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CASE DIGEST prerogative in assuming to take cognizance

of the protest filed by the respondent Pedro

Ynsua against the election of the herein
petitioner Jose A. Angara, and that the
GR NO. L-45081 resolution of the National Assembly of
December 3, 1935 can not in any manner
FACTS toll the time for filing protests against the
Ynsua, a candidate vying for the Angara’s elections, returns and qualifications of
position filed his election protest before the members of the National Assembly, nor
Electoral Commission. Angara sought to prevent the filing of a protest within such
prohibit the Electoral Commission from time as the rules of the Electoral
taking further cognizance of the Ynsua’s Commission might prescribe.
motion. In view of the conclusion reached by us
Angara argues, “the constitution excludes relative to the character of the Electoral
from the Commission’s jurisdiction the Commission as a constitutional creation and
power to regulate the proceedings of such as to the scope and extent of its authority
election contests. Moreover, the under the facts of the present controversy,
Commission can regulate the proceedings of we deem it unnecessary to determine
election protests only if the National whether the Electoral Commission is an
Assembly has not availed of its primary inferior tribunal, corporation, board or
power to regulate such proceedings. person within the purview of sections 226
and 516 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Does the Electoral Commission have the
power to promulgate rules notwithstanding CALTEX V PALOMAR
the resolution of the National Assembly? GR NO. L-19650
Ruling FACTS:
Yes. Caltex conceived a promotional scheme
The purpose of the creation of the Electoral which will increase its patronage for oil
Commission was to transfer in its totality all products called “Caltex Hooded Pump
the powers previously exercised by the Contest.” The contest calls for participants
Legislature in matters pertaining to to estimate the number of liters a hooded gas
contested elections of its members, to an pump at each Caltex station will dispense
independent and impartial tribunal. during a specified period. To participate,
entry forms are only needed which can be
The petition for a writ of prohibition against made available upon request at each Caltex
the Electoral Commission is hereby denied, station. No fee is required to be paid nor
with costs against the petitioner. So ordered. purchase has to be made prior to
We hold, therefore, that the Electoral participating. Foreseeing the extensive use
Commission was acting within the of mails to publicize the promotional
legitimate exercise of its constitutional scheme, Caltex made representations with
the postal authorities to secure advanced using the definitions of lottery and gift
clearance for mailing. Caltex, through its enterprise which both has the requisites of
counsel, posited that the contest does not prize, chance and consideration, the promo
violate anti-lottery provisions of the Postal contest does not clearly violate the Postal
Law. The Postmaster General Palomar Law because of lack of consideration.
declined the grant of the requested
clearance. Caltex sought a reconsideration.
Palomar maintained that if the contest was City of Baguio v. Marcos G.R. No. L-
pursued, a fraud order will be issued against 26100. February 28, 1969
Caltex. Thus, this case at bar.
Facts: In April 12, 1912, the director of
ISSUES: lands in the CFI of Baguio INSTITUTED
the reopening of cadastral proceedings. In
1. Whether or not the petition states a
November 13, 1922, a decision was
sufficient cause of action for declaratory
RENDERED. The land involved was the
Baguio Townsite which was declared public
2. Whether or not the proposed contest land. In July 25, 1961, Belong Lutes
violates the Postal Law petitioned to reopen the civil case on the
following grounds: 1) he and his
predecessors have been in continuous
The Court held that the petition states a possession and cultivation of the land since
sufficient cause of action for declaratory Spanish times; 2) his predecessors were
relief since it qualifies for the 4 requisites on illiterate Igorots, thus, were not able to file
invoking declaratory relief available to any their claim. On the contrary, F. Joaquin Sr.,
person whose rights are affected by a statute F. Joaquin Jr., and Teresita Buchholz
to determine any question of construction or opposed Lutes’ reopening on the following
validity. To the petitioner, the construction grounds: 1) the reopening was filed outside
hampers or disturbs its freedom to enhance the 40-year period provided in RA 931; 2)
its business while to the respondent, the petition to reopen the case was not
suppression of the petitioner’s proposed published; and 3) as lessees of the land, they
contest believed to transgress the law he has have standing on the issue.
sworn to uphold and enforce is an
Issue: Whether or not the reopening of the
unavoidable duty.
peririon was filed outside the 40-year period
Likewise, using the rules of Statutory provided in RA 931, which was ENACTED
Construction in discovering the meaning and on June 20, 1953
intention of the authors in a case clouded
Ruling: The Supreme Court grabted the
with doubt as to its application, it was held
reopening of cadastral proceedings
that the promotional scheme does not violate
the Postal Law in that it does not entail Ratio: The title of RA 931 was “An Act to
lottery or gift enterprise. Using the principle Authorize the Filing in Proper Court under
“noscitur a sociis’, the term under Certain Conditions, of Certain Claims of
construction shall be understood by the Title to Parcels of Land that have been
words preceding and following it. Thus, Declared Public Land, by Virtue of Judicial
Decisions RENDERED within the 40 Years ISSUE:
Next Preceding the Approval of this Act.”
Whether or not Presidential Proclamation
Section 1 of the Act reads as “ case such
No. 1017 is unconstitutional?
parcels of land, on account of their failure to
file such claims, have been, or about to be RULING:
declared land of the public domain by virtue
of judicial proceedings INSTITUTED No. PP 1017 is constitutional insofar as it
within the 40 years next preceding the constitutes a call by the President for the
approval of this act.” If the title is to be AFP to prevent or suppress lawless violence
followed, November 13, 1922 is the date whenever becomes necessary as prescribe
which should be followed, hence, would under Section 18, Article VII of the
Constitution. However, the SC ruled that
allow the reopening of the case. If Section 1
under Section 17, Article XII of the
is to be followed, the date of the institution
of reopening of the case which was April 12, Constitution, the President, in the absence of
1912, the petition would be invalid. legislative legislation, cannot take over
privately-owned public utility and private
StatCon maxim: The title is an indispensable business affected with public interest.
part of a statute, and what may inadequately Therefore, the PP No. 1017 is only partly
be omitted in the text may be supplied or unconstitutional.
remedied by its title.


G.R. Nos. 171396, 171409, 171485, 171483,
171400, 171489 & 171424 May 3, 2006 Facts:
TOPICS: Constitutional Law, PP 1017, Sec. Does the first paragraph of Section 8, Article
17, Article XII VIII of the 1987 Constitution allow more
than one (1) member of Congress to sit in
the JBC? Is the practice of having two (2)
Arroyo issued PP 1017 declaring a state of representatives from each house of Congress
national emergency and call upon AFP and with one (1) vote each sanctioned by the
the to prevent and suppress acts of terrorism Constitution?
and lawless violence in the country. Permits
In 1994, the composition of the JBC was
to hold rallies issued earlier by the local
substantially altered. Instead of having only
governments were revoked. Rallyists were
seven (7) members, an eighth (8th) member
dispersed. The police arrested petitioner
was added to the JBC as two (2)
David and Llamas without a warrant.
representatives from Congress began sitting
President Arroyo issued PP 1021 declaring
in the JBC - one from the House of
that the state of national emergency has
Representatives... and one from the Senate,
ceased to exist. Petitioners filed petitions
with each having one-half (1/2) of a vote.[7]
with the SC, impleading Arroyo,
Then, curiously, the JBC En Banc, in
questioning the legality of the proclamation.
separate meetings held in 2000 and 2001,
decided to allow the representatives from the perform the duties and functions of a
Senate and the House of Representatives one member thereof.
full vote... each.[8] At present, Senator
Francis Joseph G. Escudero and
Congressman Niel C. Tupas, Jr. The JBC cannot conduct valid proceedings
(respondents) simultaneously sit in the JBC as its composition is illegal and
as representatives of the legislature. unconstitutional
petitioner has questioned in this petition,[9] Through the Office of the Solicitor General
setting forth the following (OSG), respondents defended their position
as members of the JBC in their
Comment[13] filed on July 12, 2012.
According to them, the crux of the
I controversy is the phrase "a representative of
Article VIII, Section 8, Paragraph 1 is clear, Congress."... the House of Representatives,
definite and needs no interpretation in that without the Senate and vice-versa, is not
the JBC shall have only one representative Congress.[16] Bicameralism, as the system
from Congress. of choice by the Framers, requires that both
houses exercise their respective powers in
the performance of its mandated duty which
The framers of the Constitution clearly is to legislate.
envisioned, contemplated and decided on a
when Section 8(1), Article VIII of the
JBC composed of only seven (7) members.
Constitution speaks of "a representative...
III from Congress," it should mean one
representative each from both Houses which
Had the framers of the Constitution intended comprise the entire Congress.
that the JBC composed of the one member
from the Senate and one member from the Tracing the subject provision's history, the
House of Representatives, they could have respondents claim that when the JBC was
easily said so as they did in the other established, the Framers originally
provisions of the Constitution. envisioned a unicameral legislative body,
thereby allocating "a representative of the
IV National Assembly" to the JBC.
The composition of the JBC providing for The phrase, however, was not modified to...
three ex- fficio members is purposely aptly jive with the change to bicameralism...
designed for a balanced representation of the Court... views the petition as essentially
each of the three branches of the an action for declaratory relief under Rule
government. 63 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure...
V the petition is also for prohibition under
Rule 65 seeking to enjoin
One of the two (2) members of the JBC from
Congress has no right (not even ½ right) to
sit in the said constitutional body and
Congress from sending two (2) and leaves no room for any other
representatives with one (1) full vote each to construction.
the JBC.
It is indicative of what the members of the
Issues: Constitutional Commission had in mind, that
is, Congress may... designate only one (1)
(1) Whether or not the conditions sine qua
representative to the JBC. Had it been the
non for the exercise of the power of judicial
intention that more than one (1)
review have been met in this case; and
representative from the legislature would sit
(2) Whether or not the current practice of the in the JBC, the Framers could have, in no
JBC to perform its functions with eight (8) uncertain terms, so provided.
members, two (2) of whom are members of
erba legis non est recedendum from... the
Congress, runs counter to the letter and spirit
words of a statute there should be no
of the 1987 Constitution.
even if the Court should proceed to look into
the determinants established in the minds of the members of the
jurisprudence are attendant in this case: (1) Constitutional Commission, it is undeniable
the character of the funds or other assets from the records thereof that it was intended
involved in the... case; (2) the presence of a that the JBC be composed of seven (7)
clear case of disregard of a constitutional or members only.
statutory prohibition by the public
the Court takes the initiative to clarify that it
respondent agency or instrumentality of the
is not in a position to determine as to who
government; and (3) the lack of any other
should remain as the sole representative of
party with a more direct and specific interest
Congress in the JBC. This is a matter
in the questions being... raised.
beyond the province of the Court and is best
The allegations are substantiated by facts left to the determination of
and, therefore, deserve an evaluation from
the Court. The Court... need not elaborate on
the legal and societal ramifications of the the remedy lies in the amendment of this
issues raised. It cannot be gainsaid that the constitutional provision. The courts merely
JBC is a constitutional innovation crucial in give effect to the lawgiver's intent.
the selection of the magistrates in our
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED.
judicial system.
The current numerical composition of the
From a simple reading of the above-quoted Judicial and Bar Council IS declared
provision, it can readily be discerned that the UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Judicial and
provision is clear and unambiguous. The Bar Council is hereby enjoined to
first paragraph calls for the creation of a reconstitute itself so that only one ( 1)
JBC and places the same under the member of Congress will sit as a...
supervision of the Court. representative in its proceedings, in
accordance with Section 8( 1 ), Article VIII
the use of the singular letter "a" preceding
of the 1987 Constitution.
"representative of Congress" is unequivocal
Principles: Representatives but is mere consolidation of HB.
No. 11197 and SB No. 1630 and it did not pass
The Court considers this a constitutional three readings on separate days on the Senate thus
issue that must be passed upon, lest a violating Article VI, Sections 24 and 26(2) of the
constitutional process be plagued by Constitution, respectively.
misgivings, doubts and worse, mistrust.
Hence, a citizen has a right to bring this Whether or not RA 7716 violated the
question to the Court, clothed with legal... Constitution.
standing and at the same time, armed with
issues of transcendental importance to
society. The claim that the composition of Ruling:
No. the phrase “originate exclusively” refers to
the JBC is illegal and unconstitutional is an
the revenue bill and not to the revenue law. It is
object of concern, not just for a nominee to a sufficient that the House of Representatives
judicial post, but for all citizens who have initiated the passage of the bill whish may
the right to seek... judicial intervention for undergo extensive changes in the senate. SB. No.
rectification of legal blunders. 1630, having been certified as urgent by the
President need not meet the requirement not only
of printing but also reading the bill on separate
August 25, 1994
Arturo M. Tolentino vs. The Secretary of Finance The motions for reconsideration are denied with
and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue the finality and the temporary restraining order
previously issued is hereby lifted.
These are motions seeking reconsideration of De Guzman vs Commission on Elections Case
our decision dismissing the petitions filed in Digest De Guzman vs Commission on Elections
these cases for the declaration of GR 129118
unconstitutionality of R.A. No. 7716, 19 July 2000
otherwise known as the Expanded Value-
Added Tax Law. Now it is contended by the
Philippine Press Institute (PPI) that by Facts:
removing the exemption of the press from the
Comelec reassigned petitioners to other
VAT while maintaining those granted to
stations pursuant to Section 44 of the Voter’s
others, the law discriminates against the
registration act. The act prohibits election
press. At any rate, it is averred, “even
nondiscriminatory taxation of officers from holding office in a particular city or
constitutionally guaranteed freedom is municipality for more than 4 years. Petitioners
unconstitutional.” claim that the act violated the equal protection
clause because not all election officials were
RA 7716, otherwise known as the “Expanded covered by the prohibition. Petitioners contend
Value Added Tax”, is an act that seeks to widen that RA 8189 Section 44 is unconstitutional as it
the tax base of the existing VAT system and violates the equal protection clause enshrined in
enhance its administration by amending the the constitution; that it violates constitutional
National Internal Revenue Code. Petitioners guarantee on security of civil servants; that it
contend that in enacting Republic Act No. 7716.
Congress violated the Constitution because it did undermines the constitutional independence of
not originate exclusively from the House of comelec and comelec’s constitutional authority;
that it contravenes the basic constitutional decrees. The court ordered the respondents to
precept; that it is void for its failure to be read on publish in the official gazette all unpublished
3 separate readings Presidential Issuances which are of general force
and effect. The petitioners suggest that there
should be no distinction between laws of general
Issue: applicability and those which are not. The
Whether or Not section 44 of RA 8189 is publication means complete publication, and
unconstitutional that publication must be made in the official

No, RA 8189 Sec 44 is not unconstitutional. It has Whether or not all laws shall be published in the
not violated the equal protection clause. It is official gazette.
intended to ensure the impartiality of election
officials by preventing them from developing
familiarity with the people of their place of RULING:
assignment. Large-scale anomalies in the
registration of voters cannot be carried out The Court hereby orders respondents to publish
without the complicity of election officers, who in the Official Gazette all unpublished
are the highest representatives of Comelec in a presidential issuances which are of general
city or municipality. application, and unless so published, they shall
The petition is DISMISSED; and the have no binding force and effect.
constitutionality and validity of Section 44 of RA The court held that all statute including those of
8189 UPHELD. No pronouncement as to costs. local application shall be published as condition
for their effectivity, which shall begin 15 days
G.R. No. L-63915 after publication unless a different effectivity
date is fixed by the legislature.
December 29, 1986
The publication must be full or no publication at
Tanada v. Tuvera
all since its purpose is to inform the public of the
content of the laws. The clause “unless
otherwise provided” in Article 2 of the new Civil
Petitioners Lorenzo M. Tanada, et. al. invoked
Code meant that the publication required
due process in demanding the disclosure of a
therein was not always imperative, that the
number of Presidential Decrees which they
publication when necessary, did not have to be
claimed had not been published as required by
made in the official gazette.
Law. The government argued that while
publication was necessary as a rule, it was not so FACTS:
when it was otherwise provided, as when the On 11 March 1991, CIR Jose U. Ong issued
decrees themselves declared that they were to Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No.
become effective immediately upon approval. 15-91 classifying pawnshops as lending
The court decided on April 24, 1985 in affirming investors and therefore imposing a 5%
the necessity for publication of some of the lending investor’s tax on pawnshops. This
RMO was clarified by Revenue We rule in the negative.
Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 43-91 on While it is true that pawnshops are engaged
27 May 1991. Pursuant to these issuances, the in the business of lending money, they are not
BIR issued an Assessment Notice against considered “lending investors” for the
Lhuillier demanding payment of deficiency purpose of imposing the 5% percentage
percentage tax in the sum of P3,360,335.11 taxes.
for 1994 inclusive of interest and surcharges. Pawnshops and lending investors were, in
fact, subjected to different tax treatments
On 3 October 1997, Lhuillier filed an under the Tax
administrative protest with the Office of The petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack
the Revenue Regional Director contending, of merit. The decision of the court of appeals
inter alia, that pawnshops are different from of 20, November 2001 in CA-G.R SP
lending investors, which are subject to the 5% No.62463 is AFFIRMED.
percentage tax under the specific provision of
the Tax Code, and that RMO No. 15-91 Code.
impliedly amends the Tax Code and is Moreover, Congress never intended
therefore taxation by implication, which is pawnshops to be treated in the same way as
proscribed by law. lending investors. Both the NIRC of 1986 and
the NIRC of 1977 dealt with pawnshops and
Deputy BIR Commissioner Panganiban lending investors differently. Verily then, it
issued a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy was the intent of Congress to deal with both
against Lhuillier’s property for the subjects differently. Hence, we must likewise
enforcement and payment of the assessed interpret the statute to conform with such
percentage tax. legislative intent.

Its protest having been unacted upon, Furthermore, RMC No. 43-91 and RMO No.
Lhuillier elevated the matter to the CIR. Still, 15-91 lacked publication. RMO No. 15-91
the protest was not acted upon by the CIR. and RMC No. 43-91 were issued in
Thus, Lhuillier filed an appeal with the CTA. accordance with the power of the CIR to
make rulings and opinions in connection with
The CTA rendered a decision declaring the implementation of internal revenue laws,
RMO No. 15-91 and RMC No. 43-91 null which was bestowed by then Section 245 of
and void insofar as they classify the NIRC of 1977, as amended by E.O. No.
pawnshops as lending investors subject to 273. Such power of the CIR cannot be
5% percentage tax. controverted.
Dissatisfied, the CIR filed a petition for However, the CIR cannot, in the exercise of
review with the CA, which affirmed the CTA such power, issue administrative rulings or
decision. circulars not consistent with the law sought to
Hence, this petition. be applied. Indeed, administrative issuances
must not override, supplant or modify the
ISSUE: law, but must remain consistent with the law
Whether pawnshops are considered lending they intend to carry out. Only Congress can
investors for the purpose of imposing repeal or amend the law.
percentage tax.

G.R. No. 179579 01 February 2012 When an administrative rule is merely
Ponente: J. Sereno interpretative in nature, its applicability needs
nothing further than its bare issuance, for it gives
Topic: Statutory construction, effectivity of
no real consequence more than what the law
itself has already prescribed. When, on the other
Laws: Book VII, Chapter 2, Revised hand, the administrative rule goes beyond
Administrative Code merely providing for the means that can
facilitate or render least cumbersome the
Doctrine: Failure to follow the basic implementation of the law but substantially
requirements of hearing and publication under increases the burden of those governed, it
the Revised Administrative Code invalidates an behooves the agency to accord at least to those
agency’s regulation. directly affected a chance to be heard, and
thereafter to be duly informed, before that new
issuance is given the force and effect of law.

Petitioner Commissioner of Customs (COC)

issued CMO 27-2003 to impose tariffs on wheat Thus, without publication, the people have no
imports based on grade classification. Hypermix, means of knowing what presidential decrees
a wheat importer, filed for Declaratory Relief have actually been promulgated, much less a
with the RTC on the ground of failure to follow definite way of informing themselves of the
requirement of hearing and publication in the specific contents and texts of such decrees.
issuance of CMO 27-2003. RTC ruled in favor of
the respondent.

• On November 7, 2003, petitioner COC
Whether or not CMO No. 27-2003 is valid. issued CMO 27-2003, which for tariff purposes,
classifies wheat according to the (1) importer or
consignee; (2) country of origin; and (3) port of
Customs Memorandum Order 27-2003 is discharge. Depending on these factors, wheat
declared INVALID and OF NO FORCE AND would then be classified either as food grade or
EFFECT. It was issued without following the feed grade with a corresponding tariff of 3% and
mandate of the Revised Administrative Code on 7% respectively.
public participation, prior notice, and publication
or registration with the University of the • On December 19, 2003, the respondent,
Philippines Law Center. Petitioners violated a wheat importer, filed a Petition for Declaratory
respondent’s right to due process in the issuance Relief with the RTC of Las Pinas contending that
of CMO 27-2003 when they failed to observe the CMO 27-2003 was issued without following the
requirements under the Revised Administrative mandate of the Revised Administrative Code on
Code. public participation, prior notice, and publication
or registration with the University of the
Philippines Law Center.
• On 19 January 2004, the RTC issued a Topic: Statutory construction,
Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) effective for effectivity of statutes
twenty (20) days from notice.

• Petitioners thereafter filed a Motion to Laws: Section 6 of E.O. No. 801

Dismiss alleging that, among others, was an
internal administrative rule and not legislative in Presidential Decree (P.D.) No.
nature. 8072

• On 28 February 2005, the RTC ruled in Republic Act No. 3019, ANTI-
favor of respondent, declaring CMO 27-2003 as GRAFT AND CORRUPT
the petitioner’s failure to follow the basic
requirements of hearing and publication in the
Doctrine: Where the law is clear, plain and
issuance of the CMO.
free from ambiguity, it must be
• Petitioners appealed to the CA, raising given its literal meaning and
the same allegations in defense of CMO 27-2003. applied without any
interpretation or even
• CA dismissed the appeal, holding that construction.
the regulation affected substantial rights of
petitioners and other importers and that the
petitioners should have observed the Laws shall have only a
requirements of notice, hearing and publication. prospective effect and must not
be applied retroactively in such a
way as to apply to pending
G.R. No. 173615 (EB) disputes and cases. Lex prospicit,
non respicit (the law looks
16 Oct. 2009 forward and not backward.
Ponente: J. Peralta


Section 6 of E.O. No. 80, also known as the Revised Corporation Code, this Charter shall cease to have
Charter of PNB, treats of the effects of converting force and effect, and shall be deemed repealed. Any
the bank into a private financial and banking special privileges granted to the Bank such as the
institution. It states: authority to act as official government depositary, or
restrictions imposed upon the Bank, shall be
Section 6. Change in Ownership of the Majority of withdrawn, and the Bank shall thereafter be
the Voting Equity of the Bank. - When the ownership considered a privately organized bank subject to the
of the majority of the issued common voting shares laws and regulations generally applicable to private
passes to private investors, the stockholders shall banks. The Bank shall likewise cease to be a
cause the adoption and registration with the government-owned or controlled corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission of the subject to the coverage of service-wide agencies
appropriate Articles of Incorporation and revised by- such as the Commission on Audit and the Civil
laws within three (3) months from such transfer of Service Commission.
ownership. Upon the issuance of the certificate of
incorporation under the provisions of the
Whether E.O. No. 80 has the effect of govern acts committed by the bank’s
removing from the jurisdiction of the employees after privatization.
CSC the appeal of respondent which
was already pending before the CSC at
the time the said law converted PNB WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
into a private banking institution. January 3, 2006 Decision of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 50084, which
reversed and set aside CSC Resolution Nos.
No. PNB believes that while indeed 980716 and 983099 and ordered the remand
jurisdiction ordinarily continues until the of the case to the CSC for further
termination of the case, it advances the proceedings, is hereby AFFIRMED.
opinion that the rule does not apply where
the law provides otherwise or where the said
law intends to operate on cases pending at Facts:
the time of its enactment. The fact that
Section 6 of E.O. No. 80 states that PNB
would be removed from the coverage of the • 1992 - Cayetano Tejano was found
CSC must be taken to govern acts committed guilty of grave misconduct in
by the bank’s employees after privatization. connection with a number of
irregular and fraudulent
transactions PNB Cebu City Branch.
It is binding rule, conformably with Article 4 • February 24 and March 17, 1994 –
of the Civil Code, that, generally, laws shall Tejano and 8 others were
have only a prospective effect and must not administratively charged before the
be applied retroactively in such a way as to PNB Management Hearing
Committee. Tejano was charged
apply to pending disputes and cases. This is
guilty of gross misconduct in
expressed in the familiar legal maxim lex misappropriating funds and of gross
prospicit, non respicit (the law looks forward neglect in extending unwarranted
and not backward.) credit accommodations. The
Committee then recommended that
respondent be meted the penalty of
The rationale against retroactivity is easy to forced resignation without forfeiture
perceive: the retroactive application of a law of benefits.
usually divests rights that have already • June 21, 1995. – PNB Board of
become vested or impairs the obligations of Directors however, ruled that Tejano
must serve the penalty of forced
contract and, hence, is unconstitutional.
resignation with forfeiture of
Although the rule admits of certain well-
defined exceptions such as, for instance, • May 27, 1996 – PNB had ceased to be
where the law itself expressly provides for a government-owned and controlled
retroactivity, we find that not one of such corporation, and converted into a
exceptions that would otherwise lend private banking institution by virtue
credence to petitioner’s argument obtains in of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 80.
this case. Hence, in other words, the fact • Tejano filed before CSC and
that Section 6 of E.O. No. 80 states that dismissed the respondent’s appeal for
PNB would be removed from the being filed out of time.
coverage of the CSC must be taken to • CSC required petitioner to comment.
In its Comment, petitioner theorized
that even granting respondent’s
appeal was filed on time, the same
must, nevertheless, be dismissed on
account of the privatization of
PNB which thereby removed the
case from the jurisdiction of the
• The CSC found this argument
meritorious and, subsequently, in its
Resolution No. 98309913 dated
December 7, 1998, it denied
respondent’s reconsideration on that

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