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Formative assessments
Activity 1
1 List three things food production enterprises are obligated to provide to
Food safety
Food ingredients
Nutrition list

2 When determining food production and menu requirements, what should a

chef anticipate and consider? List at least eight points.

Menu changes
Customer needs
Food plate
Food nutrition
Amount food to prepare
Special requirements relating to customer
Storage of raw materials
Expected numbers of customers

3 What is portion control?

Portion control means matching product size to meet customer requirements and
costing/ pricing requirements of the enterprise. is the setting of specific standards
regarding the amount food served per portion. Portion sizes should be built into the
standard recipe, and are decided through consideration of the type of cuisine, time of
day, the customer type, menu, target food margin.

4 Describe the difference between vegetarian and vegan.

Vegetarians do not eat meat , poultry or fish, and primarily eat vegetables. Dairy pulses
and fruits
Vegans do not eat meat eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients.
They eat beans, grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Activity 2
1 Explain what quality means in terms of a food product in the food production

Food quality is the quality characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers. This
includes external factors as appearance (size, shape, colour, gloss, and consistency).

2 What are three indicators of what customers perceive as quality in food service

Food quality and flour

Service quality
Physical environment

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3 List two customer quality management tools. r

Face –to-face feedback

Customer feedback form

4 Describe (30–50 words each):

Input. is the raw product Any information or data that is sent to a computer for
processing is considered input. Input or user input is sent to a computer using an input
device. The picture is an illustration of the difference between input and output.

Output. This is the input that is transformed into products and services. The
most commonly used output device is the computer's monitor, which displays
data on a screen. Devices such as the printer and computer speakers are some
other common output devices. The opposite of output is input, which is data that
is entered into the computer.

Process is the sum total of all activates involved in creating marketable goods
and services from input

5 What are nutrition content claims and health claims?

Nutrition content claims are claims about the content of certain nutrients or substances
in a food, such as low in fat or good source of calcium. These claims will need to meet
certain criteria set out in the Standard.

6 Describe the processes that can cause nutrient loss in foods and suggest one
way to minimise this.

Processes that expose foods to high levels of heat, light, and oxygen causes the greatest
nutrient loss, and fluids that are introduced during a cooking process(such as boiling)
can also remove nutrients.
Preparing foods as close to cooking time as possible in one of the best waysto minimize
nutrient loss.

Activity 3
1 What are typical food production systems?
food production systems = traditional,centralised,cook-chill,cook-freeze and sous vide.

2 The cook–serve production system (conventional) is used the most in kitchen

establishments. Describe how it is characterised and its process.

CONVENTIONAL HOT BULK SERVICE - pans of hot food containing multiple portions are
placed in heat retaining equipment ready for immediate portioning at point of service.

COLD PLATE TRAY SERVICE - cold foods are assembled into individual meals, stored in
specialized equipment and held under chilled conditions until prethermalizations just
prior to service.

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COLD BULK SERVICE - pans of cold food containing multiple portions are placed in
specialized equipment, held under chilled conditions

FULLY TRAYED MEALS - a facility receives from an outside central site fully trayed,
chilled meals which are stored under chilled conditions and prethermalized prior to

3 Describe the characteristics of a cook–chill method of food production and its


1. FOOD PREP: Food is prepared on site or at a central location under highest quality
control standards and cooked in volume.
2. BAG FILL: Upon reaching the exact degree of doneness, and while still above
pasteurization temperature, food is filled directly into a Plascon Food Solutions Cook
Chill bag to ensure strict sanitation.
3. BAG SEAL: The Cook Chill bag is then securely closed with a heat seal system or clip
4. ICE BATH: The sealed bag is immediately placed in iced water to arrest the cooking
process and reduce the food’s core temperature to 40 degrees.
5. STORE: Food is stored refrigerated or frozen until ready to serve.

4 What is an à la carte menu characterised by?

A large selection of options

All menu items are individually priced
Dishes are in most cases cooked to order

Activity 4
1 What is the meaning of the term standard recipe?

A standard recipe is a written formula used to produce a food or beverage item that
uses the same quantity and quality of product and the same method of preparation each
time the product is made.

2 What are the three phases of the recipe standardisation process?

Recipe verification
Product evaluation
Quantity adjustment

3 Explain (30–50 words) the meaning of:

Standard yield.
Standard portion.
A standard yield is the yield obtained when an item is processed as per the particular
standard methods of preparation, cooking and portioning of an establishment.
OBJECTIVES • To establish a standard for the quantity and number of portions
obtainable from a specific item of food.

4 Identify at least six food production personnel and a brief summary of their

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Role Responsibilities
Chef de partie A chef de partie specializes in a particular section of a kitchen, and is also known
as a line cook or station chef. The chef de partie is third in command and
sometimes manages a small team of workder.

Sous Chef The assistant chef supervises all the other chefs, including teaching them,
correcting techniques and cooking as necessary.

Grill chef responsible for grilling meats and vegetables.

Fish chef prepares all fish dishes, whether appetizers or entrees, and fish soups and stock;
responsible for getting fresh fish from fish markets daily, and having nonlocal fish
shipped in.

Butcher prepares all meat, poultry, fish and seafood before sending each to the proper

Pastry chef makes, bakes or prepares all baked goods, from bread and croissants to desserts
and chocolate.

Activity 5
1 Explain the term mise en place.

Mise en place (French pronunciation: [mi zɑ̃ ˈplas]) is a French culinary phrase which
means "putting in place" or "everything in its place." It refers to the set up required
before cooking, and is often used in professional kitchens to refer to organizing and
arranging the ingredients (e.g., cuts of meat, relishes, sauces, par-cooked items, spices,
freshly chopped vegetables, and other components) that a cook will require for the
menu items that are expected to be prepared during a shift

2 List at least five tasks for proper mise en place.

Preparing ingredients for menu items

Cutting peeling , and slicing fruit and vegetables
Selection and handling of portion controlled and convenience products

3 What can be taken into account when calculating commodities and food
volume requirements?

Commodity /food volume requirements will take into account the food times offered,
type of service, type of menu(buffet, bistro, fine dining etc.), agreed portion sizes,
cookery method, standard recipes, stock on hand, season, special events, and the
forecast number of customers.
Calculations will also be determined by the type of restaurant or commercial enterprise,
whether it is fast food, restaurant, function centre, hospital kitchen, produce wholesaler,
café, club, hotel etc.

4 Provide an example of a work flow plan for a food production enterprise of

your choice. Include at least six tasks, detailing the time and team member
responsible for that task.

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Task Time Team member
Turn on ovens to 160°C 6.00am kitchen hand

Set up chopping boards and knives 6.00am kitchen hand

Prepare muffin mix 6.00am cook

put muffin in the oven 6.15am cook

Chop tomato, mushrooms, red peppers 6.20am kitchen hand

Prepare scrambled egg mix 6.20am cook

Prepare meats 6.30am kitchen hand

Prepare hollandaise 6.30am cook

Collect and cut up fresh bread 6.30am kitchen hand

Set up pans and oils 6.45am cook

Activity 6
1 What is a food preparation list?

Cooking – act of preparing food for eating. It encompasses a vast range of methods, tools
and combinations of ingredients to improve the flavour or digestibility of food. It
generally requires the selection, measurement and combining of ingredients in an
ordered procedure in an effort to achieve the desired result.

2 What is the first stage of setting up for food production?

Assembling tools
Assembling ingredients
Prepping ingredients
Figuring out a timing schedule for each prep step
Preparing equipments

3 List—in order of importance—the tasks and time frames that would be

needed to complete the kitchen mise en place in a small fine dining
restaurant. Which members of a kitchen brigade might be responsible for

Tasks Time Frame Person Responsible

Sauté Chef sauteing foods and creating sauce sauteing foods and creating sauce
Butcher Chef prepare meat prepare meat and poultry
Fish Chef prepare fish and seafood prepare fish and seafood
Roast Chef roast meats roast meats and appropriate sauces
Fry Chef fried food fried food

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Grill Chef all things grilled all things grilled
Pantry Chef preparation of cold dishes preparation of cold dishes
Pastry Chef baked goods, and desserts baked goods, and desserts
Vegetable Chef preparing any vegetables preparing any vegetables

Activity 7
1 What does inventory mean and how often should it be counted?

Inventory signifies all food, beverages, serving supplies and cleaning supplies in the food
production enterprise. Every piece of inventory should be counted at least one every
week so that menu items can be prepared and kitchen management can stay in control
of goods on hand

2 What are four important factors to take into account when food costing?

1.Fill up the Recipe Costing Sheet with information based on the standard recipe to be
based on a current price list.
2.Indicate the latest purchase cost of each ingredient based on a current price list.
3.Compute the actual cost of each ingredient.
4.Add actual cost of each ingredient to get the total recipe cost.

3 Define (30–50 words) the meaning of:

Theoretical usage (ideal usage) is the amount of inventory an enterprise sells according
to the POS system. Every time a sale is entered, the POS records the food and other
supplies needed to make the product, thereby recording the amount of inventory used.
Theoretical usage is also made up of any wasted or spilled items that are recorded and
entered into the POS or accounting software.

Actual usage.

Actual usage billing schedules. You can create billing schedules to bill actual usage fees,
such as for such as actual disk storage space that was used or building rental space that
was used. Actual usage is billed by the financial period that is associated with the usage


In probability theory and statistics, variance is the expectation of the squared deviation
of a random variable from its mean. Informally, it measures how far a set of (random)
numbers are spread out from their average value.
Variance is the difference between theoretical usage and usage.

4 List at least four outcomes that could result from calculating and preparing
incorrect food supplies.
Too much food prepared

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Too little food prepared
Preparing the wrong foods
Too much stock ordered

Activity 8
1 How often should total inventory be counted, by how many people and
Total inventory is typically counted once a week. To avoid problems with counting. It is
good practice to have the same person, or same two people count the inventory every
time. Since it is physically counted by hand and by sight, it is important the same hands
and eyes are counting it every week so the processes are consistent. It is also general
safety and anti-loss measure.

2 What is the formula to determine a correct order of food supplies?

Take the build-to amount and subtract the amount already on hand.
Build-to amount- amount on hand= order amount

3 Looking through the food inventory, a kitchen manager/ chef sees that
there are only two boxes of tomatoes on hand, but the established par level
for tomatoes is eight boxes. How many tomatoes need to be ordered?

Eight boxes tomatoes- two boxes of tomatoes=six boxes of tomatoes that need to

4 Complete the following inventory/ order cycle:

1. Customer places order

3. 2. .Order received by supplier

Order delivered to customer

Activity 9
1 What are basic inventory objectives designed to reduce?

Order quantities
Safety stocks
Excess stock
Slow moving stock

2 Describe an electronic or computerised ordering system.

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A point of sale system POS, which can remove items from the inventory when items are
scanned, place an order automatically, or print reports for a recorder.
An order guide can be created through data base software or a spreadsheet MS EXCEL,
to detail the item and unit of measure, inventory currently on hand, the build-to amount
or level, and the resulting order amount.

3 All food received from suppliers needs to be correctly checked in order to

protect the enterprise. What are some of the steps of a quality and safety
inspection process? List at least five examples.

This step can be defined as the physical action of taking possession of delivered foods in
order to inspect the products according to the kitchen’s requirements.
Tapping frozen foods to test that they are frozen hard
Rejected raw materials that haven't been quarantine or quarantine.
Rejected that if frozen raw material (meat or seafood or sauces)has become frozen and
Ensuring that products are within their best before or use-by dates

Activity 10
1 What does food processing and the flow of food mean to kitchen

Most food processing is comprised as a series of physical processes that can be broken
down into a number of basic operations. Some food processing operations might utilize
a single unit operation, but most food processing include a combination of unit
operations to achieve the total process.

2 List at least 10 examples of operational steps within a food production area.

Examples of operational steps include:

3 There are three main hazards that occur in food production processes.
Name what they are and provide at least three examples of each.

Physical : bandages, jewellery, stones

Chemical: unlabelled allergens, cleaning compounds, food additives
Biological: parasites, bacteria and their toxins, viruses

Activity 11
1 Why is it important to recognise and reward employees for work well

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Team members need to be acknowledged for their work or they could eventually decide
that they are not valued. Personnel who do not feel valued will learn very quickly to
work only to the minimum standard. Acknowledging and rewarding work motivates
team members to continue improving.

2 Why is it necessary to choose suitable equipment?

Choosing suitable equipment well ensure that kitchen can produce the necessary
volume and quality of food in peak periods. It can lead to increased operational
efficiencies and reduced energy and labor costs.

3 What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are goals which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and able to
be tracked in time.

Activity 12
1 List six ways that determine how the production sequence would be
The type of food to be prepared and served
The number and size of portions to be served
The method of service and type of presentation
Kitchen equipment
Staffing level
Quantity and quality of ingredients

2 What is time management and what are the skills needed to do this?

Time management is setting and meeting personal work priorities. The skills used are
the ability to plan, delegate, organize, direct and control.

3 Name at least six sections that form part of a food production sequence.


4 What is the objective of work flow planning?

The objective of work flow planning is to make production processes effective and
simple. Work flow plans look at simplifying tasks, eliminating unnecessary movements,
combining two operations into one where possible, or improving old methods.

Activity 13
1 What are the quality characteristics of food that is acceptable to

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The characteristics include external factors as appearance eg. Size, shape, colour, gloss,
and consistency), texture, and flavor; factors such as national standards and
internal(chemical, physical, microbial)

2 What does HACCP stand for?

Hazard analysis and critical control points

3 What are four ways in which kitchen personnel can test for quality?
Smell, sight, taste, temperature

4 List four indicators of fresh fish.

Bright, clear eyes
Pleasant, minimal odor
Shiny and metallic skin
Vibrant flesh

5 What is the goal for safely heating food and why?

For safety heating food, the goal is to take the product from cold to hot in as short a time
as possible. This minimizes time spent in the danger zone.

Activity 14
1 Describe the advantages of back and front of house personnel working
Improve efficiency.
Create more successful, less stressful working environment.
Timely resolution of emergencies.

2 Why should food plating be consistent and appropriate for the meal?

This is so the portion appears sufficient and as it is described/ presented on the menu. A
small meal can appear lost on a large plate. Not only is this inappropriate plating and
presentation, but it can also misrepresent the actual portion size to the customer.

3 List five things the food items should be evaluated for to match the menu

Presentation garnishes, plating

Overall quality and taste
Method/ technique of cooking
Accuracy of portions
Signs of freshness.

4 Make a list of seven checks a chef/ kitchen manager should make to the
food items to ensure they match recipe and menu descriptions.

1.Determine how food should be presented, and create decorative food displays.

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2.Determine production schedules and staff requirements necessary to ensure timely
delivery of services.

3.Estimate amounts and costs of required supplies, such as food and ingredients.

4.Inspect supplies, equipment, and work areas to ensure conformance to established


5.Instruct cooks and other workers in the preparation, cooking, garnishing, and
presentation of food.

6.Monitor sanitation practices to ensure that employees follow standards and


7.Order or requisition food and other supplies needed to ensure efficient operation.

Activity 15

Activity 15
1 Working to a consistent quality can be achieved through what methodical
and economical methods?

Ensuring all kitchen equipment is up to standard and ready to use—using a sharp knife
over a blunt on at all times.
The kitchen brigade working ergonomically in order to avoid fatigue, such as standing
correctly when upright for long periods of times.

2 What is the meaning of both a standard, and an organizational standard?

A standard is an agreed, reputable way of doing something, which results in personnel
performing quality tasks, producing quality products, and providing excellent service.
From a practical perspective, operational standards are those standards that are
recognized by the organization as important enough to be published and monitored for
continuous improvement.

3 What factors can affect an organisational structure? Provide at least six


Size of operation
Service methods used
Type of cuisine offered
Menu type
Technology available

4 What should suppliers be monitored for?

Suppliers can be monitored in terms of product quality, reliability, consistency,

responsiveness, environmental policies, safety, ethics and responsibility. This is in
accordance with government regulations and guidelines, and the organizational
standards expected of personnel within the enterprise.

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Activity 16
1 List three checks that can be put in place to monitor the progress of a food item
through the final stages of the production process.


2 Describe two ways to test the quality of food, and why this is necessary.

When choosing meat, press it with your finger. Fresh meat should be resilient enough to
make your fingerprint disappear.

Cut a big piece in half: if the meat is dark but has white contours, it means its shelf life
was extended with additives. Pat it dry with a paper towel — fresh meat shouldn’t leave
too much moisture and blood on the towel.

3 Why are final checks on food items so important? Provide at least six examples.
portions are evenly distributed and tastefully presented on the plate
correct garnish is served with each food item
food is served at the correct temperature
hot meals are not left unattended for a long time at hotplate
correct cutlery is selected by service personnel
each customers’ order is matched with the meals served
presentation of food items is completed in a confident and professional manner

4 The tasting process can be incorporated into formalized controls of which

there are three types. Describe (50–80 words each) the meaning of each of the
Feedback control

Feedback control is used to review operations performance through the collection of

information that is focused on end-results. Products are checked for quality and to
ensure that they meet the predetermined standards. This information is passed back
along the line to make improvements where necessary.

Feed forward control

Feed forward, sometimes written feedforward, is a term describing an element or

pathway within a control system that passes a controlling signal from a source in its
external environment to a load elsewhere in its external environment. ... In a feed-
forward system, the control variable adjustment is not error-based.
Concurrent control.

Concurrent control is a management technique used to monitor processes and

behaviours to ensure they conform to regulations and standards. The monitoring takes
place during the process or activity, often in real time, with the goal of making
adjustments to prevent errors

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Activity 17
1 Describe the purpose of a pre-service line check and why it is important.

Manager’s Duties: This will include a checklist of duties to which the manager must
perform as the restaurant opens before service begins, during the rush hour and shift
change in the middle of the day and while closing the restaurant.
Side Work Checklist: This part of the checklist includes tasks to be performed by
restaurant staff during low hours of the day or when the restaurant closes for lunch.
Kitchen Prep Work and Cleaning Checklist: These will include prep work tasks for the
kitchen staff and cleaning tasks at different times of the day to ensure excellent
customer experience.
Server’s Checklist: Like the manager’s checklist, this checklist will also include duties to
be performed before the service begins, during shift change and while closing the
Bartender’s Checklist: This will be only for restaurants that have an in-house bar and
include duties of the bartender at different times of the day.
Marketing Checklist: This checklist will not have anything to do with your long-term
marketing goals or current marketing strategies but will focus on marketing which
happens within the restaurant like, upselling dishes, information provided to the
customers regarding the restaurant, etc.

2 What are five advantages of using performance standards?

Guides the employee in their work

Supervisory tool for evaluating employee performance
Assists in allocating cost per task accurately

3 What does engaging a team member mean? What is one strategy that can

be used?

Engagement relates to a state of involvement and participation. This will allow team
members to be proactive in identifying areas for improved practices and resources
Consultation is a strategy for engagement. Asking what can be done to improve work
practices and how each person in the team can contribute can reinfore a sense of
togetherness. Team members will feel that their opinion is valued and will identify areas
of improvement more readily.

Activity 18
1 Provide examples of the four food types.

Frozen food Perishable food Semi-perishable food Non-perishable food

Green peas vegetable cake Sugar

Ice-cream Fruit bread Flour

Potato chips Meat cheese rice

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2 Using the examples you have provided, provide storage, temperature and
cover/ container requirements.

Frozen food Storage Temperature oC Cover/container

Potato chips Freezer -18°C Container

Fruit pie Freezer -18°C Container

Perishable food Storage Temperature oC Cover/container

meat Refrigerator 1°C ~4°C Containe

Seafood Refrigerator 1°C ~4°C Container

Semi-perishable food Storage Temperature oC Cover/container

Cake Refrigerator 1°C ~4°C Container

Bread Refrigerator 1°C ~4°C Container or bag

Non-perishable food Storage Temperature oC Cover/container

Canned Goods Dry room 18°C ~21°C Bag or Container

Dry Goods Dry room 18°C ~21°C Bag or Container

3 In what ways can kitchen team members maintain hygiene, cleanliness and
tidiness of the work environment?

Work area cleanliness. Workplace hygiene policies should also make provision for each
employee to clean and maintain their own workstation or work areas. The hygiene
policy could include regular cleaning of surfaces with disinfectant to reduce the risk of
bacterial contamination.

4 Describe the process of stock rotation and why it is important.

It is important to rotate stock in all areas: retail display area, warehouse, factory,
etc. The reason to rotate stock is to reduce the losses from deterioration and
obsolescence. Ideally, when a company rotates its stock the units are physically
flowing first-in, first-out (FIFO).

Summative assessment 1
Question 1
Complete the table providing information about three types of hospitality and
catering organisations.

Organisation Organisation Organisation

type: type: type:

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Comprehensive details of food Coffee shop Restaurant hotel
production processes for:
mise en place
preparing or cooking
post-cooking storage
Critical control points in food Coffee shop Restaurant hotel
production where food hazards
must be controlled
Menus and recipes for items Coffee shop Restaurant hotel
produced in performance evidence
Indicators of quality food products: Coffee shop Restaurant hotel
appearance and visual appeal
moisture content
mouth feel and eating properties
plate presentation
portion size

Question 2
What are the following food service styles? (30–50 words each)

Table d’hô te offered at a fixed price and with few if any choices.

À la carte referring to food that can be ordered as separate items, rather than part of a set

Buffet is a style of food service in which the verities of ready food dishes are displayed
according to the sequence on the table either hot or cold and Guest’s serve those foods

Question 3
How should decorations and garnishes be used to enhance a meal?

A garnish is an item or substance used as a decoration or embellishment accompanying

a prepared food dish or drink. In many cases, it may give added or contrasting flavour.
Some garnishes are selected mainly to augment the visual impact of the plate, while
others are selected specifically for the flavour they may impart. This is in contrast to a

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condiment, a prepared sauce added to another food item primarily for its flavour. A food
item which is served with garnish may be described as being garni, the French term for

Question 4
Describe the cook–serve and the cook–chill production systems.
Cook-chill is a comprehensive system of food preparation, packaging, chilling, storage
and distribution. It works by cooking food to a “just done” state, then chilling it quickly
(down to 3˚C in under 90 minutes) and storing it under tightly controlled temperature
Goods in to kitchen—refrigeration/freezing/dry store—preparation—ordered from
Otherwise, in finishing kitchen that require low capital investment and minimum
personnel, a cook-chill method of food production can be considered this is a catering
system based on normal preparation and cooking of food followed by rapid chilling and

Question 5
Complete the following food production cycle:

1.Source ingredients
↗ ↘
8.Packaged and labeled 2.Deliveryof ingredients
↑ ↓
7.Cooled 3.Mixture
↑ ↓
6.Cooked 4.cutting, rolling
↖ ↙
5.Fillings added

Summative assessment 2
Project 1
Part 1
You are required to supervise food production processes and monitor and report
on the quality of kitchen outputs for a minimum of twelve complete service
periods (shifts) including:
 development of:
- kitchen workflow schedules
- mise en place lists
- food preparation lists
 calculating and ordering food supplies

Shift Date Time Location What did you do

1 1/8/22 10:00~16:00 Abel land Bao, fried chicken, preparing
ingredient, muffin
2 5/8/22 10:00~16:00 Abel land preparing ingredient, stir-fry

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pickled cabbage, scone
3 6/8/22 10:00~16:00 Abel land Bao, chicken stock, preparing
ingredient, fried chicken
4 9/8/22 10:00~16:00 Abel land Bao, preparing ingredient,
muffin,fried chicken
5 11/8/22 10:00~16:00 Abel land Bao, fried chicken, preparing
ingredient, discuss new dish
6 12/8/22 10:00~16:00 Abel land Bao, stew beef spare ribs,
preparing ingredient, muffin
7 13/8/22 7:30~13:00 Abel land Bao, stew pork mince,
preparing ingredient discuss
and try new dish
8 13/8/22 13:30~17:00 Abel land Bao, stew pork belly, preparing
ingredient, salad dressing
9 16/8/22 7:30~13:00 Abel land Bao, beef stock, fried chicken,
preparing ingredient,
10 16/8/22 13:30~17:00 Abel land muffin, stew beef ribs, fried
chicken, discuss new dish
11 18/8/22 7:30~13:00 Abel land fried chicken, muffin, scone,
beef stock, preparing
12 18/8/22 13:30~17:00 Abel land bao, preparing ingredient, ,
chicken stock

Select four dishes that could be served in a small restaurant, each with different
service styles. Describe the dishes, their service style, list the ingredients, the
preparation and cookery methods, and include the portion yield. For each dish,
also identify the kitchen equipment that would be used to prepare and cook the
Dish/ name and Service Cookery method/
Ingredients Preparation
description style portion yield
Popcorn chicken table- Chicken, Flour Deep fryer Deep fry

shakshuka table- Backed egg with oven grilled

service sausage

beef tataki table- beef tataki with pan fry

service red onion

Raw kale Salsa table- Fruit and bowl Cold salad

service vegetables

Part 2

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Draw up a work flow chart or list for each dish. Your work flow schedule
should indicate which jobs are of highest priority and how the task should be

Shakshuka:Heat the vegetable oil in a deep skillet over medium heat. Stir in the garlic, onion,
and capsicum; cook and stir until the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5
minutes. Add the canned tomatoes, paprika and jalapenos; stir, using the back of a spoon to
break up the tomatoes. Simmer for about 25 minutes.
Crack an egg into a small bowl, then gently slip the egg into the tomato sauce. Repeat with
the remaining eggs. Cook the eggs until the whites are firm and the yolks have thickened but
are not hard, 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. If the tomato sauce gets dry, add a few tablespoons of water.
Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon, place onto a warm plate, and serve with the tomato
sauce and pita bread.

beef tataki: To prepare marinade, combine soy sauce, sake, white wine, vegetable oil,
ginger and garlic in a large bowl.
Marinate the beef fillet for 3 hours in the marinade.
Remove beef from bowl and wipe off excess sauce with paper towel.
Lightly sear surface of meat on hot grill (alternatively use frypan) and then quickly dip
into icy water.
Slice thinly and serve with dipping sauce and garnish.

Popcorn chicken: Cut chicken into bite-sized chunks and marinate or coat in buttermilk.
Combine your batter ingredients and coat each piece of chicken. Deep fry in batches
until golden and hot through the center.

Make the basting sauce: In a medium-size mixing bowl, combine rice vinegar, olive oil,
lemon juice, Dijon mustard, and garlic clove. Mix well.

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