Selling Skill PPT 2

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Yale eke 0s WUAT IS VOILIR DECISION??? WAL lO TUUN VEUDIVUING : Lf l=l 11 s=aisp. (eT [ Tejs= eYeruceoin A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. The train came, and you were just beside the track interchange. You could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids. | However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way? Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make. . - Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. You might think the sam way, | guess. Exactly, to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was. This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, Profession Choice - While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one. | If an egg is broken by an outside) force, life ends. CE) ibyfan) The A toy Cot Chen ect nee | Great things happen from the inside. | need your sales forecasts by Monday, your updated client lists by Tuesday, your expense reports by Wednesday and your budget plans by Thursday. And by the way — why aren’t you people making more sales calls. Deadly Waiting's... “Would you like to wait?” TIME CONSTRAINTS... fey 4 = [OONSLOCK Ai ee UMAIRI!! my favourite rep - you've 2 minutes........full "Don't you worry BOSS everything is fine here." @S= t tI D © A= Analyze Needs @®L= @E =Establish Commitment And CONVERTING Them into DEALS Asale is the act of selling a product or service in Toe eae Remarc aCe oka completion of a commercial activity. iin Lae Selling to a doctor is a single act but a long-term procedure. u rarely achieve instant success with only one call. Reason i onte AIDAS Theory of Selling According to this theory, during the successful selling interview the prospect’s mind passes through five successive mental states: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Satisfaction Implicit in this theory is the notion that the prospect goes through these five stages consciously, so the sales presentation must lead the prospect through them in the right sequence if a sale is to result = Pee eet oted = he fe PLEASE!Ss NOTE 85% of Salespeople Talk Too Much and Listen Too Little. Salespeople have been trained to think that two-thirds Oy MUM nm e-LCom ee Cemel alam melee e180) 0 when they describe their product features and benefits. This leads to the classic "data dump." Show up and throw up. Waa rag! byes listening © Really listen to the customer answers Listen do not just wait our turn to speak Put aside our own views Become curious about customer’s views Use the power of encouraging silence The Biggest mistake by Most Sales Listening half ... Understanding Quarter... Telling double... ENCOURAGING SILENCE When customer has first responded to question Pause - Do not talk Maintain an Encouraging Silence - smile eye contact, nonverbal encouragemen Customer will use the silence to think He will then Types of Listening Appreciative Listening Emphatic Listening -listening for pleasure and -listening to provide emotional enjoyment, as when we listen to support for the speaker, as when a music, to a comedy routine, or to an psychiatrist listens to a patient or entertaining speech emia when we lend a sympathetic ear to a iy) friend a \ Comprehensive/ Critical/ Analytical Listening Active Listening -listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it, as when we listen to -listening to understand the message of a the sales pitch of a used-car dealer or the speaker, as when we attend a classroom campaign speech of a political candidate lecture or listen to directions for finding a friend’s house ® Please do note that Listening is not just hearing Back Wheel Front Wheel ( Medical / Product knowledge ) ( Selling Skills ) © It supplies the driving force . Itsupplies Steering . « Ifyou don't havea strong back —* It directs the Medical and wheel, you cannot go anywhere. Product knowledge . Some Traits of Good Salespeople Selig SO PLEASE........ LISTEN CAREFULLY UPACA MODEL U = UNDERSTAND P = PLAN A = ADVANCE C = CLOSE A = ANALYSE through focusing on their needs problems and goals. f UNDERSTANDIN MACRO Level ™& =" “Understanding the territory, q Market Statistics and Surveys MICRO Level iL -Understanding individuals - Using call rgcords ring th v - - By asking quae / 4 Through analysif UNDERSTAND : NEEDS PROBLEMS AND GOALS « r bn Discover the most relevant gafithat we can e to a. wee ur | } Le SS many veo as UNDERSTAND-THE CUSTOMERS aWe focus on sre" needs and behavior in aicnaediiens Editor: UPACA ABM sochechoox 30 UNDERSTAND TARGETING Understand client positioning My questions to check my underst of the client and the relevance 0 visit: \ > Who is this doctor? > Why am | visiting this doctor? > What is advancing strategy for > What is his / her current situat > What is the room for growth? > What is my goal for this call? Editor: UPACA ABM xx/xxhio0 3 ~ <> BENEFITS v Increase chance 6 commitment v We don’t forget key elem v Increases our level of confid * v Helps build on previous o v Helps to focus the conve ae) e call time Editor: UPAGIPARM | xouhoxioox Plan what to achiev Fr | Set call objective to advan Ae ! 4 1 f Ly sale aPlan HOW to achieve \| y Plan behaviors to achieve the call objective PLAN WHAT TO ACHIEVE ? Setting call objectives-GOAL SETTING Objectives need to follow SMART criteria S= Specific M =Measurable A =Action orientated “=Realistic | =Time bound Plan how we will a Open the call a Confirm the reason for the visit a Ask questions that uncover needs a Prepare support materials a Anticipate and handle objections a Close / gain commitment Editor: UPACA ABM. PLAN (SETTING CALL at OBJECTIVES) USTADS FORTHE ATEST FLOUR a Always set call objectives that SER advance the business. a Be aware of the difference between an advance and continuation of business. 4 To set an objective that advance the business ask. a What action do | want the customer to agree to take that business forward? a By when ? a How will | know that he has done it? - 07634962 Editor: UPACA ABM PRE-CALL PLANNING _ ,’ 1.Know Your Product -Complete Knowledge of product 2.Know Yo ompetitior . Emphasize the strengths of your product, especially in areas where the competition is weak. 3.Know Your Prospect . Cold calls; fact finding calls . Use sales prospect cards to summarize what you know Tailor your presentation to the planner needs and desires. 4 . Include all information the prospect will need about your product and services. THE CALL Se GENERALIZED SES 7 CALL OPENNING OPROBING(customer involvement’ Wi, SOBJECTION HANDLIN Lane SUPPORTING OPRESENTING FEATURI UCLOSING/GAINING COMMITEMENTS Build Rapport @ State your purpose a Give the main reasons t 4 ~prospect should consi oes, your product. , O Bridge Statement o Ask for permission to continue with the presentation. Editor serous GETTING CUSTOMER i = | INVOLVEMENT(PROBING) ; Purpose i Involve the customer to understand his or her needs 1 Ask all questions before you give your presentation u Tailor your presentation according to what you learne about the product 1 Use both types of questions; . Open - ended questions . Close- ended questions Ww ADVANCE ART OF QUE Open vs. clos > OSes Colary UR LA SE safe Yes / No ; direct the conv NING md nae a rat ADVANCE ART OF QUESTIONING Elevator questions Do —meol antes 1 alam a(t (=a) e.g. all patients and specific e.g. this patient levels of discussion Confirming question fs Check for understanding interest and agreement-win -win Surgical questions 1. Preparation ; What do! want to achieve with this question? 2. Precision; How do ldirect the doctor to think in our way on precisely this item? 7, ADVANCE ART OF QUESTIONING Paimquestions LMU a Mar tor more fully appreciate the Ta cy nsequences. Pain questions makevthe doctor feel the pain of not yet having the benefits your product CEM UME Lee Pain questions amplify the seriousness of the problem. RADAR PROBING Probing should in RADAR R=Rapport building: questions AD=Asking question About difficultids A=Asking affirming questions -=Asking questions that will tell you Result a person looking for your s=products. me ahelied '8805.007 45 PRESENTING YOUR PRODUCT- (SUPPORTIN Be a Pro m 4 Solver 2 Sell benefits, not f I lanner envision a Use visual aids to the place Tailor your present he prospect needs. P ="Pause C= Gai manCheck if need sati - UPACA = CLOSE uGain agreement / co call objective aClosing means gaining a commitment to action uThe aim of every call is to achieve the call objective. =A) 8 _aThe cal objéctive isto gain commitment from the doctor toes take an action that will advance the sale 0 A good.close is the result ~ofsawellmanaged call sites. -UPACRAST If customer do - Ask questions to uncover reasons - Keeping call structure in mind handle stain. Clase of On. on - Always keep door open for next visit ——— Effi n_= Successful call UPACA = ANALYZE Principle a Review what we have learned from the call. 2 How well did | meet the call objectives ? = a What did the doctor agree to do ?\—~ a What did | agree to do ? How? When ? a What did | do well ? a What could | have done better ? a How can | improve ? a What I have learned ? a -About the doctor needs ? u -About how to provide benefits that meet these needs ? Editor: UPACA ABM sax Don't make promise when you are in joy. Don't reply when you are sad, Don't take decision when you are angry. Think twice.., Act Wise. J nS “THE ONLY THING STANDING BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR GOAL IS THE BULLSHIT STORY YOU KEEP TELLING YOURSELF AS TO WHY YOU CAN'T ACHIEVE IT.” OTe) My Regards, UZAIR AHMED

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