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Alissarah Pierre-Louis

Assignment 12.1
Analyzing Advertisements

Hi, my name is Alissarah Pierre-Louis and I’m 14 years old. I am doing level 2 Creative
Media. I am the lead intern designer for Mr. Dowswells Advertising corporations and I am here to
help explain and present adverts and how they are constructed. I will present my work to the
secondary students. This report is about the content, style, and lines of appeal/need fulfillment of
different advertisements in three different mediums. The strength of this argument is that I have an
example that I can refine. On one hand, I can gain more knowledge from this and get a high score, on
the other hand, it might be very time-consuming. One threat is that I might not meet the deadline
and also not find a suitable ad for the project.


TYPE Adverts: Pros: AT LEAST 3 Cons: AT LEAST 3

● It fits with the color ● Your eyes don’t

theme so it is very focus on one thing,
cohesive there is a lot to
● The color blue is also look at which can
associated with make the viewer
being calm and feel crowded.
relaxed which goes ● This ad would have
well with the lotion. been better if it
● It also says that it had a celebrity on
can hydrate your skin it instead of a
which is appealing to random model.
the viewer. ● It looks like two
(Hoblack, 2014)
different ads
instead of one
● It has a ● Text is very small
celebrity/Jennifer which makes it
Aniston which can hard for the viewer
attract more people to read
● It showcases the ● It could have been
Aveeno products and laid out in a
the good ingredients different way that
in them would have been
● The slogan 2019 more eye-catching
goals skin bliss ● They could have
inspires the viewer incorporated the
(Working Not Working, to use their products color green into
2022) to help their skin the print as it is a
mark of their brand

● It is very bold ● The Neon blue is

● They showcase the not very calming
ingredients that are ● They could have
going into their used the color
products brown more.
● It states the benefits ● The color
of using this product. combination is not
very appealing to
the eye

(The Dots, 2022)

Winner 󰙣😡 - Aveeno
(Denton, 2010)

TYPE Adverts: Billboard Pros: AT LEAST 3 Cons: AT LEAST 3

● It showcases ● It's very simple

their product ● It doesn't showcase
● It is very calming the ingredients or
to the eye the benefits of
● It looks like it's in using this product
a city which is ● It's not very
good because eye-catching
more people can
see it there
(Cetaphil, 2022)

● Shows a celebrity ● The writing could

which is star have been bolder
appeal ● They could have
● It showcases the showcased their
product, as well product more
as the benefits of ● It's not very bright
using this product
(Flickr, 2022)
● The model has
good skin which
shows how good
the product is.

● It is really big and

eye-catching ● They could have
● It sticks with the shown their
theme of blue products more
● It highlights the ● They could have
(Pinterest, 2018)
benefits of using laid it out
this product differently
● In a busy area so
a lot of people
can see it.

(Walmart.com, 2014)
Winner 🥳 - Vaseline
(Walmart.com, 2014)
Video commercial
TYPE Adverts: Pros: AT LEAST 3 Cons: AT LEAST 3

Cetaphil ● It shows an easy ● It's basic

https://www.ispot.tv/ad/ way of taking care ● It is not relaxing
O3PR/cetaphil-gentle-clea of your acne while ● The neon color is
r-stop not being too harsh distracting
(iSpot.tv | Realtime TV on it
Advertising Performance ● It states that it
Measurement, 2022) contains a balanced
formula that is
good for your skin
● It says that it is
gentle for your skin

Aveeno ● Show you how to ● It would have been

https://www.youtube.com take care of your better if their poster
/watch?v=C0_dzQhSz4Y skin should be conducted
(dheldevil88816, 2019) ● It tells you the a little more
ingredients that are ● They could have set
in the product the commercial in a
● Tells you how it different location
hydrates your skin ● They could have been
more detailed on
how it gets your skin

Vaseline ● They tell you how it ● It's a little much for a

https://www.ispot.tv/ad/7 moisturizes your lotion commercial
VKX/vaseline-vaseline-moi skin ● they could have
sturizer ● It's creative stated some
(iSpot.tv | Realtime TV ● They tell you it's ingredients that they
Advertising Performance that's good care of use in their product
Measurement, 2022) your skin ● They could have
chosen a different

Winner 🤩 - Cetaphil
(Cvs.com, 2022)
Advert 1 analysis: Aveeno- Print
I chose the Aveeno print ad because It was the best one out of
the three print ads that I've chosen and because it had a wow
factor(Jennifer Aniston). She gives the advertisement a star
appeal and will encourage more people to buy the product.

History of company

Aveeno is a skincare and haircare brand owned by Johnson &

Johnson, American consumer goods and pharmaceutical
corporation. Albert and Sidney Musher created Aveeno in 1945,
and their first product was the Soothing Bath Treatment.
Colloidal oats or oat extracts—avenanthramides,[1] which have
been labeled as "active naturals"—are the active components in
all Aveeno products. "Better Ingredients" is the brand motto.
(Wikipedia Contributors, 2021)

History of produced

Aveeno is known for its lotion and soothing products that will help your skin, they advertise
mainly skincare things like lotion and the pictured bowl shows more of their products.
People use these products to improve their skin.

(AVEENO®, 2019)
Line of appeal

This ad makes you feel fresh and cozy. This ad has

Jennifer Aniston in it which brings a special
element to the ad because people will see the ad
and be more interested, so this is an amazing use
of star appeal. The bottle is in a shape that is
appealing to the eye and as well functional, the
bottle also has the color green in it which creates a
sense of wealth and it is connected with relaxation
and security, as well as refreshment and calmness.
This is great as it relaxes the viewer and makes the
product more cozy/comforting. The style of the
Fonte compliments the bottle as it is in a nice and
appealing text. The target audience I would say ASPIRERS because
they are materialistic and are into fashion and they appeal more
towards women of all ages and catchy people ;D.


According to Jib Fowles appeals, Cosmetics are an obvious choice for

attention as people want to be noticed since they have a strong desire for attention.
Here they have the actress Jennifer Aniston, this brings attraction to the product as
she was in the well-known series called “friends”. In addition, it is in the BELONGING
category of Maslow's hierarchy of needs as it makes you feel that you own
something like lotion. If I were to compare Vaseline to Aveeno, I would say Vaseline
wins because it is more traditional and well known among all generations. The
aesthetic of Aveeno pleases the eye but Vaseline is more effective. Another pro to
Vaseline is that it is less expensive as it is $5 and Aveeno $11.

(Alexander, 2020)
Advert 2 analysis: Vaseline Billboard

I chose this Vaseline billboard because it's eye-catching and bold. It is also big which makes
it more visible.
History of company

Petroleum Jelly was discovered in the 1860s by Robert Augustus Chesebrough, a

chemist from New York. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly was the brand name for this product in
1870. By 1875, Americans were buying a container of Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly per minute.
Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly is now a common sight in medicine cabinets across the United
States. Vaseline® scientists released in 1969 that they might use the current technology to
give Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly excellent moisturization in a light, non-greasy moisturizing
lotion. Vaseline® is now one of the most popular hand and body lotion brands in the United
(Unilever, 2022)


The Billboard is advertising Vaseline lotion. It shows the benefits of the product as well as
the lotion bottle, the billboard is blue in color which represents calmness and security, this is
nice because the lotion is calming which is so good to be represented. On this billboard,
there is a woman that is putting on the lotion. I do not know the specific location but it
looks like it is on a highway which is good as more people can see it. You can also see the
Vaseline logo on the billboard which catches the viewer's eye. You can also see the lotion
battle on the side of the billboard which says 6x long-lasting. They are saying this because
they want to tell the viewer that they have better and more efficient products than their
Lines of appeal

The theme of this billboard is soothing, nourishing, and relaxing. You can see those
represented in the advert. Since this is a lotion, relaxation is important to the viewer and it is
good that it is represented. In this advert, you can see a woman putting the lotion on, I think
they put her there to show that the target audience are women. Apparently, the audience
are ASPIRES because it relates to lotion and makes women feel the need to be pretty. I
think they also use some good persuasive techniques as they advertise their products by
telling how it works and how these products will make your skin healthier. I feel that the
female customers will be very intrigued by this product in addition to the fact that this
product is $9 making it cheaper than others and more appealing.


The company's attitude towards the customers I would

say is good as they tell you about the information
about the ingredients and how their product works.
This product goes in the BELONGINGNESS category for
Maslow’s hierarchy because it is related to your beauty
needs. As for Jib Fowles’ appeals, it would be in
category 13, The desire for aesthetic
sensations—beauty draws us in, and classic art or
dance makes us feel more creative and empowered.
Specifically, the part when it says“ the desire for
aesthetic sensations—beauty draws us in” because
lotion helps us with skin health and confidence. The
aesthetic of the Vaseline bottle is pretty simple. (Anon,
2022). The bottle is brown and has the Vaseline logo
on it, the bottle can also come in colors like yellow, white, and green. If I were to compare
Vaseline to Cetaphil, I would say it is close because they both focus on the health of your
skin and their good ingredients. On one hand, you have Vaseline which is good for moisture
and you have Cetaphil which is full of vitamins and health benefits. So I think it is a tie.
Advert 3 analysis: Cetaphil - TV Ad

(iSpot.tv | Realtime TV Advertising Performance Measurement, 2022)

At 0.02 you can see a girl struggling with her acne. She also has a face mask on, there are the words
stop on scream in blue bold.

At 0.03 you can see the product being advertised, the commercial explains how the product works.

At 0.05 you can see the girl applying the product.

At 0.12 you can see how the product is displayed and how the product works, where you
can find their product and blue background.
History of company

The initial product, "Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion," which is now known as Cetaphil Gentle Skin
Cleanser, was invented in 1947 by a pioneering pharmacist in Texas. Customers quickly
recognized its gentle cleansing power, and the Cetaphil product line began to expand.
Cetaphil is now accessible in over 70 countries across the world and offers a wide range of
everyday goods including cleansers, moisturizers, sun protection, infant products, and
remedies for sensitive skin diseases like acne, eczema, and rosacea. Cetaphil has become
one of the top skincare brands recommended by dermatologists and other healthcare
experts throughout the world because it is specifically developed to provide excellent
skincare for a variety of skin types and conditions.
(Galderma, 2017)


Cetaphil is known for its lotions that are formulated for all skin types and skin tones, they
also have many other products. They're advertising their excellent moisture and 24-hour
lasting hydration as well as having vitamins that help with your skin and its health. I feel that
the mood of this product is professional because this product is educating you on your skin
and how to treat it. The music in this commercial is upbeat and happy. The commercial
length was good because it had enough time to educate you about their product as well as
display their product. There was a teenage girl in the advert displaying the product and
representing teenagers with acne and how to treat that acne. There were a lot of close-up
shots and medium-length shots that really helped emphasize how to use their products and
treat your acne. It looks like the film in this commercial in a bathroom, the only prop that

was used was the Cetaphil Acne treating cleanser.

(Ethio Suk, We Deliver What We Promise!, 2021)

Lines of appeal

The theme of this advertisement is health relating to your skin, Commercial is

educating you on how to treat your skin. The people in this advert used to demonstrate the
application method that you were supposed to use when using this product. The mood is
very educational and calming which is nice. This commercial uses a lot of good persuasive
techniques. For example, education and promising results of better skin if you use things like
that. I feel that the target audience is the younger generation who faces problems with
having acne and skin problems. EXPLORERS would be the category that I would put this
target audience in as they seek adventure and explore but they're young and youthful.
Although Cetaphil is $15 it is worth it as it is very beneficial for your skin.


Attitude towards customers is exceptionally good as they really

educate you. For the Jib Fowles’ appeals, the 9th one is “Want for
attention—we want people to notice us and look at us. Cosmetics
are an obvious choice for this method” which represents this lotion
helps with your skin and helps make you feel more confident and I
notice. The aesthetic of the container is not very eye-catching. It's a
bit Bland's but the product really helps with your skin. If I were to
compare Cera-Ve to Cetaphil I would say Cera-Ve wins Simply
because it is more well-known and popular amongst all generations.
Although Cetaphil is more moisturizing CeraVe is longer-lasting.

(Vary, 2022)

Conclusion (Comparing all of the three

Adverts are created to showcase and display a product and its uses. adverts appeal
to people depending on the target audience's interest class (middle class, high class, and
lower class), and needs. It all depends on the individual, adverts also use the aesthetic of
the video, billboard, or print to draw in the viewer. The advert could be emotional, serious,
or educational and that could interest you in the adverb drawing you in and making you
more interested.

Print Adverts Billboards adverts Video adverts

● It could be more ● Did not have much ● Had information

descriptive information about about the product
● Had the most the product but it ● It was persuasive
information about was advertised well ● It was a bit
the product ● Was eye-catching outdated
● It had a nice start and big ● It explains their
appeal ● It was advertised product
● It was persuasive well ● Used nice calming
● The colors were ● It was persuasive colors
calming and ● It was a little
relaxing and really difficult to read
represented the ● The style is very
product creative
● It explains the

In my opinion, the most effective advertisement was the

Aveeno print advertisement. It is the most persuasive ad
as it is started by the well-known actress,(Jennifer
Aniston).On the other hand, the Vaseline billboard got
second though it is the most popular brand of lotion
amongst all ages and it is still very moisturizing, Billboards
are nice but the print is better in explaining the products
and their uses.
Works Cited

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