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 Balat sibuyas 

(onion skin), a person called balat sibuyas, means he/she is overly

sensitive; someone who takes things too personally all the time.
 Bukas ang palad (open palm) someone who is supposed to have bukas ang palad tends
to be very helpful and generous, willing to lend money, anytime without asking for interest
or sometimes return of the money.
 Kaututang dila (farting tongue) Kaututang dila is someone you gossip with, someone you
share your news all the time, your confidant.
 Halang ang bituka (intestines are horizontal), a person describe as halang ang bituka is
supposed to be of bad character, deplorable, untrust-worthy, and would kill for what he
wants without feeling any guilt.
 Hindi makabasag ng pinggan (can’t break a plate), this idiom usually applies to girls and
womem who are especially very modest and really demure.  They move so daintily and
nimbly that it would be impossible for them to break anything.
 Makati ang paa, (this translate to itchy feet ) it means a person who likes to travel or go
 May gatas pa sa labi (There is still milk on lips), meaning someone still very young,
innocent and pure.  Someone who is not quite adult yet.
 Matigas ang buto (strong bones), a person with matigas ang buto means he is very
strong and possessing lots of stamina.
 Matamis ang dila (sweet tongue), is someone who has the gift of the gab, he can speak
with eloquence and fluency and therefore can influence people.
 Malikot ang kamay (rowdy hands) a person with malikot ang kamay is someone who is a
bit of a thief.  He/she takes things without permission.
 Tulak ng bibig, kabig ng didib, (this is really hard to translate)  Anyway roughly it means
what is coming from your lips is negated by how you really feel.  
 Maitim ang dugo, (in English it translate to dark (black) blood.)  When a person is
described as being maitim ang dugo, it means that person is evil or of no good character.
 Magdilang Anghel (have an angel tongue), If someone who just said something really
good and positive is then wished to magdilang angel so that what she just said would
come true.
 Itaga sa bato (cast in stone)  Itaga sa bato especially when said or coupled with a
promise means that whatever happens that promise will be honoured and fulfilled.
 Kabyak ng dibdib (half of the pair of chest LOL)  Kabyak ng dibdib usually pertains to the
wife, the other half or better half.
 Magaan ang dugo (light blood) Magaan ang dugo is used to discribe someone you are
rather partial to even when you barely know that person.  You just know that he/she is a
good sort.
 Haligi ng tahanan (pillar of the home)  Haligi ng tahanan is usually the father( husband),
who provides for the family.  He eke out a living to support the family.
 Ilaw ng tahanan (light of the home) Ilaw ng tahanan is usually the mother (wife), who
looks after the house and everyone inside it.
 Agaw buhay (grasping life) Agaw buhay means someone is on the point of death or
someone trying to cheat death, between life and death.
 Balitang kutsero (Horse drawn cart driver’s news) When a news is said to be from a
balitang kutsero, this means that the news is not proven yet to be the truth, it is still a
rumour and a gossip. Not 100% reliable.
 Buto’t balat (Bones and skin) buto’t balat (buto at balat) skin and bones which means
someone who is really so thin you can see his protruding bones.
 Bungang-araw or sakit sa balat literally means "fruit of the sun." When used in
conversation, the phrase means prickly heat.
 Bungang-tulog is literally "fruit of sleep." But when used in conversation it signifies or
refers to dreams.
 Buto't balat literally translates to "bones and skin" but is an idiom meaning malnourished
(Skin and bones is also an American idiom for someone who is very skinny or
 Makapal ang bulsa translates to "thick pocket" and is used to describe a person with a lot
of cash in their possession.
 Butas ang bulsa is someone with no cash but literally means "hole in the pocket."
 Mabigat ang kamay describes someone who is lazy but is literally translated as "heavy-
 Magaan ang kamay literally translates to "light-handed." The conversational meaning is
quite different. It is used to describe someone that is easily provoked and/or easily hits
another person.
 Kabiyak ng dibdib literally means "the other half of the heart" but is an idiom for spouse.
 Daga sa dibdib describes worry or fear. The literal translation is "mouse in the chest."
 Bulaklak ng dila has a literal meaning of "flower of the tongue." It is used to denote
 Makati ang dila describes a chatterbox or talkative person and is literally translated as
"itchy tongue."
 Maitim ang dugo translates as "dark-blooded" but, when used in a conversation, signifies
an evil or bad person.
 The Tagalog idiom referring to the father is haligi ng tahanan which translates as the post
of the household and the mother is referred to as ilaw ng tahanan, which means "light of
the home."
 Itaga sa bato refers to remembering forever but holds the literal translation of "cast in
stone." This reference is an English idiom holding the same meaning.
 Matigas ang katawan refers to a lazy person but literally translates to "stiff-body."
 Makati ang paa translates to "itchy feet," describing someone that enjoys going places.

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