Pradygdha Jati - Lesson Learned From Rural Micro Hydro Develompent in Indonesia

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Energy for All ADB ACEF June 22th 2011

Institutional Model
Sustainability : Awareness To work together between villager Responsibility Ensure the job is done well Legal form to help expanding Further rural economics development :
After Renewable Electricity power generation

Promoted Institutional Model


Public-Private Partnership But Public more to Government actual target: Rural Community
So: Private-Community Partnership

Opportunity on PCP
Private engagement: Private : Investor , help further more to Bank Bank : Unlimited resources -> Speed up Development + Good investment & stabile return For Rural Community Provide: Equity, Capital Ensure realization of Renewable Power Long term advantage use from RE utilization

Challenges + Strategy
Selection RE power generation Tech: Potential available nearby the community Mature + Good capacity factor Cost reduction opportunity (local manufacturing + contribution of community) Capacity building & long term supervision Technical & management training & supervision. Institutional transparency (report, open advice & critics)

Careful selection of local villager for personnel.

Challenges + Strategy

(For Micro/Mini Hydro Development) How to more ensure the flow stability in the future?

Provide incentive for community who lived the catchment area & routine forest plantation activity.

Rarely given attentions.

Challenges + Strategy
(For Micro/Mini Hydro Development) Establishment of local manufacturing

+Lower manufacturing cost (long term supervising on quality) +Speed up rural development with sustainable activity +Lower Overhead cost (2 supervisor: technical & social)

Capacity building on technical & management

Cooperation: Even share

+ Investor = provide overall financing + Community = have natural resources + man power (Fully implemented after the investment reach payback) Opportunity: It will raise the pride and motivation of rural villager to find their way out of poverty. Good & more ensure return for Investors.

I hope my water resources can be developed for sustainable rural development. Even share will give a pride and motivation for us to get out of poverty by ourself. Rural economy development & education will teach us to preserve forest as the water resources.

Off -Grid
Economics: a deep social-economics study Do the villager can pay?

They actually use kerosene with higher cost Prices from -> Investment + Operational Cost, from-> Technology selection & capacity factor + Productive use

What if they use Free fuel: firewood?

Willingness to pay: Focus on Social development-> raise awareness

Off -Grid
Social Development: Base for all activities Supporting National Development (Main Goal)
Must be started & Focus on Social Development

Sudden Incoming National Grid

What ? It supposed to be >5years again National Grid in remote area: Often blackout Higher installation cost (only the group of house, not individuals on each their fields)

Sudden Incoming National Grid

Economics: must have more competitiveness

Prices from -> Investment + Operational Cost, from-> Technology selection & capacity factor + Productive use

Social Development: Base for all activities Supporting National Development (Main Goal)
Must be started & Focus on Social Development

An Example of Good management & technical in rural area

TABA details
Location Construction schedule Development scheme Taba, kec Rindingalo, Tana Toraja. Dec 1998 Dec 1999. E 7 program, AIJ

Power out put

Turbine specification Generator, control system Commissioning and operation Owner Operator

60 kilowatt
Cross flow T- 12 Synchronous, ELC January 2000. PEMDA Kab Tana Toraja. Perusahaan Listrik Desa (PLD)

(BUMN/National Grid suddenly come with 2.5 centsUS$/kWh)


(BUMDes, Village own electric Company, with 8 cents US$/kWh)

(BUMDes) Won, Because: 1. Can provide more stabile electric (National Grid/PLN too often blackout) 2. It is closer and easier to complain, than to National Grid (4 hour). 3. The villager realize what they are paying are for their own village development (essential services). Reason 3 is the main reason, why the villager comeback to their own Electric Company


political stability favorable economical and social trends

Ecological soundness good environmental condition


complementary transparent/open well dosed time balanced continuously monitored


Local resources

Local contribution



Village development activity
Approximate Mekarsari coop monthly income Rp 4.735.000,Dedicated for Electrification 122 house hold Education Health care Seed capital / income generating Village infrastructure Village operational contribution Cooperative operational cost * Scholarship * Training for adult (62,5 %) (8 %) (8 %) (10 %) (4 %) (2,5 %) (5 %) 0% 65 % 16 % 7,5 % 4% 2,5 % 5%

The priority above is for the first 17 month operation, based on electrification cost for 122 hh, set by public meeting, and have been change by the same manner after 122 hh electrified



People Centered Business and Economics Institute

Director: Mrs. Tri Mumpuni

(Also Indonesian Coordinator at Partners for a New Begining of US Government)

IBEKA Focus:

Rural development with renewable energy power generation as tools and bargaining. The use of Renewable Energy to motivate villager in making their own way out of poverty


People Centered Business and Economics Institute Address: Jl. Madrasah II No.28 Jakarta, Indonesia +62-215492087 (Secretary: Director: Mrs. Tri Mumpuni ( Program Officer: Pradygdha Kumayan Jati, ST. (, experience:

Anti Corruption expert's assistant Waste To Energy Power Generation Research Tidal Power Generation Research Municipal Waste Processing (Biogas, Gasification, Landfill) New Zealand's Sustainable Energy Study 2008. More on appropriate RE technology for rural development.

Thank you

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