situations show the characteristic of
 the subjectivity of values?
Mark 0.00 out
of 1.00

Select one:
a. The
Hindu believes in many gods while Christians
believe in God alone

b. All people in the society wears traditional costume

c. Different
girls wear the same skirt lengths.

d. Life is precious 

The correct answer is: The

Hindu believes in many gods while
Christians believe in God alone

Question 50
During what historical period did people learn from St.
Augustine and St. Aquinas that people have free will and
Mark 1.00 out there exists a God?
of 1.00

Select one:
a. Pre Socratic period

b. Socratic Philosophies

c. Modern Philosophies

d. Medieval philosophies 

The correct answer is: Medieval philosophies

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GenEd Evaluation ► 19/20
10/23/21, 1:04 PM Social Science: Attempt review

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