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Wow that was very informative right there Ms.

Rose, So now

With that video we can conclude that it is really important to know the Proper Etiquette while
coughing so that we can prevent the spread of microorganisms/ the virus itself, knowing we are
facing this pandemic.

Before we proceed to the next topic let me introduce myself first, I am Giovannie Japson your
3rd lecturer for today and bear with me as I discuss my part.

To begin with, what is social distancing by the way? Social distancing means putting space
between yourself and other people. Always remember that the recommended distance is atleast
6ft. Or about 2 meters away from a person.

This also means staying away from any places where people may gather like for example parks
or other public gathering places.

So how to practice social distancing: Take note of these guys

1.Stay at home as much as possible

2. Keep 2 meters between yourself and others
3. Limit contact with others when outside your home (So dili kaayo ni ma practice sa mga tao
nga laagan like me no but please do so kay importante kaayo ni sya especially if naa tay elderly
sa balay)
4. Use virtual options to connect with others
5. Avoid greetings like handshakes and hugs (because droplets, physical contact/close contact
with random people especially if infected ang person, we can easily catch the virus)

To know more about social distancing we have prepared here a video presentation for you guys
so just sit down and learn more about the presentation.

So now, I will be calling one of my bestfriend here/audience in this health teaching. Let me call
on Mr.Bartilad, hello sir good evening to you. Sir based on the video that we have presented
earlier, why do you think we need to practice social distancing?

RIght! Thank you Mr.Bartilad for such a great answer, yes of course we need to do social
distancing to protect ourselves from acquiring the said virus

And here we go proceed ta sa atong DO’s and DONT’s in wearing a mask.

So throughout this pandemic, using a face mask or mask is one of the preventive measures we
practice up to the present to protect individuals from spreading the virus. And do you know that
there are proper ways of using the mask? So here it goes:

So in DO’s

SO for the DON’TS

We have here another video presentation about the DO’s and Don’ts when wearing a face mask

Again can somebody give 1 of the Do’s and Don’ts when wearing a face mask?

For the Do’s the most important thing that we need to remember is that in wearing a mask,
always do hand washing first

For the Don’ts bear in mind that we should not reuse those disposable masks
It is really important to follow these set of guidelines or rules for us to protect ourselves because
we are in the midst of this pandemic. In relation to this, I want you all to take note on what to do
if you have a COVID-19 symptoms…

In case of emergency these are the following hotline numbers that you can call for immediate
response or help.


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