Checked Kinarian Ayuning Manik

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The Tortoise and The Hare

Child’s Name : Ayuning Kinarian Manik
Allocated Time: Jan 6 – Feb 14th 2020

Class : Caterpillar

One fine day, Kinar and her classmates were having the activities about ‘The Tortoise and The Hare’
origami. The teacher brought some origami paper and asked them to guess what we were going to do on
that day. The teacher asked “Do you know what we are going to do today?” and showed the origami
paper. Kinar replied “I know miss, we are going to make origami.” Then, the teacher gave the
instructions, “First, I will divide you in to two groups, one group will make the turtle origami, and the
rest will make the hare origami.” Kinar immediately raised her hand and said “I want the turtle, miss”.
The teacher responded “I will divide you into two groups first, Kinar”. After a while, the teacher
already divided them into two groups, and Kinar got the green origami paper as it would be the hare as
she wanted because when the teacher split them, she remained silent and sat down nicely. “yayyy!! I got
the turtle!!” she shouted. After several times, the teacher gave the first group the instruction to make the
tortoise origami. Actually, it was a quite difficult origami for kindergarten level, but Kinar could follow
the instructions well. After they finished their work, the teacher gave a pair of eyes to decorate the
tortoise origami also asked them to write down their name on the origami paper.
Still on the same day, we have different activity too. It is ‘The Tortoise and The Hare’ Race. When the
teacher set the race track, Kinar helped the teacher to set up the race track by tidying up the mats and
cleaning up the floor. The teacher said “thank you Kinar, for helping me”. After a while, the track
already finished and it’s time to start the race between the tortoise team and the hare team. Kinar was
enjoying her role as the turtle; she started the race and crawled as the turtle did. “Turtle crawling, Turtle
crawling ” she said. When the turtle as her role won, she looked so happy.
Kinar always paid attention when the teacher gave the instructions; she could follow
the instruction swell. When she found the difficulties, she always asked the teacher. Also, she always
tried to make her project to the good result.

What knowledge did the child learn?

Kinar learnt about how to follow the instructions well. She also learnt to communicate in the
appropriate way.

What skill did the child practice?

Kinar practiced her independency by making her own decisions. As well as showing her ability to
work with others.

What attitude did the child show?

Kinar showed her curiosity and enthusiasm to learn new things.

Which Personal Goals and Values does the story link to?
This story links to Thoughtfulness and Cooperation.

Possible ways to extend the child’s learning?

Kinar has a high curiosity and enthusiasm to know about many things. The teacher provided her with
many resources (books, toys, images, and videos) in the classroom to improve knowledge.

1.16a Participating in group activities.
1.16b Co-operating, taking turns and following the rules of group activities.

2.6a Using language skills in play situations and a variety of developmentally appropriate contexts for
example role-play, storytelling, giving and receiving instructions.


4.8a The pleasure and importance of being active.
4.9a Exploring movement including walking, running, kicking, skipping, climbing, rolling, crawling,
hopping, jumping, sliding, throwing, catching and swimming if appropriate.
4.9b Exploring direction and movement in games and physical activities.
4.10b Taking part in games and activities involving equipment.
4.12a Playing games and using equipment independently in pairs and with groups.
4.12b Exploring team games and associated rules.
Teacher’s Signature:

Umul Janatin, S.Pd.

Date: Tuesday,10 March 2020

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