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School: SMA S GKST Imanuel Palu

Subject: English

Grade / Semester: XI / II

Topic: Expressing Love

Meeting: First

Time: 2 x 45 minutes

Standard Competence: 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut

(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Basic Competence: 9.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

melibatkan tidak tutur, menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan


Indicators: Students are able to:

1) Use expressing love.

2) Continue the following paragraphs from a good narrative story.

3) React the story.

Teaching Objectives: At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to:

1) Use expressing love

2) Continue the following paragraphs from a good narrative story.

3) React the story

I. Teaching Material: Speaking: Expressing Love

II. Type of Text: Narrative Text

III. Teaching Strategy: Story Reenactment

IV. Learning Material:

- Use expression of love

Expressing Love Responding

 You are my everything  I know but you should be strong.
Life will not end here.
 What I can say is that love you  Never say that. There is always
very much. sunshine behind the cloud.
 I’m feeling the same and I’ll be
 I will give my love only for you missing you.
foreever, dear.  Really? I don’t know about that.
 Love will keep us alive. I love Please forgive me.

- Continue the following paragraphs from a good narrative story.

You may use the words provided in the box.
 Catch the prince’s attention
 Reveal real beauty
 Tell the truth
 Admire Rachel’s beauty
 Don’t care about bad appearance
 Don’t go it willingly
 A magical mirror
 The importance of the mirror
 A means of introspection
 Find a girl with real beauty

One upon a time, there lived an innkeeper with two daughters.

His elder daughter, Rachel, was so beautiful that every man was
enchanted on her. Unfortunately, the beauty made her arrogant and
lazy. She didn’t want to help her mother do housework. Meanwhile,
Dahlia, the younger daughter was plain, but she was kindhearted
and humble.
One day, a prince was on journey. He arrived at Rachel’s
village late at night and needed an inn for shelter. Finally, he stayed
at Rachel’s father inn and met Rachel and Dahlia. He was
enchanted by Rachel’s beauty, but he thought Dahlia was also
impressive in her simplicity.

What do you think would happen then?

What did the prince will do to reveal the girls’ real beauty?

- React the story

Create dialogs based on the story, then react with your group in
front of the class.

Teaching activities:

A. Pre Activities :

- Greeting, manage the class, giving motivation

- Teacher giving information about the instructional
objectives which is going to be taught to the students
- Giving short information about the material and the
activities that the students are going to have during the
teaching learning process.
B. While Activities

- Teacher gives an explanation about how to use

expression love.
- Teacher teaches the material about story reenactment.
- Teacher explains something that should be noticed
while observe the story including characters, setting,
problems, solutions, and the main ideas of the story.
- Teacher provides story that will reacted by them.
- Teacher asks to continue the following paragraphs from
a good narrative story.
- Teacher asks students to make small groups.
- Teacher explains how to react the story.
- Teacher manages students when they create a short
dialogue based on the story.
- Teacher provides props to support their performance.
- Teacher asks students to react the story in front of class.
- Teacher assesses students' progress and understanding
C. Post Activity

- Guiding the students conclude the material


- Teacher motivating the students

- Giving information about the next lesson plan
V. Media/Learning Resources:

- Inter language : English for Senior High School Student


VII. Evaluation : Oral test

- Your mother is sick, she tells you to pray for her

recovery. Please, express your love for her!

- What do you know about narrative text?

- React the story in front of the class with your group by

using expression of love!



School: SMA S GKST Imanuel Palu

Subject: English

Grade / Semester: XI / II

Topic: Expressing Love

Meeting: Second

Time: 2 x 45 minutes

Standard Competence: 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut

(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Basic Competence: 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

melibatkan tidak tutur, menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan


Indicators: Students are able to:

1) Complete the following dialogue with the correct expressions.

2) Answer the following questions based on the dialogue orally.

3) React the story

Teaching Objectives: At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to:

1) Complete the following dialogue with the correct expressions.

2) Answer the following questions based on the dialogue orally.

3) React the story

I. Teaching Material: Speaking: Expressing Love

II. Type of Text: Narrative Text

III. Teaching Strategy: Story Reenactment

IV. Learning Material:

Complete the following dialogue with the correct expressions on the


a. your love for me is like salt b. my food be tasteless

c. may I ask you question d. I am not valuable at all
e. you appreciate me very well f. you have made me sad

King: My dearest daughter, (1)_________?

Princess: Sure, Dad.
King: Please tell me, what my love for you is like.
Princess: Well, (2)____________
King: Salt? Oh no, (3)__________by saying that.
Princess: O, come on, Dad. I don’t mean to make you sad.

King: By saying that my love is like saltt, as you mean that

Princess: No... no. Don’t miss understand me, Dad. Salt is very
important ingredient and so is your love. Without salt,
(5)________. Your love is everything and I can’t live
without you, Dad.
King: Really?
Princess: Yes, Dad. You are the most valuable person in my life
and I love you more than everything.
King: Thanks, dear. I’m happy to hear that.

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue above orally.

1. What is the relationship between the speakers?

2. According to the princess, what is the king’s love for her like?

3. Why does the king feel disturbed by the princess answer?

4. According to the princess, how does salt reflect her feeling

towards her father?

5. The princess says, “You are the most valuable person in my

life and I love you more than everything.” What does she


Identify narrative text

Title A gift of Love

Orientation “Can I see my baby” a happy new mother asked.

When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the
folded cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned
quickly and looked out the hospital window. The baby was born without
Time proved that the baby’s hear on was perfect. It was only his
appearance that was married. When he rushed home from school one day
and flung himself into his mother arms, she sighed, knowing that his life
was going to be a succession of heartbreaks. He blurted out the tragedy, “
A boy, a big boy...called me freak.”
He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favorite with his
fellow students, he may have been class president, but for that. He
developed a gift, a talent for a literature and music. “you might mingle
with other young people,” his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in
her heart.
The boy’s father had a session with the family physician “could nothing
be done?”
Complication “I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be
procured.” The doctor decided. Where upon the search began for a person
who would make such a sacrifice for a young man.
Two years went by. Then, one day the man said to his son, “You
are going to the hospital. Mother and I have found a donor for the ears you
need, but it’s a secret,” said the father. The operation was a brilliant
success, and a new person emerged. His talents blossomed into genius,
and school and college became a series of triumphs.
Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. “I must
know!” He urged his father, “who gave so much to me? I could never do
enough for that person.”
“I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the
agreement was that you are not to know. Not yet.”

Resolution The years kept their profound secret, but the day did arrive. One
of the darkest days that a son must endure. He stood with his father over
his mother’s casket.
Slowly, tenderly, father stretched forth a hand and raised the
thick, reddish-brown hair to reveal that mother had no outers ears. “Mother
said she was glad she never let her hair be cut,” he whispered
gently, “and nobody ever thought about your mother less beutiful, did

Re-orientation Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance, but in the
heart. Real treasure lies not in what can be seen, but what that cannot be seen. Real
love lies not in what is done and known, but in what that is done but not known.

The text is a narrative text in written form. The purpose of the text is to amuse or entertain the
The structure of a narrative text is:
 Orientation: introduces the main characters of the story, the place and the time the story
 Complication: shows the problem in the story;
 Resolution: shows how the problem is resolved
 Re-orientation (optional): shows the writer’s comment or presents the moral value of the

React the story

Create dialogs based on the story, then react with your group in
front of the class.

Teaching activities:

A. Pre Activities

- Greeting, manage the class, giving motivation

- Teacher giving information about the instructional objectives
which is going to be taught to the students
- Giving short information about the material and the activities
that the students are going to have during the teaching
learning process.
B. While Activities

- Teacher asks student complete the following dialogue with

the correct expressions.
- Teacher asks students to answer the following question based
on the dialogue orally
- Teacher provides story.
- Teacher asks students to identify story (narrative text)

- Teacher explains something that should be noticed while

observe the story including characters, setting, problems,
solutions, and the main ideas of the story.
- Teacher asks students to make small groups.
- Teacher manages students when they create a short dialogue
based on the story.
- Teacher provides props to support their performance.
- Teacher asks students to react the story in front of class.
- Teacher assesses students' progress and understanding

C. Post Activity

- Guiding the students conclude the material

- Teacher motivating the students

- Giving information about the next lesson plan

VI. Media/Learning Resources:

Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Student XI

VII. Evaluation: Oral test

1) Complete the following dialogue with the correct expressions from the

a. I have some books which may meet your needs

b. I can do something for you.

c. I love you

d. Are you ready for the discussion

Adib: Hi,Virga (1)_______ tomorrow?

Virga: No, I’m not yet ready at all. There are some
points still confusing me.

Adib: What points do you find it difficult? Perhaps,

Virga: It’s about the arguments I should propose. It’s
hard to find good arguments.
Adib: Well, (3)______________. I will bring
them with me tomorrow.
Virga: How nice of you. Thanks.
Adib: No problem. And, why don’t you search some
ideas in the internet? There’s so much
information you can download.
Virga: That’s also my problem. I’m not familiar with
the internet and I don’t understand how to
use internet.
Adib: Really? Let’s go to the internet shop. I’ll teach
you how to use the internet.
Virga: You will? Why are you so nice to me?
Adib: Because (4)______.
Virga: Really?
Adib: Do you mind?
Virga: Not at all. I’ve been expecting those words from
Adib: Really? I’m very happy to hear you say so.
Virga: Are we going to the internet?
Adib: Sure. Anywhere you like.

2) What do you know about narrative text?

3) React the story in front of the class with your group by using

expressing love!


School: SMA S GKST Imanuel Palu

Subject: English

Grade / Semester: XI / II

Topic: Expressing Sadness

Meeting: Third

Time: 2 x 45 minutes

Standard Competence: 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut

(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Basic Competence: 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

melibatkan tidak tutur, menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan


Indicators: Students are able to:

1) Use expressing sadness

2) Create a dialogue based on the following guideline.

3) React the story

Teaching Objectives : At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to:

1) Use expressing of sadness

2) Create a dialogue based on the following guideline.

3) React the story

I. Teaching Material: Speaking: Expressing Sadness

II. Type of Text: Narrative Text

III. Teaching Strategy: Story Reenactment

IV. Learning Material: Use expression of sadness

Expressing sadness Responding

 My father’s death brings the greatest  I konw, but you should be strong, life will not

sadness in my life end here.

 Why is my life full of sorrow?  Never say that. There is always sunshine

 I’m feeling sad to hear that you’ll behind the cloud.

move out to Kalimantan  I’m feeling the same and I’ll be missing you.

 I feel so bad that you have broken  Really? I don’t know about that, Please,

my heart. forgive me.


Create a dialogue based on the following guideline

Lorenz Isna

Greets Isna. Lorenz Isna to the greeting.


Says that isna looks sad and asks Expresses sadness because her
her what happened. whatsister is in a coma due to an
Expresses symphathy and hopes
Isna’s sister will regain Expresses her love for her sister.
consciousness soon.

Asks Isna to pray for her sister’s

quick recorvery.

Tells Isna that he will visit her Disagrees because her sistel is still
sister. in coma.

Explains that he usnderstands the

Expresses gratitude.

Read the story

Spoken text

Once upon a time, a mother delivered a baby. She was very

happy and very eager to see her baby. When she took the baby in her
arm and folded the cloth covering her baby’s face, she was very
surprised. Guess what happened! The baby was born without ears.
Years passed and the baby grew well. There was no problem
with the baby’s hearing. It was only his appearance that was marred!
One day, he hurried home from school and flung himself into his
mother’s arms. In tears he told his mother about his sadness. His heart
was broken when his friend told him that he was a freak.

Time went on and the boy grew into a handsome man, apart
from his misfortune. He had a talent for literature and music. His
mother was proud, but felt pity about her son’s ear. However, she
convinced her son that he could mingle with other young people. Her
husband had consultation with a physician about his son’s condition
and guess what physician said! He could graft on pair of outer ears if
they could be procured.
Years went by. One day, the boy’s father told him that they
found a person who would donate his/her ears to him. However, the
identity of the donor was a secret. The operation was successful and
the boy was happy. Later, he reached many achievements.
When he married, he was so curious about the person who
gave him his/her outer ears. He urged his father, but his father refused.
However the young man instead on knowing the person. Time to show
finally arrived. When the young man’s mother died and she was put in
a casket, father stretched forth a hand slowly and tenderly. He raised
his wife’s thick hair to reveal that she had no outer ears.
Then, the man whispered, “mother said she was glad she never
let her hair be cut and nobody ever thought about mother less
beautiful, did they?”
The young boy was shocked. Tears were in his cheek, knowing
of his mother’s sacrifice. That was the real beauty. Real beauty was
not the physical appearance, but in the part. Real treasure lies not in
what is done and known, but in what that is done but not known.

React the story

Create dialogs based on the story, then react with your group in
front of the class.

Teaching activities:

A. Pre Activities

- Greeting, manage the class, giving motivation

- Teacher giving information about the instructional
objectives which is going to be taught to the students
- Giving short information about the material and the
- Activities that the students are going to have during the
teaching learning process.
B. While Activities

- Teacher asks students how to use expression sadness

- Teacher asks students to create a dialogue based on the
following guideline
- Teacher provides story that will reacted by them.
- Teacher explains something that should be noticed while
observe the story including characters, setting, problems,
solutions, and the main ideas of the story.
- Teacher asks students to make small groups.
- Teacher manages students when they create a short
dialogue based on the story.
- Teacher provides props to support their performance.
- Teacher asks students to react the story in front of class.
- Teacher assesses students' progress and understanding
C. Post Activity

- Guiding the students conclude the material

- Teacher motivating the students
- Giving information about the next lesson plan

D. Media/Learning Resources:

Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Student XI

VII. Evaluation: Oral test

- What do you know about narrative text?

- Your friend move to another school. Please, express

your sadness!

- React the story in front of the class with your group by

using expression of sadness!



School: SMA S GKST Imanuel Palu

Subject: English

Grade / Semester: XI / II

Topic: Expressing Sadness

Meeting: Fourth

Time: 2 x 45 minutes

Standard Competence: 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut

(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Basic Competence: 9.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

melibatkan tidak tutur, menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan


Indicators: Students are able to:

1) Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential dialogue.

2) Complete the following statements based on the dialogue.

3) React a story.

Teaching Objectives : At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to:

1) Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential dialogue.

2) Complete the following statements based on the dialogue.

3) React a story.

I. Teaching Material: Speaking: Expressing Sadness

II. Type of Text: Narrative Text

III. Teaching Strategy: Story Reenactment

IV. Learning Material: Use expressing sadness

Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential dialogue.

Dwarf: Did you make any mistakes?

Dwarf: In this forest too, not far from here. However, you
should not be afraid, we will always accompany
Dwarf: Why are you in tears?
Dwarf: Don’t be sad, beautiful girl. You may stay in our

Dwarf: Hey, who are you? It’s confusing that a beautiful

girl is staying here.
Snow white: Thanks a million, friend. I will clean your hut and
cook for you and your brothers.
Snow white: My life is really sorrowful! My stepmother hates
me and she sent me to this forest.
Snow white: Thank you, friend. Where do you live?
Snow white: I am Snow White
Snow white: No, I didn’t. I don’t know what made my
stepmother hate me so much.

Complete the following statements based on the dialogue.

1. The dialog takes place in _________

2. Snow white is sad because___________

3. The dwarf asks Snow White to stay in____________

4. There are ___________ Dwarfs living in the hut.

5. Snow White will help the dwarfs by___________

Read the story

Spoken text

Once upon a time, a mother delivered a baby. She was very happy and
very eager to see her baby. When she took the baby in her arm and folded the
cloth covering her baby’s face, she was very surprised. Guess what
happened! The baby was born without ears.

Years passed and the baby grew well. There was no problem with the
baby’s hearing. It was only his appearance that was marred! One day, he
hurried home from school and flung himself into his mother’s arms. In tears
he told his mother about his sadness. His heart was broken when his friend
told him that he was a freak.
Time went on and the boy grew into a handsome man, apart from his
misfortune. He had a talent for literature and music. His mother was proud,
but felt pity about her son’s ear. However, she convinced her son that he
could mingle with other young people. Her husband had consultation with a
physician about his son’s condition and guess what physician said! He could
graft on pair of outer ears if they could be procured.
Years went by. One day, the boy’s father told him that they found a
person who would donate his/her ears to him. However, the identity of the
donor was a secret. The operation was successful and the boy was happy.
Later, he reached many achievements.
When he married, he was so curious about the person who gave him
his/her outer ears. He urged his father, but his father refused. However the
young man instead on knowing the person. Time to show finally arrived.
When the young man’s mother died and she was put in a casket, father
stretched forth a hand slowly and tenderly. He raised his wife’s thick hair to
reveal that she had no outer ears.
Then, the man whispered, “mother said she was glad she never let her
hair be cut and nobody ever thought about mother less beautiful, did they?”
The young boy was shocked. Tears were in his cheek, knowing of his
mother’s sacrifice. That was the real beauty. Real beauty was not the physical
appearance, but in the part. Real treasure lies not in what is done and known,
but in what that is done but not known.

React the story

Create dialogs based on the story, then react with your group in
front of the class.

Teaching activities:

A. Pre Activities

- Greeting, manage the class, giving motivation

- Teacher giving information about the instructional
objectives which is going to be taught to the students
- Giving short information about the material and the
activities that the students are going to have during the
teaching learning process.
B. While Activities

- Teacher asks students to arrange the jumbled sentences to

form a sequential dialogue.
- Teacher asks students to complete the following statements
based on the dialogue.
- Teacher asks students read a narrative text
- Teacher asks students to find their group
- Teacher asks groups of students to create dialogue based on
the narrative text
- Teacher manages students when they create a short dialogue
based on the narrative text.
- Teacher asks students to react the story in front of class.
- Teacher assesses students' progress and understanding
C. Post Activity

- Guiding the students conclude the material

- Teacher motivating the students

- Giving information about the next lesson plan

D. Media/Learning Resources:

1) Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Student XI

VII. Evaluation: Oral test

- What do you know about narrative text?

- Your friend borrow your pen, she/he lost it. Please, express

your sadness!

- React the story in front of the class with your group by

using expression of sadness!



School: SMA S GKST Imanuel Palu

Subject: English

Grade / Semester: XI / II

Topic: Expressing Anger

Meeting: Fifth

Time: 2 x 45 minutes

Standard Competence: 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut

(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Basic Competence: 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

melibatkan tidak tutur, menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan


Indicators: Students are able to:

1) Use expression of anger.

2) Identify a story.

3) React the story

Teaching Objectives : At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to:

1) Use expression of anger

2) Identify a story.

3) React the story

I. Teaching Material : Speaking: Expressing anger

II. Type of Text : Hortatory exposition

III. Teaching Strategy : Story Reenactment

IV. Learning Material :

- Use expression of anger

Expressing anger

 You!
 Dare you!
 Stop talking! I don’t want to hear it!
 I don’t understand why you did this to me.
 How could you say that to me!
 I really hate this!
 You often make me upset!
 Stop! Your words really hurt me
 Psst! I don’t want to hear your voice anymore.

- Identify a story

The Risks of Under aged Motor cylists


Many children ride motorcycles on roads. They do not

Thesis even wear s

Children often ride their motorcycles as if they are

already skilled at riding them. Adults who see this are always
Argument 1 worried for the safety of the children and other road users,
because if an accident happens, other people have to be
responsible for their carelessness.

On the other hand, parents allow their children to ride

Argument 2 motorcycles although they know that this opposes the
regulations and endangers their children and other road users.
Parents are often proud of their children who can ride

Considering the risks of under aged motor cyclist,

parent should prohibit their under aged children from riding
motorcycles. They must explain that children will be
Recommendation permitted to ride motorcycles only when they are old
enough. In addition, every motorcyclist should wear a
helmet not because we are afraid of being ticketed by the
police; instead it protects our heads in case of a collision.

- React the story

Create dialogs based on the story, then react with your group in

front of the class.


Teaching activities:

A. Pre Activities

- Greeting, manage the class, giving motivation

- Teacher giving information about the instructional
objectives which is going to be taught to the students
- Giving short information about the material and the
activities that the students are going to have during the
teaching learning process.
B. While Activities

- Teacher gives an explanation about how to use expression

- Teacher explains something that should be noticed while
observe the story including characters, setting, problems,
solutions, and the main ideas of the story.
- Teacher provides story.
- Teacher asks students to identify a story.
- Teacher asks students to make small groups.
- Teacher explains how to react the story.
- Teacher manages students when they create a short dialogue
based on the story.
- Teacher provides props to support their performance.
- Teacher asks students to react the story in front of class.
- Teacher assesses students' progress and understanding
C. Post Activity

- Guiding the students conclude the material

- Teacher motivating the students
- Giving information about the next lesson plan

VII. Media/Learning Resources:

Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Student XI

VII. Evaluation: Oral test

- What do you know about hortatory exposition?

- Your friend borrow your pen, she/he lost it. Please, express

your anger!

- React the story in front of the class with your group by using

expression of anger!


School: SMA S GKST Imanuel Palu

Subject: English

Grade / Semester: XI / II

Topic: Expressing Anger

Meeting: Sixth

Time: 2 x 45 minutes

Standard Competence: 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut

(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Basic Competence: 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

melibatkan tidak tutur, menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan


Indicators: Students are able to:

1) Identify information from the story.

2) React the story

Teaching Objectives : At the end of the class, students are expected to be able to:

1) Identify information from the story.

2) React the story

I. Teaching Material: Speaking: Expressing Anger

II. Type of Text: Narrative Text

III. Teaching Strategy: Story Reenactment

IV. Learning Material:

- Identify a story

Read the following text.

Harnon was a cruel king. One day, he saw a fairy that was tied in a
forest. Sarima, the fairy, asked Harnon to untie her. At first Harnon
refused, but the fairy promised that she would give whatever he wished.
Harnon agreed to untie her. Then he ordered her to kneel before him and
clean is feet every day. The fairy was furious, as she has already given her
word to him.
Harnon had a beautiful daughter named Ashanti. Ashanty knew that
Sharima did to her father. King Harnon was very angry. “You must not
do such a thing. Please stop!” However, his daughter replied, “Please let

me continue to do it, father. It is my duty as your daughter. Sharima is not

obliged to do it.” Ashanty did it every day until her father was touched
and her to stop. Sarimas was very grateful to Ashanti and became good
friends since then.
One night, Ashanti has a dream. In her dream, she met a very
handsome man who asked her to be his wife. Ashanti woke up and
realized that was only a dream. Ashanti was very sad. Sarima noticed
Ashanti’s change in behavior then asked her what had happened.
When Sarima knew about Ashanti problem, she asked Ashanti to
describe the man in her dream. And she drew the man according to
Ashanti’s description. Sarima’s drawing was almost perfect so that when
Ashanti saw it, she cried aloud.
Without waiting too long, Sarima flew everywhere to find the man.
She did this every day until her eyes turned red though tiredness. Ashanti,
knowing about Sarima’s mission, thought her attempts were useless. She
asked Sarima not to worry about it and to stop searching for the man.
However, Sarima did not give up. On the seventh day, she came across
a man sleeping who was identical to her drawing. She then brought the
man, still sleeping, to Ashanti’s palace. Madagasco, the man, was very
surprised when he realized that he was in a strange palace. He was
amazed to see a beautiful girl looking at hi, fell in love with her at firtstt
sight and asked her to be his wife.
When they asked King Harnon’s permission to get merried, the king
only refused her, but he also put the man in prison. This was because the
king knew Madagasco’s father was a commoner.
Meanwhile, Sarima felt guility and told Madagasco’s father about
what she had done. Madagasco’s father, a farmer named Pasco, was angry
and asked all the people in the neighborhood to go to King Harnon’s
palace to get Madagasco released from prison.
So, at midnight, they went to king Harnon’s palace. With the help of
Sarima, Pasco could enter the King’s room without any difficulty. The
king screamed aloud to ask for help. However, his army had been
dumbfounded by the man’s neighbor and friends. Meanwhile, Sarima,
with her magical power, released Madagasco and both of them entered

the king’s room. Madagasco, knowing about the incident, shouted aloud,
“Please do not do him any harm, Father.” The farmer looked at his son
awkwardly. “Please release him father. See, I am in a good stead now.”
Then Madagasco said to king Harnon, “once again, I would like to make
a request to you, king Harnon. Would you please let me marry your
The king granted Madagaco’s requested, realizing that the young man
had saved his life. He also asked apologized people. Not long after that, a
grand wedding banquet was held in king Harnon’s palace. The couple,
with their families and also the fairy, Sarima, lived happily ever after.

- Choose the correct answer based on the story above

1. Who was Pasco?
a. Ashanti’s father
b. Sarima’s father
c. Madagasco’s father
d. King Harnon’s son
e. King Harnon’s minister’s son
2. What did Sarima do to find the man in Ashanti’s dream?
a. She gathered a few man and asked sarima to choose
b. She drew the pictures of several men
c. She asked Ashanti to describe him
d. She listed the names of handsome men
e. She used her magical powers to find out who the man was
3. “… and both of them entered the king’s room too.” (paragraph 9)
Who do ‘both of them’ refer to?
a. Sarima and Pasco
b. Sarima and Madagasco
c. Ashanti and Madagasco
d. Ashanti and Madagasco
e. Sarima and the king
4. How did Pasco know that his son was kidnapped?
a. Sarima informed him
b. King Harnon told him about it

c. He made a conclusion from several happenings

d. He saw his son with kidnapper
e. He had magical power which made him understand
5. Which following statement is true?
a. Sarima put Madagaso in prison
b. Sarima found Madagasco on the ninth day
c. Ashanti prevented Pasco from doing harm to king Harnon
d. Ashanti cleaned his father’s feet every day
e. Sarima kidnapped Madagasco because she fell in love with

React the story

Create dialogs based on the story, then react with your group in

front of the class.

Teaching activities:

A. Pre Activities :

- Greeting, manage the class, giving motivation

- Teacher giving information about the instructional
objectives which is going to be taught to the students
- Giving short information about the material and the
activities that the students are going to have during the
teaching learning process.
B. While Activities

- Teacher gives an explanation about how to use expression

- Teacher asks students to identify a narrative text.

- Teacher explains something that should be noticed while

observe the story including characters, setting, problems,
solutions, and the main ideas of the story.
- Teacher asks students to make small groups.
- Teacher provides story and asks students to read the story
- Teacher explains how to react the story.
- Teacher manages students when they create a short
dialogue based on the story.
- Teacher provides props to support their performance.
- Teacher asks students to react the story in front of class.
- Teacher assesses students' progress and understanding
C. Post Activity

- Guiding the students conclude the material

- Teacher motivating the students
- Giving information about the next lesson plan

VIII. Media/Learning Resources:

Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Student XI

VII. Evaluation: Oral test

- What do you know about narrative text?

- Your friend broke your hand phone, she/he lost it. Please,

express your anger!

- React the story in front of the class with your group by

using expression of anger!

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