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YES Alumni Activities Monthly Reporting

Country: Indonesia
Is there a best practice to share with YES Consortium for this month? NO
Month: November
Location: Gedung Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
Event Title: Blood Drive (Blood for Love)
Date: 30/11/2017
Event Details: The Blood Drive was a blood donor project which held on November 30 th, 2017 at
Faculty of Engineering of Mulawarman University. The Blood Drive started at 9 am until 12 pm.
This activity was involving YES Alumni, AFS volunteers, Red Cross officers, Korps Sukarelawan
(KSR) of Mulawarman University volunteers, and all Mulawarman University students. During
the project, IYAA Chapter Samarinda supplied lunch and snacks for volunteers and Red Cross
officers, green bean porridge for the people who were going to donor their blood, stickers for
the people who signed up and we also gave door prizes for the lucky ones. KSR helped us in
contact the Red Cross officers to help us. Beside blood donor, we also gave information about
YES Program. There were 23 people who signed up and wanted to donor their blood. However,
only 13 people who passed the medical check and could donor their blood. The project went
well, and we successfully got 13 bags of blood. All the bloods were submitted to the local Red
Cross office and will be distributed to the people who need.
# of Alumni Participants: 1
Participants: Ajeng (YES ’13); Andre, Paku Alam, Charis, Claudia (AFS volunteers); Arif, Eky, Yessi,
Evania, Eli, Agus (KSR volunteers); dr.Nurul, Fendi, Lis, Windi (Red Cross officers); Nurul, Hani,
Sopian, Rifki, Furqon, Sariyadi, Dodi, SUharlan, Reza, Yustika, Adewia, Melissa, Cakra, Yoel, Ardi,
Hadi, Bukhari, Ali, Angga, Amanda, Muslimin, Suwardi, Rissa, Siska, Silvia (People who signed up
and participated in the Blood Drive)

Funds Required: Regular YES Funding

Tag 1: Tag Theme Area for this activity (select all that apply)
Anti-Corruption and Transparency: NO
ACCESS Program: NO
Conflict Transformation: NO
Diversity: NO
English Language: NO
Entrepreneurship: NO
Environment: NO
Fundraiser: NO
Gender: NO
Global Youth Service Day (GYSD): NO
Human Rights: NO
Interfaith Dialogue: NO
International Education Week (IEW): NO
Peace Corps: NO
Persons with Disabilities: NO
Public Health: Public Health
Sustainable Development: NO
Youth Development: Youth Development
YES Alumni Development: YES Alumni Development
YES Program Promotion: YES Program Promotion

Tag 2: Tag Program Goals Addressed by this activity (select all that apply)
Civil Society: NO
Grassroots Activism: Grassroots Activism
Lasting Ties with U.S.: NO
Leadership Skills: NO
Mutual Understanding: NO
Respecting Diversity: NO
Rule of Law: NO
Sharing American Culture: NO
Sharing Local/Own Culture: NO
Volunteerism: Volunteerism
Person Completing Report: Ajeng Ratmawati

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