Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz - Question 1

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Which subject at Hogwarts would you be

most interested in studying?

Everything Apparition

Hexes/Jinxes Secrets about the


TransPguration Broom Flying

Care of Magical

Scroll to Next Question


What smell is most appealing to you?

Home The sea

Fresh parchment A log Pre


A troll breaks into the Headmaster's study.

Order the following items in the order that
you would save them:
Dragon Pox Cure That The Headmaster
Has Nearly Completed
Student Records Going Back 1000 Years
A Book Of Indecipherable Runes Thought
To Have Been Owned By Merlin

Cure>Book>Records Cure>Records>Book

Book>Cure>Records Book>Records>Cure

Records>Cure>Book Records>Book>Cure


What would you rather be?

Trusted Liked

Praised Feared

Envied Imitated


You and your friends need to cross a

bridge guarded by a river troll. He insists
that one of you Pght him before you can
cross. What do you do?

Confuse the troll

Have all 3 of you Pght (without telling the troll)

Volunteer to Pght

Draw lots to see who Pghts


You know that a fellow House member

cheated on a test. You got the second-
highest grade in the class; your
Housemate was the highest. Professor
Flitwick confronts you and asks if they
were cheating. What do you do?

Tell Professor Flitwick the truth. If your classmate is

willing to come in Prst by cheating, he deserves to be
found out. You’ll make up the House points your
classmate loses by coming in Prst.

Tell Professor Flitwick to ask your classmate (and tell

your classmate that if he doesn't tell the truth, you

Lie and say you don’t know (but hope he Pnds out

If you knew someone was cheating, you wouldn’t wait

for Flitwick to ask; you’d tell him before the test


Which path do you take?

Twisting leafy path through the woods

A dark, lantern-lit alley

A wide, sunny, grassy path

A cobblestone street lined with ancient buildings


When you're dead, what do you want

people do when they think of you?

Miss me and smile

Think of my achievements

Tell stories about my adventures

I don’t care what people think of me when I’m dead;

it’s when I’m alive that counts.


When I'm dead, I want people to remember

me as:

The Good The Great

The Wise The Bold


Which nightmare would scare you most?

None of your friends or family know who you are

Being trapped in a dark room with an eye peering at

you through a keyhole

Being caught up high with no handholds

Being forced to speak in a funny voice so that

everyone laughs at you


If you could make a potion that would

guarantee you one thing, what would it be?

Love Glory

Wisdom Power


You're walking down the street late at

night and hear a cry that you're fairly sure
has a magical source. What do you do?

Withdraw into the shadows, reviewing offensive and

defensive spells that might be appropriate

Draw your wand and try to discover the source

Proceed with caution, keeping a hand on your still-

concealed wand

Draw your wand and stand your ground


Four goblets are placed before you. Which

do you drink?

The golden potion that gives off bright sunspots that

dance around the room.

A silvery, glittery potion that sparkles as if containing

ground diamonds.

A thick potion that smells of plums and chocolate.

A black, inky potion that gives off fumes that make

you see strange visions.


A Muggle approaches you and says you're

a wizard. How do you react?

Ask them why they think so

Agree and offer a sample of a jinx

Agree and walk away, blu`ng

Express your concern and offer to call a mental



Which instrument is most pleasing to your


Violin Piano

Drums Trumpet


If you could have a superpower, which

would you choose?

Read Minds Invisibility

Change the past Change your


Talk to animals Superstrength


If you could pick any House to be Sorted

into, which would you pick?





I'll let the Sorting Hat decide where I should be.


Which of the following do you have the

most trouble dealing with?

Hunger Being ignored


Cold Boredom

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