Science and Technology in The World.

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1. Human artifacts found during prehistoric time.

2. From 300 to 400 B.C. there was a rise in the number
of philosophers who wrote topics on psychology,
biology, and a host of other topics.
3. Euclid, the founder of modern geometry
4. Archimedes , the founder of engineering mechanics
and calculated a value of pi.
5. 3000 B.C. copper was discovered.
6. It was realized that alloying copper with tin resulted
into bronze.
7. 3500 B.C. two wheeled carts had been created.
8. The first pyramid was built.
9. During the Middle Ages(450- 1450 A.D.) gave birth
to many scientific and technological development.
10. Warfare had improve tremendously.
11. Renaissance Era – Gutenberg developed the printing
press which resulted in books being printed instead
of huge volume of texts being handwritten.
12. Leonardo Da Vinci produced a vast of series of
notebooks with observations on anatomy, cloud
formations, plans for sites, military inventions,
tanks, flying machines and submarines.
ANCIENT, MIDDLE AND MODERN 13. Copernicus discovered that the sun was at the
AGES center of the solar system and that the earth
revolves around it.
14. The era also gave way to geographic discovery
beginning with the invention of the triangle sail and
the magnetic compass.
Modern science and technology around 1600 A.D.
15. In 1608, some spectacle maker came to the republic
of Venice where Galileo was staying with their new
invention, a spyglass for identifying ships well before
they enter the harbor.
16. He not only succeeded in constructing his own
spyglass, but went to build a second one with the
magnification stepped up by eight and finally thirty
times which is now known as the telescope.
17. Invented the microscope and thermometer.
18. Albert Einstein came up with the famous equation
a=mc2 used in Calculus.
19. In the late 1800, the light bulb began to replace
candles and oil lamps.
20. The 20th Century gave birth to the radio, the first car
to run with engine power.
21. The first man went to space in a rocket.

1. The Spaniards introduced formal education and founded

scientific institutions.
SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD 2. In 1871, the school of medicine and pharmacy was
opened at the University of Santo Tomas.
3. The Jesuits promoted the meteorological studies and
founded the Manila Observatory at the Ateneo Municipal
de Manila in 1865.
1. On July 1, 1901, the Philippine Commission established
the Bureau of Government Laboratories which was placed
under the Department of Interior.
AMERICAN PERIOD AND POST 2. The Bureau of Science became the primary research
COMMONWEALTH ERA center of the Philippines until World War II.
3. In 1946, the Bureau of Science was replaced by the
Institute of Science.
4. In 1958, the Philippine Congress passed the Science Act of
1958 which established the National Science
Development Board.
1. In the amendment 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article
XV, section 9(1), he declared that the advancement of
science and technology shall have priority in national
2. On January 23, 1967, he directed the Department of
Education to revitalize the science courses in public high
3. In 1968, technology was recognized as the leading factor
in economic development and thus additional funds were
channeled to support projects in applied sciences and
science education.
4. The National Science Development Board established the
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission to explore the uses
of atomic energy for economic development.
5. The Philippine Council for Agricultural Research was also
established to support the progressive development of
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries for the Country.
6. Another agency was established by presidential Decree
MARCOS ERA AND MARTIAL LAW no. 49, s. 1972 and this is the Philippine Atmospheric,
geophysical and Astronomical Services (PAG-ASA) under
the Department of National Defense.
7. The Philippine National Oil Company was also created to
promote industrial and economic development.
8. In 1976, the National Academy of Science and Technology
was established.
9. In 1979, the government funded scientific research
conducted by National Science Development Board, the
Philippine Council for Agricultural Research and
Resources, The Plant Breeding Institute, the International
Rice Research Institute, the Bureau of Plant Industry, and
the Bureau of Forest Products.
10. The National Committee in Geological Sciences was
created in 1980.
11. The National Science Development Board and its support
agencies was reorganized and was named National
Science and Technology Authority.
12. The Mindanao and Visayas campuses of the Philippine
Science High School were established in 1986.
1. The National Science and Technology Authority was
replaced by the Department of Science and Technology.
2. The fist Science and Technology Master Plan or STMP was
formulated on August 8, 1988.
FIFTH REPUBLIC 3. She encouraged scientists and investors to bring the
Philippines to its former position as second to Japan in
science and technology and to achieve the status as the
industrialized country in 2000.
4. R.A. 6655 or the Free Public secondary Act of 1988
opened free education at the secondary level.
5. Implemented the “Science for the Masses Program”.
1. The Department of Science and Technology initiated a
Science and Technology Agenda for Development(STAND)
2. In 1998, a presidential task force was formed to deal with
PRESIDENT FIDEL V. RAMOS TERM overall problems confronting Research and Development
and Science and Technology development in the country.
3. In 1993, Science and Technology Agenda for National
Development was established.
4. Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel
5. Science and technology scholarship Law
1. Two major legislations that he signed were the Philippine
Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749) and
PRESIDENT JOSEPH ESTRADA’S TERM Electronic Commerce Act of 2000(Republic Act No. 8792)
2. Launched a full-scale program based on cost-effective
irrigation technologies.
1. THE Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) was
developed further by strengthening the schools and
education system such as the Philippine Science High
2. Passed by her administration was the R.A. 9367 or the
“Biofuels” Act.
3. Drought-free rice was also highly encouraged to be used
during her term.
1. The government passed Republic Act 10601 which
improves the Agriculture and Fisheries Sector through
Mechanization (AFMech).
2. Organic Agricultural Act of 2010 (R.A. 10068).
3. The International Rice Research Institute serves to
improve the rice production and the quality through
biotechnology and research.
4. The harmonized Agenda for Science and Technology was
presented to President Aquino in 2014 and it included
two crucial issues, inclusive growth and disaster risk
A.Y. 2021-2022



Submitted by:
Angelica T. Belardo

Submitted to:
Mr. Edmundo Bequio Jr.

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