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the place and he (Lopez) was the advance party. * Does not recommend military personnel to be Security Escorts of high Government Officials because if that high Government Official wil be in a controversy, the Security Officer will also be in a controversy and further recommended that to professionalize the Armed Forces, all personnel detailed outside the AFP to be recalled back + He is a close relative of Commissioner Garcilliano, his father and the Commissioner being first cousins. © COL BERNARDINO RICAFRENTE PA - U4, SOLCOM Answered inquiries under oath. Assigned with SOLCOM during the 2004 National Election. "Presently the Ex-O of the Office of the Quarter Masters General = Stated that when the Task Force Hope was created the respective U Staff of the Unified Command of SOLCOM was designated corresponding U Staff to command the Task Group Hope. ‘Stated that the specific function of the Task Group during the election period was to oversee the conduct of election and to monitor the result of the election. "Believed that the SOLCOM recsived funds but he was not the one who manages the funds for the Command © COL SALVADOR PEGALAN PA - U1, NOLCOM = Answered inquiries under oath. * Responsible in designating personnel to fill-up the members of the Task Group Northern Luzon and personnel to be designated to compose the Task Group 1 personnel + Said that he was more focused on the organization of Task Group Northem Luzon. * Stated that the NOLCOM is directly involved in the supervision of its sub units in the conduct of election and NOLCOM is monitoring the election duties through sub Task Groups. = Suggested that it would be more economical not to organize anymore a Task Group. © COL GERARDO PAGCALIUANGAN PAF — U4, NOLCOM ‘Answered inquiries under oath, + Presently the Commanding Officer of Headquarters and Headquarters Service Group with the additional duty of ‘Acting Assistant Chief of Unified Command Staff for Intelligence, U2 = Designated as the Assistant Chief of Unified Command 46 Staff for Logistics, U4 Said that their Command received P3 Million to support POL and other requirements. Stated that the Logistic Officer did not have the opportunity to travel on the ground during the election period. Conducted conferences at their Headquarters during 2004 National Election with regards to the deputation of the AFP. Said that there were no unprofessional conduct involving our personnel and problems related to the election. o LTGEN HERMOGENES ESPERON AFP — Deputy Cmdr, Task Force Hope Answered inquiries not under oath. On Election 2004, the Deputy Task Force HOPE Commander, and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, J3 Never presided over the meeting of Task Force but was present in meetings with the COMELEC or as part of meetings. He remembered COL ARDO having been tasked to distribute primers in the 4" Division area and the Lanao provinces exactly because he was the former G3 of the 4” Division during the election petiod, and he was there not only to distribute primers on the election but also to look at the situation for purposes that are called for in the Resolution 6454 of the COMELEC. Agreed that the military should not be counting votes in their camps. But as it is during election time, that is the call ‘of COMELEC if canvassing was brought inside camp all we can do is comply, provide security but we should not be involved in the counting itself. Mentioned that the matter of clustering of barangays is still the call of the COMELEC but they can ask the AFP recommendations. Military personnel would want clusterings of barangays because of the lack of security personnel. But the military alone cannot cluster barangays. It has to be the call of the COMELEC. The clustering of barangays is stipulated in Omnibus Election Code. Categorically denied having talked to anyone or to the man stating in the tape about any transfer or relief of BGEN GUDANI, and BGEN GUDANI was never relieved as Brigade Commander in the Lanao provinces before, during or right after elections. Not aware of any advice that COL PIRINO was designated 47 OIC, Task Force Ranao until after the facts. However, he said, Task Force Ranao was composed of Marines and ‘Army personnel so it was perfect to have officers there from any of the branch of service. ‘On the matter of liquidation of funds he said is done by the Comptroller in the Task Force HOPE but since the Task Force HOPE has ceased to exist effective May 25, the matter of liquidating the funds is now on the regular set up, so it's with J6. He remembered bringing in another Marine Battalion to contribute AFP personnel for the Board of Election Inspectors because nobody was reporting to duty so the AAFP was forced to designate. Marine personnel were trained as BEIs. Further said that the matter of appointing military personnel as BEls authorized under the Omnibus Election Code. On liquidation of funds, it is automatic that when you received funds, you have to liquidate that. On the allocation of funds, depending on the situation on the area, more funds were released, but there is, more or less uniformity in the releases to Battalions and Brigades. There are contingency funds which the unified ‘commanders can avail to be utilized in the areas where there are more problems like in Lanao provinces, On the question why one unit received more funds compare to other units, he said it was the call of the Commanders on the ground, He boasted that the elections in 2004 was very clean. The credit should go to the AFP and the PNP for doing their best to have more honest, orderly and peaceful elections. He said due to good liaisoning by the TF Hope Liaison Officer, Election Funds were released before the election (April. He believes that we still need to continue doing the job, Task Force HOPE because there are no other agencies that could probably perform what the AFP is doing now. there is no other agencies that has C130s, ships, and troops in far flung barangays. He thinks the voice of the AFP should be heard also that it is better if we go on automated voting, it removes a lot of undue influence on the counting of votes. Taking his personal view, the AFP should never be deputize during election, but that personal view should give ‘way to realities in the far flung areas, in the capability of the COMELEC to conduct the election itself. 48 o COL © COL RAYMUNDO A RAMONES PA - Chief of Staff NOLCOM ‘Answered inquiries under oath. Presently assigned as Deputy Commander of the 1 Scout Ranger Regimen, Camp Tecson, San Miguel Bulacan. Assigned as Chief of Staff NOLCOM under the leadership of LTGEN ROMEO B DOMINGUEZ AFP, and assumed that position for almost seven months. Remembered that the Task Force HOPE under then LTGEN GARCIA visited the command telling all commanders within NOLCOM AOR to stick in our basic mission that is to ensure a clean, honest election. Did not hear any election controversy specifically within NOLCOM AOR. ‘As far as COMELEC participation of military in the NOLCOM area, Task Group North was organized under BGEN PRUDENCIO being the Deputy NOLCOM. Heard of COMELEC funds in support for election but | did not handle or made even recommendations on the distribution of it and we can assume that the distribution was properly and organized. Heard no untoward incident that occur in the AOR and heard no military personnel being involved in election controversies like campaigning for or against certain political candidates Did not encounter any problem as far as the units are concer during ISO operations and at the same time election duty, NESTOR A ANONUEVO PA - U3, CENTCOM Answered inquiries under oath. Presently the Deputy G3 for Operation of the Philippine Army, He was the U3, CENTCOM under LGen LIGOT during 2004 elections. ‘Aware of the activation of the Task Group Hope covering the CENTCOM AOR. Did not follow AFP LOL-01-2004 but rather assumed the normal staffing function of the CENTCOM Has but the mission of TF Hope was carried out less the name TG CENTCOM. He averred that there is no need to organize TF Hope during election, the normal organization of AFP is enough to be deputized. Submitted after election report for 2004 elections. Further said that TF Hope should be detached from the AFP during election, meaning doing only one task 49 When asked what organization should the AFP adopt during the election period to address the issue of our assistance to COMELEC, responded — "/ think if we can determine only the areas where we will be primarily deputized, we can organize a Task Force for these areas But if the whole AFP will be involved in the whole of the country then I think, there should be no need for a Task Force since the whole AFP shall be the one doing it anyway.” Commented on clustering of Barangays as a good strategy. Said that politics can not be removed from the military since the AFP has close alliance with the politicians. Said election funds arrived after the election. Said that during the 1998 elections, the complaints were ‘only concentrated in lower levels, maybe up to the brigade and even to the division but now (2004 election) it has switch even at the highest level of the AFP. As a Battalion Commander in Lanao del Norte, during the 1998 elections, experienced clustering of barangays in his AOR. He suggested that in order that the Armed Forces cannot be more or less doubted to be involved in some anomalies by relating his past experience as a Battalion Commander. He said- “the problem is the implementation but just to say what | did then when | was a Battalion Commander in Lanao del Norte, during the election period, | told fo the politicians that people in my unit will never receive anything except cooked food. Once somebody takes anything, magkakaroon ka na ng utang na loob maybe except luto na pagkain. As Filpinos, baka masamain naman kung luto na ang pagkain eh hindi mo naman kakainin. Although | was also accused of partisan politicking, | was actually even recommended for relief because some polifcians don't like my being non-partisan.” He further suggested on how the AFP participate in election exercise without sacrificing its primary mission of security which is the ISO with his experience in CENTCOM as quoted- "/ think yung ginawa naming sa CENTCOM, yung prioritization of effort is the way to address it. During the election period, the priority will be the election. After the election, back to ISO as priority but it is not necessarily na pababayaan mo yung ISO. It should not be very long to the point na mag-suffer ang ISO, maybe it wil start one month before the election day. Or it will depend on the situation. Maaaring sa Mindanao na magulo, yung priority 50 of effort for election ng SOUTHCOM may be longer than in CENTCOM or SOLCOM. * © CDR RENERIO M ECHANO PN—U1, SOLCOM ‘Answered inquiries under oath. Presently the Assistant Chief of Unified Command Staff for Personnel at SOLCOM with an additional duty as Acting ‘The Inspector General Issued orders to the members of Task Group SOLCOM under LTGEN ALFONSO DAGUDAG AFP. Maintained Liaison to COMELEC Office, Region IV. Not able to monitor any unusual incidents in the AOR Not familiar with the election funds released to the Task Group but mentioned that there was a report of election expenditures. Did not receive any letter of commendations from the candidates bur received commendations from the Task Group Commander. Received some reports of harassment from our units by unidentified elements especially in Masbate which is still part of our AOR. No personnel was rotated or reassigned to other areas within the AOR during the election period from May 1 to May 25, © MAJ MARIO F SAN PEDRO PAF ~ Acting U3, SOLCOM ‘Answered inquiries under oath. Presently assigned as Deputy U3, HQ, SOLCOM. Detailed as Task Group 3 of Task Group Southern Luzon, ‘Aware of funds given to Task Group for expenses. Have the copy of releases secured from MFO SOLCOM for reference which stated the released fund for Hq, SOLCOM and Task Units particularly the 2" 1D and 9" ID. Funds were disbursed thru US by way of Sub Allotment Advise (SAA). The POE was prepared by MFO (then U6). Receive the funds support requested from Higher Headquarters some before and other part after the election? Headquarters SOLCOM released the funds directly to the Division and some to the Brigade. Approximately Php2M based on records was received by SOLCOM. Ground units aired that as deputy during the elections, concentration on our operations are hampered Believes that the AFP can still be deputized by the COMELEC for as long as it does not get involved in 51 partisan poitics. | + Will submit all the copy of reports re fund received from COMELEC © COL GOMINTO B PIRINO PA - OIC, ARMM COMMAND + Answered inquiries under oath, : «Presently assigned as Acting Group Commander of the 9" Regional Community Defense Group, Army Reserve ‘Command, Kuta Dao, Pagadian City. + Right after May 10, 2004 election designated as OIC of ‘Task Force Ranao, (May 13,2004). + Not aware if designation as OIC, TF RANAO was concurred nor approved by the COMELEC. Designated only verbally as OIC only during the absence of BGEN GUDANI + Only know that he (Bgen Gudani) was directed to proceed to Manila for confidential matter, thru LGEN KYAMKO, COMSOUTHCOM. = Received an instruction from COMSOUTHCOM (May 7}to stay put for the time being in Marawi and find out how he (Pirino) could help the Marines in the conduct of either ‘community relation with the development situation order as a result of the election. * Did not receive any written order designating him as OIC TF Ranao. " Meet the Marines only after COMSOUTHCOM visited ‘Camp Ranao on May 16. * Officially started working as Officer In Charge, TF Ranao right after MGEN TEODOSIO, the Marine Commander, arrived He was made to explain to the Marines to neutralize uneasiness of the Marines while their Commander left, + Aity Rey Sumalipao (COMELEC Dir, Region x) asked him (Pirino) to talk to the Marines and to ask the Marines to look into their security measures in view of complaints from both the opposition and the administration candidates that the Marines in the field came up with measures to only honor and recognize the signature of BGEN GUDANI on identification card, car passes and gate passes, they do Not honor the signature of Commissioner Abalos. + Congressman Macarambong, was furious that his poll watchers and inspectors despite of the ID bearing at the back of signature of Commissioner Abalos were denied by the Marine elements to enter into the gymnasium + Another person denied by the Marine elements to enter the canvassing area was Atty Aludin Dalaeg, Director of Law of 52 the COMELEC in Manila. Despite of showing to the Marine elements his credentials that he's Director of Law of the COMELEC. No incident report was filed about these incidents. + Shared the same billeting area with Atty. Sumalipao in JTF Ranao but avoided talking with him because both of them are Maranaos, * Mentioned that LTC BALUTAN was the Battalion Commander of the 5” Marine Battalion who are responsible in securing those canvassing area within the city premises such as the Capitol gymnasium, Camp Khietly Elementary School, and the people's park. * Have not signed any official communication addressed to anybody as OIC TF Ranao. «Prior to the conduct of the election, there were two retired Generals together with retired GEN LUMUDAG visiting Joint Task Force Ranao. * When GEN TEODOSIO arrived at Camp Ranao, he had a dialogue with the Marines and that right after their dialogue with the Marines COL PIRINO noticed the uneasiness and restiveness of the Marines was neutralized * Does not know Commissioner Garcillano, only seen on TV. * He never heard any partisan activity that BGEN GUDANI or the other Marine Commanders in the area have been doing. * He has NO COMMENT on info about Congressman Macarambong saying that BGEN GUDANI is for the other side or abetting for the other side. + Only knew that BGEN GUDANI was recalled to Manila because of the untoward incident that happened at the Mindanao State University. + Has NO COMMENT on the point that only in the election, there were poll watchers designated probably later on by the COMELEC that were not allowed by the Marines because their names were not listed, "Affirmed that there was no such an arrangement that only those listed as they did upon by the COMELEC and the elements of the Marines shall be allowed to enter the canvassing area (Capitol Gym, Marawi City), o LTC FRANCIS BALABAT PA- Commander, 67" IB Answered inquiries not under oath. + He was the Bn Cmdr, 67" IB stationed at Monay, Lanao del Sur during the 2004 election period, at present he is the G1 of Hgs 4" ID. + He stated that he was deputized by COMELEC as per instruction from Task Force Diamond under COL PEDRO FERNANDO. * His unit was under Joint Task Force Ranao. It was composed of Marine Brigades and TF Diamond from 4" ID. He submitted election related reports to 4" ID thru TF Diamond. + When asked if he had idea that TF Diamond was detached from JTF RANAO, he said * For purposes of election, Task Force Diamond was detached from Joint Task Force because during election Lanao del Norte was under 4ID control, whereas yung Lanao del Sur was under the Marines.” He believes that OG3 has a copy of the orders detaching TF DIAMOND. * His command post was at Monay, Lanao del Norte about 3 hours travel from Cagayan de Oro. He admitted that his Command post was nearer to JTF RANAO [based at Maria Cristina, lligan City] which is only about minutes travel from his post. He further stated that Marawi is part of Lanao del Sur. * He receive P 100,000 cash for election purposes from G3 4° ID thru his Fund/Finance Officer. Before the election he also received POL support from SOUTHCOM, * He said that out of the 22 municipalities of Lanao dei Norte, his AOR covers 15 municipalities, that is from Bokswagan up to Marawi going to Zamboanga del Sur up to Capatagan SND. "There was also “clustering” in his AOR as approved by COMELEC such as Brgy Runungan, Other ‘than Runungam, the peace situation was normal in Tangkal, Magsaysay and Monang * He stated that prior to election, the TF Diamond Commander had _—_coordinations/conferences with Municipal/Provincial COMELEC officials including Chief's of Police to ensure a peaceful and orderly election. + He averred that he did not accept request from COMELEC to contribute BEls. At Runungan, the COMELEC Officer apparently utilized all Election Officers for a special election so the designated BEIs were not utilized. * He stated that he did not face any significant problems in his AOR. + He has no comment on the relief of BGEN GUDANI or on why TF DIAMOND was detached from JTF RANAO. © MAJ TIRSO OGAHAYON PA- Budget Officer, 26" IB = Answered inquiries not under oath. * He is presently the Battalion Ex-O, 6” IB stationed at 54 Halapitan, San Fernando, Bukidnon. During the 2004 election, his battalion was in Nangka, Lanao del Norte. He assumed as ‘caretaker’ of the battalion because the Bn Cmdr, LTC VILLANUEVA was undergoing CGSC. He was tasked by LTC VILLANUEVA to monitor the election result in lligan City and other areas of responsibility. He had an Officer as contact woman, LT VELASCO. He said LT VELASCO was at the city proper of lligan monitoring the partial and final election results because the brigade, also from the Task Force Diamond, was disorganized at that time. COL TUPAS was also giving him results of the election, From lligan City to the battalion, he relied on COL TUPAS {or information on election results. [ It is not clear if COL TUPAS is from the PNP or AFP]. During the election he was at the Battalion until such time that the result of the election was finished, LTC VILLANUEVA was at Tubod, Mindanao at that time. He submitted monitoring activities on results of election to COL TUPAS under TF Diamond Initially, he claimed he received only POL support during the election. Later, he admitted having received cash and checks in his name. He recorded it in his cash book and was distributed to Coy Commanders. They received P154,000 for logistics, 100,00 for operations and P14,500 for CMO. He said the $3 disbursed/handled the funds and the Bn Cmdr has his own cash book. ‘The troops under his Bn were posted 50 mtrs away from pooling precincts and he claimed it was relatively peaceful The problems occurred when the ballot boxes were being moveditransferred (he did not elaborate nor was he probed deeper]. He attended conferences with some National COMELEC officials before the election. He saw posters of ANAD party-list group in lligan but he did not see any person from the ANAD campaigning for the election. He said many people in lligan claim that there were more voters than the voting population during the 2004 election. He has no proof regarding the peoples claim and submitted before the board that it was just hearsay. ALT JULIUS PACLIBAR PA- CO, B Coy, 67" IB ‘Answered inquiries under oath 55 He was assigned at Brgy. Matamtay, Monay, Lanao del Norte as CO, “A” Company, 6718 during the 2004 election period. He was detailed to secure the municipality of Monay with 10,000 approx. number of voters. The canvassing of votes was done at Tubon, Lanao del Norte but he did not witness the process because it was out of his tasking Aside from Monay, he also handied a “cluster” of baranggay’s during the election namely: Poblacion, Tubol at Tanglao. At present he is the OIC, "B" Company, 5" IB based at Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur. He received P 5,000 from the Bn $3, LT GARCIA PA, as support during the election, other than that he did not receive additional funds or POL support He stated that he was always aware of the situation in his area, even the troops, as a product of the frequent visits of his Battalion Commander. He commented that in his area, the election was peaceful and orderly. ROTC cadets could be utilized as replacement of the deputized functions of the AFP, however, he suggested that the AFP should maintain to secure some of the critical areas where the AFP will likely be more effective © 1LT SANDY MAJAROCON PA- CO, D Coy, 26" 1B ‘Answered inquiries under oath. During the election period, he was assigned in Baluwit, Bray Nangka, Lanao del Norte as Battalion S1 and at the ‘same time the CO, CADRE Coy, 26" IB. He received order from the Bn Comdr to ensure the security of all my detachments in relation to reports that some armed men were taking advantage of the voter's list during the election. He was instructed to relay to Detachment Commanders to be vigilant and ensure maximum security He did not secure polling places during the election because he stayed at the battalion headquarters to attend his duties as S1. His company did not participate in securing polling places claiming that “per policy, the CAFGUS are not allowed to participate in election security, only organic personnel.” He personally received P10,000 from the Bn S3 as election support. His Cadre Company is under the maneuver battalion, this was adopted during the first implementation of the CADRE 56 battalion since Lanao del Norte is very far from Misamis Oriental, Alpha Company was based in Quezon, Bukidnon and the Bravo Company was based in San Femando, Bukidnon. He believes there is nothing wrong with election duty but what is critical is the character of officers deputized during elections. He believes if ever there was bribery against Officers, the deputized AFP officers can only allow entrance of party representatives to polling and restricted areas. He also believes it is possible that bribed AFP personnel can handle the COMELEC paraphernalia/boxes and change its contents. In particular, BEls can manipulate the result of election He believes the military can be excused in election duty IROTC to perform functions}, however, there are some critical areas in Mindanao that need the presence of the AFP to ensure there will be no failure of election © ALT JAMALUDIN GUBAR PA- CO, Coy, 26" 1B ‘Answered inquiries under oath He is a Maranao residing at Lanao del Sur. During the 2004 National election, he was under TF Diamond. He admitted his Company only secured 1 municipality utilizing around 24 men but did not enter schools, He did not observe or noted any unusual incident in his ‘AOR nor saw anybody non-organic to TF Diamond He received P 5,000 as election support at the Bn Hgs which he used to buy cell cards and food. His Bn Cmdr was COL VILLANUEVA, the EX-O was MAJ OGAHAYON and the $3. was CPT JIMENIA. He later recalled that maybe the MAJ OGAHAYON gave the money to him He received instruction from COL VILLANUEVA to ensure @ peaceful, orderly and honest election and, specially, Prevent any fighting or commotion in his area, He claimed that after the casting of votes, the ballots were brought to Tubod for counting, Although he went to the place he claimed he no longer witnessed the actual counting and had no idea what happened next. © 2LT JOSE SENDROME PA- CO, C Coy, 26" IB ‘Answered inquiries under oath, During the election he was tasked to secure lligan City and the municipality of Taguluan Lanao. Before that day, he had coordinating conferences with election Officers regarding the deployment of troops to secure the polling 87 places. During election proper, he deployed his troops to the Municipal Hall and brought the ballot boxes to polling places [with the security). Before the election, he conducted briefing to his men of their election duties and policies like the 50 meter radius policy and on asking for formal written requests from BEIs. He said Taguluan, Lanao del Norte, a Muslim area, is a critical area but in lligan City, the election process was peaceful and his men worked with PNP personnel. One month before the election, he had coordinating conferences with Election Officers, his Bn Cmdr and NCOs His unit was also detailed as Reaction Force at lligan City to provide security to VIPs visiting the area but he claimed the PNP handles most of the duties. Often, he is just informed that a certain VIP will be arriving. However, he claims he could not recall if there were VIPs or AFP Offrs not organic to 4" ID who visited ligan 1 month before the election He received P10,000 cash from his BN EX-0 for election support but he did not receive POL support for the company service vehicle 0 BGEN ALEXANDER YAPCHING AFP- Commanding General, 101% Bgde ‘Answered inquiries under oath Stationed in Opigamo, Isabela as Assistant Division Commander SID. Presenrily the Brigade Commander of 101" Infantry Brigade last election 101 Brigade Commander from 1 April to 18 Sep 2004 in Pifian, Zamboanga Del Norte for six months. Then became Assistant Div Cmdr of 4ID for the next six months and then SID. Assigned as 104" Brigade Commander, sometime July 23 to July 27 2003 During election period when transferred to 101st Brigade do not know about clearance or if the transfer was within the 45-day election period; but followed order of relief from 104" to 101%. ‘There was no untoward incidents and believed the military has greatly been involved in election process in the AOR, The area is not so controversial compared to other area May 10 and the next succeeding days was just like ordinary days in the AOR. The coverage of the 101% Brigade AOR started from the 58 town of Sindangan going to Dipolog and then Marco sa Tubig encircling Pagadian then back to Zamboanga Del Norte. Comprising three provinces of Zamboanga Del Norte, Zamboanga Del Sur and Misamis Oriental. COL GAMOS, his classmate, visited him once before the election. GEN YAPCHING believed COL GAMOS did not make any election campaign which others believed he was doit Ho Believes his unit received election fund which money formed part of the unit's operational expenses. Maybe the Battalion received support but it didn't pass through him. The only instruction that received from the Division Commander is to become more vigilant and cooperative to the COMELEC in the performance of the election. Regarding his relief from 104” Brigade, there was a radio message that there will be a swapping of Brigade Commanders; another reason was about the neutralization of Firearms somewhere in Luuk, where he was tagged as politicking, but he defended that it was the soldiers mission to collect all these FAs so that we can prepare for a very honest electoral process. Other alleged reason for the relief was about his mistress, but believed that was below the belt Have met/known Alty. Flores who attended in one of his unit's covenant meeting together with all the candidates of Jolo in preparation for election. Believes Task Force Comet is for operational purposes; for Jolo it was Task Force Comet designated as Task Force HOPE in the island, He also believes clustering of precincts must be done; military were involved in the clustering of precincts He thought some of his men were utilized as BEIs because they were trained for that job, but if could be avoided, should avoid it. For assisting the COMELEC for ballot transferring, he said we are the only government agency that can reach the far- flung areas. Heard that in Jolo, counting or the canvassing of ballot boxes was done inside the camps. © COL RENE PILAPIL PAF- Commander, TOG Sanga Sanga. Answered inquiries under oath. Presently the Director for Operations of the 15" Strike Wing; Previous assignment, 1 year and 6 % months Commander in Sanga Sanga, Tawi Tawi. From April to June 2004, was the Tactical Operations 59 Group Commander in Sanga Sanga Our main task is to secure polling places during the election then bring the ballots to the DECS Compound which is the place of canvassing for the whole Tawi Tawi province after that we are free. TOG 13 (Tawi Tawi) is directly under the control of SOUTHCOM together with PN TF 6.2 under the Command of CAPT ANGUE, Said that they were taking orders from COMELEC because they were assigned in six polling areas in Sanga Sanga and Bungao. But in the course of election there are other polling areas that needs to be strengthened so the COMELEC asked support from the AFP because most of these areas are being manned by Police and Police in the area are known also to be Muslim and sometimes they are partisan COMELEC gave Php500.00 each for TOG personnel messing for eight days stay Received instructions from CAPT ANGUE to be clean during election, Noticed groups of cars passing through the runway during the afternoon and evening but doesn't know if those are political candidates cars. Was approached regarding @ request for an assurance of peaceful process of election by Cong Jaafar. During the pre election, nobody approached him as regards to offer. Regarding transport of ballot boxes from islands to different State University, COL PILAPIL requested for NOMAD and CAPT ANGUE requested for an Islander. The main point is from Sanga Sanga transported it to Cebu. TOG 13 personnel stayed eight days in DECS and on the ninth day ballot boxes were flown to Zamboanga Admitted that he is not familiar with the local politicians except for the incumbents and few other politicians Heard that CAPT ANGUE was recalled to Zamboanga right after the election but there was no official reason available for their information. Regarding election result; he puts 90% for the opposition and 10% for the administration in the provincial level. No ‘comment at the national level His Group functioned in the act of securing the COMELEC. and ballots., BGeneral Macasil's direction, as 3° TOW Commander was, was for them to coordinate with the COMELEC and follow as directed. Can remember two helicopters requested for landing after 60 the election, by an alleged lawyer of the now First Gentlemen. o LTC GILBERT GAPAY PA- Budget Officer, 0J3, GHQ ‘Answered inquiries not under oath. When asked on some parameters that was used to come up with figures submitted to COMELEC, he said it was based on historical data, for example a Battalion is given so much so it is standard for all the type unit. Normally submitted 2 months before the election. His comment on why ground units did not receive the same ‘support, identified units deployed in election areas receive higher level of support because of the anticipated increase in the number of operations, As far as timeliness is concemed, _ it will depend on the Division how fast their financial structure could process all the fund support and some Divisions unfortunately are faster than the others. Additional releases were given because it was found out through radio messages and some oversight that Battalions, which was thought were not in a hot spot, so they received lesser support. So they requested additional informing GHQ that they are assigned in an EAC area (On support given in different timing and amount, divisions have IMPLANs to the unified command plans for election duties, and in that IMPLAN they designate main effort, supporting effort and even reserve forces. Accordingly main effort receives more support than the supporting effort Fund support was released to the Major services and Unified Commands through Notice of Fund Allocation scheme. Notices were sent out to these units then the NCA ‘would just be transferred bank to bank from the head office of Land Bank to the respective branches of deployment areas. Of the 197M fund support, POE it is allocated for TF Hope Headquarters for POL, operational support, reservists and even maintenance of mission and essential assets, He recalled, the bulk of the third tranch of support (101M) was intended for intelligence project which was released to 4J2 and ISAFP base on the POE. He said there is no relationship between J3 Budget Officer with Task Force 6, and J3 don't even exercise supervision over J6 ‘As far as the support of Task Force is concerned, Task Force HOPE was treated as an operating unit although a1 o MAL their members are coming from GHQ. He mentioned that Task Force HOPE Commander is treated as Operational Commander performing election duties as mandated by COMELEC Resolution. This is one gray area which should be ironed out because as practiced he is treated as project administrator rather than a program director. He averred that Task Force 6 only concem with the allocation of Task Force Headquarters of the Task Force Hope Further mentioned that the roles of Task Force 1 to 6 were not clearly defined before they were designated as member of the Task Force Hope. JANE CAVANAS PA(WAC)- Asst Chief Plans and Programs and Budget Officer, 02, GHO ‘Answered inquiries not under oath. Presently the Acting Chief Plans and Programs and Budget Division Officer of 02 ‘Submitted about 7 projects related to election 2004 to OJ3 amounting to 85M for OJ2 excluding ISAFP. The objective of these special operations is to have a peaceful election Said that projects related to wiretapping of individual person linked with threat of destabilizing the elections are Not included. Said that OJ2 and ISAFP have no project about wiretapping. The Php85M was spent to many accomplishments neutralizing various threats. She said Php85M was given in tranches, because the Land Bank cannot accommodate whole amount in one day or two days. Mentioned that election fund was received two weeks before the election and was already cleared 1 % months after the election. © GPT BENJAMIN PIZAN PN (GSC). Ut, CENTCOM Answered inquiries not under oath, Positioned as U1 CENTCOM during 2004 election. Activated “TF Peacemaker’ two months before the election, Designated no AFP BEI on the AOR Noted incidents that caused failure of election in the AOR particularly Asturias. Noticed no visitors from GHQ visiting the AOR during election, 62 Fund support. Affirmed that election in Cebu is generally peaceful. TF Peacemaker members attended conference in Cebu Capitol. "Said that there was no electioneering or related anomaly in the AOR during election. "Supports the idea of COMELEC deputizing the AFP for election duties during election. © LTC PEDRITO SOLEDAD PAF- Deputy JTF COMET * Answered inquiries not under oath. * Presently the Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel, SOUTHCOM * During the elections, he was the Deputy Commander of Joint Task Force Comet under GEN HABACON (1 November 2003 to 10 March 2005) and was tasked to be in charge of the security and operations of the election in the province of Sulu. * His role in Jolo for election was described as quoted- “We made an implementing plan approved by GEN HABACON and COM SOUTHCOM regarding the conduct of elections. So we delegated two Brigades of the Army and the Marines. We divided Sulu, 1* district is taken over by the Army and the 2” district is taken over by the Marines. So all the 2° district municipalities including the island ‘municipalities the one in charge for the security during the conduct of election is the 3° Marine Brigade. For the 1* district which includes two island municipalities was taken over by the 104” Brigade. We also have time-frame when to distribute the ballots and deliver the ballots base on the guidance of Task Group South because the situation in Sulu is totally different from the situation in other parts of Mindanao. Because base on the experience before and uring the 2001 election there was marked violence among the candidates in the province of Sulu. And we anticipated that, so we employed a different scenario that all the election officers. and COMELEC Officials should be secured by the military. | would like to report to you that this is the first time that Sulu was not that violent after the election. Although there were cases of land mining incidents where the Marines were landmined in going to Panamaw. There is lot of scarenesses but not between the candidates. Actually the one in conflict there was with the military. They are trying to intercept the ballot boxes going there and going back.” * Explained that the military played a vital role in the 63 Said that during the elections, people of Sulu go for the money, because they are very poor. During his stint in Task Force Comet from Nov 2003 to March 2005, the number of officers and men who were KIAs and WIAs maybe about 100 men killed and wounded 500. Most of the people Killed are from the Marines including those who were killed in the town of Jolo. © LTC DANILO E ESPERO PA- US, SOLCOM ‘Answered inquiries not under oath. Presently assigned CENTCOM (effective December 15, 2004) ‘Assigned Southern Luzon Command, Lucena City as the Comptroller of GEN DAGUGAG during 2004 elections, Task Group SOLCOM was organized, Commanded by Deputy SOLCOM, GEN LUMANG (Ret). Informed thru orders that he was a member of Task Group ‘SOLCOM but mentioned that there was no mandate of his designation what to do. He heard of support for election activities in Infantry Battalion, Brigades and Major Services but it was being worked by the Special Disbursing Officer. Mentioned that SDO distributed election fund to operating Units of the TF/TG SOLCOM thru U6, amounting to around 90 or 150 Thousand Php each Battalions. Other support from GHQ was also received in terms of POL and repair of vehicles, Averred that release was all pre determine by GHQ. 65

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