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The present study replicates and extends previous research on stimulus control by ar-
ranging teacher attention for preschooler’s mands into a multiple schedule and conducting
a component analysis of the effects of schedule-correlated stimuli and contingency-spec-
ifying stimuli (rules) on the development of discriminated manding.
DESCRIPTORS: manding, multiple schedules, preschoolers, rules, stimulus control,
teacher attention

Stokes, Fowler, and Baer (1978) taught METHOD

children to recruit attention with appropri-
Participants and Setting
ate behaviors, but these requests often oc-
curred with undesirable frequency and tim- Three typically developing children, en-
ing. One solution recently described by rolled in a full-day university-based inclusive
Hanley, Iwata, and Thompson (2001) with preschool, participated. Sessions were con-
developmentally disabled adults involved al- ducted in a room (5 m by 5 m) arranged
similarly to classrooms in which the teacher
ternating between signaled periods of ex-
provided direct instruction on skills with 2
tinction and reinforcement of mands for at-
children simultaneously. Jan was assessed in-
tention. It was shown that manding was
dividually, and Sue and Jill experienced the
maintained during periods of reinforcement assessment together to simulate classroom
even when long periods of extinction were conditions more closely.
introduced. The present study replicated
the multiple-schedule arrangement with Response Measurement
typically developing preschoolers who re- The number of mands for teacher atten-
portedly engaged in high-rate or poorly tion, defined as any vocal or nonvocal be-
timed mands for teacher attention. In ad- havior directed towards the teacher, was re-
dition, a component analysis of the inde- corded during 10-s intervals. An occurrence
pendent contributions of correlating salient was scored following a 2-s pause between
cues with periods of reinforcement and ex- mands. Data were recorded using handheld
tinction and providing rules describing computers, and are reported as the rate of
these correlations was conducted. manding during reinforcement and extinc-
tion components.
We thank Anthony Cammilleri for early suggestions Interobserver Agreement
on this project and Jill White and Emma Hernandez
for their assistance with data collection. Interobserver agreement was assessed by
Address correspondence to Gregory P. Hanley, De- having a second observer simultaneously but
partment of Applied Behavioral Science, University of
Kansas, 1000 Sunnyside Ave., Lawrence, Kansas independently score mands during 29.6%,
66045 (e-mail: 25.0%, and 28.5% of sessions. Agreement


averaged 93.6% (range, 78.9 to 98.6%), experimenter wore the blue lei, etc.). The
93.0% (range, 87.9 to 97.3%), and 98.8% purpose of this condition was to determine
(range, 97.3 to 100%) for Jan, Sue, and Jill, if correlating stimuli with the availability
respectively. (FR 1) and unavailability (extinction) of at-
tention was sufficient to acquire control over
Procedure manding.
Children sat with academic materials Multiple schedule plus rules. This condition
(e.g., blocks, string beads, etc.) at individual was similar to the multiple-schedule condi-
tables across from and facing the experi- tion, except that prior to each session the
menter. The experimenter did not orient to- therapist presented each lei and specified the
wards a child except when delivering contin- associated contingency (e.g., ‘‘When I am
gent attention. All sessions were 12 min in wearing the red lei, it is your time. I can
duration and consisted of three components: answer your questions and look at your
fixed-ratio (FR) 1, Extinction 1, and Extinc- work. When I am wearing the blue lei, it is
tion 2. Each component occurred three [other child’s name] time. I can’t answer
times per session, twice for 1 min and once your questions or look at your work. When
for 2 min. The order of components was I am wearing the white lei, it is my time. I
randomly determined prior to sessions to can’t answer either of your questions or look
minimize the likelihood that a temporal dis- at either of your work.’’). Prior to each ses-
crimination would develop. Approximately 5 sion, each participant was prompted to
s of attention appropriate to the mand was mand in the presence of each lei twice and
provided during FR 1 components. While experience the consequences associated with
the FR 1 schedule was operating for 1 child, each. The purpose of this condition was to
the other child’s mands did not result in at- determine if providing rules prior the session
tention from the experimenter (Extinction would enhance stimulus control of manding.
1). This arrangement approximated class- Multiple schedule plus rules with varied dis-
room conditions in which a teacher attended criminative stimuli. This condition was sim-
to 1 child at a time. Attention was not avail- ilar to the multiple-schedule plus rules con-
able to either child during Extinction 2. dition except that the schedule-correlated
This component approximated classroom stimuli were reassigned each session. For in-
conditions in which teachers were not avail- stance, the red lei was correlated with the
able to provide attention to any child (e.g., FR 1 schedule for Jill during the initial ses-
when talking with a parent). sion and with Extinction 1 during the sec-
Mixed schedule. FR 1 and extinction periods ond session. Accurate rules were still provid-
rotated on a time-based schedule, and contin- ed prior to each session. The purpose of this
gency changes were unsignaled (i.e., no sched- condition was to determine if experience
ule-correlated stimuli were present). This con- with schedule-correlated stimuli was neces-
dition was analogous to typical situations sary for discriminated manding (i.e., contin-
when attention is unpredictably available. gency-shaped behavior) or whether stimulus
Multiple schedule. This condition was ar- control of manding would be observed im-
ranged similar to the mixed-schedule con- mediately (i.e., rule-governed behavior).
dition, except that red, white, and blue floral
leis were paired with each component (i.e.,
when attention was available for 1 child, the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
experimenter wore the red lei; when atten- Similar to the results of Hanley et al.
tion was available for the other child, the (2001), we observed undifferentiated pat-

Figure 1. Rate of manding during FR 1, Extinction 1, and Extinction 2 components across conditions for
Jan (top panel), Jill (middle panel), and Sue (bottom panel).

terns of manding in the mixed-schedule con- manding did not reliably occur during FR 1
ditions for all participants (Figure 1). When components for Jill. These findings differ
the multiple schedule was arranged, mand- from those of Hanley et al., in which dis-
ing increased during FR 1 components but criminated manding did emerge under mul-
persisted during extinction components for tiple-schedule conditions. Procedural differ-
2 participants (Jan and Sue). In addition, ences probably account for the discrepancy.

Figure 2. Relevant within-session patterns of responding that highlight the development of stimulus control
of manding for Sue. Under mixed-schedule conditions, we observed either persistent manding during extinction
components (top panel) or the cessation of manding (second panel). The schedule-correlated stimuli failed to
control manding after 11 12-min exposures (third panel). Discriminated manding was observed immediately
following the introduction of presession rules (fourth panel). Manding occurred exclusively during FR 1 com-
ponents during the condition with varied discriminative stimuli (bottom panel).

Hanley et al. used a procedure in which the manding was reallocated to appropriate
multiple schedule began with 45-s periods times (see Sessions 18 and 28).
of reinforcement alternating with 15-s peri- Although there are natural cues in the
ods of extinction that were gradually faded classroom to signal the availability of teacher
to 60-s periods of reinforcement and 240-s attention, these cues are often subtle and
periods of extinction. The current investi- may not be perfectly correlated with the
gation did not use fading procedures, but availability of attention. Therefore, explicitly
rather trained participants at a terminal signaling times when attention is available
schedule requirement. should minimize children’s contact with ex-
When contingency-specifying stimuli tinction or social punishers. Although floral
(i.e., rules) were provided prior to sessions, leis are artificial, the type of signal used is
all participants engaged in highly discrimi- probably of less concern than consistently
nated manding, showing immediate and signaling the availability of reinforcement
strong stimulus control of manding. The ef- and describing the signal functions. Never-
fects of the multiple schedule plus rules were theless, future research should assess teacher
acceptability of this type of stimulus control
then replicated for all 3 participants in re-
procedure and possibly evaluate children’s
versal designs. The effects of the previous
preference for signaled versus unsignaled pe-
multiple-schedule history were addressed in
riods of reinforcement and extinction in the
the condition with varied discriminative classroom.
stimuli; manding occurred exclusively in the
presence of each new stimulus correlated
with reinforcement. Both children’s perfor- REFERENCES
mance conformed to the rules, suggesting Hanley, G. P., Iwata, B. A., & Thompson, R. H.
(2001). Reinforcement schedule thinning follow-
that discriminated manding was primarily ing treatment with functional communication
rule governed rather than controlled by con- training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 34,
tingencies. Within-session data for Sue (Fig- 17–38.
Stokes, T. F., Fowler, S. A., & Baer, D. M. (1978).
ure 2) highlight the development of stimulus Training preschool children to recruit natural
control by showing relevant patterns of re- communities of reinforcement. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 11, 285–303.
sponding across conditions, and show that
Received November 7, 2003
the multiple schedule plus rules did not sup- Final acceptance August 24, 2004
press the absolute rate of manding; rather, Action Editor, Richard Smith

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