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Reference: ADIBC 2013 & ASCE7‐05

Structure Parameters
h = 8.00 m Mean roof height

Basic Wind Parameters
V = 160 kph Abu Dhabi ‐ 44.44m/s ‐ Basic wind speed (3‐sec gust wind speed)
risk = IV Occupancy / Risk category
expo = C Exposure category (Open terrain)
Kd = 0.85 Wind directionality factor
class = enclosed Enclosure classification

Topographic Factor
K1 = 0.00 Multiplier
K2 = 0.00 Multiplier
K3 = 0.00 Multiplier
Kzt = (1+K1+K2+K3)²
= 1.00 Topographic factor

Gust‐Effect Factor
zmin = 4.57 m Exposure constant
z = 0.6h Equivalent height of above ground
= 4.80 m
c = 0.20 Exposure constant
Iz = c(33/z)1/6
= 0.28 Intensity of turbulence
gQ = 3.40 Peak factor for background response
gv = 3.40 Peak factor for wind response
ϵ = 1/5 integral length scale power law exponent
ϕ = 152.40 m Exposure constant
Lz = ϕ(ż/10)ϵ
= 131.59 Integral length scale
Q = 1
B h
1 0.63
= 0.8525 Background response
G = .
0.925 .

= 0.8412 Gust‐effect factor
Ggovern = 0.85 Gust‐effect factor

Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient
z = h m
= 8.00 m height above ground level
zg = 274.32 m Nominal height of the atmospheric layer
α = 9.5 3‐sec gust power law exponent
Kz = 2.01(z/zg)
= 0.95 Velocity pressure coefficient

Velocity Pressure
V = 44 m/s Basic wind speed (3‐sec gust wind speed)
I = 1.15 Importance factor
q = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V² I
= 1.13 kPa Velocity pressure

Internal Pressure Coefficient (Figure 6‐5)
GCpi+ = 0.18 Positive value
GCpi‐ = ‐0.18 Negative value
WALL PRESSURE ‐ C&C (h ≤ 18m, Enclosed & Partially Enclosed):
Reference: ASCE7‐05 Figure 6‐11A

Wall Parameters
a = 1.20 m Dimension
b = 5.50 m Dimension

External Pressure Coefficient, GCp
External Pressure Coefficient
Aw = ab
6.60 m² Effective wind area
GCp = ‐1.00 Zone 5 Negative
GCp = ‐0.95 Zone 4 Negative
GCp = 0.85 All Zones Positive

Corner Zone / Zone 5 distance, α
h = 8.00 m Building height
L = 17.00 m Building least length

α 0.1L 1.70 m
α 0.4h 3.20 m
αmin 0.04L 0.68 m Effective Wind Area, Aw = 6.60 m²
αmin 0.90 m
α 1.70 m

Notation: Corner Zone or Zone 5 shall be considered α = 1.7m from the edges of building on all wall elevations

Wind Pressures
qh = q
= 1.13 kPa Velocity pressure
P = qh [(GCp) ‐ (Gcpi)]

GCpi+ GCpi‐ Governing

Zone 5 negative wind pressure, P ‐1.33 ‐0.93 ‐1.33 kPa
Zone 4 negative wind pressure, P ‐1.28 ‐0.87 ‐1.28 kPa
All Zones positive wind pressure, P 0.76 1.16 1.16 kPa


A. For wall components falling under Corner Zone or Zone 5
Negative wind pressure, P(‐) ‐1.33 kPa
Positive wind pressure, P(+) 1.16 kPa

B. For wall components falling under Typical Zone or Zone 4
Negative wind pressure, P(‐) ‐1.28 kPa
Positive wind pressure, P(+) 1.16 kPa

Consider wind pressure of 1.33 kPa for all cases for a more conservative results.

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