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The same speculation was advanced by Francis

east-to-west direction characteristic, at least in the eastern

profession. In 1836 he became a surgeon in the marine

In Germany the advocat no longer forms a distinct class of

gives origin to the acrylic acid series, CnH2n-1COOH, and

Africa, and generally where few Europeans have settled,

by a middle and inner layer, pass out through the mouth of the

judge of the high court of Madras, was born of poor parents in

flowing style have entranced readers of such various types

on the south by Switzerland and on the west by the Vosges

Euphrates. In 1071 Romanus again took the field and advanced

developed a small amount of dark pigment. Within the next

charm consists in producing a common relation between multiplied

Wolsey, and on his disgrace, to Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk,

Kara-hissar Sahib, a city of Asiatic Turkey, in the vilayet

The word is derived from the Old German aha, cognate to

other; and the report of the expedition was made public by

are used to mean simply excessive in a disagreeable sense.

Language and literature.

1884 35 8 30 8 20 3

and enslaved or put to death all men who fell into their

Gustavus IV. of Sweden . . . . . . . . . . .Mar. 29, 1809

been applied to the flagship of an officer commanding a

beauty really resides, is a spiritual principle, all motion

northward. Under French administration the town has been

rule two cells are put up in ebonite or celluloid boxes

provoked the revolt of Cyprus from Persia in 500-494 B.C.

Selections from the Records of Marischal College (New

appointed him a minister in the army of the states-general,

abundant over the interior; one of them, the salmon or cloud

discovering among other things a method of working platinum.

action occurred in which Morgan, with Colonel William

less block the passage and isolate some of the peroxide.

jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction, was preserved.

first for Lostwithiel, but afterwards for Malmesbury, which

an overland trade almost exclusively confined to Mahommedan

ANAMORPHOSIS (a Gr. word, derived from ana, back,

and plashing, the which the same men may use and occupye.''

memorial bronze doors for St Bartholomew's Church, New York.

no indication of chemical combination. But the curves are

time of Amos, on which see Ency. Bib., ``Amos,'' and the

popes. ADRIAN I., pope from 772 to 705, was the son of

(3) Halogen-albumins, oxyprotein, oxyprotsulphonic

The outlet of the Nyanza, the Semliki, and the part plaved

city. West of the Prinsen Gracht lies the region called

battle. When after an action wounded men come pouring into

edge of the cap and broke away from the cap as the latter

military rifle bullets. In 1861 Henry introduced a modification

and Foucher; A. Anspach, De Alex. Magni exped. ind. (1903).

minerals in pegmatite-veins. It contains about 10% of

as a cheaper and more expeditious method of sending money,

rochet in choir. The introduction. of the biretta (q.v.)

object is more beautiful (or of a higher kind of beauty) than

A special feature of the Athenian festival was the ``Adonis

are extant and reveal their writer as an energetic man of

in three divisions) were only gradually constructed as the

expenses'' allowed to the amateur and the remuneration payable

the remnant of his troops. This check completely discouraged

Assiut. In Algeria the construction of an inter-provincial

Canada. As early as 1883-1885 there was a considerable mining

opponents he gained victories at Sepalveda and Fuente de

Geneva. As soon as the cases had been formally presented, the

British Arthur, as the pride and crown of chivalry. Before

the XIXth dynasty founded a great new temple to the south

require the aid of the microscope for their investigation.

Sobat. Donaldson Smith crossed from Berbera to the Nile by

literature and theology and on the ``voluntary'' controversy.

sodium. The word alkali supplied the symbol for potassium,

to make an actual profit for the church from the sale of the

Istria, 56 m. S.E. of Trieste by rail. Pop. (1900) 2343. It

at the south end of the city. All are built in the Doric

The theoretical interest of Amphioxus depends upon a variety of

was made by charter; if it was neither federate nor free, the

reference that might deal with difficulties as they arose,

well-known substances brass and bell-metal. These substances

of the privy council in prize appeals-- this power mutatis

All these rules are valid, inasmuch as the thicknesses and

made of durable material, have survived. Pictorial art of a

men and the enemy that he was not "afraid," and the lesson

Three other names, John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892),

are very ornamental, hardy perennials. They thrive well in

is repeated three times before the communion, and it is also

by travellers, traders, missionaries, and scholars; and,

other, the Anticlaudianus, a treatise on morals, the form

Haven. The state of Connecticut made in 1875 an appropriation

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