Manufacturing System Analysis and Management - 1

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8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Manufacturing System analysis and

Management -1

Points: 22/23

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3. Section  *







Section-G… 1/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Correct 1/1 Points

4. Waiting lines, or queues, form because of variability in ______ of a system.

service rates

None of the above

arrival and service rates 

arrival rates

waiting times

Correct 1/1 Points

5. Manufacturing Lead time is highest in *

Continuous Production system

Job Shop Production system 

Batch Production System

Mass Production System

Correct 1/1 Points

6. In which phase of the product life cycle, Standardization of product design is

generally associated *


Maturity  

Decline… 2/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Correct 1/1 Points

7. Machine Work Content is highest in *

Job Shop Production system

Batch Production System

Mass Production System 

Correct 1/1 Points

8. Productivity = -----------------

Output / Input 
Output – Input

Input / Output

Input + Output

Correct 1/1 Points

9. A waiting line system has three basic components: *

servers, customers, and waiting lines.

servers, customers, and service encounters. 

waiting lines, customers, and service encounters.

servers, service encounters, and waiting lines.

Correct 1/1 Points

10. Note: multiple answer correct:

Which of the following is not something commonly found in lean systems?… 3/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Quick changeovers

Visual controls

Long production runs 

Output match to a detailed forecast 
Waste reduction

Correct 1/1 Points

11. You have been observing the queue at a cafeteria and noticed that, on average,
5.5 students are in line at lunch each day and that students wait in the line for
three minutes on average. What is the arrival rate (A) of students at the

1.83/min 




Correct 1/1 Points

12. stable process is one in which, in the long run, the average inflow rate is --------
-- the average outflow rate

less than

not related to

greater than

equal to … 4/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Correct 1/1 Points

13. Although transitioning to a lean system can be a powerful means of improving

performance, it is generally thought that using __________ along with lean can
lead to even better results. *



Six sigma 


Correct 1/1 Points

14. No process can produce output faster than its bottleneck. State True or False? *


True 

Correct 1/1 Points

15. For India to become a USD 5 Trillion economy, our manufacturing sector has to
sustainably grow in ----------digits

double 


triple… 5/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Correct 1/1 Points

16. FGI (Finished Goods Inventory) is highest in *

Batch Production System

Job Shop Production system

Mass Production System 

Correct 1/1 Points

17. According to ----------------, the eight dimensions of quality are performance,

features, conformance, reliability, serviceability, durability, aesthetics,

A. Feigenbaum

D. Garvin 

G. Taguchi

P. Crosby

Correct 1/1 Points

18. Process Flexibility measures the ability of the process to produce and deliver
the desired product variety.  *


True 

Correct 1/1 Points… 6/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

19. Consider a bank with one teller, an average arrival rate of six customers per
hour, and an average service rate of eight customers per hour. Assume that the
coefficient of variation of both the service time distribution and the arrival time
distribution is 1.0. Calculate the average number of customers in the service




0.75 

Correct 1/1 Points

20. Conveyor belt is a *

Storage Equipment

Unit Load Formation Equipment

Positioning Equipment

Transport Equipment 

Correct 1/1 Points

21. True or false: The cost of the waiting-line system is the sum of the cost of
providing service and the opportunity cost for the customer waiting. *


True 

Correct 1/1 Points

22. Humid indoor condition is a requirement for *

Electronics assembly… 7/9
8/20/22, 9:28 PM Manufacturing System analysis and Management -1

Steel industry

Tobacco industry 

Glass Industry

Correct 1/1 Points

23. In which phase of the product life cycle, the Cost is the order winning criteria. *


Maturity  


Correct 1/1 Points

24. The number of flow units that flow through a specific point in the process per
unit of time is called --------------

Flow Rate 

Flow Time

Incorrect 0/1 Points

25. Consider a bank with one teller, an average arrival rate of six customers per
hour, and an average service rate of eight customers per hour. Assume that the
coefficient of variation of both the service time distribution and the arrival time
distribution is 1.0. Calculate the average number of customers in the system (L).

2.00… 8/9
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3.00 

Correct 1/1 Points

26. Little’s Law states that---------------

Average Inventory = Throughput - Average Flow Time

Average Inventory = Throughput + Average Flow Time

Average Inventory = Throughput X Average Flow Time 

Average Inventory = Throughput / Average Flow Time

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