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When I was around five years old, a disaster appeared and caused lurking peril even

today. It was the Fukushima nuclear disaster, where hundreds of innocent citizen got
killed. Furthermore, 50 workers in the industry, by the risk of death, shifted to the
maintenance of the nuclear plant. After all, more than half of the number of them died
with honor in this accident. Can we replace those dangerous job workers with new-
invented artificial intelligence so that they can do more good for all human beings?

Around second grade, I had an opportunity to get in touch with robotics. Though the
robot was constructed through building blocks, it was a brand-new experience for me, and
I was surprised by the functions and how I could make it move. Fortunately, a country-
wide top technology exhibition was displayed in Daxing for two years. During these two
years, I get the opportunity to get in touch with the newest technology and learn its
functions. The exhibition and Daxing district, where many top technology companies are
presented, impacted my interest in robotics profoundly. One challenging thing about
robotics is that I need to utilize what I learned in school as an interdisciplinary thing;
therefore, I needed to learn many different things and combine them. This soon became a
problem since I have a tight schedule every day, and I paid more attention and time to
robotics and related studies; with many homework and tests I needed to prepare for, and I
was immersed in homework; I also had some problems understanding the code since we
started to use another kind of programming language. I was overwhelmed at that time,
and it was an arduous process.

However, as robotics is beneficial thing for the whole human civilization and one of my
favorite hobbies, I wanted to develop robotics more profoundly and better; therefore, I
realized that I need to be more efficient. I efficiently oriented toward the goal by
rescheduling my time and concentrating more on school classes. Around 11-year-old, as I
was a proficient programmer then, I was invited to Kentucky to participate in the VEX
world cup; it was very inspiring to talk to people from different places and of different
ages, where I made many different friends. It is fantastic to use a new programming
language, which is different from any other kind of language I have ever used. This
language imitates C, which I did not investigate or learn before. It is challenging to
remember the meaning of various codes and how to use them. That was a brand-new and
exciting chance for me to learn code. Therefore, I wanted to share that new and
fascinating programming knowledge with other students in our school after knowing
there is no robotics club in our school. I wanted to expand my influence and robotics
influence in our school, so students can have an idea of why robotics is so essential in
modern-day societies. Therefore, I created the robotics club, where many students who
wanted to know more about modern technologies joined. At the end of the semester, we
built up a remotely controlled claw robot, which most club members participated in that
can catch mineral water bottles and send them to the teacher.

After all, I am still keeping the original purpose for doing robotics and elevating the
motivation of learning the interdisciplinary thing. My purpose is to make robots do more
good for human being and societies.

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