V2 ExtensionTest Unit1-2

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Name ……………………………………………..…………….

Extension Test
Class ……………………
Unit 1-2

1 Leggi che cosa hanno fatto Liam e Karen sabato scorso, poi rispondi alle
Last Saturday was great. It was the first day of the holidays, and it
was also my birthday. In the afternoon, there was a good film on TV,
and in the evening, there was a band on at our local youth club. Some
of my friends were at the club and the band was great. There was also
a lot of food to eat.
There were chips and sandwiches, some chicken curry, apple pie and
custard. I wasn’t very hungry, but the food was delicious.
The concert was really good fun and it was a great birthday.

Last Saturday morning there was an English exam at an examination
centre in town. The centre was enormous and there were a lot of
students there from all the different schools in the area. There were
about ten students from my school in total, six girls and four boys.
The exam was quite hard: there was a listening part, a reading part,
a writing part, and finally a speaking part. The exam was 3 hours long
and I was very happy to finish.
In the evening there was a film on television but I was really tired, I
was in bed at 9 p.m.

Name ……………………………………………..…………….
Extension Test
Class ……………………
Unit 1-2

1 Why was last Saturday important?
2 What was on TV in the afternoon?
3 Who was at the youth club in the evening?
4 What was there to eat?
5 Was it a good birthday?

6 Where was Karen on Saturday morning?
7 Who was at the examination centre?
8 Was the exam hard?
9 How many parts were there in the exam?
10 Why was she in bed at 9 p.m.?
..... / 20

2 Abbina le parole in grassetto nel testo con la definizione corretta.

1 need to eat: ...................................
2 very enjoyable: ...............................
3 difficult: .........................................
4 very big: ........................................
5 very good to eat: ............................
..... / 20

Name ……………………………………………..…………….
Extension Test
Class ……………………
Unit 1-2

3 Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 Where were you last Saturday? ........................................................
2 When was your last birthday? ........................................................
3 Was there a party? ........................................................
4 Were there good things to eat? ........................................................
5 When was your last exam? ........................................................
6 What was the exam? ........................................................
7 Was it easy or difficult? ........................................................
8 What was your last concert or sports event? ........................................................
9 How many people were there? ........................................................
10 Did you have fun? ........................................................
..... / 20

4 Completa il testo con le parole date.
salad  husband  starter  vegetables  main  were  pudding  dessert
favourite  was

My (1) ......................... meal was at my aunty’s wedding. There (2)

......................... about 40 people
at the wedding. She’s British, but her (3) ......................... is Italian, so there was a
lunch. There was a prawn cocktail antipasto and some Italian egg pasta with a cheese
sauce for the
(4) ......................... . The (5) ......................... course was roast beef and Yorkshire
(6) ......................... with (7) ........................., very British. For the (8)
......................... there was fruit (9) ......................... and an enormous cake. At the
end, there (10) ......................... coffee and there were some very small chocolates
for everyone.
..... / 20

5 Scrivi un testo in cui descrivi una cena che ricordi con piacere (80-100 parole).
..... / 20

Totale ...../ 100

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