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1. Replace the question mark (?) with suitable option.
P 1 F, R 2 E, T 6 D, V 24 C,?
A) X 120 B B) Y 100 C C) Y 120 B D) X 120 C

2. Replace the question mark (?) in the following series with suitable option.
C5, F4, E7, H6, ?
A) 8G B) G9 C) F9 D) D7

3. P3C, R5F, T8I, V12L, ?

A) X16O B) Y17O C) X17M D) X17O

4. 1CV, 5FU, 9IT, ?, 17OR

A) 11LS B) 14JS C) 15JS D) 13LS

5. C4X, F9U, I16R, ?

A) L25P B) K25P C) L27P D) L25O

6. KM5, IP8, GS11, EV14, ?

A) BY17 B) CZ17 C) BX17 D) CY17

7. Z9A, X7D, ?, T3J, R1M

A) W6F B) S3H C) G9V D) V5G

8. Q1F, S2E, U6D, W24C, ?

A) Y120B B) Y44B C) Z888 D) Y66B

9. ST39, UV43, WX47, ?

A) YZ47 B) YZ52 C) YZ51 D) YX50

10. 2Z5, 7Y7, 14X9, 23W11, 34V13, ?

A) 27U24 B) 47U15 C) 45U15 D) 47V14

11. G13T, I11R, L9O, ?

A) P0K B) P5L C) P5J D) P7K

12. AB 11 CD, EF 13 GH, IJ 17 KL, ?

A) MN 18 OP B) MN 19 OP C) MN 21 OP D) MN 23 OP

13. T49S64, R81Q100, P121O144, ?

A) N169M196 B) N160M190 C) N164M194 D) U36T46

14. B2CD,?, BCD4 ,?, BC6 D

A) B C3D, B5CD B) B C2 D, B C3D
C) B C3D, C3CD D) B C3D, BC5 D

15. P3, M8, ?, G24, D35

A) K15 B) J13 C) I13 D) J15

16. CO3KP, DO4KQ, EO5KR, FO6KS, ?

17. 27 CD 72, 26 FG 62, 25 IJ 52, ?, 23 OP 32
A) 24 KI 42 B) 24 LM 42 C) 24 LM 40 D) 24 MN 42
18. 86 XW 68, 85 UT 58, 84 RQ 48, ?, 82 LK 28
A) 83 ON 38 B) 83 PO 38 C) 83 RP 38 D) 83 NO 38

19. If all the numbers in the given below arrangement are dropped, which of the following
will be the tenth element to the left of the eleventh element from the right end?

M % R 4 A T # J @ 7 D S © I F N 1 E $ 3 6 W U 2 H 8 K 9 B Q
A) % B) F C) Q D) R

20. How many vowels are there in the given arrangement, each of which is immediately
proceed by a symbol and immediately followed by a consonant?
F 4 @ J 2E % M S 4 V 9 © A Q R 6 U T 3 Z 7 # U S B 8 V  G $
A) One B) Two C) Three D) None of

21. 71 XW 13, 67 UT 17, ?, 59 ON 23, 53 LK 29

A) 65 RQ 18 B) 63 RQ 19 C) 61 RQ 19 D) 60 RQ 126

22. Observe the following series carefully and answer the questions that follow
A$12&*E 721!@ I*#@!!0*& #  8 U 
How many vowels will be followed by numbers if the second half of the series is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

23. Observe the following series carefully and answer the questions that follow
A$12&*E 721!@ I*#@!!0*& #  8 U 
How many symbols are there in the sequence if !isn’t a symbol anymore ?
A) 12 B) 21 C) 13 D) 14

24. In the following question, a series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct
alternatives from the given ones that will complete the series.

3 F, 6 G, 11 I, 18 L, 27P, _______
A) 38 U B) 36 N C) 36 V D) 38 V

25. In the following question, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct
alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
2 B, 4 C, 8 E, 14 H, 22L, ?
A) 32Q B) 36O C) 34Q D) 32L
26. In the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct
alternatives from the given ones that will complete the series.
C5, F4, E7, H6, G9, ?
A) I10 B) J8 C) J6 D) I9

27. In each of the following question, find the missing term in the given series.

KM5, IP8, GS11, EV14, ?

A) BY17 B) CZ17 C) BX17 D) CY17

28. In the following question, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct
alternatives from the given ones that ill complete the series.
D E 2, E F 4, G G 8, J H 16, ? ? ?
A) K I 18 B) L I 20 C) N I 30 D)

29. C4X, F9U, I16R, ?

A) L25P B) L25O C) L27P D) None of

30. G4T,?, M20P, P43N, S90L

A) J9R B) J10R C) J16R D) R9J

31. J2Z, K4X, I7V, ?, H16R, M22P

A) L11T B) L11S C) L12T D) G11T

32. 1CV, 5FU, 9IT, ____ , 17OR

A) 11LS B) 14JS C) 15JS D) 13LS

33. KM5, IP8, GS11, EV14, __?__

A) CY17 B) BY17 C) BX17 D) CZ17

34. If all the symbols are dropped from the given arrangement, then which of the following
will be 14th from the left end?
F 4© J 2 E % MP 5 W 9 @ 1 Q R 6 U H 3 Z 7 * A T B 8 V # G $ Y D
A) R B) Q C) U D) 6

35. Consider the following letter / number / symbol arrangement and answer the question that
follows :
@ C FS9 W A  X 69 Q J % H8 U N12 T # 457 K $
What should come in the place of the question mark  ?  in the following series based
on the above arrangement?  6 Q 9 J H % 8 N U I T ?
A) N B) 4 C) 2 D) None of

36. How many symbols are there in the given series which are preceded by a consonant and
following by an odd number?
R T @ 4 5 L S # 2 U V 3 £ 01 N P  3$ V E J 5 Q R © 6
A) One B) Two C) Four D) Three

37. Study the following digit – letter – symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions
given below:
R *T J L 2$ D  M #8C % B  K1& A W ? P E  Q@ 7 F6
What should come in place of question mark in the following on the basis of above
* R J: F 6 @, L J $ : Q @ E, D $ M: ?
A) # M C B) P E W C) P ? + D) P E R

38. Study the following digit – letter – symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions
given below:
R *T J L 2$ D  M #8C % B  K1& A W ? P E  Q@ 7 F6
If the first fifteen elements in the above sequence are written in reverse order, then
which of the following will be twenty – first from the right end?
A) 2 B) $ C) = D) D

39. 2 4 2 1 4 2 4 3 2 4 6 2 1 4 4 2 3 5 6 2 4 4 2 1 2 3 4
Which figures have equal frequencies in the above given series ?
A) 5 and 6 B) 3 and 4 C) 2 and 5 D) 2 and 4
40. How many consonants are there in the given sequence which are immediate followed by
a digit and immediately precede by a symbol?
M N @ 1 T 2 # R U 3 © P Z K  7 B A 6 £ G V 9W 0 Y Z
A) None B) One C) Two D) Three

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