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A. Core Competencies (KI)

Understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate factual, conceptual, basic operational, and metacognitive knowledge in

accordance with the field and scope of work of Computer and Network Engineering at a technical, specific, detailed, and

complex level, with respect to science, technology, art, culture, and humanities in the context of developing self-potential

as part of the family, school, world of work, national, regional, and international citizens

B. Basic Competence (KD)

3. 13 Analyze the social functioning, structure of the text, and the linguistic elements of the text of oral and written

transactional interactions involving the act of giving and requesting information related to suggestions and offers,

according to the context in which they are used. (Note the linguistic element should, can)

C. Competency Achievement Indicators (GPA)

3.13.1 Finding the social functioning, and text structure of oral and written transactional interactions involving the act of

giving and requesting information related to suggestions and offers. (C3)

3.13.2 Analyzing the social functioning, and text structure of oral and written transactional interactions involving the act of

giving and requesting information related to suggestions and offers. (C4)

3.13.3 Detailing the linguistic elements of oral and written transactional interaction texts involving the act of giving and

requesting information regarding suggestions and offers.

D. Subject Matter

 Social functions suggestions and offers dialog.

 Text structure suggestions and offers dialog.

 Elements of the language of the text suggestions and offers dialogue.

A. Latihan
Task 1
In group, answer the following questions below.
1. What is the social function of personal letter?
2. What is the generic structure of personal letter?

Task 2
Read the following dialog. Then, answer the following questions based on the
Ruth  : Hi Ann! How are you?
Ann   : Hi Ruth! I am so confuse. Rico asked me to go to cinema on Saturday night
Ruth  :  That’s good! So why are you so confuse?
Ann   : In the same time, Tonny asked to go to his house to celebrate his birthday
Ruth  : Oh my God! So how? Do you choose Rico or Tonny?
Ann   : That’s why I am so confuse. Do you have any suggestion?
Ruth  : It’s easy. You have to go to Tonny’s house for celebrating his birthday and ask
Rico to postpone watching the movie. Celebrating birthday has expire but watching
movie is flexible.
Ann   : Oh Ruth, you are a genius! Thank you so much
Ruth  : I am not genius but I can think it clearly J
Taken from:

1. What is the social purpose of the dialog?
2. What is Ann ask for Ruth?
3. What is Ruth suggest to Ann?

Task 3
Fill in the blanks with the suitable modal auxiliaries.
1. I want to quit smoking. What _____ I do?
2. If you have a lot of things to get done in one week, how do you manage?
What advice_____ you give someone who is very busy?1
3. I have a bad toothache. What _____ I do?
4. If I were you, I____ go to the dentist.
5. You'd _____ brush your teeth regularly.
6. You _____ to avoid eating sweets.
7. If you take my advice, you _____ go to the dentist.
8. _____ we start the meeting now?
9. Person A : _____ I get you something to drink?
Person B: Yes, that _____ be nice. Thank you.
10. Person A : _____ offer you some tea?
Person B: I _____ love to. Thank you.

B. Answer

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