Fey Vale

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Fey Vale •

Place magical Puffball mushrooms around the combat area, these

explode when something comes close (say 5 feet). This could lead
Map Descriptions to obscured vision or respiratory problems, and even random
spell effects going off. Use the wild magic tables!
The Feywild
Orange, red, and purple blaze across the twilight sky, a perpetual
sunset that casts a warm glow across the Feywild’s surreal landscape. Variants
The sun never seems to truly set, making it difficult to discern day Sign up to my Patreon to get access: patreon.com/afternoonmaps
from night. The passage of time is marked by more subtle changes
here, the cool ozone smell of morning dew, the scent of blooming
flowers on a warm summer’s day, or crickets singing in the tall grass
at night. Time does pass here, but not in the same way as it does in
other realms.

The Vale
The valley’s steep sides are covered with rocky outcrops and dense
foliage. Mushrooms of all sizes and shapes grow in the shadows of
the trees and between the rocks. Vines and giant brambles cover the
slopes in a tangle of impenetrable green and purple vegetation. A
dusky light filters through a haze of pollen that hangs in the warm
air. Fireflies flit from plant to plant, adding their buzz to the rustle
of wind in the trees and crickets singing in the purple grass that
lines the narrow valley floor.

Notes and Tips

• 30x45 grid map
• Split the map in two to create a steep valley encounter (bottom
section) and a more open grassland encounter (top section).
• The Feywild or any fairy realm location needs atmosphere! Make
sure to emphasize the strangeness of the landscape as well as
its beauty. It should always feel a little unsettling, no matter the
• The setting is weird, colourful, unexpected, and should always
surprise your party. Go wild with your encounters, almost any-
thing can happen here!
• The party has been given lanterns to make their way through an
overgrown part of the forest. These lanterns repel the vines that
would normally smother anything that enters the forest. Crea-
tures attack! Have the enemies try to drag party members out of
the light. If they succeed they could either be taken away for some
future rescue attempt or be restrained by vines.
• This path could lead to a village of Rabbit or Fairy Folk (new fey
races), the party encounters the village guards, maybe they attack
before the party can explain themselves. Or have the guards
already in combat with a monster or two, party to the rescue!
• Myconids (Fungus Folk) forage in the valley but the local flora
has become hostile for some reason. Have the vines attack the
party, use bludgeoning attacks, or grapple and crush them!
• The grass pollen has some kind of sleep-inducing effect or
something weirder, say temporary mutations (donkey ears, boar
snout) or hallucinations. This could work well to hinder a combat
encounter, the more the party moves the more pollen is released.
Use con saves and increase the difficulty for those characters
moving more. The enemy could have breathing masks (maybe
rabbit folk in little gas masks). Allow the party to steal the masks
during combat.

Fey Vale

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