Exercise 4

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Lunds Universitet Spring 2015

Andreas Wacker, Johannes Bjerlin

Exercises to Quantum Mechanics FYSN17/FMFN01, Week 4

Homework to be handed in on February 17

Exercise 1: Energy shifts of atoms in magnetic fields

Aim: Understanding the Hamilton operator in a magnetic field
Let B be a constant magnetic field. Consider the Hamiltonian
1 2
Ĥ = p̂ − qA(r̂) + qφ(r̂) .
It can be rewritten:
~2 q q2 2 2
Ĥ = − ∆ + qφ(r̂) − B L̂z + B (x̂ + ŷ 2 )
2m 2m 8m
where it is assumed that B = Bez . Estimate the size of the last two terms for an electron in an atom
if the field has the strength of 10 T.

Exercise 2 (Homework): Electron in inversion layer with magnetic

Aim: Quantifying the energy splitting due to B; addressing a common task in solid
state physics
In solid state physics one can establish two-dimensional systems at the interface of a semiconductor.
Consider a single electron confined to such a layer, so that it can only move freely in x and y-direction.
A magnetic field points in z-direction, perpendicular to the interface.
a) Construct the Hamiltonian for this particle.
b) Find the energy spectrum for a magnetic field of 5 T. Use the effective mass mef f = 0.067me
which is appropriate for a conduction band electron in GaAs.

Exercise 3: Sum of angular momenta

Aim: Realizing the meaning of coupling between angular momenta
Show that the sum of two angular momenta satisfies the basic commutation relations for angular
momentum. The two angular momenta that are summed operate in different spaces. (Examples:
Ŝ = Ŝ1 + Ŝ2 and Ĵ = L̂ + Ŝ.)

Exercise 4: Positronium state

Aim: Getting familiar with typical eigenstates of total angular momentum
Show that the state |Ψi = √12 | ↑ie ⊗ | ↓ip + √12 | ↓ie ⊗ | ↑ip is an eigenstate of Ŝz and Ŝ2 , where
Ŝ = Ŝe + Ŝp . (notation as in section 3.6 of the notes)

Exercise 5 (Homework): Clebsch-Gordan coefficients

Aim: Evaluating Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for a specific scenario
The state of an electron has is

|Ψi = a|l = 2, m = 0i ⊗ | ↑i + b|l = 2, m = 1i ⊗ | ↓i ,

where a and b are constants with |a|2 + |b|2 = 1. Choose a and b such that |Ψi is an eigenstate of the
following operators: L̂2 , Ŝ2 , Ĵ2 , and Jˆz .

Exercise 6: LS-coupling
Aim: Understanding the difference between both basis states; Training to determine
An electron is in a shell with l = 1. Determine the matrix for the perturbation ĤLS = k L̂ · Ŝ in the
following cases:
a) In the basis |j = 3/2, mj , l = 1, s = 1/2i , |j = 1/2, mj , l = 1, s = 1/2i , where mj runs over
all allowed indices.

b) In the basis |l = 1, mi ⊗ | ↑i, |l = 1, mi ⊗ | ↓i , where m runs over all allowed indices.

Exercise 7 (Homework): Effective g-factor

Aim: Working with different basis states of coupled angular momentum; Understand-
ing an important concept of atomic physics
Determine the matrix for
Ĥp = ĤLS + Ĥexternal = k L̂ · Ŝ + L̂z + 2Ŝz
in the basis of exercise 4.6 (ge = 2 is used here). While the multiplets are degenerate for vanishing
magnetic field, they split up with increasing B and couple with each other. Evaluate the magnitude
of the splitting, if you neglect the off-diagonal elements between the j = 3/2 and j = 1/2 levels. (In
the spririt of perturbation theory this is allowed provided the LS coupling is much larger than the
Zeeman energy.) Determine the effective g−factors, geff , such that E(mj ) = E0 + geff µB Bmj .

Exercise 8: Rabi’s resonance experiment

Aim: Understanding an important feature of general two-level system
We will in this example discuss Rabi’s famous spin resonance experiment. The experiment setup is
shown in the figure below. The particles (say neutrons) enter the apparatus from the left with a

selected spin. A magnet gives a homogeneous magnetic field in the z−direction, B0 = B0 ez . In the
area where this magnetic field is, there is also a so called RF-loop which creates an oscillating field
BRF = B1 [cos(ωt)ex + sin(ωt)ey ]. When the particles enter the field B = B0 + BRF from the left side
they are in the spin state | ↑i. Only those particles that changed their spin directions (flips) will be
detected on the right hand side by an appropriate detector.
a) The magnetic moment of the particles is given by µ̂ = γ Ŝ. Write down the time-dependent
Schrödinger equation valid in the magnetic field B in spinor representation, i.e. for the component
a(t), b(t) of the time-dependent state |Ψi(t) = a(t)| ↑i + b(t)| ↓i.
b) With the initial condition |Ψi(0) = | ↑i one finds (after tedious but straightforward algebra – not
γB0 + ω γB1
a(t) = cos(Ωt) + i sin(Ωt) e−iωt/2 and b(t) = i sin(Ωt)eiωt/2
2Ω 2Ω
with the Rabi frequency Ω = γ 2 B12 + (γB0 + ω)2 /2. For which field B0 can the probability to
observe a spin flip be equal to one? How does the probability evolve in time?
c) In an experiment with neutrons one observes the maximal signal at B0 = 0.54T for a frequency of
ωresonance = 9.92 × 107 rad/s. Determine γ and deduce the Landé factor gn of the neutron.

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