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Food around Us
Child’s Name : Kinarian Unna Bhinantaka
Allocated Time: Feb 17th – Mar 6th 2020
Class : Caterpillar

One fine day Unna and her classmates learnt about exploring 2 syllable words in Bahasa Indonesia. The
teacher prepared the materials needed. It was an activity where the children had to be blindfolded,
picked 2 syllable words and read it. It was Unna’s turn to do the activity. The teacher blindfolded her
eyes, and then she picked 2 syllable words from the bowl. After Unna picked the flash cards, the teacher
opened her eyes and asked Unna “What did you get Unna? Can you read it?” “ba… bi…babi” Unna
replied. The teacher praised her by saying “Good job Unna”.
After several time, it came to the activity called ‘Feel it, Guess it!” the teacher brainstormed the students
by showing them several material such as salt, green beans, rice and corn. Unna had to wait to take turn
to do the activity, after a while, it was her turn. The teacher called Unna and she excitedly stood up and
came to the teacher to blindfold her eyes. She said “Miss, only touching?” the teacher replied “yes,
Unna, only touch it, ok?”. Then, she sat down on the chair and started to feel one bowl to another. The
first bowl was the salt; she could easily guess it “its salt”. The second bowl was rice and she said slowly
“rice!” The teacher responded “Very good! Next!” The third bowl was corn and she could guess it too.
The last bowl was the green beans and it took several minutes for her to guess it yet, she could guess it
Unna always excited to learn the new things. She also liked to discuss something in the circle time. She
always helped her friends when her friends found difficulties.

What knowledge did the child learn?

Unna learnt about 2 syllables in Bahasa Indonesia.

What skill did the child practice?

Unna practiced her sensory motor skill.

What attitude did the child show?

Unna showed her enthusiasm in learning new things.

Which Personal Goals and Values does this story link to?
This story links to Thoughtfulness and Resilience

Possible ways to extend the child’s learning?

Unna has a high curiosity and enthusiasm when he learnt the new things. She actively asked questions
during the class discussions. Thus, to fulfill her need for knowledge, the teacher provides her with
many resources in the classroom for her to explore. Therefore, we suggest similar plan may be applied
at home by parents. You may also ask Unna to observe and analyze something then allow her to
explain her findings or opinions.

1.18a Recognising when others need support.
1.18 Offering support to others when able to
2.25a The sounds and name of alphabet letters.
2.25b Hearing and identifying sounds in words.
3.1b Using senses to make discoveries.
4.10a Developing gross motor skills using a range of equipment.
4.10b Taking part in games and activities involving equipment.

Teacher’s Signature:

Umul Janatin, S.Pd.

Date: Tuesday,10 March 2020

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