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A. Core Competencies (KI)

Understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate factual, conceptual, basic
operational, and metacognitive knowledge in accordance with the field and
scope of work of Computer and Network Engineering at a technical, specific,
detailed, and complex level, with respect to science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities in the context of developing self-potential as part of the family,
school, world of work, national, regional, and international citizens

B. Basic Competence (KD)

3. 19Analyze the social functioning, structure of the text, and the linguistic
elements of the text of oral and written transactional interactions involving the act
of giving and requesting information related to circumstances /actions/ activities /
events without the need to mention the culprit in the scientific text, according to
the context in which it is used. (Note the linguistic element of passive voice).

C. Competency Achievement Indicators (GPA)

3.19.1 Analyzingthe social functioning, andtextual structure of oral and written
transactional interactions involving the act of giving and requesting
information related to circumstances /actions/ activities/ events without the
need to mention the culprit in the scientific text, according to the context in
which it is used.

3.19.2 Detailingthe linguistic elements of the text of oral and written transactional

interaction involving the act of giving and requesting information related to
circumstances /actions/ activities/ events without the need to mention the
culprit in the scientific text, according to the context in which they are
D. Subject Matter
 Functionssocialpassive voice.
 Structuretextpassive voice.
 Elements of passivevoice (passive form).
E. Exercise
Task 1
Read the following text. Then underline expressions of passive voice. (at least
10 sentences)
Accounting software describes a type of application software that records and
processes accounting transactions. These are done within functional modules
such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and trial balance. It
functions as an accounting information system. It may be developed in-house by
the organization using it, may be purchased from a third party, or may be a
combination of a third-party application software package with local
modifications. Being online based, accounting software may be accessed
anywhere at any time with any device which is Internet enabled. It varies greatly
in its complexity and cost.
Personal accounting software is mainly targeted towards home users, supporting
accounts payable-type transactions, managing budgets, and simple account
reconciliation, at the inexpensive end of the market.
At the low-end of the business markets, inexpensive applications software allows
most general business accounting functions to be performed. Many of the low
end products are characterized by being "single-entry" products, as opposed to
double-entry systems seen in many businesses. Some low-end systems do not
have adequate security nor audit trails.
The mid-market covers a wide range of business software that may be capable
of serving the needs of multiple national accountancy standards and allow
accounting in multiple currencies. In addition to general accounting functions, the
software may be oriented towards one or more markets, for example with
integrated modules.
These applications typically have a very long implementation period, often
greater thar six months. In many cases, these applications are simply a set of
functions which require significant integration, configuration, and customization
to even begin to resemble an accounting system.
The advantage of a high-end solution is that these systems are designed to
support individual company specific processes, as they are highly customizable
and can be tailored to exact business requirements. This usually comes at a
significant cost in terms of money and implementation time.

1. ……………………………………….
2. ……………………………………….
3. ……………………………………….
4. ……………………………………….
5. ……………………………………….
6. ……………………………………….
7. ……………………………………….
8. ……………………………………….
9. ……………………………………….
10. ……………………………………….

A. Answer

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