Matrix Training Procedure To Teach Generative Language

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Matrix training consists of planning instruction by arranging components of desired skills across
2 axes. After training with diagonal targets that each combine 2 unique skill components,
responses to nondiagonal targets, consisting of novel combinations of the components, may
emerge. A multiple-probe design across participants was used to evaluate matrix training with
known nouns (e.g., cat) and verbs (e.g., jumping) with 5 children with autism spectrum disor-
ders (ASD). Following baseline of Matrix 1 and a generalization matrix, diagonal targets within
Matrix 1 were trained as noun–verb combinations (e.g., cat jumping). Posttests showed recombi-
native generalization within Matrix 1 and the generalization matrix for 4 participants. For 1 par-
ticipant, diagonal training across multiple matrices was provided until correct responding was
observed in the generalization matrix. Results support the use of matrix training to promote
untrained responses for learners with ASD and offer a systematic way to evaluate the extent of
generalization within and across matrices.
Key words: autism, matrix training, recombinative generalization, tact

Although impairments in language are no Eigsti, Bennetto, and Dadlani (2007) found
longer a necessary component of autism spec- that children with ASD emitted shorter, less
trum disorders (ASD; American Psychiatric complex utterances than typically developing
Association, 2013), failure to develop or a delay and developmentally delayed peers, even when
in vocal speech remains a strong predictor of matched for nonverbal vocabulary skill. These
ASD (Mody & Belliveau, 2013). Even after findings suggest that vocabulary-building inter-
acquiring vocal speech, many children with ventions alone will not necessarily lead to the
ASD continue to present with a variety of development of age-appropriate language use.
unique challenges to language (Luyster, Kadlec, For multiword utterances to occur, specific
Carter, & Tager-Flusberg, 2008; Mody & Bel- intervention may be necessary. Given the costs
liveau, 2013; Paul, 2008). One challenge of and resources required to deliver high-quality
particular importance relates to syntactic devel- language intervention, the interventions must
opment; specifically, combining words into be aimed at developing generalized repertoires
phrases and sentences. Weismer et al. (2011) that will allow the learner to demonstrate
found that only 5% of 30-month-old children responses beyond those that are directly taught
with ASD were combining words, with no sig- (Striefel, Wetherby, & Karlan, 1976). Interven-
nificant relation to vocabulary size. Similarly, tions that produce flexible word combinations
are needed for children with ASD to make
Correspondence concerning this article should be meaningful gains in language development.
addressed to Sarah E. Frampton, Marcus Autism Center, Several studies with adults and teens with
1920 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30329 (e-mail: developmental disabilities have shown the util-
doi: 10.1002/jaba.340 ity of using known skills as the foundation for

870 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

developing novel, combined responses. Recom- interaction of the components to produce novel
binative generalization is a process by which responses through recombinative generalization.
individuals come to produce and respond to Matrix training consists of preplanning inter-
novel combinations of words when the compo- vention by first identifying the components of
nents themselves are familiar (Goldstein & desired compound responses and displaying
Mousetis, 1989). For the learner to display them across two axes. For example, when target-
novel, recombined responses made up of ing tact noun–verb combinations, the horizon-
known components, the components them- tal axis may contain the desired verbs
selves must “continue to exert precise and (e.g., jumping, sleeping, and eating) and the verti-
appropriate control over corresponding portions cal axis includes the list of nouns (e.g., pig,
of the novel responses” (Goldstein & Mousetis, horse, and cat). The possible intervention targets
1989, p. 246). Typical strategies to produce are made up of all nine combinations of these
recombinative generalization call for training verbs and nouns (e.g., pig jumping, horse jump-
responses with overlapping components, so that ing, cat jumping, pig sleeping, horse sleeping, cat
the participants can learn to emit novel sleeping, pig eating, horse eating, and cat eating).
responses made up of those components By arranging these desired responses into a
arranged in a new order (Hanna, de Souza, de matrix, targets for intervention can be systemat-
Rose, & Fonseca, 2004). For example, having ically identified and trained. Some studies sug-
taught a learner to read the words hug and mat, gest that the optimal targets for intervention
the clinician tests for correct responses to hat are found along the diagonal, because these tar-
and mug. These new responses are made up gets share no overlapping components (Axe &
entirely of components of learned responses. Sainato, 2010; Kohler & Malott, 2014; Pau-
Thus, initial training may be sufficient to pro- wels et al., 2015). These diagonal targets are
duce correct responses in the presence of words selected for intervention, because together they
that involve different combinations of the contain one example of each verb and one
taught components. Recombinative generaliza- example of each noun (e.g., pig jumping, horse
tion has been used to teach skills such as spell- sleeping, and cat eating). After learning these
ing (Hanna et al., 2004), reading (Hübner, targets, the learner may demonstrate correct
Gomes, & McIlvane, 2009; Mueller, Olmi, & responses to the nondiagonal targets through
Saunders, 2000), and reading music (Perez & recombinative generalization. If recombinative
de Rose, 2010) to typically developing adults generalization is not observed, the nondiagonal
and children. targets (which share overlapping components
Some studies suggest that interventions that with the diagonal targets) are trained. Of note,
target recombinative generalization may be a it has been suggested that the inclusion of
viable strategy for learners with ASD or other known component skills is required for diago-
developmental disorders (Axe & Sainato, 2010; nal, nonoverlapping training approaches to pro-
Goldstein, Angelo, & Mousetis, 1987; Gold- duce recombinative generalization (Goldstein,
stein & Brown, 1989; Goldstein & Mousetis, 1983; Striefel & Wetherby, 1973, Striefel
1989; Karlan et al., 1982; Kohler & Malott, et al., 1978). This assertion has recently been
2014; Light, Watson, & Remington, 1990; contradicted (Axe & Sainato, 2010; Pauwels
Mineo & Goldstein, 1990; Pauwels, Ahearn, & et al., 2015), so overall findings remain mixed
Cohen, 2015; Remington, Watson, & Light, on this point. Given the robust findings regard-
1990; Striefel & Wetherby, 1973; Striefel, ing the efficiency of matrix training in produ-
Wetherby, & Karlan, 1976, 1978). These stud- cing untrained responses, more recent studies
ies employed matrix training to maximize the have focused on extending the literature to

include broader tests for recombinative general- effects of diagonal training within one matrix
ization; specifically, evaluation of familiar on all matrices. In baseline, all subject–verb–
(i.e., mastered) components that were not object tacts in all matrices were probed. Diago-
included in the trained matrix. nal training was employed in Matrix 1 and,
Axe and Sainato (2010) used matrix training after mastery was obtained, probes for recombi-
to establish preliteracy skills with children with native generalization within Matrix 1 were con-
ASD and evaluated the effects of training across ducted. If mastery was obtained for these
several untrained matrices. Six unknown nondiagonal targets, probes were conducted
actions (e.g., underline, circle, highlight, etc.) with the diagonal targets of the remaining
were assigned to three matrices, making up the matrices. If correct responding was obtained for
y axis. The x axis consisted of unknown pic- two thirds of the diagonal targets within an
tures for one matrix (primary matrix), known untrained matrix, the remaining nondiagonal
letters and numbers for the second matrix, and targets within that matrix were probed. If
known pictures for the third matrix. Within responding was below mastery levels, diagonal
the primary matrix, targets were divided into training was conducted with that matrix, and
several submatrices. Training of the diagonal training of the nondiagonal targets followed as
targets was sequentially introduced into each necessary. The probe-and-train sequence was
submatrix following the logic of a multiple- repeated until untrained responses were
probe design. Recombinative generalization was obtained across all six matrices.
assessed within the targeted submatrix and Results indicated that for one participant,
additional, nondiagonal targets were trained as diagonal training within Matrix 1 produced
necessary until mastery criteria were met for recombinative generalization within Matrices
each submatrix. Results showed that all partici- 1 through 3 but not Matrices 4 through
pants demonstrated untrained responses within 6. Diagonal training for Matrix 4 established
the primary matrix, and three participants some correct responses for nondiagonal targets
showed evidence of recombinative generaliza- in Matrix 4; however, errors were detected with
tion with the matrices composed of previously one verb so remedial training specific to that
known stimuli, which received no direct train- verb was provided. Probes indicated that
ing. These findings suggest that the effects of responding for the nondiagonal targets still did
matrix training may extend well beyond the not meet the mastery criterion, so training for
targets in the matrix in which diagonal targets the nondiagonal targets was provided. After this
are trained, for which both components would training, evidence of recombinative generaliza-
overlap with a trained target. Rather, the effects tion was obtained within Matrices 5 and
may extend exponentially as long as the com- 6, although some remedial training was still
ponents of the skills are known. necessary for some of the nondiagonal targets
Kohler and Malott (2014) also demonstrated in Matrix 6. For the second participant, diago-
recombinative generalization to untrained nal training with Matrix 1 did not produce
matrices composed of known component skills. recombinative generalization, and no effects on
Six matrices were developed for two partici- other matrices were obtained after training the
pants with ASD. Before baseline, probes for nondiagonal targets. Diagonal training for
each of the component skills (i.e., tacts for sub- Matrix 2 produced recombinative generaliza-
jects, verbs, and object names) were conducted tion within Matrix 2 but limited improvements
and responses were trained to mastery as in Matrices 3 through 6. The nondiagonal tar-
needed. A multiple-probe design across stimu- gets for Matrix 3 were trained and improve-
lus sets (matrices) was used to evaluate the ments were observed for Matrix 4, but effects
872 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

were limited for Matrices 5 and 6. After train- training when recombinative generalization is not
ing the nondiagonal targets for Matrix observed within untrained matrices.
5, improvement was obtained for Matrix 6. For
this participant, secondary probe sessions for
incorrect responses were included when it was METHOD
hypothesized that the errors were due to poor The study was conducted with five individuals
attending in the initial session. For Matrices who received services in a clinical setting. All par-
4 and 6, it was in these secondary sessions that ticipants received services 5 days per week for
mastery criterion were met. This study offers a 2 to 3 hr per day. Mark was a 5-year-old boy
promising procedure for establishing recombi- who had attended the clinic for 10 months prior
native generalization across matrices. However, to the start of the study. He had been diagnosed
as noted by the authors, these findings are lim- with ASD at 2 years of age by a developmental
ited by possible threats to experimental control pediatrician. At 3 years of age, he was given the
introduced with the use of the multiple-probe Capute Scales (Cognitive Adaptive Test and the
design across matrices. In addition, the reme- Clinical Linguistic Auditory Milestone Scale;
dial procedures were inconsistent across partici- Accardo & Capute, 2005). On the Clinical Lin-
pants, making evaluation of the efficacy of guistic Auditory Milestone Scale, his age equiva-
these remedial strategies difficult. lence was 12 to 14 months in expressive
Although the matrix-training literature covers language and 8 to 16 months in receptive lan-
several decades, few studies have used matrix guage. The Verbal Behavior Milestones Assess-
training to teach vocal tact responses (Goldstein, ment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP;
Angelo, & Mousetis, 1987; Goldstein & Brown, Sundberg, 2008) was administered to Mark
1989; Goldstein & Mousetis, 1989), and even when he was admitted to the clinic and after
fewer studies have done so in the ASD population 2 months of treatment (see Table 1 for results).
(Kohler & Malott, 2014; Pauwels et al., 2015). Brad was a 6-year-old boy who had attended
Given the noted challenges related to establishing the clinic for 1 month at the start of the study.
generative verbal responding for individuals with Brad’s parents reported that he had been diag-
ASD, further examination of the application of nosed with ASD by a psychologist, but no test-
matrix training to language instruction is neces- ing information was available. The VB-MAPP
sary. Thus, the purposes of the current study were was administered to Brad 1 month before
(a) to continue to extend matrix training that tar- admission to the clinic (see Table 1 for results).
gets vocal tact skills to learners with ASD, (b) to Zack was a 6-year-old boy who had attended
employ a stronger experimental design to evaluate the clinic for 1 month at the start of the study.
effects of diagonal tact training within and across He had been diagnosed with ASD at the age of
matrices, and (c) to offer systematic remedial 4 by a clinical psychologist. At that time, Zack

Table 1
Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program Results

Total milestones Tact domain Tact noun–verb Listener domain Listener noun–verb
Participant score score skills score skills
Mark 97 8 No 8 No
Brad 116.5 9 No 10 No
Zack 125 10.5 No 12.5 Yes
Daisy 124.5 9.5 No 10 Yes
Jaleel 107 8 No 8.5 No

was given the Differential Ability Scale (2nd to the participant’s programming were present
ed., DAS-II, Early School Years Form; Elliott, on the table or nearby. These could include
2007), the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales toys, edible items, television, DVD player, tar-
(2nd ed., VABS-II; Sparrow, Cicchetti, &, get cards, data sheets, clickers, pens or pencils,
Balla, 2005), and the Autism Diagnostic Obser- accessory items, and animal figurines. The ani-
vation Schedule (ADOS; Lord, Rutter, DiLa- mal figurines varied according to the targeted
vore, & Risi, 1999). On the DAS-II, Zack nouns (e.g., dog, bear, alligator). The accessory
received an overall score of 67 for General Con- items varied according to the targeted verbs
ceptual Ability, with a percentile rank of 1. His (e.g., a paint brush for painting, a chair for sit-
score on the Verbal Reasoning Cluster was a ting). Table 2 shows all nouns and verbs used
73, placing him in the 4th percentile. His stand- for each participant.
ard score on the communication subdomain on
the VABS-II was a 63, which falls in the 1st per-
centile. According to the ADOS algorithm, he Response Measurement, Interobserver
met the criteria for an ASD diagnosis. The VB- Agreement, and Treatment Integrity
MAPP was administered to Zack when he was The primary dependent measure was the per-
admitted to the clinic (see Table 1 for results). centage of correct tact responses for diagonal and
Daisy was a 6-year-old girl who had attended nondiagonal targets within Matrix 1. Diagonal
the clinic for 1 month at the start of the study. and nondiagonal targets were determined based
She had been diagnosed with ASD at the age of on the arrangement of each participant’s matrix.
5 by a clinical psychologist. At that time, Daisy The second dependent measure was the percent-
was given the ADOS, DAS-II, and the VABS- age of correct tact responses for all targets within
II. On the DAS-II, Daisy received a standard the generalization matrix. The generalization
score of 59 for General Conceptual Ability, with matrix targets were presented only during base-
a percentile rank of 1. Her score on the Verbal line and posttest conditions and never received
Reasoning Domain was 86, placing her in the direct training. For all tact responses to be con-
18th percentile. She received a score of 67 on sidered correct, the response had to be emitted
the VABS-II Communication domain, falling in within 5 s of the vocal question, “What’s hap-
the 1st percentile. The VB-MAPP was adminis- pening?” when the clinician modeled an action
tered to Daisy when she was admitted to the with a particular figurine. The response had to
clinic (see Table 1 for results). include both the correct verb and noun. If either
Jaleel was 15 years old at the start of the noun or verb was omitted or a different noun or
study and had been attending the clinic for verb was included, the response was scored as an
4 months. Jaleel’s parent reported that he had incorrect response. Trials with no response were
been diagnosed with ASD, but no testing infor- also scored as incorrect.
mation was available. The VB-MAPP was Trial-by-trial interobserver agreement data
administered when he was admitted to the and treatment fidelity data were scored in vivo,
clinic (see Table 1 for results). with paper and pencil, by a trained second
observer. Interobsever agreement was calculated
for each session by dividing the number of
Setting and Materials agreements by the total number of agreements
All sessions took place at the individual work and disagreements and converting the result to a
station assigned to each participant for his or percentage. For Mark, data were collected on
her clinical services. The participant and a clini- 50% of sessions, with a mean agreement of
cian were seated at the station; materials typical 100%. For Brad, data were collected on 73% of
874 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

Table 2
Noun–Verb Targets Across Participants

Generalization targets Training targets

Participant Nouns Verbs Matrix Nouns Verbs
Mark Dog, bear, alligator Drinking, jumping, eating Matrix 1 Duck, rabbit, pig Reading, painting, sitting
Brad Sheep, monkey, dinosaur Jumping, sleeping, eating Matrix 1 Tiger, turtle, pig Drinking, flying, walking
Zack Tiger, giraffe, duck Eating, flying, sleeping Matrix 1 Frog, horse, pig Drinking, spinning,
Daisy Tiger, giraffe, duck Eating, flying, sleeping Matrix 1 Shark, wonder pet, pig Drinking, spinning
Jaleel Dog, bear, sheep Drinking, jumping, sleeping Matrix 1 Cat, frog, pig Reading, eating, writing
Matrix 2 Cow, monkey, chicken Coloring, sitting, flying
Matrix 3 Horse, bee, dolphin Painting, spinning, calling

sessions, with a mean agreement of 97% (range, Target Selection

67% to 100%). For Zack, data were collected To be included in the matrix, the verbs and
on 59% of sessions, with a mean agreement of nouns had to be mastered as tacts in isolation.
99% (range, 88% to 100%). For Daisy, data Mastery was determined through direct probes
were collected on 88% of sessions, with a mean or review of clinical mastery records. Mastery
agreement of 99.5% (range, 89% to 100%). required three consecutive correct responses on
For Jaleel, data were collected on 67% of the probe trials. To assess the nouns, the clinician
sessions, with a mean agreement of 100%. presented the target figure and asked, “Who
Treatment fidelity was scored in vivo, on [what] is it?” and then allowed a 5-s response
paper and pencil, by a trained second observer. interval. To assess the verbs, the clinician used
A checklist was developed that outlined each a novel figure (not included in the target matri-
step of the procedures for each condition. The ces), modeled the target action, asked “What is
second observer observed a trial, then recorded he [she or it] doing?,” and allowed a 5-s
a plus if the step was completed as outlined or response interval. Matrices were arranged with
a minus if any deviations from the outlined the mastered nouns on the vertical axis and
procedures were observed. The fidelity score mastered verbs on the horizontal axis. Figure 1
was calculated by dividing the number of steps displays the design of each matrix, and Table 2
completed with fidelity (scored as a plus) by outlines the verbs and nouns targeted for each
the total number of steps and converting the participant. At the start of the study, two matri-
result to a percentage. For Mark, fidelity data ces were developed for each participant: the
were collected on 50% of sessions, and fidelity generalization matrix and Matrix 1. For Jaleel,
was 100%. For Brad, fidelity data were col- additional matrices were developed throughout
lected on 36% of sessions, and fidelity was the course of the study, and probes for nouns
100%. For Zack, fidelity data were collected on and verbs were conducted before baselines for
65% of sessions, with a mean score of 99.8% the new matrices.
(range, 97% to 100%) fidelity. For Daisy,
fidelity data were collected on 50% of sessions, Design
with a mean score of 99.8% (range, 98% to A multiple-probe design across participants
100%) fidelity. For Jaleel, fidelity data were was used to assess the effects of diagonal train-
collected on 22% of sessions, with a mean ing. Baselines were initially conducted with the
score of 99% (range, 97% to 100%) fidelity. generalization matrix followed by Matrix 1. After

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 imitation and single-step receptive instructions.

Noun 1
Noun 1-Verb 1 Noun 1-Verb 2 Noun 1-Verb 3 When the participant had complied with the
(Diagonal Target)
mastered targets, a probe trial was conducted.
Noun 2
Noun 2-Verb 1 Noun 2-Verb 2 Noun 2-Verb 3
The clinician presented the figurine that corre-
(Diagonal Target) sponded with the target noun, modeled the tar-
Noun 3 get action, and asked, “What’s happening?”
Noun 3-Verb 1 Noun 3-Verb 2 Noun 3-Verb 3
(Diagonal Target)
The participant was given 5 s to respond. Neu-
tral statements (e.g., “okay,” “interesting”) were
provided for correct or incorrect responses, the
Figure 1. The vertical axis reflects the known noun trial was terminated, and the clinician either
components to be included within target responses, and
the horizontal axis reflects the known verb components.
presented the next target trial or interspersed a
Among the nine possible combinations of the nouns and mastered skill. After one to five target trials, a
verbs, the diagonal targets that were selected for training mastered target was interspersed and a correct
are indicated. response was reinforced with access to the pre-
viously identified desired item. Each of the nine
diagonal training with Matrix 1, posttest probes targets within each matrix was presented once
were conducted for both Matrix 1 and the gen- in a session, for a total of nine trials. Sessions
eralization matrix. If mastery criteria were met were conducted first for the generalization
for both matrices, the experiment was com- matrix followed by sessions for Matrix 1. For
pleted. For Jaleel, a delayed multiple-probe Jaleel, additional baseline sessions were con-
design across stimulus sets (Richards, Taylor, & ducted for Matrix 2 and Matrix 3.
Ramasamy, 2014) was also used to assess the
effects of diagonal training within trained
matrices. Diagonal Training
After baseline, training was conducted with
Baseline the three diagonal targets within Matrix 1. These
To begin each experimental session, the cli- three targets were presented three times each per
nician identified items to be used as reinforcers session, for a total of nine trials. The trials had
during teaching by asking the participant been randomized, with the constraint that no
“What do you want?” or by arranging items target was presented three times consecutively.
and waiting for a response in the form of a Training sessions were conducted in a similar
reach or point toward a preferred item. The manner to baseline, with a few exceptions. The
items in the array varied based on these clinician modeled the target action with the ani-
responses and vocal mands emitted by the par- mal figurine and any needed accessory items
ticipant throughout the clinical session (e.g., bringing a cup to the bear’s mouth for
(i.e., before the start of the experimental ses- drinking) while she asked the vocal question,
sion). If the participant ceased to emit these “What’s happening?” If a correct response
responses or vocal mands for the available occurred, the clinician provided praise and
items, new items were selected from the toy immediately provided access to the specified
shelves in the clinic. The clinician presented preferred item or activity. If an incorrect
one or two mastered targets before the first response occurred or no response occurred
probe trial to gain momentum and provided within 2 s, the clinician began an error-
praise contingent on correct responses. The correction procedure. The response interval was
mastered targets were unrelated to the matrix reduced to 2 s in an effort to reinforce fluent
targets and consisted primarily of motor responding differentially. During the error-
876 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

correction sequence, the clinician repeated the assess whether recombinative generalization
modeled action and vocal question, then pro- occurred within the trained matrix; next,
vided an immediate vocal prompt (e.g., “What’s probes were conducted with the generalization
happening? Bear drinking”). If the child echoed matrix. Mastery was defined as three consecu-
the vocal prompt, another independent oppor- tive sessions with a minimum of 78% correct
tunity, called a transfer trial, was provided. On responses. Because the majority of the
the transfer trial, the clinician modeled the responses evaluated in the posttest were not
action and asked “What’s happening?” but did directly trained and probes were conducted
not prompt the response; this allowed an evalua- under extinction, it was expected that respond-
tion of transfer of stimulus control from the ing would be more variable. Thus, the mastery
prompt to the target instruction. After a correct criterion was reduced slightly from the training
response on the transfer trial, the clinician inter- condition.
spersed a mastered demand and then presented
the target again for another independent oppor-
tunity. This final independent opportunity, RESULTS
called a spaced trial, was included to replicate Results for Mark, Brad, Zack, and Daisy are
more closely the conditions on a probe trial, presented in Figure 2, and Jaleel’s results are
because the spaced trial was not immediately displayed in Figures 3 and 4. Mark emitted no
preceded by a prompted response. Correct correct responses during baseline for either
responses on the spaced trial were reinforced matrix. After four sessions of diagonal training
with access to the high-preference item or activ- for Matrix 1, the mastery criterion was met and
ity and praise. All other prompted and correct the posttests were conducted. Results showed
responses in the error-correction sequence were that Mark met the mastery criterion for Matrix
followed by praise only. On both transfer and 1, demonstrating recombinative generalization
spaced trials, the participant was given a 2-s to the untrained targets in that matrix. Results
response interval. If an error occurred during also showed that he met the mastery criterion
the correction sequence, the model, vocal ques- for the targets in the untrained generalization
tion, and immediate vocal prompt were re-pre- matrix.
sented, and the trial sequence ended. No praise Brad emitted one correct response to a gen-
or access to desired items was provided. eralization matrix target during Session 2; how-
The mastery criterion was two consecutive ses- ever, responding decreased to 0% in Session
sions with 89% correct independent responses 3. He also emitted one correct response to a
on the initial target presentation. Responses dur- nondiagonal target from Matrix 1 during Ses-
ing the error-correction sequence (i.e., on the sion 6; however, correct responding decreased
transfer and spaced trials) did not count towards to 0% in Sessions 7 and 8. After eight sessions
mastery. After mastery had been achieved with of diagonal training with Matrix 1, the mastery
the diagonal targets for Matrix 1, posttests were criterion was met. During the posttest, Brad
conducted with Matrix 1 and the generalization met the mastery criterion for Matrix 1, demon-
matrix. For Jaleel, diagonal training was repeated strating recombinative generalization to the
with Matrix 2 and Matrix 3. untrained targets in that matrix. Results also
showed that he met mastery for the targets in
the untrained generalization matrix.
Posttest Zack emitted no correct responses during
Procedures were identical to baseline. baseline for either matrix. After three diagonal
Responding for Matrix 1 was evaluated first to training sessions with Matrix 1, the mastery

Diagonal Training
Baseline Matrix 1 Posttest
Matrix 1 Diagonal
100 Targets
80 Matrix 1 Nondiagonal
60 Generalization Targets




Percentage of Correct Responses


20 Brad





20 Zack





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


Figure 2. The percentages of correct tact responses to targets in the generalization matrix and Matrix 1 are shown
across participants. Generalization matrix targets are represented by filled diamonds. Matrix 1 diagonal targets are repre-
sented by filled circles, and nondiagonal targets are represented by open diamonds.

criterion was met and the posttest was con- the posttest, she met the mastery criterion for
ducted. Zack met the mastery criteria for Matrix 1. The posttest for the generalization
Matrix 1 and the generalization matrix. matrix showed fluctuation in correct respond-
Daisy emitted no correct responses during ing. During Session 22, only one response was
baseline for either matrix. She required eight incorrect (88.9% correct). In the following ses-
training sessions to meet the mastery criterion sions, the percentage of correct responding
in the diagonal training with Matrix 1. During decreased, perhaps because of the lack of
878 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

Baseline Training Posttest Jaleel

Nondiagonal Targets
60 Diagonal Targets


Matrix 1
Percentage of Correct Responses





Matrix 2





Matrix 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 3. The percentages of correct tact responses to targets within Matrices 1, 2, and 3 are shown across matrices
for Jaleel. Diagonal targets are represented by filled circles, and nondiagonal targets are represented by open diamonds.

reinforcement provided after correct responses met the mastery criterion in four sessions. Postt-
during the probe. By Session 26, the mastery est probes with Matrix 1 showed that Jaleel
criterion was not met, but responding was recombined the trained elements to emit correct
100% correct during the session, so no addi- responses on nondiagonal targets; however, no
tional posttests were conducted. correct responses occurred with the targets from
Jaleel’s performances with targets within the generalization matrix (Figure 4). Thus,
trained matrices and the generalization matrix Matrix 2 was created, and baselines were con-
are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Jaleel ducted. No correct responses occurred with any
emitted no correct tacts during baseline for the of the targets in Matrix 2, but after six diagonal
generalization matrix and Matrix 1. Diagonal training sessions recombinative generalization
training was introduced for Matrix 1, and he was observed. Some correct responses occurred

Diagonal Training Diagonal Training Diagonal Training

Matrix 1 Matrix 2 Matrix 3

Posttest Posttest Posttest

Percentage of Correct Responses 100





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Figure 4. The percentage of correct tact responses to targets in the generalization matrix are shown for Jaleel. All tar-
gets are represented by the filled diamonds.

during the second posttest with the generaliza- ASD. This approach to training led to expo-
tion matrix targets; however, accuracy was well nential gains in novel skills for all participants.
below the mastery criterion. Matrix 3 was cre- Training three noun–verb combinations led to
ated, baselines were conducted, and the diago- the emergence of 15 novel combinations for
nal targets were trained. The mastery criterion four participants, and training nine noun–verb
was met after three sessions. Posttest probes combinations led to the emergence of 27 novel
indicated that recombinative generalization combinations for one participant. The inclu-
occurred for the targets within Matrix 3 and sion of a multiple-probe design across partici-
finally with the targets from the generalization pants allowed a precise demonstration of
matrix. Of note, responding fell below the mas- experimental control, accomplishing one of our
tery criterion in the final probe session for the purposes. Furthermore, the use of a delayed
generalization matrix. Because we hypothesized multiple-probe design across matrices with
that this decrease was due to lack of reinforce- Jaleel allowed systematic evaluation of the
ment during probe sessions, additional sessions effects of training with each new matrix,
were not conducted. accomplishing our third purpose. Recombina-
tive generalization has been established as an
efficient means to teach socially significant skills
DISCUSSION to individuals with and without disabilities
The current study extends the matrix- (e.g., Axe & Sainato, 2010). The current study
training literature by demonstrating recombina- extends the literature in several ways and offers
tive generalization of noun–verb tacts with lear- new directions for future research.
ners with ASD in the context of a more The mastery of targets within the generaliza-
rigorous experimental design. Results from the tion matrix indicates that the effects of recom-
present study showed that matrix training effec- binative generalization were not limited to the
tively established recombinative generalization nouns and verbs that received direct training.
of known nouns and verbs for five learners with These results replicate findings from prior
880 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

studies (Axe & Sainato, 2010; Kohler & Mal- This type of restrictive stimulus control was
ott, 2014) and support the hypothesis that not obtained with the other four participants,
recombination itself may be a type of higher although it highlights the importance of the
order operant or behavioral cusp. As noted by inclusion of a generalization matrix. For Jaleel,
Rosales-Ruiz and Baer (1997), a behavior without the assessment of performance in a
change that can be considered a cusp “exposes novel matrix, the underlying stimulus control
the individual’s repertoire to … new responses, problem might not have been detected.
new stimulus controls, and new communities Although Jaleel’s skills at the start of the
of maintaining or destructive contingencies” study were similar to the other participants, he
(p. 534). For all participants, new responses in failed to demonstrate recombinative generaliza-
the form of noun–verb tacts were observed, tion within the generalization matrix until addi-
meeting one criterion for consideration as a tional matrices were trained. Thus, prerequisite
cusp. Further, both the presented item and the skills alone are not a predictor of responsiveness
demonstrated action evoked distinct responses, to intervention, and additional exposure to the
meeting the criterion of altering repertoires intervention may be necessary to produce flexi-
such that the responses are now under new ble, generative responses for some learners. It
stimulus control. In addition to these criteria, will be important in future studies to include
the changes to the individual’s repertoire must full characterizations of all participants in an
be considered important. The determination of attempt to isolate variables that predict respon-
importance for the individual includes the view siveness to matrix training. The fact that Jaleel
of “societal norms and expectations of what was older than the other participants makes it
behaviors should develop in children and when likely that his learning was impeded by addi-
that development should happen” (Rosales- tional barriers. Thus, future research should
Ruiz & Baer, p. 537). For all participants, a evaluate the application of matrix training to a
critical expressive language milestone was broader range of learners in the ASD popula-
achieved as they began to combine known tion to understand fully the participant vari-
words into multiword utterances using a pres- ables and prerequisite skills that may be critical
ent progressive form. Utterances of this nature for the demonstration of recombinative
are consistent with Brown’s (1973) Stage II of generalization.
language development that typically occurs Findings from the current study have clinical
within the 26th to 36th month of life. Overall, implications for the design of language pro-
it appears that matrix training led to the gramming. If a learner shows fluent recombina-
achievement of a significant behavioral cusp for tive generalization after training of the diagonal
all participants. targets within a matrix, a less rigorous treat-
Jaleel’s results suggest that recombination ment approach may be indicated. The clinician
skills may be strengthened by training addi- can continue to train new component skills
tional exemplars within new matrices. Although (e.g., nouns and verbs) and assume that recom-
diagonal training was highly effective in estab- binative generalization will continue to occur as
lishing untrained responses within the targeted the new targets are introduced. However, if a
matrices, immediate effects on the generaliza- learner struggles to demonstrate recombinative
tion targets were not observed for Jaleel. His generalization after training of the diagonal tar-
results suggest that the materials presented in gets within a matrix, tightly controlled, rigorous
the trained matrices may have exerted stimulus treatment approaches may be indicated. The
control over noun–verb responding, preventing clinician may need to train additional targets
generalization to novel materials and targets. within the matrix and possibly train targets

within additional matrices (as demonstrated through multiple-exemplar training (MET). In

with Jaleel) until recombinative generalization the current study, training the three diagonal
occurs. If recombinative generalization never targets of Matrix 1 could be considered MET
occurs, the clinician may need to plan to teach because it consisted of “practice with a variety
each individual noun–verb combination. Fur- of response topographies … [and] typically
ther, results of this nature may point to under- incorporates both stimulus and response varia-
lying problems related to restrictive stimulus tions” (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007,
control, a noted challenge for learners with p. 628). After diagonal training, the posttests
ASD (Lovaas, Koegel, & Schreibman, 1979). for Matrix 1 (with the trained targets and
Additional strategies and procedures may be untrained targets with overlapping compo-
needed to address this barrier before the learner nents) are conducted first and are then followed
can respond to matrix training. by the posttest for the generalization matrix (all
Lastly, results from the current study high- untrained targets and no overlapping compo-
light the need to understand fully the mechan- nents). For Jaleel, we saw a unique pattern of
isms that underlie the success of matrix responding in that recombinative generalization
training. Several authors have hypothesized that was observed for Matrix 1 but not for the gen-
the emergence of untrained responses after eralization matrix; recombinative generalization
matrix training can be attributed to the refined was then observed with Matrix 2 but still not
control exerted by all components of the pre- with the generalization matrix. Had MET
sented stimuli (Axe & Sainato, 2010; Gold- alone accounted for his responding, correct
stein & Mousetis, 1989). This process is responding should not have been restricted to
different from convergent verbal control and the trained matrices. His differential success
control by a compound stimulus, because each with targets that shared overlapping compo-
component of the presented stimuli maintains nents with the trained targets is unique to
control over unique elements of the combined matrix training. The distinction may lie in the
response. For example, in the present study the sequence of training and testing typically used
presented noun controls the noun element of in matrix training. The hallmark of matrix
the response, whereas the modeled action con- training is the inclusion of probes for the tar-
trols the verb element of the response. When gets with overlapping components shared with
this refined control over verbal responses has the trained targets. Perhaps this test for recom-
been established, novel responses may occur as bined components has a facilitative effect on
long as they are composed of known nouns responding, so that the posttests are actually an
and verbs (Axe & Sainato, 2010; Goldstein & active variable. To test this hypothesis, future
Mousetis, 1989). Theoretically, this effect studies should progress directly from diagonal
could be obtained across all mastered nouns training to a posttest for the generalization
and verbs in the participant’s repertoire, regard- matrix. If recombinative generalization is
less of whether they were presented in a matrix. demonstrated, these results would support
Future research should evaluate this hypothesis MET alone. If recombinative generalization is
by teaching additional nouns and verbs in isola- demonstrated only after a posttest with the
tion and evaluating whether these responses are trained matrix, these results would support
fluently recombined with previously mastered matrix training. This procedural variation may
nouns and verbs after matrix training. clarify outcomes like those observed with Zack,
In addition, future research should evaluate Daisy, Brad, and Mark, for whom the effects of
whether the effects of matrix training are MET cannot be definitively distinguished from
unique to matrix training or could be achieved matrix training because responding was not
882 SARAH E. FRAMPTON et al.

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