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Blood Gases CARBONIC ACID (H2CO3 )

TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS: ● This fraction of blood, plasma or serum

Acids Includes the undissociated carbonic acid
● substance that can yield a hydrogen ion (H) and the physically dissolved anhydrous
or hydronium ion when dissolved in water C02. Since CO2 concentration is higher
Base than HCO3. The symbol cdCO2 (conc. of
● substance that can yield hydroxyl ions (OH) dissolved C02) is frequently used and is
Buffer measured from pCO2 multiplied by the
● combination of a weak acid or weak base solubility coefficient of' CO2.
and its salt, is a system that resists changes ● Normal range is from 1.05 –1.45 mmol/L.
● effectiveness of a buffer: ● The pressure or tension exerted by C02 gas
- pK of the buffering system dissolved in blood. It is an index of efficiency
- pH of the environment of gas exchange in the lungs and not a
● Plasma – bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer measure of C02 concentration in the blood.
system; pK of 6.1 ● Normal range is 35 - 45 mmHg.
SYSTEM combining power)
● Principal mammalian buffer system ● The value of the CO2 combining power Is
● Acids combine with Bicarbonates in the an index of the amount of CO2 that can be
blood bound by serum, plasma, or whole blood as
- Neutral Salts (Bicarbonate Salts) HCO3 at a pCO2 of 40 mmHg at 25
- Carbonic Acid (Weak Acid) degrees Celcius.
● H2CO3 unstable, changing to H2O and ● Normal range is 24 - 30 mmol/L.
● 2,3-diphosphoglycerate – Phosphate form ● Formerly known as C02 content, which
that acts as a buffer refers to the total concentration of C02 in
● It increases the amount of NaHCO3 in ECF the blood consisting of ionized HC03, C03,
(more alkaline) carbamino compound) and unionized
● 16% of the non-bicarbonate buffer value fraction (H2C03) and physically dissolved
of Erythrocytes C02.
HEMOGLOBIN-OXYHEMOGLOBIN ● Normal range is 21 - 28 mmol/L.
● Maintains pH level (Venous and Arterial a. The negative logarithm of hydrogen ion
Blood) activity with a normal average range of
● 1 gram of Hemoglobin carries 1.39 mL of 7.35-7.45
Oxygen Major factors regulating blood pH:
PROTEIN BUFFER SYSTEM 1. Chemical buffers
● Proteins can exist in 2 forms: H+ protein, B 2. Respiratory regulatory mechanism
Protein 3. Renal regulatory mechanism
● Capability to bind or release excess Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
Hydrogen as required
● Plasma proteins (Charges on their surface)
- pH > pI – (-) charge
- pH < pI – (+) charge
● The second largest fraction of the anions
in the plasma. It includes the ionized
bicarbonate (HC03), carbonate and the
carbamino compounds. Normal range is
from 21 - 28 mmol/L (21 -- 28 meq/L)
GAS AND pH ANALYSIS ● PH electrode
1. The pCO2 of air (0.2mmHg) Is much less ● Principle: Based on polarographic principle
than that of the blood (38 mmHg) so that ● Use of PH meters
when blood is exposed to air, the ctCO2 and ● Henderson - Hasselbach equation
pCO2 decreases; and the pH increases, ● Nomogram and Slide Rule
thus it is a must to collect, transfer and ● Siggard -Anderson Alignment nomogram
manipulate blood for blood gas analysis in ct C02:
condition where air Is avoided or at least ● Manometric Method Using Natelson
kept at a minimum level. Microgasometer
a. Arterial blood is the more preferred ● Principle:
specimen for blood gas analysis because it - Carbon dioxide is released front
is of more uniform composition than venous HC03 by the addition of lactic add.
blood. This is due to the metabolic diversity The C02 and other gases are,
composing venous samples extracted under a partial vacuum.
The pressure difference at constant
value before and after absorption of
C02 by NaOH Is the amount of C02
present in the sample.

● Venous and Capillary (Skin punctured)

- These specimens can also used for
blood gas analysis provided that they
undergo arterialization
Method of Determination
● Clark p02 electrode
● Principle: Based on amperometric or
polarographic measurement of oxygen. Alternative Method
● Gasometric analysis ● Principle
● Calculation from oxygen saturation, pH and - Involves the release of C02 gas when
temperature by means of the standard 02 the sample is added to H2S04 with
dissociation curve. subsequent monitoring of this release
● Transcutaneous monitoring with a pair of pCO2 electrodes
pC02 (reference and sample electrodes).
● Use of pCO2 electrode The rate of change in pH of the buffer
- Principle: Based on pH inside the pCO2 electrodes is a
measurement of a stationary measure of the concentration of its
NaHCO3 solution which is in CO2 In the Sample
equilibrium with the test solution and Conditions for analysis:
the test via a CO2 permeable 1. All procedures should be considered “STAT”
membrane. - If delayed 20-30 mins: pH lowers by
● Use of Henderson Hasselbach equation 0.01
from pH and total carbon dioxide. - Avoid glycolysis
● From a measured pH value interpolated in 2. Specimen must be kept at anaerobic
the C02 equilibrium curve. condition
3. Specimen w/c cannot be analyzed
immediately must be placed in an ice slurry
ACID-BASE DISTURBANCES Consequences of Acid- Base Imbalance:
Acidosis - General term applied for any condition ● In Alkalosis, tetany ensues due to.
where the pH of the blood and the bicarbonate hypocalcemia, which can lead to death
concentration of the blood are below normal. because of respiratory muscle spasm.
Alkalosis ● In Acidosis, there is an inhibition of the
● General term applied for any condition with neural mechanisms which will then lead to
an increase in blood pH (above normal coma. A blood pH of 6.9 has been proven
range) characterized by an elevation in the fatal
H+ ion accepting buffer of the plasma
(UC03) and a reduction in the H+ ion
substances (H2CO3)
Classification of Acid-Base Imbalance
● Metabolic Alkalosis
● Metabolic Acidosis
● Respiratory Alkalosis
● Respiratory Acidosis
Metabolic Acidosis
● Caused by bicarbonate deficiency
● Production of increased amount of acid –
diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis PARAMETERS OF INTEREST
(alcoholism), renal failure and diarrhea Evaluate (normal pH - 7.35-7.45)
● Compensation: Hyperventilation ● <7.35 - acidosis
● (+) Hyperkalemia and hyperchloremia ● >7.45 – alkalosis
*In DKA→normochloremic Evaluate the ventilation (Lungs)
Metabolic Alkalosis ● pC02 - 35 - 45 mm Hg
● Caused by bicarbonate excess ● < 35 respiratory alkalosis
● Conditions: Vomiting with the loss of ● > 45 respiratory acidosis
chloride from the stomach Evaluate the metabolic Process (kidneys)
● Compensation: Hypoventilation ● HC03 = 22-26 meq/L
● For every 10 meq/L rise in bicarbonates, the ● < 22 - metabolic acidosis
pCO2 rises by 6 mmHg ● >26 – metabolic alkalosis
● (+) hypokalemia, hypochloremia
● pCO2 drops 1-1.3 mmHg per mEq/L fall in ● Determine which is the Primary (1°) and
HCO3- compensating disorder
Respiratory Acidosis - pH
● Excessive CO2 accumulation ● Determine the degree of compensation
● Conditions: Chronic obstructive pulmonic - non- compensatory
disease (COPD), myasthenia gravis, CNS - partial compensatory
disease, drug overdose (morphine, - complete compensation
barbiturates and opiates), pneumonia ● pO2 = 81 - 100 mmHg (adequate
● Compensation: retention of bicarbonates oxygenation)
● Bicarbonate rises 1 meq/L for each 10 ● p02 Hypoxemia:
mmHg rise in pCO2 - mild = 61 - 80
Respiratory Alkalosis - moderate = 41 - 60
● Due to excessive carbon dioxide loss - severe = 40 or less
● Conditions: Anxiety, severe pain, aspirin
overdose, hepatic cirrhosis
● Compensation: decreased reabsorption
● Bicarbonate falls 2 meq/L for each 10
mmHg fall in pCO2
● (+) Hypokalemia

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