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Eco-Crisis in Punjab and 

By Ankita Goyal
On February 25, 2006 while replying to a question by Giddarbaha MLA,
Manpreet Badal, in Punjab Assembly, the Punjab Health Minister Dr. Ramesh
Chander Dogra conceded that the high power committee formed to probe
cancer, headed by the Chief Minister, has not held even a single meeting so
far. One can find the history of Neuro-toxicity, Teratogenicity, Carcinogenicity,
Mutagenicity and several other toxicities due to pesticides, but this is a unique
case of governmental-toxicity. It was an established fact that pesticides can
cause stillbirth in humans and animals, but now it appears that pesticide could
have impact on Government functioning also, and cause stillbirth of a
government committee and that too of High-powered committee. Though it is
also to be probed, whose toxins paralyzed this committee - pesticides
or pestisidewalas?
It was after CSE's Director Sunita Naryan has raised the issue of pesticides in
blood of Punjabis on June 7, 2005, that the Punjab Government constituted
two committees –one high power committee headed by the Chief Minister
himself and another expert group headed by Dr.K.K.Talwar, Director PGIMER,
Chandigarh. However, the expert group had met once but the High-powered
committee failed to meet in last eight months. The meetings were fixed for at
least five times and each time it was postponed for one or another reason.
Therefore, the very committee, which has to deliver an action plan and
mitigation strategy for cancer crisis, delivered nothing, thus, terminating a
conception in stillbirth. 
 It is right of people to know that who is responsible and answerable for not
holding even a single meeting of this High-powered committee in last eight
months. Who had prevented the Punjab Government to make an elaborate
Some earlier questions need to be answered now. It was clear that Head of
Patiala Forensic Laboratory had tried his best to subdue the entire issue by
terming that they had not found any pesticide residue in any of blood samples
taken from different districts. That too without any proper scientific
instruments. Had Punjab Government taken notice of his press statements?
How the press statement of Patiala Forensic Laboratory scientist and
Chairman of Agro-Chemical Promotion Group released on same date
from Chandigarh? Who had instructed Dr.Sharma to release the press
However, Punjab Government had paid some relief amount to several cancer
patients, but the key question remained unanswered. Monetary help is not a
permanent solution to the cancer problem. What Punjab Government has
planned to deal with this serious situation? What is the strategy to tackle
environmental health crisis in Punjab and particularly in Malwa region?
Providing financial assistance is mere one aspect to tackle the problem and
that too political in nature. However, how are we going to stop ecological
degeneration in the region to save people from spreading cancer and
unabated environmental health crisis? 
 Has any plan been evolved to reduce pesticide load in Malwa region?  What
steps were taken to educate the farmers about No-Use or Safe use of
pesticides? There are no signs that Punjab Government had planned anything
to rejuvenate the ecological equilibrium of the region.Another important issue
that should draw public attention is handling of environmental health crisis in
parts not in totality. The crisis is multi-dimensional thus needs holistic
approach and plan keeping every aspect in mind. While government had
accepted cancer as one of the problems but at the same time, it is not taking
cognizance of other health impacts of environmental crisis and degradation of
ecology. There are hundreds of evidences that pesticides can severely
damage not only the reproductive health but could also cause number   of
ailments. Focusing the debate on mere cancer would help pesticide industry,
as it takes long to prove direct link between pesticides and cancer. 
There are hundreds of ifs and buts. However, reproductive health impacts are
quite visible and are of more devastating in nature. Among
the cancers, women suffer mostly from increased cases of cancers related to
reproductive organs.   Therefore, while talking about cancer we should not
forget taking notice of reproductive health problems. 
In his reply, Health Minister also had given assurance to take up another
survey of cancer sufferers. Here lies an important question. While
government   has clamed 172 cancer deaths in Muktsar district in last two
years but Manpreet Badal contested the claim as he has list of 201 cancer
deaths from Giddarbaha constituency alone and the number in entire Muktsar
would be much higher. It is story of other three districts also where health
department did cancer survey. The government always treated this issue in
very shady manner. Firstly, they had conducted a survey at jet speed that is in
just one or two days. Then they asked vigilance department to conduct survey
of cancer deaths and patients. When police declined to that then health
department again started the survey. This time they had tried their best, yet
failed to reach every house or some how not able to take note of every cancer
death.  After all, how government has failed to enlist every cancer death and
why?   Some one should answer this question. Why the Government is
hesitating to involve civil society groups and other concerned stakeholders in
entire exercise. Who is influencing the government? 
Thanks to Manpreet Badal, he has done a great job by raising this issue
in the Assembly.  Now when Government has accepted to conduct a detailed
study again, some important aspects should be taken care of.
-         Beside cancer, reproductive health crisis must be taken account of.
Survey should cover wide range of reproductive health abnormalities
alongwith other pesticide related health problems, such as graying of hairs
-         The new study should be conducted in collaboration with any of
reputed institute like Industrial Toxicological Research Center, Lucknow;
National Institute on Occupational Health, Ahmedabad; Center for
Occupational & Environmental Health, New Delhi and AIIMS. 
-         Even National Environmental Engineering Research Institute could be
involved for assessment of environmental damage caused in Malwa. Of
course, PGIMER and PAU also made part of new study.
-         The new study should be done in Participatory Action Research (PAR)
mode by involving larger civil society groups. Followed by Participatory
Appraisal and Monitoring (PAM).
-         Government should form an Environmental Health Crisis Mitigation &
Action Task Force by involving representatives from civil society groups
and other stakeholders along with experts from various disciplines of
Health, Environment, Agriculture, Economics and Sociology. This task force
must provide adequate infrastructure and support. 
-         The Environmental Health Research Institute must be established in
Malwa region by drawing best available minds in the country.
The participatory action research is a new phenomenon in sustainable
developmental and environmental planning. It will enhance the sense of
responsibility, ownership and communitization of issues and problems among
the stakeholders. This is a step forward to democratization of our
developmental process. After all true democracy lies in empowering our
communities and people. The solution of any crisis, particularly of problem we
are facing in Punjab, can be worked-out more efficiently by community
participation. As far as Punjab is concerned the decentralized participatory
planning has no space as of now. Nor the Government seems to be
interested in that. But, it is the right of civil society to take-up the issue more
and more vigorously as this is an issue of survival of Punjab.    
Another important issue in this sequence is missing list of notifiable diseases
in Punjab. The district epidemiologist / CMO office does not seem to have the
current list of   Notifiable diseases where in he can receive mandatory
information of certain diseases from periphery. The monthly/periodical report
of morbidity or mortality generated by CMO offices to state HQ mainly
includes number of patients of various diseases. As Punjab has no cancer
registry, nor is there any provision to notify the occurrence of cancer to the
district epidemiologist from private health facilities or OPD treatment.
Therefore, there is no baseline data in this regard. Moreover, in most of
Punjab the post of district epidemiologist is lying vacant.   It is very pathetic
that there is no adequate system to collect primary data in Punjab. As we are
more concerned with environmental health crisis, the state list of notifiable
diseases is very important to monitor and mitigate the crisis. Therefore,
Punjab Government must fill posts of district epidemiologist and declare a list
of notifaiable diseases.
Secondly, Punjab Government must take serious notice
of Dr.C.D.Mayee Committee's letter. The Central Insecticide Board (CIB) has
constituted an expert committee headed by Dr.C.D.Mayee (Chairman,
Agriculture Scientist Recruitment Board – GoI) to review 37 pesticides, which
are banned/ restricted in other countries but are being used in India.
 CIB has asked Director Agriculture to provide his observations, considered
views, opinions and experiences on ten pesticides that are under review,
namely: Monocrotophos, Mancozeb, Quinalphos, Butachlor, Diclorvos,
Acephate, Fenitrothion, Carbendazim, Atrazine and Pendimethalin. CIB
sought views of Director Agriculture on the various aspects of toxicology,
environmental fate and eco-toxicology of these pesticides. Nevertheless,
unfortunately as per my information this important letter was some how
missed and the office of the Director Agriculture Punjab never received the
same. However, who will be the ultimate sufferer, the environment of
Punjab and common Punjabi?
If government is serious to save people of Punjab from environmental health
catastrophe then it should follow-up CIB letter. However, it seems the priorities
are lying somewhere else.
Thirdly, Punjab Government should promote “PesticideFree Farming"(Sans
BT.Cotton) in state. It is noteworthy that Government of Andhra Pradesh in
collaboration with Center for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA) an NGO from
Secunderabad, has taken a very bold and innovative step of converting nearly
400 villages across the states in to Pesticide Free villages. If AP government
can adopt a programme of an NGO then what is the hesitation for Punjab
Government? As Punjab is facing serious ecological impacts of green
revolution, it is the right time to take a break from tandermill of pesticides and
give a chance to life and sustainable prosperity. 
This is election year in Punjab. Therefore, it is indeed very useful time for the
civil society. The society must ask questions to every political party about their
agenda and plans for environmental health crisis and sustainable life systems
in Punjab. We must pose question - Why should we vote for them. After all
this is a lifetime issue of Environmental Justice and more over fundamental
Environmental Right of   our people.

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