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Read the following article about bee-keeping, and then answer the questions on the opposite “There is. a new buzz in towns and cities in Great Britain. Bee-keeping, normally practised by people ving in the country, has become the fashionable haba for those who live and werk in the cities. is aw estimated that there are more worker ees in Londan than there are working people. ‘Boe. Leopers ing in the towns have begun to cutnumber those inthe county because plants growing i towns can offer more exiting nectar (the bee's basic fooe than fields inthe countryside These fields” = ¢” have alten been treated with pesticides which are harmil to bees. ‘Membership ofthe Baitsh Bee-Leepers’ Assocation has almost doubled io 10,500 over the past three years nthe biggest increase since the peak in the 1960s. This was just before a parasitic mite killed of lions of bees. One spokesman forthe Assocation sald, “Home-made honey fom the towns isan ene diferent product. Depending onthe time of year, you get the difleren favours of whatever the bees have been feeding on. You dort get such variety with honey from the county.” ‘Young people are now queuing to fon bee-keeping courses which are often oversubscribed. There are ‘waiting Iss to buy expensive beehives, costing around £100 each. Some people keep thelr beehives oo erraces on their 08, others fn small gardens a the back of thelt houses. 12, ‘Aysha Singh, who teaches classes on bee-keeping, sal, “Mos of those who jain the bee-beeping course a young people. a rebellion npr he eye of fe wake. hese young pele want et ‘outside as well as do more physical and manual activities. One man says that he can eat the honey as he 0 atiabetic us he keeps bees because he needs some variety in his He” ty cente, has already been stung afew tes.“ eidnt hurt at much as expected” she sid. "Bees ave ‘ot threatening in the tame way 35 wasps ave. They ae nice lite ereatues with complex soeal- structure, They are aso good forthe garden when they tke the nectar fom the flower.” Jane restricts Warmer eperatres in town ad cites mean thatthe bees op active longer ination a beehive in) town produces about 20 loa ney a yea tes mh nl cory tas. What da the urban bee-keepers do with all that honey? People say that they give mach of away, especally tothe neighbours. probably to kep them sweet! {a) How does the number of bee-keepers living in the country compare with the number in towns? tt) {b) Why did the number of bees decrease dramatically at the end of the 1980s? (e) What can influence the taste of home-made honey? {d) What suggests that bee-keeping courses are very popular? {e) According to the graph, how many members ware in the Bee-keepers’ Association in 2005? mul (f) Why might bee-kaeping be attractive to office workers? Give two details. , . {g) What are two possible disadvantages of keeping bees? (i (1) 1 (h) How much honey is produced per year from a hive in the cauntry compared to a hive in the town? . 1 (i) Give four advantages of bee-keeping in towns and cities rather than in country areas.

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