Basi Naay Pulos

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analysis now I'm gonna cover three things I'm gonna talk about magic realism I'm gonna

talk about the concept of love that kind of idealized love that 04:31 was that I talked

about a little bit ago and then I'm also going to talk about 04:35 the narrator's

converging towards the 04:37 end of the book okay it's one last 04:40 morning we are in

spoiler territory now 04:42 okay so let's talk about magic realism 04:44 yeah I love

magic realism that was like 04:47 a crazy face my girl 04:49 spooky like magic realism

okay so if 04:52 you're not familiar magic realism means 04:55 basically something

happens in a story 04:58 that is set in a realistic setting it's 05:00 not sci-fi it's not a

fantasy it's 05:03 supposed to be a realistic setting and 05:05 then some element of the

supernatural or 05:08 some element of magic breaks in and the 05:11 story just

progresses and the characters 05:13 just kind of accept it as something that 05:14

happened so readers are supposed to just 05:18 kind of take magic at face value or

take 05:21 the supernatural at face value and then 05:23 kind of proceed with a story

magic 05:25 realism is basically a pervasive element 05:27 in all of Garcia Marquez's

worked and of 05:30 course this was no exception although 05:32 it's not like like if you

have read a 05:34 Hundred Years of Solitude there's a 05:36 ghost that start like

walking about the 05:38 house because they don't know that 05:39 they're dead yet or

people live like six 05:42 hundred years or something 05:44 so it's not that level of

magic realism 05:47 and there's still some elements actually 05:50 I wanted to read one

to you I'll find it 05:52 let's see okay here's an example where 05:56 the narrator is at

the brothel with a 05:59 fourteen-year-old girl who he name is 06:01 Doug Adina even

though that's not her 06:02 real name so he says I returned to bed 06:06 wearing my

shorts printed with kisses 06:08 and laid down beside her I slept until 06:11 five to
lavalla by of her peaceful 06:13 respiration I dressed in haste without 06:15 washing

only then did I see the sentence 06:18 written in lipstick across the mirror 06:20 over the

sink the tiger does not eat far 06:23 away I knew it hadn't been there the 06:25 night

before and no one could have come 06:28 into the room therefore I understood it 06:30

as a gift from the devil 06:32 so I think we are supposed to just take 06:35 that at face

value as oh he he got a 06:37 message from the devil cuz the girl that 06:39 he's

sleeping with is supposed to not or 06:41 literally sleeping just sleeping beside 06:43

not sleeping with the girl that he's 06:46 sleeping beside isn't supposed to be 06:48

literate so I think that it is an 06:50 example of something that you're 06:52 supposed to

take it at face value as the 06:53 supernatural thing happened and then you 06:56 just

you just move on 06:57 so next I wanted to talk about the 06:59 concept of love in this

story so sex and 07:02 love in this story are so completely 07:04 separate from any type

of social reality 07:07 that love and sex actually exist in the 07:12 narrator is meant to

be this kind of 07:13 like extreme example of like hyperbole 07:16 where he so he's had

sex with over 500 07:20 women and he's never had sex with a 07:22 woman that he

didn't pay and then at the 07:25 end of his life he has this like total 07:27 180 turn in a

relationship where he 07:31 never has sex with this girl 07:32 this young 14 year old girl

but he 07:35 becomes so obsessed with her like he's 07:38 consumed by her so what

are we supposed 07:40 to make of this 07:42 I think viewing this as not a story 07:46

about actual like actual love and actual 07:50 people and actual sex it's meant to be a

07:53 work of art and del godina the 07:55 fourteen-year-old girl is also supposed 07:58

to be seen as this like frozen work of 08:00 art and perfection that the narrator 08:02

once wants to protect and that he 08:04 honestly like venerates like he comes to 08:07
almost kind of worship her and she seems 08:11 to kind of absorb some of that

adoration 08:13 seems to be kind of absorbed into her 08:16 and I do think the best way

to compare 08:20 it would be to Keats ode to a Grecian 08:21 urn where there's that like

chaste bride 08:24 who's being married and it's like frozen 08:27 and time on this urn

and he writes about 08:29 it I think he says like still unravel 08:32 quietness like time

passes over you so 08:35 slowly you're like not at all or 08:36 something that's how

that's how the 08:39 unnamed narrator in this story sees Dell 08:42 godina 08:43 and

it's not real loved by any cow it's 08:48 not I mean real live is like messy and 08:50

relationships right and so that's like 08:52 the opposite of this I actually have a 08:54

few quotes that I wanted to pull so this 08:59 is when the narrator is with Doug Adina

09:00 and at the whorehouse and he says I felt 09:03 so happy that I would kiss her

eyelids 09:05 with very gentle kisses and one night it 09:08 happened like the light in

the sky 09:10 she smiled for the first time later for 09:13 no reason at all she rolled over

in bed 09:15 turned her back to me and said in 09:18 vexation it was Isabelle who made

the 09:20 snails snails cry excited by the hope of 09:23 a dialogue I asked in the same

tone 09:25 whose were they she didn't answer her 09:28 voice had a plebian touch as if

it 09:31 belongs not to her but to someone else 09:33 she carried inside that was when

the 09:36 last shadow of doubt disappeared from my 09:38 soul I preferred her asleep

09:40 so he doesn't actually want to get to 09:42 know her he wants to like build up this

09:45 construction of an idealized 09:47 beauty and he wants to worship it which 09:51

is like weird but still was valuable in 09:56 changing who he was as a person so 09:58

that's what I wanted to get to next was 10:01 this kind of change in the narrator so 10:04

let me read the the conversion that the 10:08 narrator has because I think this is 10:10
probably the most important part of the 10:11 book he says thanks to her and he's 10:16

talking about vel godina the lab not her 10:19 real name 10:19 but Doug Adina the

fourteen-year-old 10:21 girl I confronted my inner self for the 10:24 first time as my 90th

year went by I 10:26 discovered that my obsession for having 10:29 each thing in the

right place 10:30 each subject at the right time each word 10:33 in the right style was

not the 10:35 well-deserved reward of an ordered mind 10:37 but just the opposite a

complete system 10:40 of pretense invented by me to hide the 10:43 disorder of my

nature I discovered that 10:46 I am not disciplined out of virtue but 10:48 as a reaction

to my negligence that I 10:51 appeared generous in order to conceal my 10:53

meanness that I passed myself off as 10:55 prudent because I'm evil minded I'm 10:58

conciliatory in order not to succumb to 11:00 my repressed rage that I am punctual

11:02 only to hide how little I care about 11:05 other people's time so he's really 11:08

confronting who he is and who he wants 11:11 to end his life as and he's being honest

11:14 with himself for the first time in his 11:16 life at the age of 90 which is amazing

11:18 and he 11:21 dislike pure beauty in Dell godina which 11:24 he kind of

constructed and this kind of 11:26 fake but whatever he's using that ideal 11:29 beauty

to confront who he is and see 11:32 that he doesn't measure up that he's not 11:34

good enough and so I think that that's a 11:37 good so I love when stuff like that 11:40

happens in stories so now I wanted to 11:42 talk about his relationship with Rosica

11:44 barkas you guys I'm sorry I'm probably 11:47 butchering that name I know

because she 11:50 is the person that he has to actually 11:52 make deals with that he

actually has to 11:54 talk to he has to hack out a 11:56 relationship with her he has to

11:58 apologize to her he has to compromise 12:01 with her she asks him for help and
at 12:04 the end they reach a deal so I have 12:06 another 12:10 another little tidbit that

I wanted to 12:13 read this is showing how Rosica barkas 12:16 the madam of the

whorehouse is 12:18 juxtaposed with Doug and Deena so 12:22 they're on a they're on

a phone call the 12:26 narrator and the madam and he she 12:29 realizes that he didn't

actually have 12:32 sex with her and he thinks that the 12:34 madam thinks maybe he

didn't like her 12:35 and she can get him a new girl so she 12:40 goes on to say poor

things she's right 12:42 here in front of me do you want to talk 12:44 to her 12:45 the

narrator replies no for God's sake 12:48 he doesn't even want to know her name 12:50

like he wants it to just be made up so 12:53 the madam is the person that he's always

12:56 talking to on the phone and has to work 12:58 with and at the end this is

important 13:01 because at the end of the story she sees 13:04 his change that he's

had in the last 13:08 like year of his life when he's 91 and 13:11 they become this like

bizarre odd couple 13:14 of parents sorry I'm looking for the 13:16 page here odd

couple of parents to this 13:19 fourteen-year-old girl and they decide 13:21 that together

they're going to bequeath 13:23 all of their wealth to her and look 13:25 after her 13:27

my first words were for Rosica barkas by 13:31 the house everything including the shop

13:33 in the orchard she said let's make an 13:35 old people's bed sign before notary

13:38 whoever survives keeps everything that 13:41 belongs to the other one no says

the 13:44 narrator because if I die everything has 13:47 to be for her 13:48 meaning del

godina it amounts to the 13:50 same thing said Rosa cabacas´s I take 13:52 care of the

girl and then I leave her 13:54 everything what's yours and what's mine 13:56 I don't

have anybody else in the world 13:58 in the meantime we'll remodel your room 14:01

and put up good plumbing air 14:02 conditioning and put up your books and 14:05 your
music so they become this like 14:09 weird like legal couple it's it's it's 14:13 really

interesting because I think the 14:15 impact that and the narrator's kind of 14:18 change

in his life had and an impact on 14:21 the madam and that they want to leave 14:24

something for the next generation and 14:25 they kind of want to look after this 14:27

girl 14:27 so that was my analysis of memories of 14:31 my melancholy horse 14:32 I

hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in 14:35 my next video bye 14:45 you

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