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Pusentasi or Pusat Laut

Pusentasi or some people call it

Pusat Laut, is known as it’s sink hole. It is
located in Limboro village, Banawa tengah
Disctrict, Donggala regency. It takes about
2 hours drive from Palu.

Pusentasi stands for Puse and Tasi,

which come from Kaili’s language
meaning puse is center, and Tasi is sea so
pusentasi is the center of the sea. The sink
hole creates a saltwater well and has a
tunnel that connects it to the sea. This
bluish well look like a deep lagoon.
Visitors are allowed to swim in the sink
hole. There are two stairs available for the
visitors to go up again. There is a
beautiful tranquil beach next to the sink
hole called Bone Bula beach. The coral
reefs under Bone Bula is somewhat
destroyed. We can still see some coral and
fish under the sea with little bit strong

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