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Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B1- Destination- HSG L6-7

TÀI LIỆU THÁNG 08/2022 (từ 01/08 –17/08) - LỚP B2

– Ms. Mai Phuong

Lịch học: Thứ 4 hàng tuần 18h00-20h00

ID zoom: 860 6093 0281

Pass: 123




Lesson 8 TECHNOLOGY THỨ 4 NGÀY 03/08/2022

Lesson 9 REVIEW UNIT 5 &6 THỨ 4 NGÀY 10/08/2022


Lesson 10 QUANTIFIERS THỨ 4 NGÀY 17/08/2022


B1: Phụ huynh IN TÀI LIỆU cho con

B2: Xem tài liệu trước giờ học

B3: Vào phòng họp sớm 10 phút để ổn định lớp

B4: Làm bài tập về nhà trên giấy (file in này)

B5: Làm BTVN trên link online ( Giống file trên giấy-> do đã làm trên giấy nên khi làm
online sẽ rất nhanh và cũng được làm 2 lần)

B6: Xem kết quả báo cáo điểm, nhắc nhở và xem lại bài đã được chấm chữa, sửa lại lỗi sai
ở bài trên giấy của mình.


Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8



Topic vocabulary in contrast

artificial/false aim/cause/reason progress/development

natural/physical estimate/calculate modern/new
true/accurate electric/electronic industry/factory
method/way invent/discover award/reward
engine/machine/motor research/experiment take place/occur

Phrasal verbs

break down stop working (for a machine,

give off produce sth such as heat or a smell
narrow down reduce the number of
carry out perform an experiment,etc
come off succeed plug in connect to the electricity supply
come on develop or make progress put through connect by phone
come up with think of (an idea, a plan,etc) turn into change into sth different
cut off stop the supply of sth turn off stop a machine working
find out discover information,etc work out find the solution to a problem,etc

Phrases and collocations

attempt make an attempt(at sth/doing/to do);attempt to do;in an attempt to do

average on average
beginning in the beginning;at the beginning (of sth);beginning with
bottom at/on the bottom(of sth)
cause (be/find/look for/etc) the cause of sth
conclusion come to/reach the conclusion(that);in conclusion
experiment do/perform/carry out an experiment (on sth);experiment with sth/doing
fact in fact;as a matter of fact; the fact (of the matter) is (that);face the facts
introduction with the introduction of sth; an introduction to sth/sb
phone call make/receive/get a phone call
photo(graph) take a photo(of sth/sb)
research carry out/do research (on/into sth)

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

Words patterns

cause sth(to do) look at/for sth/sb;look forward to sth/doing

consider sth/doing;consider if/whether;
consider sb for sth; consider it manage to do
strange,etc(for sb to do)
discuss sth/doing(with sb) plan sth;plan to do
possible (for sb) to do;find sth possible;find it
explain that; explain sth (to sb)
impossible to do
result of sth/doing; result in sth;result in (your)
intend to do/doing
doing; result from sth/doing;as a result of sth
know(about)sth/doing; know of sb;be
wonder about sth/doing;wonder if/whether/why
known as sth

Word formation

appear introduce
research researcher
appearance,apparently introduction,introductory
build builder,building invent inventor,invention revolution revolutionary
science scientist,
discover discovery observe observer,observation
technology technological(ly),
explain explanation impossible,(im)possibility,
technical(ly);technician, technique
important unimportant, psychology
wood wooden
importance,importantly psychologist,psychological(ly)

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8



(adj) nhân tạo,
made by people, often
an artificial lake giả (hoa, đồ
1. artificial /,ɑ:ti'fi∫l/ as a copy of something
2. false not real, but made to false eyelashes/
(adj) giả (răng)
/'fɔ:ls/ look or seem real teeth
as found in nature and Floods and earthquakes
2. natural /'næt∫rəl/ not involving anything are natural disasters. (adj) tự nhiên
made or done by people
3. physical physical exercise/fitness/ (adj) vật chất, vật
relating to the body
/'fizikl/ strength/disabilities lí
Is it true that Mariana
4. true right and not wrong; (adj) thật
and Mark are
/truː/ correct
getting married?
5. accurate correct, exact, and The figures they have used
(adj) chính xác
/ˈæk.jə.rət/ without any mistakes are just not accurate.
a particular way of new teaching methods
6. method /ˈmeθ.əd/ (n) phương pháp
doing something encourage children to thin
kfor themselves.
a particular choice,
opinion, belief, I like the way you've
7. way
or action, especially done your hair. (n) cách thức
from among
several possibilities
a machine that uses
My car's been having
the energy from liquid (n) động cơ chạy
8. engine /ˈen.dʒɪn/ engine trouble recently.
fuel or steam to bằng nhiên liệu
produce movement
a piece of equipment Don't forget to put
with several moving the towels in the (n) máy móc
9. machine /məˈʃiːn/ parts that uses machine ( washing machin
power to do a e) before you go out.
particular type of work
a device that changes
The pump is powered by
electricity or fuel into (n) động cơ chạy
10. motor /ˈməʊ.tər/ a small electric motor.
movement and makes bằng pin
a machine work.
My main aim in life is to
a result that your plans
11. aim be a
or actions are intended (n) mục tiêu
/eɪm/ good husband and father.
to achieve:

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

the reason why The police are

12. cause
something, especially still trying to establish the (n) nguyên nhân
something bad, happens cause of the fire.
the cause of The
an event or situation or reason for the disaster was
13. reason
something engine failure, (n) lý do
that provides an excuse not human error.
or explanation
to guess or calculate the
estimate (that) the journey
14. estimate cost, size, value, etc. of
will take at least (v) ước lượng
/ˈes.tɪ.meɪt/ something
two weeks.

to judge the number or a

mount of something by The cost of
using the the damage caused by
15. calculate information that you the recent storms has been
(v) tính toán
/ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/ already have, and calculated as/at over £5
adding, taking away, million.
multiplying, or
dividing numbers
16. electric (adj) liên quan
relating to electricity electric bill for July was
/iˈlek.trɪk/ đến điện
using, based on, or used
in a system of
17. electronic operation that involves t (adj) liên quan
electronic keyboard/game
/ˌel.ekˈtrɒn.ɪk/ he control of đến thiết bị điện
electric current by
various devices
The first safety razor was
(v) phát minh(
to design and/or create s invented by company
18. invent tạo ra thứ không
omething that has never founder King C. Gillette
/ɪnˈvent/ tồn tại trước đây)
been made before in 1903.

(v) khám phá

to find information,
(tìm ra thứ mà
19. discover a place, or Who discovered America?
trước đây không
/dɪˈskʌv.ər/ an object, especially for
ai biết)
the first time
a detailed study of His researches in
20. research a subject, especially in the field of disease
(v) (n) nghiên
/rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ order to discover (new) i prevention produced
/ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/ nformation or reach a unexpected results.
(new) understanding
Some people believe that (n) cuộc thí
21. experiment a test done
experiments on animals nghiệm (nghiêng
/ɪkˈsper.ɪ.mənt/ in order to learn
should be banned. về khoa học)

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

something or
to discover if
something works or
is true
movement to an Technological progress
(n) quá trình để
22. progress improved or more has been so rapid over the
đạt được thành
/ˈprəʊ.ɡres/ developed state, or to last few years
tựu nào đó
a forward position
the process in which (n) sự phát triển
The documentary traced th
someone or (sự thay đổi, lớn
22. development e development of popular
something grows or lên, đạt được
/dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/ music through the ages.
changes and becomes những thành tựu
more advanced to lớn)
existing in the present
or a recent time, or
23. modern modern life
using or based on (adj) hiện đại
recently developed
ideas, methods, or styles
What have
recently created or
24. new they decided to name the
having started to exist (adj) mới
/njuː/ new baby?
the companies and
activities involved in
The city needs to attract
25. industry the process of
more industry. (n) công nghiệp
/ˈɪn.də.stri/ producing goods for
sale, especially in
a factory or special area
a building or set
of buildings where large a car/shoe/textile factory
26. factory /'fæktəri/ (n) nhà máy
amounts of goods are
made using machines
to give money or a prize Carlos was awarded (n) giải thưởng
27. award
following an official first prize in the essay được người khác
decision competition trao tặng
something given in (n) phần thưởng
There's a reward
28. reward exchange for good nhận được từ
for whoever
/ri'wɔ:d/ behaviour or good những điều mình
finishes first.
work, etc. đã làm
29. take place
(especially of accidents An accident involving over
/teɪk pleɪs/
and other unexpected ten vehicles has occurred (n) diễn ra
= occur
events) to happen in the east-bound lane.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

If a machine or vehicle Our car broke down and
1. break down breaks down, it stops we had to push it off Hỏng
working the road.
The hospital is carrying
Perform experiment
2. carry out out tests to find out Tiến hành
what's wrong with her.
I tried telling a
to happen as planned, or
few jokes but they didn't (= succeed) :
3. come off to succeed
come off (= no thành công
one laughed).
Develop or make Come on, Helen, you
cố lên, phát
4. come on progress can tell me. I won't
triển, tiến bộ
tell anyone.
to suggest or think of She's come up with
5. come up with an idea or plan some amazing scheme to nghĩ ra
double her income.
cô lập, cắt
The US has announced a
the act of stopping the nguồn cung cấp
6. cut off cut off of military aid to
supply of something cái gì (điện,
the country.
Visit our website to find
7. find out Discover information tìm ra
out more.
to produce heat, light, That tiny radiator doesn't
8. give off tỏa ra
a smell, or a gas give off much heat.
to make
a number or list of
We narrowed the list of ca
things smaller,
ndidates down from ten to
9. narrow down by removing thu hẹp
the things that are least
important, necessary,
or suitable
to become connected to
a piece of electrical The keyboard plugs in at
10. plug in equipment or to the back of the computer. cắm điện
the main
electricity supply
to connect a person using Could you put me
11. put through a phone to the person through to customer servi nối máy
they want to speak to es, please?
Rain in the morning will
to change or develop fro
12. turn into turn into snow during chuyển thành
m one thing to another
the afternoon
to stop a piece of equipm Will you turn the
13. turn off ent working temporarily television off, please? tắt

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

pressing a button or
by moving a switch
if something works It'll work out cheaper to
out to something, you travel by bus. tìm ra cách giải
14. work out
calculate that it will be a quyết
particular amount


It amazes me they can even make an
make an attempt at sth/ nỗ lực ở cái
attempt at competing with some of
V_ing gì / việc gì
the bigger rugby nations.
However, when they make an attempt
tạo nỗ lực
make an attempt to do to do so, he mocks them as being
để làm gì
nỗ lực làm
Attempt attempt to do Cecilia didn't attempt to reply.

Principles of tissue engineering are
trong sự nỗ
in an attempt to do used today in an attempt
lực làm gì
to reconstruct damaged human tissue.
On average they have eight years' trên trung
Average on average
experience. bình
in the beginning In the beginning he was so great lúc đầu
That was at the beginning of this phần đầu
at the beginning of sth
year. của cái gì
Beginning Use 'an' before words beginning
beginning with bắt đầu với
with a vowel.
ở dưới
The car on the bottom of the lake was
at/on the bottom of sth cùng/đáy
Bottom hooked in and hoisted on to the bank.
của cái gì
là nguyên
Could they be the cause of the
be the cause of sth nhân của
problem, by contaminating the water?
cái gì
The experts would look for any tìm nguyên
find/look for the cause of sth pathology or other nhân của
evidence of the cause of death. cái gì
Or he could come to the
come to/reach the đi đến kết
conclusion that he didn't want to go
conclusion that luận là
out with an injury
In conclusion, I would like to say that
in conclusion being a ruminator does have some kết luận
do/perform/conduct/ It is supposed to carry out an thực hiện
carry out an experiment on experiment for the Strategic Defense thí nghiệm
sth Initiative next month, gathering trên cái gì

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

data on the appearance of rocket

plumes in space.
Try this experiment with a group of thí nghiệm
experiment with
your friends or family and see what với cái gì
sth/ v_ing
happens. /việc gì
In fact, it is up for a Crunchies award
in fact trên thực tế
this year for Best Interent application
But as a matter of fact, the students
as a matter of fact have to learn autonomy during this thực tế là
Fact of the matter is that these should
Fact sự thật của
the fact of the matter is that have been the best of
vấn đề là
times for farmers.
I just had to face the fact that not
đối mặt với
face the fact(s) that everyone is cut out to be a stay at
sự thật rằng
home mom.
This year Apple came in sự giới
with the introduction of … first with the introduction of its iPad thiệu/ ra đời
tablet computer. của cái gì

Introduction He didn't turn into a handsome prince một sự giới

an introduction to sth/sb but what an introduction thiệu về ai /
to the Kimberley. cái gì

Just make a phone call to the support

make a phone call Gọi điện
line and you've got it solved.
Once I received a phone call for
someone who used to have my
number, and they were convinced i nhận một
Phone call receive a phone call
was this dude named Frederic and i cuộc gọi
had to tell them repeatedly it wasn't
While they were parked, the woman
chụp ai/
Photo(graph) take a photo of sth/sb decided she would
chụp cái gì
take a photo of Willard Bay.

Experimental cognitive thực hiện

Research psychologists carry out research on re nghiên cứu
out research on/into sth
asoning behaviour. về cái gì

World Peace's injury may cause
1. cause something to do nguyên nhân ...
Bryant to reinvent himself yet again this season.
2. consider somebody for Because they haven't been reviewed yet, I
nghĩ đến ai về điều gì
something couldn't consider them for the Top 10.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

3. discuss something I look forward to an opportunity thảo luận vấn đề với

with somebody to discuss this with you further in the future. ai
4. explain something to It can be quite difficult to explain giải thích điều gì cho
somebody this to someone with learning disabilities ai đó
I can honestly say that I've never been on a diet
5. intend to do, doing có ý định làm gì
and never intend to go on one.
Parents say they didn't know about the $8-
6. know about something biết về điều gì
million project until it was approved.
Finally, let me say that I know of many
7. know of somebody biết nhiều về ai đó
marriages that have survived infidelity.
When the bus comes to a stop you look at the
8. look at nhìn
building and realize where you are.
He plans to travel and look for a position as a
9. look for tìm kiếm
part-time university instructor.
10. look forward to + V- Thank you for a lovely holiday and
mong đợi
ing we look forward to travelling with you again.
It is our plan to create jobs now and sustain
11. plan to do lên kế hoạch để
economic growth for years to come.
How did you manage to take notes while cố gắng xoay xở để
12. manage to do
participating in all of those activities? làm, thanh công
It will no longer be possible to convince the
13. possible to do có thể làm gì
oppressed that they are powerless.
The requirement to file is the result of a tax law
14. result of something kết quả của
change that occurred in 2006.
15. wonder about If you are below a certain age, you may hear this
Băn khoăn về điều gì
something and wonder about it sometimes

1. appear /əˈpɪər/ (v) hóa ra, có vẻ, dường như
2. appearance /əˈpɪə.rəns/ (n) vẻ bề ngoài
3. apparent(ly) /əˈpær.ənt/ (adj) (adv) rõ ràng, dễ hiểu, hiển
4. build /bɪld/ (v) xây dựng
5. building /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ (n) tòa nhà
6. discover /dɪˈskʌv.ər/ (v) phát hiện, khám phá
7. discovery /dɪˈskʌv.ər.i/ (n) sự phát hiện
8. explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ (v) giải thích
9. explanation /ˌek.spləˈneɪ.ʃən/ (n) lời giải thích
10. (un)important /ˌʌn.ɪmˈpɔː.tənt/ (adj) (không)quan trọng
11. importance /ɪmˈpɔː.təns/ (n) sự quan trọng
12. introduce /ˌɪn.trəˈdʒuːs/ (v) giới thiệu
13. introduction /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/ (n) lời giới thiệu, sự ra đời…
14. introductory /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.tər.i/ (adj) để giới thiệu, mở đầu
15. observe /əbˈzɜːv/ (v) quan sát
16. observer /əbˈzɜː.vər/ (n) người quan sát
17. observation /ˌɒb.zəˈveɪ.ʃən/ (n) sự quan sát,
18. psychology /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒi/ (n) tâm lý học

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

19. psychological /ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ (adj) thuộc về tâm lý

20. psychologist /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (n) nhà tâm lý học
21. research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/ (v) nghiên cứu
22. researcher /rɪˈsɜː.tʃər/ (n) nhà nghiên cứu
23. revolution /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən/ (n) cách mạng
24. revolutionary /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən.ər.i/ (adj) mang tinh chất cách mạng
25. science /ˈsaɪ.əns/ (n) khoa học
26. scientist /ˈsaɪən.tɪst/ (n) nhà khoa học
27. (un)scientific /ˌʌn.saɪənˈtɪf.ɪk/ (adj) (không) có tính khoa học
28. (un)scientifically /ʌnˌsaɪənˈtɪf.ɪ.kəl.i/ (adv) (không) một cách khoa học
29. technology /tekˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/ (n) công nghệ
30. technical /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/ (adj) thuộc về kĩ thuật
31. technician /tekˈnɪʃ.ən/ (n) chuyên viên kĩ thuật
32. technological /ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ (adj) liên quan đến công nghệ
33. technique /tekˈniːk/ (n) kĩ thuật (cách thức làm gì)
34. wood /wʊd/ (n) gỗ
35. wooden /ˈwʊd.ən/ (adj) bằng gỗ

EX 1. Choose the correct answer.
Topic vocabulary in contrast

It seems entirely (1).......... to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and
other institutions around the world, attempting to (2) .......... the way the world works.
However, it hasn't always been that (3)...........Although the scientific method is now four or
five hundred years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could work out
the (4)........ of natural events just by the power of thought.
During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could
(5)..........their scientific ideas by designing a relevant (6) .......... and seeing what happened.
A lot of (7)..........was made in this way by individual scientists. These men and women often
worked alone, carrying out (8)..........into many different areas of science, and they often
received very little (9)..........for their hard work. At the start of the 20th century, though, it
became (10) ..........that science was becoming more complicated and more expensive. The
individual scientist disappeared, to be replaced by highly qualified teams of experts. Modern
science was born.
1. A physical B natural C typical D real
2. A create B invent C construct D discover
3. A route B method C way D technique
4. A aims B reasons C causes D impulses
5. A calculate B estimate C attempt D test

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

6. A experiment B research C measure D analysis

7. A development B movement C progress D evolution
8. A research B experiment C discovery D education
9. A award B prize C gift D reward
10. A clear B true C accurate D actual
Phrasal verbs
EX 2. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
 plug  turn  carry  narrow  put  work  come  break
1 A lorry had........................…
broken down on the motorway and we had to wait for over an hour.
2 I have........................…
narrowed it down to two computer games, but I still can't make up my mind.
3 I wish you would.................…
turn the TV off and go outside and get some exercise.
4 Scientists are trying to.............................out ways to reduce pollution from aircraft.
5 Tomorrow, we will be..............................out an experiment to test this theory.
has come
6 Who.............................up with the idea of the ball-point pen?
7 I'll
put through to our research department. Please hold on.
8 No wonder the vacuum cleaner isn't working. You haven't
pluged in!

Phrases and collocations

EX 3. Choose the correct answer.
1. I don't think people should be allowed to perform experiments.......... animals.
A for B over C on D to
2. There was an explosion in technology.........the beginning of the 20th century.
A in B at C through D on
3. Let's face.........-we are destroying the environment and we need to do something now.
A truth B facts C things D information
4. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is,.........average, about 149 million kilometres.
A by B on C from D in
5. It's amazing that creatures survive..........the bottom of the ocean.
A in B by C at D to

EX 4. Word patterns
Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1 The mistake by scientists caused a massive explosion. in
-> The mistake by scientists..……………………………………a
resulted in massive explosion.
2 Dr Atherton finally succeeded in discovering the secret formula. managed
-> Dr Atherton finally...……………………………………the
managed to discover secret formula.
3 Another name for iron oxide is 'fool's gold. as
-> Iron oxide....……………………………………'fool's
is known as gold".

Word formation
EX 5. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is
1. Did you know that George Washington had ……………………..(WOOD)
wooden teeth?
2. The old astronomer patiently made his……………………...(OBSERVE)
observation and wrote
down what he saw.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

3 …………………….(RESEARCH)
Researchers have announced that a major breakthrough has been
4. I'm planning to train as a …………………….......(PSYCHOLOGY)
spychologist when I grow up.

EX 1. Circle the correct word.
1 Many materials have been used for artificial/false teeth, including wood.
2 Be careful! You might give yourself an electric /electronic shock!
3 I'm afraid the problem with your washing machine is the engine / motor.
4 Many employers in the chemicals industry / factory object to the new law.
5 My computing exam is taking place/occurring next week.
6 Technology is a fundamental part of new / modern life.
7 We had our car serviced and it seems there's a problem with the engine /machine.

EX 2. Match to make sentences.

1 Alex's electricity was cut.......... A off because she forgot to pay the bill.
2 Wear a mask because these chemicals give. B metals such as lead into gold.
3 I'm writing an essay and I need to find....... C out who discovered penicillin.
4 I was pleased that our gamble came............ D on in physics over the last year.
5 Alchemists spent years trying to turn.......... E off fumes that can be harmful.
6 Your teacher says you've really come.......... F off and the experiment was a success.

A 4______________
2 ______________ 5______________
3 ______________
6 _____________

Phrases and collocations

EX 3. Choose the correct answer.
1. Fox Talbot.........the first photograph in 1835.
A gave B did C drew D took
2. Researchers the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A come B got C reached D arrived
3. Do you mind if l just..........a quick phone call from here?
A do B take C have D make
4. Many lives were saved..........the introduction of antibiotics.
A into B at C with D in
5. The.......... of the nuclear accident is still unknown.
A reason B cause C base D motive
6. My father works at the university, doing research .......... weather control.
A on B to C of D from
7. The telescope will photograph distant galaxies,......... an attempt to understand their past
A on B for C with D in

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

Word patterns
EX 4. Find the extra word in each line.
The future
We were discussing about the future in class today. Some people
1 …………..
wondering it whether we would have to live in space when we
our own planet. I explained them that the answer lies in technology
scientists are intend to develop forms of energy that will not damage
environment. The problems caused as being a result of technology
will be
am solved by technology. I am look forward to our next discussion.

EX 5. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1 Many local residents intend to protest about the nuclear power plant. plan
-> Many local residents....……………………………about
plan to protest the nuclear power plant.
2 We are thinking of appointing Dr Knight to the position of Professor. considering
-> We...……………………………………the
are considering Dr Knight to position of Professor.
3 We cannot live in outer space without special equipment. us
-> It...……………………………………to
is impossible for us live in outer space without special equipment.

Word formation
EX 6. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.
Qualcomp Powertop
Qualcomp have just brought out their(1)...............…..
revolution new REVOLUTION
handheld computer, the Powertop. It's (2)...............….. not to love POSSIBLE
it, with its smooth, shiny (3)........................ and its bright screen. APPEAR
It might not be the best(4)...............…..
introduction to handheld computing INTRODUCE
because it is quite advanced, but you'll find an (5)...............…..of EXPLAIN
all the features in the detailed manual. The Powertop has been
scientifically designed to fit a lot of computing power in
(6) ........................ SCIENCE
your palm. The (7) ........................ of a unique wireless Internet INVENT
connection means there's a world of (8) ........................just DISCOVER
waiting for you. We give the Powertop nine out of ten.

EX 5. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is
5. That red...….....…
building.….. .….. .….. .…..........(BUILD) over there is the Science Department.
6.The scientist said she had an announcement of international ...... .….. .….. .….. .….. .…..
.…....... (IMPORTANT).
7. Science Weekly has a special...… .….. .….......…........(INTRODUCE) offer-the first
issue is free!
8. If there are aliens out there, do you think they are much more ..….....… .….. .…..
.…..........(TECHNOLOGY) advanced than we are.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8


EX 1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line.

There is still no adequate (1) .......................................... why, several (1) EXPLAIN
thousand years ago, cultures in both Egypt and South America saw the
...........................…….... of pyramids. Was it coincidence? Many
(2) . introuction (2) INTRODUCE
(3) .........................................believe that it was, and state that there is (3) SCIENCE
no (4) ................................. at all that people from two distant (4) POSSIBLE
continents traded information on building
(5)..................................… (5) BUILD
techniques. However, some (6) ...................................…theories in (6) REVOLUTION
recent years, based on the (7) . ..................................…that the two (7) DISCOVER
cultures also share key myths, legends and beliefs, suggest that the (8) (8) APPEAR
....................................... of pyramids on opposite sides of the world
was no coincidence at all. One (9) ...........................…working on this, (9) RESEARCH
Crystal Davis, said: 'The (10) ..............................… of finding out the (10 ) IMPORTANT
truth here cannot be exaggerated. It could change our whole
understanding of the history of the world!'

EX 2. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

19 I can't wait until we do some experiments in the science lab. forward

-> I'm really ..………………………………………....some

looking forward to doing experiments in the science lab.

20. Communication changed completely when the telephone was introduced. with

-> Communication changed completely.……………………………………...the

to be introduced with telephone.

21 Dr Frankenstein was finally successful in bringing the monster to life. managed Dr

managed on bringing
-> Frankenstein………………………………………………the monster to life.

22 I can't understand how they built the Pyramids. impossible

 I ……………………………………………………..
am impossible how they built the Pyramids.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

EX 3. Choose the correct answer.

23. This time next week, we ___________ the chemistry exam.

A have finished C will have finished

B have been finishing D will have been finishing

24. When I grow up, ______________an inventor.

A I'm being C I will have been

B I'm going to be D I will be being

25. Shirley will..........her research for the next few weeks.

A have done C have been doing

B be doing D have been done

26. Next year, Sam will..........patients at this hospital for twenty-five years.

A have been treating C be treating

B treat D be going to treat

EX 4. Choose the correct answer.

27. Do you know who.........the fact that sound travels in waves?

A invented B developed C discovered D found

28. I'm thinking of getting a fax...........

A machine B engine C motor D instrument

29. The..........of the outbreak of the disease is still unknown.

A aim B reason C cause D motive

30. Ten million text messages are sent on ........every minute.

A normal B common C general D average

(1 mark per answer)

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8


EX 1. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. He did not understand the ____________________ of this question (IMPORTANT)
2. Robyn's loss of memory is a ____________________problem, rather than a physical
3. The ___________________waves swept over the whole of Europe. (REVOLUTION)
4. He started as a _________________and worked his way up through the company to
become managing director. (TECHNIQUE)
5. Your first order is delivered free as an _________________offer. (INTRODUCE)

EX 2. Match to make sentences.

1 The fax machine has broken.......... A out by physicists which prove that time
can speed up and slow down.
2 A number of experiments have been
B on enormously in recent years.
C off for over three hours yesterday..
3 Whoever came................ D down, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait
until tomorrow.
4 The electricity was cut......................
E off a very nasty smell when it's heated.
5 I'd like to find...................................
F up with that idea should have won the
E Nobel Prize.
6 This chemical gives........................
G through to the Radiology Department,
7 Cancer treatments have come.......... please.
H out much more about technology in
8I wonder if you could put me...........
the Bronze Age.
EX 3. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1 Fleming discovered penicillin as a result of a little luck.resulted

-> A little luck....……………………………………………………penicillin.

resulted in Fleming's discovery of

2. People sometimes call nurses' angels’. known

-> Nurses……………………………………………………'angels.
are sometimes known as

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

3 Einstein eventually realised that he was wrong. conclusion

 Einstein eventually……………………………………………that
reached the conclusion he was wrong.

4 Our physics teacher tried to explain the Theory of Relativity.attempt

 Our physics teacher...……………………………explaining

made an attempt at the Theory of Relativity.

5 We'll save enough money and then we'll buy a computer.soon

 We'll buy a computer………………………………………saved

as soon as we have enough money.

EX 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. 'What is it?' 'We won't know until it under a microscope!'

A we're going to look C we'll be looking

B we'll have looked D we've looked

2. You won't get any radio reception while..........through the tunnel.

A you've driven C you're driving

B you'll drive D you'll be driving

3. 'I'm going to set up the equipment in a minute.' '........give you a hand?'

A Shall I C Would I

B Will I D Do I

EX 5. Choose the correct answer.

1. They've finished the extension to the.........., there'll be room for them to take on a lot
more workers.
A manufacturing B trade C industry D factory

2. Shannen doesn't dye her hair; it's.......... blonde.

A physically C logically

B naturally D organically

41 I've.......... it in at the mains but it still doesn't seem to work.

A worked C narrowed

B turned D plugged

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8



Indefinite article : A/an

Use Example
Singular countable nouns (when we are
not being specific or when we mention There's a good film on TV tonight.
something for the first time)

 Whether we use 'an' or 'a' depends on the sound, not the spelling.
 The news is on TV in an hour.
 The news is on TV in a hour.

 Being in a film was a unique experience for me.

 Being in a film was an unique experience for me.

Definite article: The

Being in a film was a unique experience for me.

Use Example
Singular countable nouns
XBeing in a film was an unique experience
DVD you were talking about?
(when we are being specific)
Singular countable nouns
The radio seemed amazing to people at first.
(when we are talking generally)
Plural countable nouns I didn't believe the rumours about the prime
(when we are being specific) minister.
Uncountable nouns
I followed the advice my lawyer gave me.
(when we are being specific)

 The way we say 'the' changes depending on the sound at the start of the next word.
Before a consonant sound (the media, the USA,the programme), we pronounce it /ðə/.

Before a vowel sound(the announcer,the actor,the editor),we pronounce it/ði/.

 We often use 'the' when we are talking about something there is only one of.
The sky, the sun, the moon, the Prince of Wales, the North Pole, the World Cup
Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

Zero article: Ø (don't use an article at all)

Use Example
Plural countable nouns
Journalists often face dangerous situations.
(when we are talking generally)
Uncountable nouns
News travels fast these days.
(when we are talking generally)

Articles in phrases and expressions

Notice how we use articles in the following phrases and expressions. Many of these are
examples of general categories. For example,'the River Thames' means that we use
'the' for all rivers.

Use Example
definite article: in the 1990s, in (the) summer,in the morning
zero article:in 2008, in June, on Friday, at night
People and
work indefinite article:have a job,work as a...
definite article: the queen, the principal, the president, the French
zero article become president,go to work,be at work,have work to do,he's
definite article: the Alps,the Atlantic Ocean, the River Thames, the Earth,
the Arctic, the USA, the UK, the Cyclades
Zero article: Mount Everest,Paris,America,Mars/Venus/Jupiter etc,Oxford
Street,Lake Superior,Crete
definite article:the media, on the radio, play the guitar, go to the
and sport
zero article:listen to music,on television,play tennis/football etc
Organisations definite article: the army, the police,the fire brigade
definite article:go to the school (as a visitor), be in the first year
zero article:go to school (as a student), be in Class 3B, maths
indefinite article:take a taxi, catch a/the bus
Travel definite article:on the bus
zero article:on foot,go home,go by bus
indefinite article:have a cold/headache/cough
Health definite article:have(the)flu/measles
zero article:have toothache
Public buildings definite article:the bank,the taxi office,go to the hospital/prison (as a
zero article:go to hospital/prison/church (as a patient/prisoner/ worshipper)

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

Countable and uncountable

Use Example
Countable nouns I want to be a journalist.
 Use a,the,some,many Where is the newspaper?
 Use a singular or plural verb There are some good articles in the paper.
How many channels do you get?
Uncountable nouns Did you hear the news?
 Use the,some,much Some important news has just come in.
 Use a singular verb How much information do we have about it?
Your advice was very useful.
Common uncountable nouns:

 Most uncountable nouns are singular, but a few are plural. These include
clothes,scissors,jeans, spectacles,trousers,groceries,etc. With these words,we use a plural
✓Oh,no! My new clothes are dirty!
 Some nouns are countable with one meaning and uncountable with another meaning.
✓Do you think you could bring me a clean glass? (countable)
✓We should make computer monitors out of recycled glass. (uncountable)


Quantifiers Use Example

 countable nouns,usually in negative There aren't many programmes on TV
statements and questions that I find interesting.
 uncountable nouns,usually in My dad never shows much interest in
negative statements and questions the news.
That film has won a lot of /lots of
 countable and uncountable nouns in
a lot of/lots of awards.
positive statements
What a lot of luggage you've got!
There have been a few scandals in the
a few  countable nouns, means 'some'
papers recently.
They say that a little knowledge is a
a little  uncountable nouns, means 'some'
dangerous thing.
Richard has few interests outside
few  countable nouns, means 'not many'

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

EX 1. Circle the correct word or phrase.
1 I love this time in evening / the evening when the sun is going down.
2 People play cricket / the cricket in South Africa, Australia and Sri Lanka.
3 It's too far to walk so I think I'll catch bus /the bus.
4 Jane had to go home from school because she had a headache/the headache.
5 The robber was sent to prison / the prison for a total of three years.
EX 2. Choose the correct answer. If no word is needed, choose 'D'.
1 Oh,l didn't tell you! We've got.......... new English teacher.
Aa B an C the D no word
2 Here's..........DVD you asked to borrow.
Aa B an C the D no word
3 We're out of.......... coffee,so could you get some from the supermarket?
Aa B an C the D no word
4 The prize is..........unique opportunity to travel the world!
Aa B an C the D no word
5 It looks like.......... glass in your bedroom window is cracked.
Aa B an C the D no word
EX 3. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 The clothes you bought me for my birthday ………………………(be)
was wonderful!
2 It turned out that the information we had received……………………
was (be) wrong.
3 My new jeans.……………………
are (be) in the wash and I wanted to wear them tonight.
4 The luggage on a plane ……………………
took (take) up a lot of room.
5 Your hair……………………
looks (look) really nice and shiny.
6 I could tell by the look on her face that the news .……………………
couldn't be (not/be) good.
7 Oh,no! My money..……………………(be)
is in my other jacket!
EX 4. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. Not many people came to the party. only
 There………………………………people
were only a few at the party.
2. The witness described the mugger to the police.a
 The witness.………………………………of
gave the police a description the mugger.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

3. There isn't much sugar left. a

 There.………………………………sugar
is only a little left.
4. I am thinking of becoming a firefighter when I leave school. brigade
 I am thinking of………………………………when
join to a fire brigade I leave school.

EX 5. Choose the correct answer.

1. If you have..........time at the end of the exam, check your answers.
A few B a few C little D a little
2. Give me...........minutes and I'll be ready.
A few B a few C little D a little
3. We've only got......... milk left so get some when you go shopping.
A few B a few C little D a little
4. Just......... practice every day and you'll soon be able to play the piano.
A few B a few C little D a little
5. We were disappointed that.......... of the members came to the youth club party.
A few B a few C little D a little
6. Sprinkle.......... sugar on the strawberries.
A few B a few C little D a little

EX 6. Rewrite the sentences correctly, adding articles where necessary.

1. We went to theatre last night and saw great play, although some of acting was bit poor.
We went to the theatre last night and saw a great play, although some of the acting was a bit poor.
2. Give me ring tomorrow before l go to work and we'll arrange to meet at office.
Give me a ring tomorrow before I go to work and we'll arrange to meet at the office.
3. Prime minister told reporter that government wanted to pass law banning hunting.
The prime minister told a reporter that the government wanted to pass a law banning hunting
4. I asked hotel manager where pool was and she directed me to seventh floor.
I asked the hotel manager where the pool was and she directed me to the seven‟th floor
5. They said on news on radio that Mount Vesuvius, volcano that destroyed Pompeii,could
erupt again.
They said on the news on the radio that Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that destroyed Pompeii, could erupt

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

EX 1. Circle the correct word or phrase.
1. My cousin works as waiter / a waiter in a cafe near where we live.
2. The underground doesn't run this late so we'll have to take a taxi /the taxi.
3. I like to listen to music / the music in my free time.
4. My favourite subject at school is chemistry / the chemistry.
5. Jazz music appeared in America in 1920s / in the 1920s.
EX 2. Choose the correct answer. If no word is needed, choose 'D'.
1. It's..........honour to be here this evening to speak to you.
Aa B an C the D no word
2. There's..........good chance we'll be late for the meeting.
Aa B an C the D no word
3. Reports are coming in of a major oil spill in .......... Mediterranean.
Aa B an C the D no word
4. I went to see the doctor because I'm finding it difficult to sleep at.......... night.
Aa B an C the D no word
5. Do you think that they'll ever send a manned mission to..........Venus?
Aa B an C the D no word
EX 3. Circle the extra word in each line.

Being in the news

1 The many people who appear in the news for the first time
2 find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.
3 The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of
4 the privacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a
5 difficult time. This is especially the case when a someone is
6 in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime.Just
7 at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find
8 microphones and the cameras in your face.The media have
9 a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people
10 are often hurt by the demand for the scandal.

Trung tâm Ngoại Ngữ Bigtree Land B2 - DESTINATION- HSG K7-8

EX 4. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. We were shocked by the news and didn't know what to do. shocking
 The news………………………………didn't
were so shocking that we know what to do.
2. There aren't many good films out at the moment. only
 There.………………………………
are only a few good films out at the moment.
3. I didn't eat much dessert because I'm on a diet. only
 I ………………………………dessert
only ate litter because I'm on a diet.
4. You have lots of hats! lot
 What.………………………………you
a lot of hats do have!
EX 5. Choose the correct answer.
1. I suppose now I'm 43,I have.......... hope of playing football for England.
A few B a few C little D a little
2. Could you help me with .......... exercises I don't understand?
A few B a few C little D a little
3. There' left, if anyone wants some.
A few B a few C little D a little
4. Becoming an astronaut is so demanding that.......... people manage it.
A few B a few C little D a little
5. I'll meet you in half an hour - I've got.......... e-mails to write first.
A few B a few C little D a little
6. Many people feel there's..........point in voting, even in a general election.
A few B a few C little D a little
EX 6. Rewrite the sentences correctly, adding articles where necessary.
1. Car has revolutionised transport and is absolutely vital to economy of most countries.
The car has revolutionized transport and is absolutely vital to the economy of most countries.
2. Judge read jury's verdict aloud and then sentenced accused to five years in prison.
The judge read the jury’s verdict aloud and then sentenced the accused to five years in prison.
3. Job in media can be quite stressful because of pressure you are under to do things on
A job in the media can be quite stressful because of the pressure you are under to do things on time
4. Very few people in 19th century went to school or university and most started work at
very young age.
Very few…………………………………………………………………………………..
people in the 19th century went to school or university and most started work at a very
young age
5. I have little free time since I gave up karate, so I'm thinking of trying new hobby, like
learning musical instrument.
I have a little free time since I gave up karate, so I’m thinking of trying a new hobby, like learning a
musical instrument


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