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Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 1

1. Introduction
Android Application for Leoroid deals with real time reminding daily routine activities and
instant messages to device via Wi-Fi. Leoroid device will read the message coming from
a. Project Feasibility
b. Project Scope
c. Project Costing
d. Critical Path Method Analysis (CPM Analysis)
e. Gantt Chart
f. Introduction to team members
g. Tools and Technologies
h. Vision Document
i. Risk List

1.1 Project Feasibility Report

We have studied this project very deeply and analyzed that we will not facing any problem. All
the resources including software, hardware, people, procedures and data are sufficient in order
to achieve the desired goal. The planning for each phase is done very carefully that it will be
completed within the specified time and resources available. In this feasibility report we have
evaluated that this project will be practically beneficial for us.

 Technical
 Operational
 Economic
 Schedule
 Specification
 Information
 Motivational
 Legal and Ethical

1.1.1 Technical Feasibility

The Project complete counseling application has been completely examined from all the
different technical points and consideration. It fulfills all the requirements successfully because
we have all the capabilities and technologies that are essential to develop this project. All the
team members have all the technical skills and capabilities that are required to develop this

1.1.2 Operational Feasibility

Evaluation of technical ability of users to use the project is the main aim of operational
feasibility. We have checked that this application will be of great importance that it will benefit
the end users and they will feel excellent about the solution. The application proposed by our
team is kept very simple, so that they can easily be operated by users.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 2

1.1.3 Economic Feasibility

The project we are developing is economical in nature, as the applications will be deployed on
play store to be used by users all over the world. With the help of economical feasibility report
we have prepare the cost/benefit analysis of the project. Economic feasibility is dividing into
two parts: Cost estimate and benefit estimate. To calculate cost we have used Functions Point

1.1.4 Schedule Feasibility

According to the estimation of our team the total time to complete the project is 6 month. Our
application requires more than 5 months. In case of our project, we have divided our work into
segments and task is given to each group member they are responsible for complete their task
before dead line. The basic functionality of this applications will tried to be covered first, and
then we will move towards extra functionality if time permits.

1.1.5 Specification Feasibility

Specification feasibility analysis has provided us with the study that whether the requirements
of the project are unambiguous or not. Every check regarding the project has also been studied
in this phase. The limitations of the scope are analyzed in this phase. The hardware and
software specifications for the completion of this project are also feasible.

1.1.6 Information Feasibility

The information provided is sufficient enough to meet the criteria of requirements. The
project is selected after due consideration and gathering requirements from Android users.
The completion of this project will occur in the end of the 8th semester according to time
estimated for application as 2 months each. The applications will be deployed under the
guidance of “ANDROID technologies” on application Developer Program Portal. After
authorizing the application, users will be able to use it on their personal device. The procedure
for completely deploying an application includes:

 Create an account on play store Developer Program Portal.

 Add information to the account.
 Authorize your Touch devices on the portal.
 Generate Application IDs on the portal.
 Download and run your provisioning profile from the portal.
 Deploy your application.
After deployment, there are only two ways to get an application onto the phone. Install using
Play Store. The set of applications will be reliable enough to set on Android device because
it is developed only for android cell phones not for window mobiles.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 3

1.1.7 Motivational Feasibility

The members in this application are actually the users of Android application. Hence, they
upgrade the applications in order to enjoy more features of it. New features of this application
will be added as it will be enhanced with the passage of time.

1.1.8 Legal & Ethical Feasibility

There are no illegal issues that would take place after completion of the project. Although this
project have a community corner, so there can be faced some unethical problems as we face in
our daily routines.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 4


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 5

2.1 Project Scope

Scope of the Leoroid is to remind your daily routine activities and also provide the
facility of live streaming and real-time messaging. In the present days with the new
emerging technologies there arise problems for old people in using the technology. We
are here with a solution that is our Leoroid which acts like a home assistant. LEOROID’
the name suggests a new era to remind our daily routine activities. User can also see the
live streaming of his home from phone through Wi-Fi to see the activities performed at
home. User can also give voice commands to the device to perform tasks.
Limitations of these applications are:
o Messages.
o Voice output.
o Applicable with Wi-Fi.
o Application working on user side.
o Remind daily routine activities.
o Provide facility to see your home from remote location.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 6


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 7

3.1 Project Costing

Function-oriented software matrices use a measure of the functionality delivered by the
application as a normalization value. Since “Functionality cannot be measured directly, it
must be derived indirectly using other direct measures”. Albrecht, who suggested a measure
called the function point, first proposed function-oriented metrics. Function Point are derived
using an empirical relationship based on countable (direct) measure of software’s information
domain and assessment of software complexity.
We have chosen Function Point Analysis for our Project Cost Estimation.
1. Number of external inputs: 5
2. Number of external outputs: 4
3. Number of external inquiries: 4
4. Number of internal logic files: 2
5. Number of external logic files: 4

External Inputs:
 Sign Up
 sign In
 Voice Input
 Schedule Setting
 Message Sending

External Outputs:
 Sign Up
 sign In
 Show Live Stream
 Voice Output

External Inquiries:
 Sign Up
 sign In
 Wi-Fi Connectivity
 Live Video Streaming

Internal Logic Files:

 Database table
 List of schedules

External Interface Files:

 Leoroid app interfaces
 Splash screen
 Leoroid Robot
 Wi-Fi Module

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 8


0- Not applicable
1- Incidental
2- Moderate
3- Average
4- Significant
5- Very Critical

3.1.1 Project Cost Estimation By Function Point Analysis

Type of Component Complexity of Components

Low Average High Total
External Inputs 0*5=0 1*4 = 4 4*6= 24 28
External Outputs 0*5=0 1*5 = 5 4*7= 28 33
External Inquiries 0*3=0 1*4 = 4 3*6= 18 22
Internal Logical Files 1*7=7 1*10 =10 0*15=0 17
External Interface Files 0*5=0 0*7 = 0 4*10=40 40
Total Number of Unadjusted Function Points 140

Calculation of (Fi):

Sr.# Questions Scale

1 Does the system require heavy configuration? 4
2 Is communication required? 5
3 Are there distributed processing functions? 0
4 Is performance critical? 4
Will the system run in an existing, heavily utilized
5 4
operational environment?
6 Does the system require online data entry? 0
7 Does the online data entry require the input transaction to be 0

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 9

built over operations?

8 Are the files updated online? 0

9 Are the inputs, output, files, or inquires complex? 5
10 Is the internal processing complex? 5
11 Is the code designed to be reusable? 4
12 Are conversion / installation included in the design? 3
Is the system designed for multiple installations in different
13 4
14 Is the application designed to facilitate change? 5

Value Adjusted Factors (Fi) 43

Calculation of Function Point (FP):

FPestimated = Count Total * (0.65 + 0.01 * (Fi))

= 140* (0.65 + 0.01 * 43)

= 140 *1.08
= 151

Final Function Point Calculation is:

Final Adjusted FP =UFC*VAF


Cost per Function Point:

Labor Rate = Rs. 40,000

Cost per FP = Labor Rate / Productivity parameter

= 40,000 / 10
= 4000

Total Project cost:

Total Project Cost = FP Estimated * Cost Per FP
= 21,140*4000

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 10

Total Estimated Effort:

Total Estimated Effort = FP est. / productivity parameter
= 151 / 10

Duration of Project
Duration of Project = Effort month / No. of persons
Duration of Project = 15.1/ 4
Duration of Project = 7 months.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 11


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 12

4.1 Project Scope

Scope of the Leoroid is to make you listen to your daily routine and incoming messages.
In the present days with the new emerging technologies there arise problems for old
people in using this technology. We are here with a solution that is our Leoriod.
LEOROID’ the name itself suggests a new era to remind our daily routine activities. User
can also see the live streaming of his home from phone through Wi-Fi to see the activities
performed at home.

4.2 CPM - Critical Path Method

4.2.1 Estimate Activity Completion Time

Requirement Gathering A
Analysis B
Designing C
Coding D
Testing E
Implementation F

Determine the Sequence of the Activities

Some activities are dependent on the completion of others. There are many activities that are
dependent on each other.
Following activities are dependent on one another:

 Analysis Requirement Gathering

 Designing Analysis
 Coding Designing
 Testing Designing, Coding
 Implementation Testing

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 13

Estimate Activity Completion Time

Activity ID Predecessor Duration (Days)

A None 2 20
B A 15
C B 30
D C 60
E C,D 15
F E 15

4.3 The Network Diagram

Once the activities and their sequence have been defined, the CPM diagram can be drawn.

Start A B C End



PATH 1 A B C D E F 20+15+30+60+15+15=155
PATH 2 A B C E F 20+15+30+15+15=95

4.4 Identify the Critical Path

Activity Duration ES EF LS LF TS \ FS

A 20 0 20 0 20 0 0
B 15 20 35 20 35 0 0
C 30 35 65 35 65 0 0
D 60 65 125 65 125 0 0
E 15 125 140 125 140 0 0
F 15 140 155 140 155 0 0

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 14

4.5 Gantt chart

4.6 Introduction to Team member and their skill set

Sufayya Fatima 13879
Rabia Naeem 13825
Aysha Javed 13831
Komal Murtaza 13795

Sufayya Fatima
Miss. Sufayya Fatima is group leader and responsible for all the programming related to the
Application being developed. She has knowledge about java and android languages. She is
also responsible to perform basic level validations, testing and debugging.

Rabia Naeem
She has basics information about application development. She has knowledge about java and
Android languages and responsible for all as programming in Android Studio for the project.

Aysha Javed
She has fair knowledge of ANDROID in application development and designing. She gathered the
required information for the project and also responsible for documentation.

Komal Murtaza
She is responsible for designing and managing all design activities of the Leoroid”. And also
responsible for documentation.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 15

4.7 Tools and Technology with reasoning


Android studio:
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android
platform development. Android Studio is designed specifically for Android development. It
is available for download on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, and replaced Eclipse Android
Development Tools (ADT) as Google's primary IDE for native Android application

Java Development Kit (JDK)

It is a software development environment used for developing Java applications and applets.
It includes the Java Runtime Environment, an interpreter/loader, a compiler, a documentation
generator and other tools needed in Java development.

ESP 8266
The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller
capability produced by manufacturer Espressif Systems. This small module allows
microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections
using Hayes-style commands. The very low price and the fact that there were very few
external components on the module, which suggested that it could eventually be very
inexpensive in volume, attracted many hackers to explore the module, chip, and the software
on it. The ESP8285 is an ESP8266 with 1 MiB of built-in flash, allowing for single-chip
devices capable of connecting to Wi-Fi.

NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It includes firmware which runs on the ESP8266
Wi-Fi SoC from Epressif Systems, and hardware which is b on the ESP-12 module. The
term “NodeMCU” by default refers to the firmware rather than the development kits. The
firmware uses the Lua scripting language. It is based on the eLua project and built on the
Epressif NON-OS SDK for ESP8266. It uses many open source projects, such as Lua-cjson


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 16

Java is an object oriented programming language that is concurrent, class based, it is intended
to let application developers “Write once, Run anywhere” meaning that compiled java code
can run on all platforms that support java without the need for recompilation.

Java Scripting:
It is an object-oriented and scripting language commonly used to create interactive effects
within the application.

Stands for Extensible Markup language. It provides the features of user define
queries as well as built in queries.

The Firebase real-time Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data is stored and synchronized
in real-time to every connected client. When you build cross-platform apps with iOS,
Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients share one real-time Database instance and
automatically receive updates with the newest data.

Arduino IDE is a special software running on your system that allows you to write sketches
(synonym for program in Arduino language) for different Arduino boards. The Arduino
programming language is based on a very simple hardware programming language called
processing, which is similar to the C language.
4.7.1 CASE Tool(s):

Gantt Project:
Web server and JAVA is used to fetch data from the database. Our application will
communicate with the JAVA page with necessary parameters and JAVA will contact
MySQL database and will fetch the result and return the results to us.

MS Word 2016:
MS Word is used for documentation of the project. It is easy to use and provides professional
tools for layout, formatting and file protection.

Edraw Max:
Edraw Max is widely used software for creating UML diagrams.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 17

Rational Rose (OPT):

Rational Rose is an object oriented Unified Modeling Language (UML) software design tool
intended for visual modeling and component constructing of enterprise level software

4.8 Vision Document

The vision behind the project is the development of android based app and Leoroid device. In
the present days with the new emerging technologies there arise problems for old people in
using this technology. We are here with a solution that is our Leoroid.
‘LEOROID’ the name itself suggests a new era to remind our daily routine activities. User
can also see the live streaming of his home from phone through Wi-Fi to see the activities
performed at home.
Limitations of these applications are:
o Messages.
o Voice output.
o Applicable with Wi-Fi.
o Application working on user side.
o Remind daily routine activities.
o Provide facility to see your home from remote location.

4.9 Risk List

 If we fail in project completion within due date our project may lead to failure.
 Risk due to team harmony and working relationship.
 Risk Expected due to ignorance of non-functional requirements.
 Risk due to lack of user knowledge.
 Wrong time estimation.
 Unexpected Project scope expansion.
 Continuous changing requirements.
 Failure to resolve the responsibilities.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 18


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 19

5.1 Introduction
The purpose behind implementing “Leoroid” is to help the busy and especially old people in
reminding their routine and activities. In the present days with the new emerging
technologies there arise problems for old people in using this technology. We are here with a
solution that is our Leoriod. The name LEOROID’ suggests a new era to remind our daily
routine activities. User can also see the live streaming of his home from phone through Wi-Fi
to see the activities performed at home. The user can also give voice commands to the device
to perform different tasks, for example: turn on the light.

5.2 Existing System Business Organization

System must authenticate the user. User first has to register in the system .After registration
user login into the system. Connect to the Bluetooth and perform the operation to move the
robot left, right backward, and forward. System also provide the facility to control the speed
of robot. User also start the live stream and view the stream in the app.

Business Organization Chart

Figure 5.1

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 20

5.3 Scope of the System

The scope of the system is defined on the basis of various functionalities provided by the
system. The scope can be explained as:-

Purpose of the Leoroid is to make you listen to your daily routine and incoming messages.
In the present days with the new emerging technologies there arise problems for old people
in using this technology. We are here with a solution that is our Leoriod. LEOROID’ the
name itself suggests a new era to remind our daily routine activities. User can also see the
live streaming of his home from phone through Wi-Fi to see the activities performed at

5.4 Summary of Requirements (Initial Requirements)

a) Sing Up
User must register first to use the services of App
b) Sign In
User must sign in first to use the services of App.
c) Connect to Wi-Fi
App must be connect to Wi-Fi.

5.5 Identifying External Entities

Following are the external entities or actors that interact directly with the app.
1. Registered Users (Clients)
The Identification of External Entities is done in two phases.

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 21

5.6 Context Level Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Figure 5. 2

5.7 Capture "shall" Statements

para # External Entity Initial Requirement
1.0 User User shall sign up to the app to use the app.
1.0 User After registration user shall Sign in to use the facilities provided by app.
1.0 System App shall maintain the record of user.
1.0 System App shall authenticate the user.
1.0 User App shall connect to Wi fi.
1.0 System App shall connect to the Wi-Fi to view live stream.
1.0 User User shall be able to send messages and set schedules to device.
1.0 User User shall see the live stream.
1.0 System App shall able to start the stream.
1.0 User User shall start the stream.
1.0 User User shall be able to ask questions from device.
1.0 User User shall give voice command to device to turn on the light.
Table 5. 1

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 22

5.8 Allocate Requirements

Para # Initial Requirements Use Case Name
Sign UP
1.0 A user “shall” register himself to the system.

Sign In
1.0 The user “shall” able to sign in into app.

1.0 User “shall” connect to the Wi-Fi to view the live stream Connect to Wi-Fi
Create Schedule
1.0 User “shall” set schedules.

Message processing
1.0 User “shall “send messages.

1.0 User “shall” view the live stream. Live Streaming

1.0 User “shall” update the existing schedules. Schedule Update

Table 5. 2

5.9 Prioritize Requirements

Para # Initial Requirements Use Case Name Use Case ID Rank
Connect to Wi Fi
1.0 User “shall” connect to Wi Fi. UC 02 High

A user “shall” register himself to the Sign Up

1.0 UC 03 High
Sign In
1.0 The user “shall” able to sign in into app. UC 04 High

User “shall” be able to send messages to Message

1.0 UC 05 Medium
device. Processing
1.0 User “shall” be able to set schedules. Create Schedule UC 06 High

User “shall” be able to start the live Live Streaming

1.0 UC 07 High
User “shall” be able to update the existing
1.0 Schedule Update UC 08 Medium
Table 5. 3

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 23

5.10 Requirements Trace-ability Matrix

Para Build Category
Initial Requirements Use Case Name
Sign Up B1 Business
1.0 A user “shall” register himself to the system.

Sign In B1 Business
1.0 The user “shall” able to sign in into app.

Connect to Wi-Fi B2 Functional

1.0 User “shall” connect to Wi-Fi.

1.0 User “shall” view the live stream. Live Streaming B3 Functional

1.0 User “shall” be able to set schedules. Create Schedule B3 User

User “shall” be able to send messages to Message B4 User

device. Processing
User “shall” be able to update the existing B4 User
1.0 Schedule Update
Table 5. 4

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5.11 High level use case diagram

Figure 5.3

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Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 26

6.1 Introduction

We have completed analysis of the system. So we understand the current situation of the
problem domain. Now we are ready to strive for a solution for the problem domain by using
object-oriented approach. Following artifacts are discussed.

1. Use case description

2. Use case diagram refined
3. Domain Model
4. Sequence Diagram
5. Collaboration Diagram
6. Operation Contracts
7. Design Class Diagram
8. Data Model

Now we discuss these artifacts one by one as follows:

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 27

Use case:

Figure 6. 1

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6.2 Use case Description

Following are the use cases that we have used in our project:

UC_1 Install App

Brief description:
User will install the app
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must install the app to perform the activities.
Main success scenario:
1. User open the App.
2. User views the App interface.

Alternate flows:
1. If app is not installed correctly then reinstall the app.
2. If app is not installed and load correctly then reload the app to browse
Post conditions:
User install the app successfully and start performing the tasks.
Table 6.2.1

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 29

UC_2 Connect to Wi-Fi

Brief description:
User will connect to Wi-Fi
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must connect to the Wi-Fi.
Main success scenario:
1. User open the App.
2. User views the App interface.
3. App display the main activity.
Alternate flows:
Wi-Fi module may not show in available devices.
a. Disconnect the Wi-Fi and connect again.
Post conditions:
User is connected to Wi-Fi and installed app successfully and start
performing the tasks.
Table 6.2.2

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 30

UC_3 Sign Up
Brief description:
User will register into the app
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must register to login and to perform required activities.
Main success scenario:
3. User open the App.
4. User views the App interface.
5. App request to Sign In.
6. If he is not register than go to register
7. Enter user name and password.
8. Click on Sign Up button.
Alternate flows:
5.1 User may be already register.
a. Move back to step 3 for Sign In.

Post conditions:
User register successfully and start performing the tasks.
Table 6.2.3

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 31

UC_4 Sign In
Brief description:
User will log in into the system
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must login into the system.
 User must have name and password to login into the system.
Main success scenario:
4. User open the App.
5. User views the App interface.
6. App request to login.
7. User will give name and password.
8. Click on login.
9. App verifies and authenticates the Login details of User.
10. App display the main activity.
Alternate flows:
6.1 Login Information is not verified.
a. Move back to step 3.

Post conditions:
User login successfully and start performing the tasks.
Table 6.2.4

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 32

UC_5 Message Processing

Brief description:
User can send message.
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must install the App.
 User must connect to Wi-Fi.
Main success scenario:
1. User open the App.
2. User views the App interface.
3. App display the main activity.
4. User send the message to Leoroid through app
5. App display the successfully sent message.
Alternate flows:
Messages may not be sent because you are not connect to Wi-Fi.
a. Connect to Wi-Fi and try again.
Post conditions:
User open the App successfully and start performing the tasks.
Table 6.2.5

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 33

UC_6 Create Schedule

Brief description:
User will open the app and create the schedule.
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must connect to Wi-Fi.
 User must set the schedules.
Main success scenario:
1. User open the App.
2. App display the main activity.
3. User click on the Schedule button to create the Schedule.
Alternate flows:
Schedule may not be create because you are not connect to Wi-Fi.
a. Connect to Wi-Fi and try again.
Post conditions:
User must create the Schedule successfully.

Table 6.2.6

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 34

UC_7 See live Stream

Brief description:
User will see the live stream.
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must connect to Wi-Fi
 User must install the App.
Main success scenario:
1. User open the App.
2. App display the main activity.
3. User can see the live stream.
Alternate flows:
3.1 User may not connect to the Wi-Fi than not able to see the stream.
a. Connect to Wi-Fi and try again.
Post conditions:
User successfully see the live stream.
Table 6.2.7

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UC_8 Update Schedule

Brief description:
User will Update the schedule.
Level: User
Primary actor: User
 User must connect to Wi-Fi.
Main success scenario:
1. User open the App.
2. To change the credentials click on setting button.
Alternate flows:
Schedule may not be updated because you are not connected to Wi-Fi.
a. Connect to Wi-Fi and try again.
Post conditions:
User successfully update the Schedule.
Table 6.2. 8

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6.3 Use case Diagram (refined and updated)

Figure 6.2

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7.1 Sequence Diagram

7.1.1. Connect to Wi-Fi:

Figure 7.1.1

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7.1.2. Sign up:

Figure 7.1.2

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7.1.3. Sign in:

Figure 7.1.3

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7.1.4. Messages:


7.1.5. Live Streaming:


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7.1.6. Create schedule:


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7.1.7. Update Schedule:

Figure 7.1.7

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8.1 Collaboration Diagram

8.1.1. Connect to Wi-Fi:

Figure 8.1.1

8.1.2. Sign Up:

Figure 8.1.2

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 46

8.1.3. Sign In:

Figure 8.1.3

8.1.4 Messages:


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 47

8.1.5. Live streaming:

Figure 8.1.5

Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 48

8.1.6. Set Schedule:


Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 49

8.1.7. Update Schedule:

Figure 8.1.7

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Department of IT, Govt. Post Graduate College (w) Satellite Town, Gujranwala 51

9.1 Operation Contracts:

Contract 1: Connect to Wi-Fi

Operation: Connect to Wi-Fi
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Connect to Wi-Fi
Pre-condition: None
Post condition: User give all required information.

Contract 2: Sign Up
Operation: Registration (Username, Password, ID)
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Sign Up
Pre-condition: None
Post condition: User give all required information.

Contract 3: Sign In
Operation: Sign In (Username, Password)
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Sign In
Pre-condition: The user has been registered to the system.
Post condition: User sign in successfully and perform the desirable
Contract 4: Messages
Operation: Message processing.
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Messages.
Pre-condition: User must connect to Wi-Fi.
Post condition: User can successfully send the messages.
to robot.
Contract 3: Live Streaming
Operation: Live Streaming.
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Live streaming.
Pre-condition: .User must connect to Wi-Fi.
Post condition: User can successfully broadcast the stream.

Contract 5: Create Schedule

Operation: Create Schedule.
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Set Schedules.
Pre-condition: User must connect to Wi-Fi.
Post condition: User can successfully create the schedule.
Contract 6: Update Schedule
Operation: Update Schedule
Cross Reference: Use Cases: Update schedule
Pre-condition: User must connect to Wi-Fi.
Post condition: User can successfully update the schedule.

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10.1 Domain Model:

Figure 10.1

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11.1 Class Diagram:

Figure 11.1

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12.1 Data Model


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13.1 Project Interfaces:

13.1.1 Splash Screen

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13.1.2 Sign up/ Sign in

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13.1.3 Main Page

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13.1.4. Send Message

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13.1.5. Reminders

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13.1.6 Create Reminder

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13.1.7 Today Schedule

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13.1.8 Live Streaming

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13.1.9 About

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13.2 Robot Interfaces

13.2.1 Normal

13.2.2 Listening

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13.2.3 Sad

13.2.4 Happy

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