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Release Notes

1.16.1 (2021-11-22)

• Visualization problem on periods. ()

1.16.0 (2021-11-19)

• Teams system. (1db61e)

• Hangman game. (4464e2)
• Alphabet game. (567f1b)
• Healthcheck. (81af01)
• Added customization. (cb52a7)


• Changes on styles. (71b1ac) (d699bc)

• Logo images in all views. (a2a3b4)
• Purchases exportation refactored. (40ea7c)


• Problem on cloner. (0cf321)

• Nav underline problem. (68beec)
• A bug on jumpy demon. (ab7e49)
• Permissions segmentation. (8c0bb2)
• Delete orphan objectives transactions problem. (bbe538)
• Periods problems. (a01410)
• API problem on objective challenges date range. (df7ae8)
• Rankings calculation. (613965)
• Minor fixes on API. (76b085)
• Solved problem with non escaped characters on fast quiz. (04f8a4)
• Problem with thumbnails. (db7c75)
• Impersonate does not change user locale. (662bd1)
• Delete event on admin panel for alphabet questions now is working properly. (5eea45)
• Forgotten permissions for admin panel. (5210c9)
• Logins now are shown correctly. (662bd1)
• Products exportation working as expected. (9fb513)
• Problem on games images are fixed. (a13acc)

• Notifications globes. (044125)

1.15.1 (2021-10-20)

• Js compilation problem. (1dd713)

1.15.0 (2021-10-20)

• Words search game. (e4ccd9)

• Clever frog game. (229ca3)


• Coupon assignment refactored. (20fd34)

• Error pages. (374f9e)
• Donations and profile. (29e6d4)
• Segmentation Permission refactored. (78df70)
• Icons added into admin panel sidebar. (3fd719)
• Styles. (05cebb)


• Potential points on purchase campaign. (5a066b)

• Solved problem with duel creation. (9a9b1c)
• Minor fixes. (7cc864) (17f9a7) (8260e0) (6b9d9a)

1.14.0 (2021-10-11)

• Notification Module. (33e855)

• Delete account feature. (445440) (060f95)
• Sounds to html5 games. (9904ab)
• Differences game. (58c0f0)
• Periods Module. (6b7ed4) (5c448e)


• Adjustments auth views. (226e28)

• Community messages. (f18fde)
• Change redirect path on game over. (f28720)
• Equivalences added on purchase products exportation. (2fc54f)
• Helpers moved to the new structuration. (15e1e1)


• Renamed survey morph-relation mapping to survey_result. (ae18a5)

• Problem on survey with codes. (7663f7)
• Share buttons for coupons, promos and news. (045ed6)
• Thumbnail on game list view. (60d2d0)
• Problem with points expiration log. (ab4c6b)
• Minor fixes. (c54596) (947f4d)

1.13.2 (2021-09-07)

• Fix bug on segmentation. (4ba089)

1.13.1 (2021-08-20)

• Sound issue and improved performance for html5 games. (ac9999)

• Level assignment bug fixes. (b60a88)
• Minor fixes. (bac0b5)

1.13.0 (2021-08-17)

• Different types of login. (d19410)

• Implemented segmentation on purchases and transactions at admin panel. (8a3d9e)
• Stored machine contracts for Rockwool. (a5815e)
• Stored removed dashboard panels from Rockwool. (71ca23)
• New API method for create transactions. (21aa0a)
• New Dynamics headers on admin panel. (39dbb7)


• Solved a problem with routes (abc5e1)

• Fixed and improved purchase importation algorithm (9b4aa7)
• Duelable fields on game update and promotions fixed. (725947)
• Bug on user importation script. (593ded)
1.12.3 (2021-07-29)

• Changed community view and solved problem with routes. (45fee9)

1.12.3 (2021-07-23)

• Jobs can be called on different ways. (4a28ae)

• Integrate c3 Tonguey Frog game. (8fbab0)
• Filters to admin permission view. (f94ebb)
• Password recovery for admins. (0579ae)


• Fixed typo problem causing erratic flow on send new email on registration. (ddbdfc)
• Fixed bug on update game detail at backend. (f93bd2)
• Adjusted width of QR codes. (81ada7)
• Promotion merge fixes. (a964cd)
• Refactored web routes. (20fc6c)

1.12.1 (2021-07-14)

• Inputs translations. (eff43b)

• Description in views. (c7a3ad)


• Removed duelable filter and column from games list view. (eff43b)
• Adjustment in QR and Alpha code campaigns. (fe483f)
• Error on DuelStatusChecker solved. (6dcda3)
• Minor mistakes. (016737) (88c578)

1.12.0 (2021-07-09)

• Clone functionality added. (4eabad)

• New Ranking System for games. (b517e1)
• Expiration points module. (db9793)
• User display name or fullname can be configurable through .env file. (11fd52)
• Added QR campaigns. (0e3a52)

• Improvements on games. Added score. (2349f9)

• Cleaning code. (908487)
• Change structure on frontend. (72f320)
• Improved buttons. (444349)
• Various frontend settings. (097573)
• Improvement on duels. (849763)
• Punctuable seeder changes. (6a514b)
• Improved quiz game. (6b5066) (d7fd10)
• Improved ranking styles. (314801)


• Bug on user data fields creation. (57b5d5)

• Problems solved in coupons. (b0963a)
• Bug on campaign detail view. (68afd9)
• Issue with campaign purchase product rule creation. (4179fa)
• 500 in coupon module at admin panel. (2a8d65)
• Promotion bug fixes. (12ea4a)
• Problem on duels solved. (e3a48e)
• Solved problem on deleting surveys. (d1245a)
• Minor fixes. (e4ebcf) (3e5317)

1.11.1 (2021-06-16)

• A model for challenges has been added. (4b80e2)

• Points into user purchase products excel. (f92218)


• A problem with sliders in admin panel. (487e25)

• Distributor residual construction middleware. (c165f3)
• Default locale is working now. (08f098)

1.11.0 (2021-06-14)

• Game dependency feature. (0325d4)

• Function to show/hide password on login view. (762de1)
• Clone feature on news in admin panel. (1453ed)
• Background color on games. (eadd4a)
• Sliders and home can be segmented now. (2ed23a)
• Script for add new key-values. (bb8276)
• Added text box in catalogue product. (7b7a9c)

• Dropdown options in header links (ab7616)

• Refactored custom pages and contact form. (58022e)
• Under construction page refactored. (3f4db6)


• Games translations. (845498)

• Problem deleting orphans in transactions. (8dca5e)
• Issue with external link on news. (8e4148)
• Redirect issue in games. (3fa4c9)
• Fix importation in purchase campaign. (b88bfd)
• Purchases status. (bc2bd9)
• Minor fixes. (099369) (5a2f3b) (89d3dd) (231c16) (9a07a7) (826c2a) (dd7073)


• Soft deletes from all models. (a415cb)

1.10.1 (2021-06-01)

• Fixes in admin panel. (2ed90d)

1.10.0 (2021-05-31)

• Minimal Paddle game. (9c95a0) (cb8965)

• Zig Zag game. (437449)
• Driver Highway game. (ab85fa)
• Default sprites of the games can be downloadable now. (1331b5)
• Ball Crush game. (a7e1d0)
• Samurai Panda game. (507c44)
• Christmas Bubbles game. (ffe4f8)
• Sprite preview in popup. (e9c147)
• Duelable to games (60ee5e)


• Fixes in Tower Knight game. (18bcd7)

• Styles fixes. (63ee2f) (64f547) (ce03f2)
• Added documentation and fixes into API. (fce4a2)
• Solved a bug in news gallery. (7b5480)
• Refactor on frontend games. (536e35)
• Tower Knight game changed to construct 3. (a519d6)
• Dolphin Ball game changed to construct 3. (89f5c4)
• Construct 2 games conversion to construct 3. (db7e21)
• Improve performance and refactoring admin panel. Improve language visualization too.
• Distributor filter refactored. (ab0a41)
• A new possibility of game called "one win game". (22fe8f)
• Minor fixes. (cb483d) (39118f) (21bc5a)

1.9.2 (2021-05-10)

• Fixed purchase date visualization on admin panel. (d61bf6)

1.9.1 (2021-05-06)

• Katana Fruits game. (18e22d)

• First version of the API. (bf0f12)


• Fixed delay problems on games. (6fc244)

• Solved problem on transactions and level reward type. (d2bd64) (a691d1) (25dca2)
• Games bugs solved. (f04c01)

1.9.0 (2021-04-30)

• Spring Samurai game. (8af13d)

• Helicopter game. (832df3)
• Tower Knight game. (4587dd)
• Password visualization on password reset. (9cb2c2)


• Routes for purchase campaign and removed AsArrayObject from code. (2630da)
• Reformatted emails layout and added a custom reset password notification. (dc1b94)
• Fixes for unlimited tries on games. (03ed12)
• Refactor code for HTML5 games (frontend and backend). (fe56ac)
• Fixing locale problem if the platform does not have default and active language. (e3e15a)
• Delete orphans on transactions. (e77084)
• Fixed purchase imports. (355926)
• Refactor HTML5 Games as per iframe approach. (c6e01b)
• Styles for HTML5. (e6791e)
1.8.4 (2021-04-21)

• Layout for challenges. (9c8f03)

• HTML5 games. (eb2a4e)


• Updated content type seeder (c0fae9)

• Fixed bug in update user purchase in admin panel. (10372b)

1.8.3 (2021-04-15)

• Fixed problem copying resources compiling js. (79745f)

1.8.2 (2021-04-13)

• Dynamic columns for campaign user purchases env. (d835cd)

• Fixed user creation/edition form fields as per fields set by admin in userDataField. (87891b)
• Refactored purchase importation validation. Negative quantities now invalid purchases.
• Update user level and cluster association when user is logged in. (dbe91f)
• Fixed automatic deploy. Refactored js messages dependencies. (a1b24b)

1.8.1 (2021-03-26)

• Changes in the distributors view. (5a9e8c)

• Fixed problem with changing app language for field validation. (ea276d)
• Fixed bug with segmentationUserGroup table that occurred with deleted users. (dda4dc)

1.8.0 (2021-03-22)

• New procedures for UserCluster.(2c8e5e)

• Added permissions on dashboard in admin panel. (502aed)

• Bug on distributor edit page solved. (4a483f)
• Template and badge styles in profile. (2404ef)
• On purchases frontpage bug with loading gif solved. (24d0e4)
• Changed the texts shown in transactions table. (b7c3af)
• Punctuable enum and added punctuable seeder table. (f08a88)
• Solved a problem with translation on error messages. (6b68b4)
• Modification and new features in catalogue orders. (8f615b)
• Changed styles in user advanced filter in admin panel. (11fed2)
• Solved a problem when searching products by reference when including special characters.
• Fixed and improved products importation. Now can be segmented. (aae3bb)
• Changed admin permissions fields. (f6487d)
• Moved providers nav link to products. (ecdd07)


• Overwritten datatables styles. (e152c2)

1.7.0 (2021-03-11)

• Headers for purchase products configurable now. (1b97d9)

• Filter on catalogue table on admin panel. (fda237)
• Headers for transactions on admin panel configurable through .env. (b95169)
• Admin mailing is now segmented by queries. (7f307a)


• Fixes all exports. (17c52f)

• Reorder on admin panel fixed. (f79814)
• Bug on select surveys on admin panel solved. (12e239)
• Unit types on purchase campaigns now are shown properly. (7088e8)
• Solved a problem with mandatory fields on register page. (260eb7)
• Header in email template is shown properly now. (728cf1)
• A bug with default avatar solved. (f5f567)
• LocalesSeederTable is only run once. (3735d1)

1.6.3 (2021-03-01)

• Missing translations. (0785fd)

• More missing translations. (e9d704)


• Adjusted style in boxes. (d79f7a)

• Better visualization on mobile. (a739ed)
• Bug solved on CSV uploading. (7fc9d2)
• Solved a problem on procedures. (c1a4df)
• Exportation problems solved. (3c9b1e)
• Now status_text is not necessary in user table. (7a394e)


• Style for img in games. (097936)

1.6.2 (2021-02-19)

• New procedures for automatic fields. (15c503)


• Coupon has been refactored in order to work properly. (878662)

• New way to cookies are shown. (8e7cb7)

1.6.1 (2021-02-12)

• Fix opacity on compilation in production. Added commands for translations. (c99930)

1.6.0 (2021-02-12)

• CSS's variables to tooltip-text in campaigns. (e71152)

• CSS var for games. (df0a70)
• Captcha for registration in order to avoid bots. (525c9f)
• Automatic fields to dynamics working with procedures and scheduler. (17c3eb)


• Styles when hover user points in the navbar. (d06f3e)

• Backend user selectors now load correctly. (12e161)
• Breadcrumbs hidden. (c3e285)
• Improved performance in list user purchase datatables. (5a7541)
• Improved games visualization in mobile. (7aacb7)
• Centered home slider title in mobile (447297)
• Styles in slider video. (923453)
• Solved a problem with actions in admin panel after being refactored. (2d8be9) (487f95)
• Improved performance on exportation and renderization in purchases. (b713d1)
• In users and transactions improved performance too. (1894d1)
• Changed transactions frontend title from h1 to h2 (363d4f)
• When a search was deleted in my purchases, the dropdown menus of the table did not
remain open. (29156)


• Uppercase for labels in profile. (3fa393)

1.5.0 (2021-01-28)

• Personalization in games at admin panel. (8457cf)

• Dashboard queries. (8d0f46)
• New column for my purchases section. (baf70c)
• Possibility to access to admin panel when user is logged in. (e76655)
• Cron calls through url to jobs with Laravel scheduler. (32cf79)


• Fixed popup error message on update style vars. (2dfb01)

• Fixed a bug in games. (c81c79)
• Clusters generation refactored. (da73b7)
• Solved a problem when dynamic fields were shown in users section at admin panel.
• Users section in admin panel is now configurable through environment file with dynamic
fields. (09dc28)
• User table in admin panel is now loaded faster because User model has been changed.
• Solved a couple of bugs in slider section at admin panel. (149210)
• Styles changed in mobile. (403cf9)
• Bug in home on surveys popup. (09e399)

1.4.0 (2021-01-07)

• User Purchase Products can be modified now. (fc3b3e)

• New tooltip into distributor page. (7019f7)
• More translations for registration page. (44e5ef)
• Videos on sliders. (a9683a)
• New constant .env to establish fields in distributors. (c47d8e)
• Compressor for PDF and images in order to reduce size of files in servers. (cf7d3e)
• New mass image uploader. Also, a new unlinked images detector. (15cd84)


• Solved bug in distributor page. (8a647a)

• Solved problem deleting transactions. (56ad12)
• Mobile roulette styles properly adapted. (a72dc3)
• Solved bug in games, button was not shown properly. (af9631)
• Displaying games properly in Firefox. (28a34b)
• Solved bug in Panel, displaying now apertures properly. (5ee8fe)

1.3.2 (2020-12-17)

• More backend translations (f46696)


• Query in logins modified (f46696)

• Only active products are shown. (913c03)

1.3.1 (2020-12-16)

• Logins section in admin panel. (9d114b)

• Unique code field into header menu buttons table and footer menu buttons. (564c25)
• Invalid reason into purchase campaigns. (12ce8b)


• More translations and advanced filter stylized. (074439)

• Dynamic user fields into user exportation (b1f5c5)

1.3.0 (2020-12-10)

• Added static image in invitation friend module. (e8ad3f)

• Added a new profile into the admin panel for the current logged admin. (eab8a0)


• Solved the problem with modules and entities visualization in edit footer links. (0ce456)
• Alert displayed properly in survey alert. (2074cb)
• Fixed CrudController and all inheritance addition a parent construct into them. (793eb5)
• Now in a purchase campaign is showing only one, not all of them. (88694f)
• Solved a problem with segmentation in purchase campaign. (7371cd)
• Solved self-slug problematic and translations in admin panel. (5e2a30)
• Reformatted all admin translator in order to adapt it properly into the layout. (fb4fc8)
• Changed default typography to standard Roboto font. (eab8a0)
• A new log viewer has been added, and the older removed. (cec48d)
1.2.1 (2020-12-02)

• Log viewer in admin panel. (e57ff0)


• Solved the problem with link distributor route when module is active. (27504e)
• Disabled users can not log in nevermore into the platform. (2feac4)
• Solved a problem with types in purchase campaign code type. (176aca)
• Fixed again broken images when file is pdf in purchases invoices. (5eb9ba)

1.2.0 (2020-12-01)

• More translations into admin panel. (638196)

• Spinner image for admin panel. (4a56cb)
• Mails for registration and for purchases updated. (0b045c)


• Solved a bug in collapse elements into campaign purchase elements. (ee6891)

• More length into user data fields column name. (586ac7)
• Fixed broken image when file is pdf in purchases invoices. (e21022)
• Fixed footer logo problem in safari. (c2dee8)
• Solved the problem about host when is a subdomain. Infinite loop problem solved. (e2f724)
• Solved the problem with selector in campaign purchase. (4db933)
• Rollback status comparison to less strict in order to prevent errors in admin panel. (e9b9a4)

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