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Final Requirements

Requirements Percentage
Consultation/Oral Presentation 30%
Paper Requirement 30%
Final paper 40%
TOTAL 100%

A. Oral Presentation/Consultation
a. Present your topic in our scheduled synchronous time
i. Give an overview of the topic
ii. Reason why you wanted the topic
iii. Contribution to the society

November 24 Aparicio Arcillas

Waniwan Lagat
Apdian Gaid
Villegas Jacinto
Jarder Asok
November 27 Caballero Cabingas
Teves Litang
Handa Handag
Lequit Cagas
Tadena Sinerez
December 1 Saranza Geron
Cedino Cunanan
Omar Pedimente
Retiza Galarrita
Mardan David
December 4 Delgado Nayve
Escojedo Nacional
Etado Mulet
Fabroa Monsanto
Panondiongan Medrano

B. Paper Requirement
i. Every Asynchronous, pass an output - 500 to 600 words each
ii. First output – introduction
1. Introductory remarks about the topic (objective of the essay)
2. Definition of the topic
3. Cultural relevant of the topic
iii. Second output – body
1. Historical account of the topic (timeline)
2. The importance of the topic in the cultural milieu
3. The effect of the topic in the cultural milieu
iv. Third output – conclusion
1. General reflection
2. Personal Reflection
3. Recommendation or suggestion (contribution)
v. Plagiarism grounds to expulsion

C. Final Paper
a. Pass the final output with the correction and format
i. See the final format
b. Deadline is the final schedule of the exam

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