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Dialogue for no.

Nia : You seem serious, what do you read anyway?
Dina : Oh, it is an article about dentist. It is said that some studies have shown that diseases
relating to the teeth and gums can be indicative or indicators of some health issues. The
health of the mouth is essential to the general overall health of the body and a dentist will
encourage and assist their patients in maintaining a healthy mouth by regular cleaning and
Nia : So we have to put more attention about mouth and dental health.
Dina : You're right.
Nia : Does the article discuss about the duty of dentist?
Dina : Yup. A dentist performs many important duties in the maintenance of oral health such
as,check-ups, filling a tooth, performing a minor surgical procedure such as a tooth
extraction, and cleaning and polishing teeth. A dentist will encourage patients to practice
good dental care by brushing and flossing and getting regular cleanings as these good habits
can help prevent cavities and other tooth and gum diseases.
Nia : When a dentist perform surgical,do you think that he needs further training about
Dina : According to the article, there are specific specialties which require further training,
creating expertise in a particular area,for example, endodontic, orthodontics,periodontic,
prosthodontics, and pediatric
Nia : Wow, there are so many.
Dina : Endodontic has a specialization in the treatment of the internal tissues or "pulp" of the
tooth which is mosty made up of nerves and blood vessels. Endodontic performs root canal
treatments and other procedures and examinations involving the inner tooth. Orthodontic
usually deals with the straightening and alignment of The teeth and jaw: an orthodontist has
some duties. For example, an orthodontist will fit braces and treat disorders involving
misaligned teeth; will also deal with issues involving bone in and around the mouth area
which may be related to other health issues.
Nia : What about pediatric?
Dina : It specializes in treating children's teeth; may work with other specialists if specific
areas, such as gum diseas, are involved
11.What do the girls talk about?
a. The kinds of doctors
b. The examples of specializations of dentistry
c. The examples of periodontics
d. The examples of good orthodon-tists
e. The examples of dentists in Indo-nesia
12. Why is it essential to keep the healthof the mouth?
a. To keep teeth from being porous.
b. To prevent undesirable mouth
c. Some health issues are related to the condition of the mouth
d. To keep the teeth and gurn strong.
e. Regular check-ups will keep the breath fresh
13. Based on the text dialogue, which part of the body must be maintained?
a. The mouth, teeth, gums, and nails
b. The mouth, teeth, gums, and nose
c. The mouth, teeth, gums, and throat
d. The mouth, teeth, gums, and related areas
e. The mouth, teeth, gums, and kidney
14. What is the function of brace?
a. To make the user looks better
b. To fix the misaligned teeth
c.. To clean the teeth
d. To give a clean and fresh breath
e. To give confidence to the user
15. The orthodontist has some specializa-tion duties; For example,
a. dealing with gum disease and other gum ailments.
b. treating the internal tissues or "pulp* of the tooth
c. fitting braces and treat disorders involving misaligned teeth.
d. an orthodontist will be a physician whose practice is in the field of dentistry.
e. an orthodontist will work with other specialists if specific areas such as. gum disease, are

B. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box

Prima : Let's order pizza. I'm (1) starving
Dona : No. I don't want to eat. I want to lose some (2) weight
Prima : Are you on (3) diet?
Dona : Yes. I only eat (4) once a day, and I just drink mineral water. But I'am feeling (5)
weak now.
Prima : I think, that's not the (6) right away to do diet.
'Dona : What do you mean?
Prima :You have to eat though you're diet. You can eat food with (7) low calories and zero
trans fat.
Dona : Can you give me some examples of the food?
Prima : The food with low calories and low trans fat, such as fruits, (8) vegetables and
Dona : Can I eat them often though I am diet?
Prima :Sure. You may also drink kinds of (9) beverage that contain zero sugar. Zero sugar
means low calories.
Dona :But I don't know the kinds of the beverage.
Prima : For example, you can drink sugarless tea or (10) black coffee
Dona : That must be so bitter. What about juice?
Prima : Still you have to make it without adding any sugar or milk.
Dona : I see.
C. Answer the questions based on the dialogue!
1. Why is Dona feeling weak?
Answer: because she`s on diet
2. What are the examples of low calories beverage?
Answer: sugarless tea or black coffee
3. What does zero sugar mean?
Answer: low calories
4. According to the dialogue, how to have a good diet? HOTS
Answer: you can eat food with low calories and zero trans fat
5. Can you give an example to lose some weight?
Answer: : you can eat food with low calories and zero trans fat

Fill in the blanks using "For example," or "such as" correctly
1.People are suggested not to leave the traditional herbs,for example.ginger,wild
ginger,turmeric, and galingale.
2. Students are better to deepen their knowedge outside school such as,they take some
courses or have a student group.
3.There are some electronic devices that help students to get and learn some
the internet, for example laptop, notebook, and tablet.
4.Teacher and headmaster can Increase the students` concentration at school u tips.such as
they can reduce the students' bored by doing sport every Friday moming.
5. Computer needs some maintenance such as software installation and hardware.Installation
to make the computer works smoothly.
B. Read the dialogue, and answer the questions!
(Reading a newspaper. There is a job vacancy in the newspaper. The job Is for editor.)
Rika : Santi, I remember that your sister is an editor in a publishing, right?
Santi : Yes, you're right. What's up?
Rika : There is a job vacancy. Gemilang Publisher needs a conte
Santi : It is a different kind of editor. My sister Is a copy editar in a publisher.
Rika : Why are they different?
Santi : Because the duties are different between them, There are actually eight kinds of
editors in a publisher such as acquisition edItor, developmental editor, content editor,
copy editor, line editor, proof reader, critique partner, and beta reader.
Rika : Wow! So, what are the differences between a content editor and a copy editor?
Santi : A content editor has a duty to check all the plot, characterization, voice, and setting
in a book. It is usually found in the very big publishing houses.
Rika : Okay. I understand. What about another one?
Santi : Yeah, a copy editor is my sister's job. Actually, a copy editor is a special editor
because it specializes in some details of a book. For example, the copy editor specializes in
grammar, punctuation, fact-checking, spelling, and formatting. The copy editor is usually
used most often in journalism publications, but utilized by some smaller publishers.
Rika : That's great. Thanks for your explanation and example.
Santi : Okay.
1. Where does Santi's sister works?
Answer: Gemilang Publisher
2. How many kinds of editor are mentioned in the dialogue? What are they?
Answer : eight
3. What is the duty of content editor?
Answer : A content editor has a duty to check all the plot, characterization, voice, and
setting in a book.
4.What is the duty of copy editor?
Answer : a copy editor is a special editor because it specializes in some details of a book.
For example, the copy editor specializes in grammar, punctuation, fact-checking,
spelling, and formatting
5.According to the dialogue, what kind of publishing company usually needs company
usually needs copy editor?
Answer: journalism publications

A. Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e!
Dialogue for no. 1-5
Tika : I heard that there is a new pet shop on Mentari Street.
Sari : Is it next to the pet clinic?
Tika : Yes, you right.
Sari : Both the clinic and the pet shop are belong to the same owner. Ms Tania, my
Tika : Oh, I see. Is she a vet?
Sari : Yes, she is. She does many great things to the animals. For example, she treats and
cures their injuries; she takes care of their health thoroughly; she feeds them well; she keeps
them clean and free from fleas; and many others.
Tika : What a lovely person. Have you ever came to her pet shop?
Sani : Yeah. Ms Tania asked me to come to her pet shop once.
Tika : What does the shop sell?
Sari : It sells essential for petting such as animal food, cages, toys, bowls.
etc. Besides that, it also sells animals, such as various kinds of cats, dogs, hamsters, iguanas,
parrots, and rabbits. Ms Tania also helps her customers find some other exotic or unusual
pets. For example, if a customer wanting to pet a snake, she will try to contact her fellow pet
shop owners to see if any of them wants to sell one.
Tika : I see.
1. What is Ms Tania? She is a/an ....
b.veterinarian shop owner
d.animal lover
2. Where is her clinic? It is ....
a.across from her pet shop front of her pet shop
c.near her pet shop
d. beside her pet shop
e. behind her pet shop
3. Ms Tania does the followings for the animals, except..
a. treating their injuries
b. taking care of their health thoroughly
c. abandoning them
d. feeding them well
e. keeping them clean and free from fleas
4. Which animal is considered as an exotic animal.
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Rabbit
d. Hamster
e. iguana
5. The underlined words in the text are used for ....
a. stating particular kind
b. stating a great degree
c. giving example
d. making comparison
e. stating description
Dialogue for no. 6-10
Vero : Hello?
Mika : Vero? It's me, Mika.
Vero : Oh, hi, Mika! Why are you calling?
Mika : I was wondering. Are you free this Sunday?
Vero : I think so. Why?
Mika : My band will have a show in SMK Bina Karya's festival. Would you come along and
watch our performance?
Vero : Let me see. At what time will your band perform?
Mika : Around 11 a.m., I suppose. I can give you a free ticket if you want to come
Vero : I think I reed to help my parents take care of the house first. I don't know if I can fnish
before that time.
Mika : Oh. that's too bad.
Vero : I'll ty my best to finish all chores earlier so I can go. Don't worry about the ticket. I
should buy one to support the event and to support you, shouldn't 1? But. thanks anyway for
the offer.
Mika : Well...thank you. Vero. Thank you so much. You're my best friend.
Vero : Oh don't mention it. Good luck for your performance! I'll see you in the venue.
Mika : Bye
Vero : Bye
6.Who makes the call?
a. Vero
b. Mika
c. Mika's friend
d. Mika's band mate
e. Vero's band mate
7. She calls to talk about ....
a. an event
b. a promise
c. a meeting
d. an offer
e. a reservation
8. What is the relation between them? They are....
a. neighbours
b. siblings
c. friends
d. band mates
e. colleagues
9. From the dialogue above, we know that Mika is ...
a. asking for Vero's opinion
b. asking for Vero's suggestion
c. ordering Vero
d. inviting Vero
e. giving a suggestion to Vero
10. “I”ll see you in the venue. “What does the sentence imply?
a. Vero can`t come to the festival
b. Vero will come the venue before Mika`s band is perfoming
c. Vero will definitely come to the festival
d. Mika and Vero will meet at the gate of SMK Bina Karya.
e. Vero asks Mika to pick her up at her house
11. The text above is a
a. poster
b. announcement
c. job vacancy
d. warning
e. banner
12. The purpose of the text is.....
a. to promote the new beauty salon
b. to persuade people to open a beauty salon
c. to invite people to come to the opening ceremony of the salon
d. to tell the readers that the salon will be opened soon
e. to give information how to be beautiful
13. Which treatment is not offered by the salon?
a. Hair spa
b. Massage
c. Pedicures
d. Waxing
e. Facials
14. What is the text above?
a. A pamphlet
b. A brochure
c. A leaflet
d. A poster
e. An announcement
15. Based on the text above which is more effective to get rid of the virus?
a. Disinfectant
b. Hand sanitizer
c. Cream
d. Soap and water
e Alcohol
16. Why do you have to wash your hand under running water?
a. To avoid the water getting dirty.
b. To reduce the use of hand sanitizer
c. To avoid the excessive use of soap
d. To wash away all the dirt
e. To give an extra cleanness of the hand
17. The meaning of the words “ lather” is
a. tangga
b. nanti
c. kulit
d. busa
e. jauh
18. The purpose of the banner above it
a. to persuade the readers to keep Prambanan Temple clean inform that the ballet of Ramayana will be held in front yard of Prambanan
c. to announce that people can enter into Prambanan Temple free
d. to invite the readers to watch the Ballet of Ramayana
e. to tell the readers the story of Ramayana
19. How long will the show last?
a. An hour
b. Two hours
c. Three hours
d. Thirty minutes
e. Forty five minutes
20. The words "No charge" means...
a. everyone should pay to watch the show
b. everyone has to come between 8-10p.m.
c. the time schedule will not change
d. everyone doesn't has to pay to watch the show
e. the payment should be paid in advance

B. Read the dialogue, and answer the questions!

Situation : There is a trouble at school. Johan hasn't paid the school fees, Mrs Herawati, the
school counselor, calls Johan's mother some information about it.
Mrs Herawati : Good morning. Is this Mrs Tania, Johan's mother?
Mother : good morning. Yes, I am. Who is speaking?
Mrs Herawati : I'm Herawati, the school's counselor. I'm very sorry to call you in the early
Mother : It's all right, What is going on, Mrs Wati Is it about my son?
Mrs. Herawati : Yes, Mrs Tania. May I know about Johan's school fee? Have you given him
the school's fee?
Mother : I have given the fee. What is going on?
Mrs Herawati : According to Mr Hendry, the school administration, Johan has not given the
school fee for three months.
Mother : Oh my… He doesn't say anything about it.
Mrs Herawati : there is also a rumour that he had used the money to have fun friends.
Mother : I can't imagine that he did such a thing
Mrs Herawati : Me neither, Mrs Tania. | know that Johan is a good boy. he told you
something, perhaps? Is he in trouble, Mrs Tania? everything all right at home?
Mother : Everything is all right. Well he is in trouble. He never done anything bad, I
Mrs Herawati : If that so, may I meet you and Johan tomorrow at school? Maybe, we can
find the solution together.
Mother : Sure, Mrs Wati. What time?
Mrs Herawati : What about 10 a.m.? Is it convenience to you?
Mother : 10 a.m. will be fine. I will take'a day off and come to school. I really thank
for the news, Mrs Wati.
Mrs Herawati : You're welcome. Everything will be better after we talk about it together.
Have a nice day, Mrs Tania. Good bye.
Mother: Good bye, Mrs Wati.
1. How does Mrs Herawati talk to Johan's mother?
Answer: Mrs. Herawati, the school counsellor, calls Johan`s mother to ask some
information about it
2.What do Mrs Herawati and Mrs Tania talk about?
Answer: Johan hasn`t paid the school fee for three months
3.How does Mrs Herawati know that Johan hasn't paid for school?
Answer: from Mr. Hendry
4. What is Johan like?
Answer: there is also a rumour that he had used the money to have fun friends.
5. Is Mrs Tania a career woman? Give evidence to support your answer!
Answer: she always thinks positively to Johan

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