Bài Tập Cuối Khóa Đọc 3 - Đhanh20-Vb2-Bến Tre

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Học phần: ĐỌC 3; Mã học phần: EN4102; Số tín chỉ: 02

Học kỳ 2, năm học: 2020 – 2021

Lớp: ĐHANH 20-VB2-BT

Hình thức thi: Trắc nghiệm

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

PART 1. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct
letter A, B, C on your answer sheet.

A. You can only park here if you work here.
THIS CAR PARK IS B. You can only park here at certain times.
RESERVED FOR C. You can only park here if you book in advance.

Hot and cold snacks A. You can help yourself if you are hungry.
served all day B. You can buy drinks here, but not food.
C. You can get light meals here.

A. Some items will be half price next week.
Spring sale next week! B. 50% of the items will be sold next week.
C. All items will be half price in the spring.
Up to 50% off many items

A. If you want to go to London, buy a ticket before
B. If you want to go to London, go and tell Kim
C. If you want to go to London, write your phone
number here.

5 A. When the gym is crowded, there is a time limit for
using the equipment.
B. Equipment is available for a maximum of 15
minutes at any time.
C. At busy times you may have to queue to use the

PART 2. Read the following passage and decide which answer A, B, C, or D that
best fits the gap.

There (6) ______ many different styles of sports in the world. There are some popular
(7) ________ like soccer and tennis, but they are not popular (8) _______North
America. North Americans prefer to watch other kinds of sports, such as American
football (9) _________ ice hockey.
American football (10) _______ a ball that looks like a rugby ball. There are eleven
players on each team and all (11) _______ wear special protective clothes. The most
important player on the team is the quarterback. The quarterback throws the ball to a
receiver or runner (12) _______ catches the ball and runs to the goal area.
On the other hand, ice hockey (13) ________ by many Canadians and Americans. Ice
hockey uses a flat puck as a ball. There are six players on (14) ________ team. The
players wear safety clothes and skates. (15) _________ can only use their sticks to
move the puck.
6. A. has been B. are C. is D. had been
7. A. workout B. training C. sports D. exercises
8. A. on B. at C. in D. of
9. A. and B. but C. or D. so
10. A. is used B. uses C. used D. are used
11. A. doers B. players C. makers D. goers
12. A. what B. whom C. which D. who
13. A. had played B. has played C. played D. is played
14. A. each B. every C. that D. such
15. A. He B. It C. They D. She

PART 3. Read the text to decide if each statement is TRUE or FALSE

by Samantha
My dad and I have both done a bit of climbing at our local sports centre. So we
decided to go on a trip together, climbing the high rocks along the coastline of a small
island. Although it wasn’t far from where we live, the journey across the sea took
quite a long time – but it was worth it!

As we approached the island, Dad pointed out the rocks covered in colourful plants,
wild goats and bees, which were once the only signs of life on this now popular place
for visitors. The island has become well-known as a climbing venue and the ferry we
took across to the island was full of climbers carrying boots and backpacks.
We arrived at the island’s harbour, full of brightly-coloured houses lit by the early-
morning sun. We were met by a driver in an ancient old car, arranged by the travel
company we’d booked with. The driver took us to the tiny apartment, which, like the
car, had seen better days, but it was comfortable and we weren’t going to spend
much time there anyway.
There are lots of possible climbs up the island’s rocks, and not all of them have been
discovered by climbers, but many have places clearly marked out so climbers can
easily see where to put their hands and feet. All we needed were shoes, ropes and
the equipment for attaching the rope to the rocks, although despite the markings on
the rocks, I still had problems! Anyway, climbing is obviously not without risk, and
things can still go wrong, but you’re far less likely to get into difficulties on the island.
There was a wide range of climbers, both in ability and age, so there was no need for
my previous worries about being the only teenager. Away from the rocks and back in
the town, there was a very sociable atmosphere in the cafes, where we compared notes
on what we’d achieved that day.
One day, our climbing destination was a rough cliff, with very little to put my hands
and feet on. It was amazing how quickly I learnt to attach my rope onto the rock to
avoid falling as I climbed! Then I realised the boy climbing next to me was someone I
knew. We waved, smiled and moved on, although he seemed to find the rock far less
of a challenge!
Once Dad and I were down at ground level again, we stopped at a beach, which was
deserted. We walked along with our feet in the water and promised ourselves that it
wouldn’t be the last time that we sat on that stretch of beach.

16. Samantha and her father travelled a short distance to the place A. True B. False
where they went climbing.
17. The place where Samantha and her dad got off the boat was A. True B. False
very cheerful-looking.
18. They were disappointed by the accommodation and the A. True B. False
transport provided.
19. There were still a number of climbing routes on the island A. True B. False
waiting to be explored.
20. Samantha found her climb easy because the route she took had A. True B. False
been prepared for climbers.
21. Samantha thinks the island is generally a safer climbing A. True B. False
location than most others.
22. Samantha liked the fact that she could chat with people her age A. True B. False
after a day’s climbing.
23. Samantha had difficulty with the technique of using the shoes A. True B. False
to make herself safe.
24. Samantha found climbing up the cliff more difficult than her A. True B. False
friend did.
25. Samantha and her dad said they would go back one day to the A. True B. False
beach they found.

PART 4. Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each
B-Rant is from the US. He’s in his late 40s and still single. If you ask about his job, it
will be hard to say. He works as an actor and appears in several famous movies of
Hollywood. Also, he is a private investigator. He has an investigation company in
Tennessee. He has about a couple of assistants but usually he runs it on his own. Then
he’s also a teacher of English. Sometimes during his adventure travels, he stays at
some place to teach English for local people for a while. But the job he likes the best
is being a musician. He plays drums and congas some nights in a week. Many of his
friends think that he’s a very interesting man and all believe that he’s a man of many

26. Which is B-Rant nationality?

A. the US B. American C. Hollywood D. English
27. Which one is best to describe B-Rant’s age?
A. 40 B. 41 C. 42 D. 49
28. Which of these is NOT one of B-Rant’s jobs?
A. teacher B. assistant C. musician D. investigator
29. What job does B-Rant like the best?
A. teacher B. actor C. musician D. investigator
30. Which word best describe B-Rant?
A. handsome B. young C. old D. talented

Questions 31-40 refer to the following passage.

Carbohydrates, which are sugars, are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide
the main source of energy for the body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten
foods. Carbohydrates range from simple sugars like glucose to complex sugars such as
amylose and amylopectin. Nutritionists calculate that carbohydrates should make up
about one-fourth to one-fifth of a person’s diet. This translates to about 75-100 grams
of carbohydrates per day.

A diet that is deficient in carbohydrates can have an adverse effect on a person’s

health. When the body lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates it must then use its
protein supplies for energy, a process called gluconeogenesis. This, however, results
in a shortage of necessary protein, and further health difficulties may occur. A lack of
carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis, a build-up of ketones in the body that causes
fatigue, lethargy, and bad breath.
31. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Carbohydrates are needed for good health.
B. Carbohydrates prevent a build-up of proteins
C. Carbohydrates can lead to ketosis.
D. Carbohydrates are an expendable part of a good diet
32. The word “function” as used in paragraph 1 refers to which of the following?
A. neglect B. operate C. dissolve D. profess
33. In paragraph 1, the word “calculate” could best be replaced by
A. disbelieve B. declare C. assess D. wonder
34. According to the passage, what do most nutritionists suggest?
A. Sufficient carbohydrates will prevent gluconeogenesis.
B. Carbohydrates are simple sugars called glucose.
C. Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a person’s daily diet.
D. Carbohydrates should be eaten in very small quantities
35. Which of the following do carbohydrates NOT do?
A. prevent ketosis
B. cause gluconeogenesis
C. provide energy for the body
D. flavor and sweeten food
36. What does the word “it” refer to?
A. a diet B. a person C. the body D. carbohydrates

37. What does the word “this” refer to?
A. using protein supplies for energy
B. converting carbohydrates to energy
C. having a deficiency in carbohydrates
D. having an insufficient amount of protein
38. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT describe
A. a protein supply B. a necessity C. a range of sugars D. an energy
39. The word “shortage” is most similar to which of the following?
A. plethora B. lack C. derivation D. commission
40. Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?
A. cause and result B. comparison and contrast
C. specific to general D. definition and example

-The end-

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