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Inside the atom

Que. 1. a.

Thomson’s atomic model Rutherford’s atomic model

*According to Thomson, atom consists of even *According to Rutherford, mass of atom is concentrated
distribution of positively charged proton. in the nucleus of atom due to positive charge.
*Negatively charged electrons are embedded in gel of *Negatively charged electrons revolve around the
positive charge. nucleus of atom.

Que.1.b. Valency – The combining capacity of elements or the number of electrons donate or gain to achieve

Valence electron – The electrons present in outermost shell of an atom is called as valence electron.
Relation between valency and valence electron – (i) Valency of element is same as the number of valence electrons
if this number is 4 or less than 4. (ii) On the other hand, when an element has 4 or more than 4 valence electron,
valency of element = 8 - valence electron.

Que.1.c. Atomic mass number – The sum of number of proton and neutron is called as atomic mass number.

Atomic number of carbon is 6 means it contain 6 proton and 6 electron. Atomic mass number is 12 means it contain
12-6 = 6 neutrons.

Que.1.d. Subatomic particle – The constituent particles of an atom is called as subatomic particles.

Subatomic particles Charge Mass Location

Electron Electrons are negatively Mass of electron is 1800 They revolve around the
charged (- 1.6 × 10-19 C) times less than mass of nucleus in extra nuclear
proton. region in orbit.
Proton Protons are positively Mass of proton is 1 Protons present in the
charged (1.6 × 10-19 C) Dalton. nucleus of atom.
Neutron Neutrons are neutral Mass of neutron is 1 Neutron present in the
particles i.e, they have no Dalton. nucleus of atom along
charge. with proton.

Que .2 . (a)

(i)Atom consists of 3 subatomic particles- electrons, proton and neutron. (ii) out of which electrons have negligible
mass. (iii)It means all the mass of atom is due to protons and neutrons. (iv) Protons and neutrons are present in the
nucleus of atom. Hence, all the mass of atom is concentrated in nucleus of atom.

Que .2. (b)

(i)Atom contains same number of electrons and protons so it is electrically neutral.

Que .2. ©

(i)Atomic mass number is sum of number of protons and neutrons. (ii) Number pf protons and neutrons are always
whole number hence atomic ass number is whole number.

Que. 2. (d)

(i)Atom consists of positively charged protons present in nucleus of atom and negatively charged electrons revolve
around it . (ii) but as atom contains same number of proton and electron and electron always revolve in particular

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