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FUNDAMENTAL OF REPRODUCTION vestons) Monster ‘ren HORT QUESTIONS, 5 Structure of chronic vill in first trimester and at term pregnancy [wo] 23 [> | Menstrual regulator wos | 165,527 | 463 PLACENTAL AND FETAL MEMBRANE LONG QUESTIONS. 3 [Deseribe the development of placenta and is functions aoe 25 30 SHORT QUESTIONS: © | Inter villous space a eee 9 | Functions of Placenta. no-t,aug-t0 | 0 31 32 9 | Placenta membranes Deca 26 33 © | Mention four important hormones produced in the placenta 9290 54 32 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS 0 Mention Functions of placenta es oe 0 | Adherent placenta soe 230 SHORT QUESTIONS Pt GES DURING PREGNANCY LONG QUESTIONS © | What are the physiological changes taken place during pregnancy Aer 42,58,583 {© [wnat ‘are the physiological changes during pregnancy agr7e | 42,58,583 [> What are ho varous mafemal changes during preananoy pees | 42,58,583| 38 SHORT QUESTIONS 2 | Hemodynamic changes during normal pregnancy ag i a |° | Symptoms and signs of early pregnancy. = - = = 2 Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy Publishers & Distributors Pvt Lid. J OBSTETRICS woven | 20mm | of Exam Question(s) © | Haemodynamics changes in normal pregnancy © | Hegar’s sign © | Circulatory changes during pregnancy eas 46 Ss e 4 © | Importance of recording the weight of a pregnant patient ana Bag z 7 in normal pregnancy § 2 | Menton or ardovescur changes te oes norms — a © | Menti weeks gest jention four signs of pregnaney at eight weeks — ag 2a 5 Changes in cardiac output and blood volume in normal pregnancy _ mais _| 0a (© Nuttion in pregnancy VERY SHORT QUESTIONS 1 pr 2008 60,65 |S © | Pregnancy changes in the first trimester . DIAGNOSIS IN PREGNANCY = TONG QUESTIONS © | Describe how you will proceed to diagnose pregnancy in a primigra- oar 60 g vider who comes to you with a history of ten weeks: amenorrhoea_ 1 s ‘SHORT QUESTIONS T © | Immunological pregnancy test ee sit an | Pap smear Maria 05 | Immunological test for pregnancy wond.A978 | 61,62_| Sh © | Diagnostic Amniocentesis Dost 82 a Tip 2001 © | Pregnancy tests I teceeneeoa hoe 9 ‘© | Mention four signs of 2* trimester of pregnancy aeeioot | 166 5 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS 1 © | Hegar’s sign Aug-t5 61,66 | 4058 © Quickening War03 % i FETAL SKULL AND MATERIAL PELVIS ‘SHORT QUESTIONS 2/6) eh | jynaecold pelvis (ct 65,0c8-71 325 4 | Pelvic measurements = = j © | Posterior sagittal diameter ome oe | Moulding ae | @ © | Diagonal conjugate diameter Ea Te alanaad as [ aripcon [329 s © | Capus succedaneum eee 325_| a © | Mention four longitudinal diameters of foetal skull fe Noes [78 6 © | Cephalic haematoma a | aT, © | Mention four features of gynaecoid pelvis | “Nows0 452 A © [chal spine en ee Deca Question Bank vestion(s) Montvear | D.C Dutta | Mudatar& aput succedaneum songes nal (12° Edition) Ac [5 [Factors noted during PV. Examincuse pr s noted May 78 376 [o | Factors noted during PV. Examination at term gesta yERY SHORT QUESTIONS geston det 5 | Diameters of foetal skull Vea at is Capul Aug 76,77 63 © | What is Caput succedaneum? Mention its importance Jan-14 78 376 3 | Diagonal conjugate . 7 3 Types of pelvis Auge 329 2 (ck05 325 Sis ANTENATAL CARE, P| TONG QUESTIONS » PRECONCEPTIONAL COUNSELLING AND CARE 3 What is the importance of Antenat ital care and whi - tions and advise you give to an expectant mother nn eo oa | 86 63,73. | © | Describe the schedule of Antenatal visit he importanee at eeu eam its in each trimester. Describe | 4 g5-2902 se | 70 3 | Describe in detail about Booked Antenatal Care? . | pe ‘are? Elaborate it's signi fa ee ey ‘SHORT QUESTIONS 0 Non-stress test (NST; ] Avg-14,Feb-12 (NST). noezoo4 aprag | 98/356 82 3 | Non-stress test and its importance. 25#0c12000 | 98/356 82 ‘0. Routine investigations in an antenatal case Soptst | 89 70] 0 | Immunization of pregnancy mother Nov | 98 74 9 | Antenatal detection of congenital malformations during pregnancy meres |. 287 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS © | Tetanus immunization in pregnancy Janid CS ati 7 PRENATAL GENETIC COUNSELLING AND SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS SHORT QUESTIONS 7 0 [Amniocentesis and its significance. ore fens, 2 | Diagnostic amniocentesis Nee. 10% 0 doanS38 ‘OctNow2002 | 105 438 © | Amniocentesis 9 | Pyometra sere | VERY SHORT QUESTIONS = ; i Jeni 105 438 3 | Define amniocentesis and mention its two diagnostic indicators jar | 7 Feb-10 104 9 | Chorion villous biopsy 3 z NORMAL LABOUR * LONG QUESTIONS i ing normal | © | What causes onset of labour? What afe she sven ak nes Sopo9 | 109,117 i h stage of i labour? How will you manage eee HE management of third) sapoe | 117,116 9 Define normal labor. Write the physiology | stage of labour? labour (09 lira stage rea | Ta 110 9 | Describe the Physiology of placental sag and its management Gs a 1A Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd. OBSTETRICS Question(s) Month/Year of Exam wm acase |e aers © | Bescribe the cause of onset of labour. How would you manag z of Uterine Inertia =agement in @ wos | 116 5 | Discuss physiology of 9 stage of labour, types and manageme! ied | hy primipara SHORT QUESTIONS Tp5, Sor 2008, Apez001, | 116 © | Management of third stage of labour Oct-97 ty vente 98 © | Modified biophysical profile ‘nt? 426 © | National immunization schedule in the new born puet0 © | Lower uterine segment and it's significance. an Mac09 117 © | Mechanism of normal labour x Seon |g : © | Management of Ill stage of labor (Oct 97. ad | © | Asyneltism Nov98 18 * | Meniion four steps fo prevent the perennial tear in 2 stage of Tabor IM | py ry 1s a normal delivery © | Define fst stage of labour oct/Ap-s0 | 113 108 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS | | i ] © | Mechanism of labour Feb-10 117 6 | © | Crowning 2008 129 rr : Gee NORMAL PUERPERIUM LONG QUESTIONS 7 © | Define normal puerperium, What are its abnormalities? How will you manage a case of puerperal fever? Febt | 1974000 a ‘© Describe the physiology and management of puerperium rca 7 7 © | Describe the changes which takes place in the pelvic organs during the normal puerperium ‘A60 137 me [© [Describe the changes, which takes place in the pelvic organs during T normal puerperium. How would you investigate and treat a case of 139,138, 106 which you find the LOCHIA to be offensive in smell Lee 137 SHORT QUESTIONS | 0 | Puerperium aaa a ‘a © | Suppression of lactation ae oct2000 | 142 © | Treatment of tuberculosis of female genital tract a Maiapr 05 275 2 | Sub involution of uterus ct-1985 137 | Gé \ ‘STA Publishers & vietibut™ Question Bank Questions) Month/Year of Exam Mudaliar & ‘Menon (12 ation) Dc Dutta (Eaton) a | | Sort (QUESTIONS "iy pee Valtdiead intera thee lanas At Tdiea leeraincas caul | > Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, ‘Aug 64 0 Hyperemesisgravidarum a ae ae | bec-85, o2t7, | 9 Investigations and management of Hyperemesis gravidarum Oct-2000 | 149 136 HAEMORRHAGE IN EARLY PREGNANCY [ONG QUESTIONS 9. What are the causes for tubal pregnancy? How wil s ? you diagnose tubal He coe ‘upture? How will you manage a case of ruptured tubal pregnancy? | A | 168,-169, 147 > What are the symptoms, signs and how do you manage a case of | E Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy? = eee web ee 9 How would you diagnose vesicular male? Discuss the management and complications of vesicular mole itt ago ae 9 Describe the clinical features, complications and treatment of vesicu- ‘Apr-63,65,77 lar mole (or) Molar pregnancy 00470,7476 a ee Describe the etiology, diagnosis and management of septic abortion an 156 142 ° Define septic abortion. Describe the signs, symptoms, complications : - and modem treatment of septic abortion NEE ISAS Palins B42 ° What are the complications of a septic abortion? How would you treat peste | 57488, [gy any one serious complications 1s9_| ° Describe the signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Ectopic oer, a0 147 Pregnancy Aer |> Describe the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of tubercular preg- ser | 168,169 | 150,151 nancy What is ‘Medical Termination of Pregnancy’ Discuss the methods of] o., | 164,165 | 461 | Lermination in the 1st and 2nd trimister of pregnancy _ = ~ ° Discuss the various methods of ‘terminating pregnancy in the first t- hess 4 | 164,165 462 ister. Discuss the relating advantages 7 ue © Deagibaas 7 Aspiration’ for MTP in the first tr- "¢ techniques of ‘Vaccum Aspit L | mister. Discuss the complications and methods of prevention of com-| __Apr-8t eee ee Dcations ; 2. Discuss the cinical features and management of Tubal pregancy en ee > | What are the ‘causes of recurrent abortions ? How will you investigate | s...>e93 | 159,160 144, Such a case 9 ith abdominal A primigravid norrhoea presents wil a with 2 months amer Me Out- | MariApr-2003- 173 Fain and bleeding per vaginum. Discuss the differential diagnosis, tine the treatment of ectopic pregnancy G7 'shers & Distributors Pvt Utd CO Skate Fe er Bir kag OBSTETRICS | oc wonthYear | O.CDutta | May on | ol uostion(s) Ly paired ial bleed 5 A primigravida with 3 months amenormhoea presents wt vaeeitine the | 18"Ap-2002 154 ing and abdominal pain, Discuss the differential diagnos management of threatened abortion 159, 182- iN yOU | 29° oct 98 | > | What are the causes of vaginal bleeding in fret iimestet ? How will you) 2enoct@8, | 184 463 diagnose and treat a case of Hydatidiform mole ma 1e0n1ge! 5 Discuss the diagnosis and management of molar pregnancy 7 2 . > [Mention the diagnosis, complicabone end management Of 4 0° Now 83 207 severe pregnancy induced hypertension Oct-2004 168,169 3 | Discuss the clncal features and management of Tubal pregnancy ie ‘SHORT QUESTIONS Mar/Apr-05 160 (© | Hysterosalpingogram a 7vants | 1 © | Management of septic abortion Eis 1a iyt6 166 © | Methods of 2nd trimester MTP ay Sy 7g 15, Feb-10 MadAp08, Me ‘p05, Sop- 2003, OctNov- 2002, 2000 | 155 1 © | Missed abortion pel | aol waait | ‘Apr-991, Oct | | 71,66, © | Diagnosis of cervical incompetence Jan-14 161 1a 2 | Diagnosis of vesicular mole ‘Aug-13 183 158. ‘0 | Causes of recurrent abortions. Feb-13 159-160 144 O | Medical management of ectopic pregnancy. Feb-13. 173 14 | © | Secondary abdominal pregnancy. Aug-10 177 © | Medical Methods of Abortions sertas | 165,166 | 468 © | Causes of Recurrent abortion sepioctar | 159-160 | M4 © | Management of Ectopic pregnancy sepiocta? | 173 147 © | incompetent OS. area fo © | Acute Ectopic nan ute pic pregnancy May-07 171 °° |MTP, May.07 164 | O | Recurrent abortion ‘Aug-80 159 m4 © | Complications of septic abortion T | apese 157 ig © | Medical Termination of Pregnancy ; [wer 164 £ © | MTP Act and its causes ; Oct-81 164 aes © | Methods of termination of a second timister pregnancy 4 © | Follow-up of vesicular mole a ace) A as Oct 2004 184 Z srvical incompetence | oaaent age = 2 © | Follow-up of Molar pregnancy 4, Nov-90 $ (0ck2004 184 4 G8 ore ‘SIA Publishers & pistibue™ Question Bank Madaliar & Question(s) MonthiYear | D.C Dutta "een oféxam | greaton | were”, Placenta Succenturate Sept 204 33 > Uniovular twins ont 189) | [> (conjoined twins “RagNow 80 198) 214 > Complications of twin pregnancy peer PS od 23 | 2 Complications of twins Came aeiel aedass 213 > Causes and Investigations of hydramnios ‘pr2008 | 200,201 28 9. Hydrammios — Causes and Treatment Sepemy” | 200,201 | 28,182 > intrapartum management of twins TeAer2o2 | 198 2. Complications of Grand Multi in labor 23 Apr 2001, 192 2 Over-distended uterus-causes & investigations wer agr2000 | _192 © Delivery of second of the twins 29" Oct-99 197 2 Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy Nov-96, Oct-05 191, 215 2 Oliohydromnia A996 203 neh © Management of delivery of second of the twin. ‘Apr 96 196 2 Mention four complications of Grand Mult Aan 1991 192 ° Mention four complications associated with multiple pregnancy Ap-90 194,195 213 | VERY SHORT QUESTIONS . Maternal complications of hydramnios Aug-13| 192 Causes of polyhydramnios. Feb13 | 200 ot [Svesa Previa Ate ‘ 206 30 5 Oligohydramnios. Feb-11,Sp08 | 203 28 i Placenta succenturiata, ug 10 204 33 ey Conelcatons ‘of twin pregnancy Marth 08 192 213 : nioined Twins Sepiocko7 | __198 er ity ‘lahore & istibutors Pet Lid G1 OBSTEMRIVS MonthYear | D.c Dut uence) een | wel = on HYPERTENSIVE DISORDER IN PREGNANCY Sty LONG QUESTIONS cS > [What is eclampsia? What are the investigations you would send for] 217,219 her? Management of an eclamptic patient Mj 75, tic patie . 220 176 | > | Classify hypertensive disorders of pregnancy? What is the pathophysi- ology of pre-eclampsia. How will you manage a case of primi gravida| Aus2_ | 207, 209 | iggy 0) with 33 weeks of pregnancy with severe pre-eclampsia? os 9 | Define pre eclampsia. What is HELLP syndrome? How will you man-| Aug-tt, Sep! | 207, 209, age a case of Eclampsia Oct07 169, 175 | P 220 7 © | What are the causes of swelling of feet during pregnancy? How will | 212, 21421 7 you investigate and manage a case of pregnancy induced hyperten-| Apr-04 “i sion presenting with 34 weeks. — 2 Describe the management of a patient who shows albuminuria about Aug-60 217 the 30" week of pregnancy [L_ ot61 © | What are the complications of pre-eclamptic toxemia? Discuss the | differential diagnosis and treatment (ae! 2h i © | Describe the significance of Hypertension complicating pregnancy. Describe the management of pre-eclamptic toxemia at 34th week | Oct68 207 pregnancy in Primigravida i © How would you investigate and treat severe pre-eclamptic toxemia in | | : Aug-65 207 primigravida in the 34” week of pregnancy i © What are the causes of PEH? Describe the symptoms, signs and t ont70 207 168 complications of this condition | 1 © Discuss the complications and management of acase ofEclampsia_| Oct75 | 217,220 | 176 (© | How would you treat Eclampsia? What are is complications andhow | 35.7 | 299, 917 | 495 would you manage the pregnancy ‘© | Diagnosis and management of P.LH. in a young prim | Apese | 214 474 SHORT QUESTIONS (© | Define preeclampsia and mention two risk factors for it. [verte | 207). 16 Obstetric management of antepartum eclampsia Janta | 247 175, © | HELLP syndrome. ‘Aug-13,Sep-09 | 207 179 ‘© | Management of severe pre eclampsia | Feb-10 207 6 | © | Classification of Hypertensive disorders of Pregnancy and manage- ‘Sep-08 207 | 4 __ment of a case of Severe Preeclampsia. _—— 2 _ Indications for termination of pregnancy in Pre-eclamsia Sept 216 Bu © | Obstetric management of eclampsia pe 2004 220 ne 0 _ Investigations in a case of severe pre-eclampsia ‘Sopt2003. | 213 15 (0 | Differential diagnosis of convulsions in pregnancy ‘Sept-2003 218 a6, © | Investigations in pregnancy induced hypertension Maripr2003 | 207 | P 0 76 © | Control of convulsions in eclampsia oe ay | 2 218 ae © Rollover test | ane aae {Ae iB 0 G12 © | Use of Anti-hypertensives in Obstetrics 12° Oct-200' 214 5 “SIA Papiishers & pisributo® Question Bank Mudaliar & Questions) Montnrvear | 0.c outa | enon of Exam @reanon | uz Eaton) plications of pregnancy induced hypertension ations in a case of 28° Apr 2000 207 ions in a case o = Pregnanc, 7 ' induced hyperten: 2 O98 2 15 pathophysiology of pregnancy induced meee a ypertension Wie 207 \2~Cenirol of eclamptic convulsions 2 A 8 218 176 atons of pregnancy induced hypertension wows | 207 7 wention four stages of an eclamptic fx "pet 223 175 [5 inacations for termination of pregnancy in pro> eclamptic toxsomia Novo 207 7 Signs & Symptoms of placenta pravia ae 228 5 Mention four causes of hypertension during pregnancy ‘Apr-90 207 + Describe an eclamptic fit Dees 223 175 > causes of hypertension during pregnancy May 88 207 9_ Fetal prognosis in pregnancy induced hypertension ones | 213 5 complications of Ectampsia cater o eee 176 Investigations in pre-eclampsia MatApe 05 213 173 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS > Eclampsia management Tani Sia tecere Proteinuria in pregnancy. Apt | 207-209 9 Pritchard regimen in ectampsia. ee 176 Apo 9_ Antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy. Sepos | 2i4 9 Protenuria in pregnancy Macs | 207-209 | [> HELP Syndrome Sep08 207 *| +179 | Treatment of eclamptic convulsions ‘Apr2008 Bien Ere 2. Imminent Eclampsia 23" Apr 2001 218 175 9 |Eclamptic fit May 2006 223 175 2 Fundoscopy in Pre-eclampsia Maripr05 173 te ANTE Saar PARTUM HAEMORRI oy Antey jou QUESTIONS [> Enumerate causes of vaginal bleeding in third wimester of pregnancy. > 3 | How will you diagnose a case? What are the causes of antepartum haemorrhage (APH)? Discuss the | siffrential diagnosis. Outline the management of APH presenting at| _Febs 228 | 181, 183 | 32 weeks of pregnancy = J Whatis antepartum hemorthage? Write aetiology, cliicalfeatures and), out oases | Management of placenta praevia Describe the diagnosis and management of Abrupto-placenta, Define | Oa@B > 181, 182 | Partum haemorrhage ae Nant. - Describe iptoms, diagnosis and complications | Mavs7, ental reandieee re Giony the nisnagement ofa pation wii | apn haa Ga eo Sccidental haemorrhage Ago Describe the diagnosis and management of Abruptio placenta, Define] Ox, [4 04 Te Partum haemorrhage Noe —C— ry "“tlshers a Dietibutore Prt ide oe G13 OBSTETRICS MontnrYear | 0.c Dutta Questions) of Exam | (caer ©] Define Antepartum haemormhage. Briefly describe the D.D. of con) 7, sg cealed accidental haemorrhage 1B 9 | Describe the signs, symptoms, management of Type-II placenta prae-| 7) 74 ae Via and mention the causes of placenta praevia | 183 2 Describe the etiology, diagnosis and management of a case of pla- T ame centa praevia - 2 | What are the causes of antepartum haemorrhage ? How will you clini- | cally differentiate them? Describe the management of placenta previa | Ap.2004 228 18, diagnosed at 34 weeks. 1 > Agravida 2, para 1 at 34 weeks of pregnancy presents with bleeding ] per vaginum. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of | Apr-2004 228 the case | 2 Define Ante Partum Haemorrhage. Mention the causes and discuss | Gunso | 228 : the diagnosis and management of Abruptio Placentae be © What are the causes of Antepartum hemorrhage ? How will you diag-| 55s. 4.2999 oa a nose and treat a case of placenta praevia-15 | , 2 Define Antepartum hemorrhage. How will you differentiage placenta praevia and abruptio placenta ? Outline the treatment of placenta at 28" Apr-2000 228 181 term in labor | © | What are the causes of antepartum haemorrhage ? How will youman-| oes ou03 | 228 ae age a case of placenta praevia diagnosed at 30 - weeks © Discuss the diagnosis and management of accidental hemorrhage Novos | 237,403 | 183 © | Discuss the signs, symptoms and management of Accidental haem-| gs, | 237, 403 orrhage Discuss the diagnosis and management of placenta praevia Dec-88 228 183 How will you manage a G4, P3, and L3 ? Who had been admitted with | 55 = | the Ante partum hemorrhage ‘© How will you evaluate an infertile couple ? Marihpr05 ‘SHORT QUESTIONS © | Expectant management in a case of Placenta praevia. Aug-14 228 | 183 © | Classification of abruptio placentae. [Feet 237 183 O° Management of placenta praevia Feb-10 23 28 [o Diagnosis & management of abruption placenta Sep09 | 240,241 | 183 ‘Sep/Oct-07, 12 © Couvelaire uterus ct-2001, Nov | 238 be 93, Oct-65, — © | Major degree placenta praevia May-07 228 188 © | Placenta aaorrota [ner [237 © | Signs & symptoms of placenta praevia le aden 228 183 (0. Treatment of Placental praevia ‘Sept-2008 228 183 ‘© | Antenatal management of a patient with cardiac disease Sept 2008 260 © | Investigations in Antepartum hemorrhage 18" Apr 2002 228 182 © | indications for caesarian section in abrutpio placenta 1oazo1 | 237 (© | Shock in accidental hemorrhage mre | 237,403. | 38 (© | Mention four complications of accidental hemorrhage [__septt99t [23 403 G14 ‘STA Publishers & Distibuo™ Questions) ‘Month/Year | vase = - Sept1991 243 | Complications of abruptio placenta J Clinical features of placenta pravia a = “o_Medical management of atonic Post partum hemorrhage Jan-87 389 9 Complications of antepartum haemorrhage MariApr-05 232 185 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS > Complications of abruptio placentae zzz, 237 > Placentography an-16 231 > Couvelaire Uterus ogett 238 185 > Placental abnormalities Feb-10 233 2. Causes of APH (Ante Partum Haemorhage) | waos | 228 181 9_ Management of concealed accidental haemorrhage Sepos | 237,403 | 182 9 Convelaire uterus Mathers | 238 | 105 |9_Macafae's Regime in placenta praevia MariApr-08 191 2 Causes of antepartum haemorrhage Sepe2ong [228 181 2 | Cowvelaire uterus | LONG QUESTIONS, ° Define anaemia in pregnancy. What are the complications of anae- ] ] mis in Pregnancy? Write the prophylactic treatment of anaemia in 245, 248, pregnancy and how will you manage a pregnancy patient of anemia| /@*18 249, 251 | 162 165 in labour? ait ° Discuss the management of heart disease complications pregnancy | Oct-70 257 | 230 © How would you investigate and treat a case of Anaemia complicating “Oa aie oe pregnancy oS ° What are the causes of Anaemia ‘complicating pregnancy? What are the investigations that you would like to do and mention the treatment | Maré7, 246 163 'n a patient who is 32 weeks of pregnancy and what are the causes of | 0217177 adema : | ° Discuss the etiology, diagnosis and management of Anaemia compli- ue maa zag 1% cating pregnancy i ° Give the etiology, signs, symptoms and treatment of pyelitis in preg. | ae nancy ° Write the clinical features, investigations and treatment of anemia com- sons | 247,248, 5 ~Hicating pregnancy = ° "What are the causes of glycosuria in pregnancy. Discuss the manage- roca | 262 | (251, 252 Ment of a case of Diabetes complicating pregnancy year -old Gravida he- OA. ida - II complains of Breathlessness with (he alin) content of 36% Discuss diagnosis end management of tis 2xtAwzon | 245 case will you [> [What are the causes of dyspnoea during pregnancy ? How ; = weeks | 25" Oct-2000 investigate and treat a case of severe anemia presenting at 30 Sf pregnar G15 ih wor | Sy > What are the causes of oedema during pregnancy? How will younan-| 449 260 = age a case of Rheumatic heart disease during pregnancy and labour 5 eee the management of Anemia complicating pregnancy in a mul- [Nove | 2a a > Write the diagnosis, complications and management of Anemia com-| yaa, | 247, 248, hed plicating pregnancy | Joti 166 > __ Discuss the etiology, diagnosis and management of ROP [__Aertg91 297 an 5 Heaee ve courses, treatment and complications of anemia during | —p.. a 245 a SHORT QUESTIONS oe © | Complications of laparoscopy Mariage. 05 285 © | Obstetric uses of syntocinon p86 Z| © Measures to prevent vertical transmission of HIV Jeni 283 © Parenteral iron therapy Jan-15 250 = © | Parenteral iron preparations aupi2 | 250 rT © | Management of severe Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. | __Aug-tt 7 © What are the causes of jaundice during pregnancy? [_Mer-o9 270 | sea © | Congenital Heart Disease with Pregnancy Sep-08 260 © | Gestational Diabetes MarlApr-08 262 25 Anaemia in pregnancy May-07 245 163 © | Hypolibine genamia [cee © Prevention of anaemia in pregnancy ‘Apr-2004 249 164 2 _ Intrapartum management of heart disease complicating pregnancy ‘Oct-2004 20 [2 | edema in Pregnanoy Oct 2004 207 © | Investigations in pregnancy with anaemia Sept2003 | 247,248 | 164 2 Complications in the newborn of a diabetic mother ‘MariApr-2003 264 as © | Management of labour in a rheumatic mitral stenosis patient MariApr-2003 260 © Treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnancy MariApr-2003 | 279 Q | Investigations for anemia during pregnancy 18° Apr2002 | 248, 249 | 164 i 2 Urinary tract infection in pregnancy diagnosis & treatment 418" Apr-2002 Oem 258 © | Significance of Asymptomatic bacteriuria 120ct2001 279 [2 | Coagulation failure in Obstetrics 12° Oct-2001 aan © | Intrapartum management pregnancy with rheumatic heart disease 28° Ap. 2000 260 © | Weight gain in pregnancy 29" Oct 99 245 © | Investigations of anaemia in pregnancy aren] 248, 249, | ie © | Diagnosis & management of urinary tract during pregnancy ree A06)420) Fo © | White discharge in a pregnant mother Nov-96 277 © | Acute pyelonephritis May-95 279 a Lo | Macrosomia May-95 322, 446 4 Question(s) Montvveer | o.c outa | Mucalar ® ot fam | ereaton) | meaner) tion duri 406, 410, ing pregnancy A900 ye 258 > Medical management of urinary tract infection pores | 406, 410, | | | 416 > Intrapartum management of heart disease complicating pregnancy | _ ot2004 260 + TOedema in Pregnancy aan | aT investigations of anaemia with ] | 5 pregnancy Marit 05 | 248,249 | 164 | 15 vasectomy : | [_ mangos | 496,512 | 456 > Side effects of oral contraceptive pills Nril08 503_| 451 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS [> | Parenteral Iron therapy. ‘Auget3 250 | 165 > Peripheral blood smear in anaemia of pregnancy Febt3 247 > Prevention of anaemia in pregnancy Feb-i2 77 (| 164 0 _Peripartum Cardiomyopathy SepiOct07 21 3 Screening for gestational diabetes ay 2006 262 | 253 ‘Screening for Diabetes Mellitus in pregnancy _GYNAECOLOGI ‘SHORT QUESTIONS 2. Management of retroverted gravid uterus Apes Red Degeneration (Oct 2004, Ot © | Complications of Preterm baby © | Causes of preterm labour. © | Signs of intra uterine death of fetus. 2 | Diagnosis of intrauterine death of foetus LONG QUESTIONS 3 What is meant by Post Maturity? How do you diagnose a post-mature 335 Se pregnancy and foetus? What are the dangers ee. 3 How would you manage a premature weighing five pounds at birth or) 55.279 a 2g © Discuss the causes and diagnosis of the Intra - uterine growth retarda-| 5.99 431, 485 200 tion of fetus. Briefly describe the complications 2 What are the methods of assessment of Intra - uterine growth retarda-) — jayg7 | 431, 485 200 = =] SHORT QUESTIONS. [SHORT QUESTIONS oe [as © Causes of Intra Uterine Fetal Demise ~ =~ = Jane 0 | Mar ym pregnancy snagement of post-term preg! a oa al Month/Year of Exam Question(s) ‘Oct/Nov-2002 431 si 18" Apr-2002 294 29" Oct-09 294 86 27-Apr-98 294 Be : : 5 - aN > | intrauterine death 2mous7 | 302 > [Spaiding’s signs zmoast | 303 a © | Post dated pregnancy cree 299 | © | Care of premature baby Nowso | 234 a Complications of post mature new born fe:%, 200. = > | Mention four causes of intra - uterine death of the fetus Dec 88 302 | as © Management of post dated pregnancy Eee 299 2 Neonatal complications of preterm neonate sees 265, 299 | a © Neonatal complications of small for dates baby OFM ahs © _ Signs of intra uterine death of foetus ee 302 a © Treatment of preterm labour MariApr-05 296. 196 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS | © | Etiology of preterm labour sant 294 194 2 Diagnosis of pre labor rupture of membranes Tease 297 © Complications of intrauterine fetal death | oct-2004 in newborn ‘2 | Prevention of Rhesus isoimmunization. © | Hydrops fetalis. COMPLICATED PREGNANCY ‘SHORT QUESTIONS me sai management of Rheumatic heart disease complicating]... 4 | aah ail 2 | Anti D-gamma globulin [sepet | 314 © _ Intrauterine foetal death causes & management | 29" 0ct-99 302 © | Obstetric complications of Grant multipara in labor Aor66 atoll © _ Investigations in secondary Amenorthoea Mariap 05 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS ‘© | Rh (Anti-D) immunoprophylaxis [Jentz © | Signs of scar rupture | suy-t6 | Mention two indications and two objectives of exchange naw ian CONTRACTED PELI LONG QUESTIONS © | Disouss the management of Trial labour | Define trial labour. Describe the management of frst degree of C PD. © | What is C.P.D. How will you assess it and when and in whom will you | P give “Trial of labour” Cae fe} | What are the causes of unengaged head in a primigravida in labour ? | How will you manage a case of borderline cephalopelvic disproportion | _S¢?2003 G18 — uestion ponn Question(s) | MonthiYear | 0. Dutta \UESTIONS of Exam at (12 Edition) HORT O Assessment of CPD (Cephalopenc bs 5 isproport Ginical pelvimetry Portion) an 330 306 ; Ginical assessment of cephalopeni ae ae 0 pelvic disproportion, Feb-13 330 306 [> tele re —Munroker's Mullor method ee as Z May-95 330 307 rocephalus 9 Hyd har mad pate tions of dil 9 complications of dilatation and curettage and their prevention MarlApe-05 524 | veRY SHORT QUESTIONS od pelvis 7, | 9 Contracted pelvis SeplOct-0i 324 | 309 May-07 | ABNORMAL. UTERINE ACTION TONG QUESTIONS | 9 Describe the cause of onset of labour. How would of Uterine Inertia einichninadianes ne emer | 301 9. Discuss the diagnosis and management of in coordinate ule 7 during labour AER AOU soeat 337 | 304 9 What is meant by hypontenic uterine inertia ? How would you treat ‘Aug-80 336, 337 303 ‘SHORT QUESTIONS | 9_ Band's ring and its management | Feeto 339 304 0 Contraction ring Apr-61 340 305 T 02t2008, oa ° Bandle’s ring | Nov-2002, 339 304 Oct-74 | ] |2_Cervical dystocia Aug-80 338 306 9 Diagnosis of inco ordinate uterine action Dec-8, May-68 | 337 304 9 Uterine inertia 0c-2004 336 2 Pelvic floor repair MariApr-05 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS 2 Band's ring, ae a 8 2 Constriction ring. LONG QUESTIONS ° | Give the di r terior position of the head. De-| — poyg4.54 iagnosis of right occipito pos x NM | Scribe the mechanism and mention the possible terminations of labour! “C.15, | 343,345 | 273 iN Such a case T = ic 63, ° Describe the management of a case of occipito-posterior during labour | A 343, «| «(273 o 5 position of _Desctibe the management of a case of oe Ee ae Parca stead inaaadess beciabe | the vertex. Describe the complications and management ii ‘Ape? Such a patient = SO ooo "shers & Distributors Pvt Ue OBSTETRICS sect aay B Month/Year of Exam uestion(s) |_ ——____1 "| verse pores | AL of Right Mento trans © | Discuss the etiology, diagnosis and management of Fi in labour tation (extended) ‘Apr-62; [een wee el NR © | Discuss the diagnosis and manageme! aca presentation | pyr 73.82 364 Pa a © | Describe the management of a case of breech prose’ Oct-75 2g ina primigravida arinant an it © | Mention the complications that could arise in the oe ee "bid ones 355, 357 presenting by the breech, Discuss the management 4 2, you avoid the same a © | Describe the diagnosis, complications and management of Breech P' Apr-71 351 sentation 3 T How would you conduct a breech delivery? Discuss the indications for] pprat 35 cesarean in breach presentation 3 T What are the causes of Shoulder Presentation? Discuss the manage- | ment of a case seen? wee ee (a) Early in Labour (b) Late in Labour with hand prolapse | - 3 Desorbe the course of labour and management of a case of shoulder | oa.5y 370578 presentation 3 A multigravida 36 wks. pregnant is found to have a transverse lie. D@-)—ug.79 a scribe your management of the case 1 What are the causes of Transverse lie of foetus during the last trimister | gpy.74, of pregnancy? Write briefly about its management in pregnancy and). 7g 368 labour © | Define transverse le. How wil you manage a case of hand prolapse nee aad 3 Discuss the diagnosis of Transverse lie? Discuss the management of “66 = pregnancy and labour ee 3 Give the etiology and discuss the management of prolapse of the cord in labour — 3 What are the chief varieties of contracted pelvis ? How do you diag- eaDy oes | 325, 350 3 What is C.P.D. How will you assess it and when and in whom will you give “Trial of labour’ oo 3 1 Desoribe the causes of persistent occipito-posterior presentation. Dis- _cuss the diagnosis and management of deep transverse arrest Ocr2004 | 343, 349 © | Discuss etiology, diagnosis and management of right occipito posterior OctNov-2002 presentation © | What are the causes of occipito posterior position ? How will you diag- nose and manage a case of deep transverse arrest © | What are the causes of unengaged head in a primigravida I ‘ in earl our ? How will you diagnose and treat cephalo - pelvic Heer © | Deseribe the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of 30 weeks pregnant with breech presentation nm Question(a) Month’Year | 0.C Dutta What is deep transverse arrest ? How will you manage such a case Mornros | 349 | 273 [SHORT QUESTIONS < Yan, Aug 18, 9 Deep Transverse Arrest eal tee ee ] 595 > Management of cord prolapse uly-18 374 293 5 Feb 13 Apr ] > Delivery of after coming head in breech | 004,250 | 359 | 2000, Nov-96| > How will you diagnose and manage Deep Transverse arrest? Mar09 349 273 Ao, May 5, | 0 Cord prolapse Saat 373 293 2 Neglected shoulder presentation ‘0ct-2004 371 ‘ Management of deep transverse arrest T 2008 349 273 anor 2002, | © Trial labour Aprt981 2 ee 9. Indications for caesarean in Breach presentation (QevNov-2002 357 289 79 2 Complications of obstructed labour snov ie a 26 Oct-96 49 273 2 | Management of deep transverse arrest fir ° CRT See A996 349 © Deep transverse arrest ° Apr-96 343 273 Occipito posterior presentation a el aay 9 Assisted breech 5 est polite it ‘Sept-1981 355 292 © | Mention four complications of breech presentat a cian ae wida near : ° | Mention four causes of unengaged head in a primigra ee ae ae © |Mention four steps in the mechanism of face presentation =e G2 a IA Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Lid. OBSTETRICS Month/Year of Exam > | Mention four etiok ig during labour ture of the uterus occurTin Causes of rupture of uterus © | Fetal injuries during breech delivery breech presentation = ee veseiaion 2 MAG Nt rien ot Nn CE owcse | 400 | ¢ S ida ' 2 | Causes of un-engaged head in primigravi pects =| © 400 a ° Reupture uterus aoe O | Trial scar ‘oct-2004 351 z © | Neglected shoulder presentation i VERY SHORT QUESTIONS ‘Aug-t5 362 a © | Lovset's manoeuvre T gts | 364 P © | Causes for face presentation t a augt2 | 79 2 | Diagonal conjugate | Fett | 364 © | Face to pubis delivery a © Management of after coming head in breech presentation Feb-10 | 359 233, © | Causes of unstable lie bias 22 © Causes of obstructed labour © Cord prolapse LONG QUESTIONS © | Define obstructed labour ? Discuss the causes and diagnosis of ob- | ot 379 structed labour. How can you prevent obstructed labour Joint © | What are the causes of obstructed labour? How will you diagnose and | fecsaneien acess | Maritgr.2008 379 ‘SHORT QUESTIONS | Oct-63, | Hydrocephalus g lee pate 381 2 Diagnosis of obstructed labor |= Geran =| age | h © | Shoulder dystocia mae a © | Diagnosis of anencephalus a a © | Causes of prolonged labour VERY SHORT QUESTIONS Prolonged labour Causes of obstructed labour ‘SIA Publishers & Question Bank Month/Year of Exam D.C Dutta (7 taton) ‘Mudallar & ‘Menon 385, 386, 323 | sons ag Saas pane postpartum hemorthage (PPA) Wingy 1 . 5 De i PH? How will you manage a case oy tonic Pee Samer Par 385 322,323 "what are the CaUSeS Of BPH? Homa a multiparous woman? Manage a case of atonic PPH | Fett 385 | 322, 323 5 Agfand mil delvered and presen wih ahaa (@) Discuss the causes (b) Management of Atomic PP, waror | 369, 386 | 322, 323 (o)Prevention of PPH | | prise ae ad ener | bon. 81 oct 385 322 | [> Apimgravida delivered at home 3 days ago resents with fever and | foul smeling vaginal discharge | (@) Discuss the differential diagnosis oct2004 406 | (b) Outline the management (©)_How can itbe prevented 2 | | [> cuss the etiology, diagnosis and management of pos pamtuy fermor tan ‘eonz | 385 322 » Wha are the causes of postpartum hemorhage? How wilyou manage a case of postpartum hemorthage ER 385 322 |? hatare the causes for PH. Discuss the dlagnoal and management of Atonic PP. Setst | 385,389 | 322 | > Wihat are the pre-disposing causes of tonic post partum hemor |_ thage ? Discuss the diagnosis and management one SP. 2 | 322,323 > Discuss the management of post-partum hemorthage rar a58 # | erga > Discuss the management of Vaginis’ in a thity year ord MuRaNioUs — |__ woman > Define postpartum haemormhage. What are the ‘causes ? How will you | Ma mores | 385,389 | 32; manage atonic postpartum haemorthage z SHORT QUESTIONS 2 Management of Atonic PPH (Post Partum Hemorrhage) seei-_| 38 323 | 2 Inversion of uterus, pie fant aoe 331 | ‘Aug, Mar Apr 209, 28° | > Retained placenta ppraz0no, 26° | 393 329 et98 ° ‘Atonic BPH, Sup BBRic 3 ES. 3a, | Management of postpartum Haemorthage waingros_| 309 328 a G23 OBSTETRICS Quostion(®) eam fp onesnnetdetretemeeeES Apr © | Secondary post-partum haemorrhage 3 © | Atonic postpartum haemorrhage (0ct-2004 © | Uterine inertia Sept-2003 © | Treatment of atonic Post-partum haemorhage 389 23 Apr-2001 [9 | Acute inversion of uterus 25% Oct-2000 © | Prevention of post partum hemorrhage 77 Ape 98 © | Post partum hemorrhage May95 © | Secondary PPH Apr-4 © | Traumatic PPH Nov'3 389 © | Atonic PPH | Mention four conditions that can predispose to atonic Post partumhem-| — Dee.g8 ——— Jen-87 Importance of examination of placenta after delivery Brand-Andrew method of placental expression Atonic postpartum haemorrhage ° ° a Oct-2004 ° Trichomonal vaginitis VERY SHORT QUESTIONS © | Prevention of Post partum haemorrhage © | Manual removal of placenta © | Causes of tramatic post partum haemorrhage LONG QUESTIONS How will you diagnose a case? Write management of a case of rupture | Aug-10 uterus in a 26 years old second gravid? © | What are the causes of rupture of uterus during labour. Describe the | oa-626570, clinical picture and treatment — © | Enumerate causes of vaginal bleeding in third trimester of pregnancy. ] Apr74 (© | What are the signs, symptoms of rupture of the uterus to obstructed fabour and management of the same oe ETAORT NPG ‘SHORT QUESTIONS : O | Vulvar haematoma cr tt © | Rupture of uterus Aer © | Injuries of the perineum Fa © | Complete perineal tear 2 | Cervical fibroid VERY SHORT QUESTIONS (© | Mention the causes of ruptured uterus = Aug-12 Questions) MonthvYear of Exam ABNO! Ecrovesrons RMALITIES OF PUERPERIUM | u Lr esorbe the causes, patholo 1 9 aoe thrombosis SY, diagnosis & treatment of Puerperal] oy 412 343 vhat are the causes of the pyrexia Gun 1 | ou investigate the ase and describe bron qo Perium. How would | wer | 406 | 343 y aunty BOS be briefly its management | | > What is m "petal sepsis ? Dj | ment “cuss its causes and es Apet2 406, 408 343 5 Describe the etiology & treatment of shook obstetrics | Aen 406 3 a | 5 Discuss the etiology, clinical features, ang 7 T T qi Widen en, eo «3 | What are the causes of puerperal pyrexia Hy 7 toate cave of puerperal ees ‘ow will ou investigate and| 5.3 9g | ce 343 0 | How will you investigate and manage a caso of Puerperal sepsis Jan-87 408, 409 e 343 9. Define puerperal pyrexia? How will you mane | | ia y 'age a case of puerperal s | 406 | 343 0 | Aprmigrevie deliversdl et home Sea Sal alla semana foul smelling vaginal discharge -10 | ‘SHORT QUESTIONS 2 | Causes of puerperal pyrexia ants 406 2_| Symptoms and signs of puerperal sepsis Jn-tiiant4 | 406, 407 | ° Breast abscess Dec-79 Saat 347 © Post partum urinary infection [Deore © [Clinical diagnosis of septicaemia in the new bom Septet © Cause of puerperal sepsis 2004 406 9. Investigations and treatment of puerperal sepsis 18" Apr-2002 408,409 © Puerperal distress aragss | 406 | 2 Puerperal sepsis zrocs7 407 | 415 0 Puerperal infection tases 07 343 © | Sub-involution secae 239 © Causes of fever during puerperium May3s | © (Puerperal sterilization oa i? 2 Danazot in Endometriosis EM 9 [Breastfeeding Marageos | 421 354 2 Prevention of Puerperal sepsis Sane ne es {2 Adenomyosis Seek. VERY SHORT QUESTIONS aa ; 17 | 406,407 | __ ai! ° | Symptoms and signs of puerperal sepsis = co ~ Feb 5 2 | Causes of Puerperal pyrexia. oa 9 Sep. L [Puerperal pyrexia a '\Pebsers&Diewbators PULA G25 OBSTETRICS Question(s) NEW BO! [LONG QUESTIONS Treat the common birth juries to the | Agro 451 RN INFANT. © | How would you recognize and new bon ‘SHORT QUESTIONS Janet, Jan-15 an 3 ‘Apr-66 425 © | Merits of breast feeding © | Artificial feeding of new born © | Care of the umbilical cord in the new born O | Breast feeding 26" 00498 | ae 29" Apr-99 421 | a © | Breast feeding and its advantages 34 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS T ‘ep/0c-07 419 a 3 | Immediate Care of the newborn ad ra | ay sa O | Breast feeding LONG QUESTIONS © | Discuss the causes of death of the child during the first two weeks pore afier its birth 3 Describe the classical features and management of a premature baby. Oc-64,65,75 What are the causes of prematurity ? MayS7 Aug-80_ bom infant weighing 61bs, whose g.¢g © | How will you manage a full term new mother is dead? ‘SHORT QUESTIONS. © | Etiological factors of asymmetrical growth restriction. "Aug-10 | Oct-77 ‘of Premature infant | © | Management of Pre a © Care of the pre-term baby Nov-80, q Apr-82 29” Oct-99 —_ aan pies | Mar. 05 [> what deviations from the normal may occur in the baby's motions? Discuss their significance and treatment. ones © | What are the common causes of es aaa ocsg | 313, 438 (b)_Asphyxia neonatorum TEnumerate the common birth injuries in the new Bom and state how they may be prevented 63,74 451 & Twat infections occur to the body in the neonatal period? How do you prs 455 diagnose and treat them a ‘Mudaliar & ie eb Month/Year | D.C Dutta | enon hg of Exam _ (12" Edition) |_- Jaundice of the new born baby 2004, $p2003,| ggg she | ° y 12" Oct-2001, ‘ApeT781 | > Management of asphyxia neonatorum en-5 440 | 350, 351 | I Fo ] © Caput succedaneum. | 11,Apr-2000, 78 376 Now-96, Apr-82 | ‘Oct463 Le ] 9 | Etb's paralysis Aors | 455 | Nov-80 J Oct-63. ° Icuturus neonatorum or 86 313 2 Asphyxia neonatorum Apt 438 | 350, 351 I | 2 Kemictorus Apr-b4 448 | | Oct75, ° | Foetal distress Nola: 443 ° Diarrhoea in the newborn Oot | ‘Aer 2002, ° Cephalo haematoma Saree 452 377 {2 (Tetanus neonatorum Bhs sherds 2. Itacranial injury in the newborn Now80 453 377 ° Treatment of asphyxia neonatorum Nov.80 438 350, 351 9 | Convuisions in the newbom Question(s) Apgar score a Anti-Gamma globulin Resu 1 —SSuscitations of asphylacted newbom Common congenital anamolies in the newborn Clinical signs, 5 and management 'ymptoms of the Rh. incompatibility in the new born, Month/Year of Exam, ‘Apr-2004, Ape 99, Oct-97, siy-89, Nov.90, | agg ‘90, Ap. Sep-61 Sop-61 Apr-82 Nov-80 4 | __Meconium aspiration syndrome ran ea ‘ Asphyxia Neonatorum Snes” | 438 | Respiratory Distress Syndrome 2200 a8 Birth Injuries in the newbom Sept-2003 SSiaa Treatment of foetal distress during labour Sereaboas ona > _ Diagnosis of foetal distress MariApr 2008 | aay © Birth asphyxia Maribpr2003 | 438 > _Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome terapr2002 | 44g > _ Birth injuries | 23Apr-2001 451 42 2 __APGAR score and its importance 2s" 0ce200 | 440 ©__Causes and treatment of neonatal jaundice 25" 00-2000 | 446 3 _© Management of Bith asphyxia 28 apr2000 | 438 J |_2 [Diagnosis and management of fsta distress during labour [29° oct99 443 | | Neonatal jaundice its management | 25" Octe8 448 °. Foetal distress 27” Apr-98 465 >__ Neonatal convulsions 27 Oct-97 451 iz » _Rh tsoimmunization Apr-98, Nov-96 562 2 Management of diabetic newbom Nov-96 °_ Neonatal jaundice ‘Apt-96, Dec-89 as | 2 | Efb’s palsy Aprs4 455 3 2 [Causes of neonatal jaundice Apo as | © | Rh-incompatibility Novos ao | 2 _ Birth Injuries Nov-93 451 > Respiratory distress syndrome Section 443 Mention four factors which are taken into account in Apgar Score, ‘Sept-1091 - > _ Physiological jaundice of new bon atid ae % | 9 | Anti D-Gamma globulin Nov-90, Apr-86 fo Causes of jaundice in pregnancy |_o [Mention four signs of fetal distress labour ° G.28 Signs & symptoms of intra - cranial injuries in new bom 270 443, 453 a Question Bank SS Question(s) esuscitation of an “nha asphyxiated new bom a asphyxiated ne ee RR NGW borg nosis of fet tal distress during labor s of jaundice in the newborn ei ‘Mudaliar & Month/Year | p.c dutta | "Menon ofexam | wreaion | senequony ects | «438 Dec 88 May 88 443 I essment of asphyxia neonatorum A Ae 5 [enna Dee-85 446 364 {> causation of Intracranial bith injury ane re |; “Enythroblastosis Foetalis ivan aa +> sens of foetal distress veyiow | aaa | 2083 J Assessment of foetal growth Vereros | 434 203 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS > Down's Syndrome wee | ey | Aor 0 | Cophalnern eons AuMAugtt | 452 377 > Erb's palsy Auget2 2 Apgar score. gio, 352 | > APGAR Octo feangsa &} PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS IN OBSTETRICS LONG QUESTIONS. Discuss the indications for Oxytocin drip in obstalice or88 464 2 State the indications and contra-indications of Oxytocin drip ‘AprT7 464,465 SHORT QUESTIONS 9 Labour Analgesia Janis 478 | |2_Uses of magnesium sulphate in obstetrics Feb-it 472 a ° Prostaglandins in obstetrics. Sep-09 467 410 °_Tocolytic agents to arrest pre term labour. Mar-08 471 9 Bromocryptine SepuiOct07 474 | ° Oxytocin drip Oct-66 464 410 ° Pain relief during labour MariApr-2003 478 | | Uses of oxytocies in Obstetrios i ie 2 | Uses of drugs in early pregnancy SE OES. 2 Prophylactic metharges me nee 2 \Mention 4 - indications for prophylactic methergin Sah 131 40m Jo Menon four safe antibacterial drugs that can be used during preg-) —.. 95 | | | Ney < Mention four tecotytio ‘drugs — poten . S2tety anti-bacterial agents during pregnancy os Frostagianalin in Obstetrics ooo G.29 VERY SHORT QUESTIONS Mention maternal and fetal dangers of oxytocin of Exam — fot Partogram > | Magnesium sulphate therapy Feb-13 467 © | Uses of misoprostol. Feb-12 © | Drugs used for suppression of lactation, Fe-t12 | 468 © | Contraindications for use of prophylactic ergometrine Ee. ard © | Bromocryptine ae a © | Oxytocin a Oct © _ Drugs used for labour analgesia 73 ‘Sept-20( Prophylactic ergometrine INDUCTION OF LABOUR LONG QUESTIONS 3 | Discuss the indications for induction of labour. Describe the methods of] o.t¢8 | 494, 485 inducting labour at term SHORT QUESTIONS “an-16,Aug-14, | gy © | Partograph Aug? ‘Oct-2004, | Apr 2004,12" | gay © | Partogram (Oct-2001, 29° Oct-99, Apr-81 18” Apr-2002, © | Induction of labour nov haya | 484 © | Methods of augmentation of labour Sept-2003 4 i ‘Oct-2004, 29" 5 , © _ Methods of induction of labour A, May 8 © | Mention four identifications for induction of labor Dec-88 © | Indications of amniotomy Jan-87 [VERY SHORT QUESTIONS © | Bishop's score Zi ‘Aug-13 [ © | Intrauterine contraceptive device Oral Contraceptives oO | Barrier contraceptives Question Bank ye Mudaliar & Questions) Monthvvear | p.c outta | Mudaliar otxam | eae | Menon OPERATIVE OBSTETRICS ‘QUESTIONS ONS 546, 550, bing = 551, 552 er oct 546 398 the Oana pplication of forces, indicate briefly WATE 531 366 | t=Deserbe the obstetric Toraap 3 Describe the obstetric * and what are the indications for ie use 0ct63 531 What are the indications for Caesarian sealon> wns ec SOTRTT ‘ection ? Describe the merits re 546,547 | 398 Discuss the indications for lower-segment; 1 Owapee over cassia Coane ‘cesarean section and its ad- yorsz | 547, 552 398 7 Discuss the indications for forceps delivery ? What are the conditions to T be satisfied for application of forceps 2 Discuss the complications and | _septt 531 398 the methods of preventing such complicates Discuss the indications for lower segment Cassano 1 axe its advantages over classical sention She Novs0 547 308 | > Dsouss te indications for caesarian secton, Bvghy Geuabe lower segment caesarian section operations us or! suyso | 546,547 | 398 > Discuss the indications for caesarian seclion ay88 546 | 398 ‘SHORT QUESTIONS 1 © Internal ballotment ngs | 543 2 Enisiotomy ~ indications, types and complications Jan-i7 528 | | 2 Outlet Forceps delivery. Agta 536 385 7ag-14 Feb, | MasiApr-2008, > External Cephalic version. ‘Sept-2003, 29" S41 391 Apes, 27" 2 indications and pre requisites of outlet forceps delivery Aug-12 536 385 Feb? 29" 2 Indications for caesarean section. pe 546 398 2 internal podalic version wet | 542 393 ° Episiotomy and it's significance in moder obstetrics. ‘Aug-10 528 | ‘Mar/Apr-08, Apr- ° Outiet forceps en 536 385 © (Kielanas forceps Apr66 537 386 < External version Use pcem-< © | Boction soea.oars | 526 | aes | —_— Soom ] ‘Age 2001, 25° (0c42000, 27° - |? Erisiotomy | reese oar: | 528 Ao90, Ap G31 ————— OBSTETRICS Monthivear | D.C Duta ofexam | @Eaiey vestion(s) | —___f [imine | “AUR Mr Th cea ‘Apr-2004 538 css © | Advantages and disadvantages of Vaccum delivery ‘Apr-2004 | © | Complications of Instrumental delivery ‘MarlApr-2003 536 ~S (© | Outlet forceps delivery | 1a" Apr-2002 538 © | Ventouse (Vaccum) delivery 42 Oct 2001 [56 © | Indications for outlet forceps 23" Apr-2001 | 546 ¥ © | Indications of elective Caesarian section Za hgr 2001 328 Ms © | Indications for forceps in modem obstetrics Dr gr 200 er 3 © | Indications and complications of low forceps delivery paren) 338 > © | Ventoused (Vaccum extraction) ie 33 |e © | Low forceps delivery = ren 37a | jon Technique of lower segment cesarean Rae 3 = arene 2 OctT 533 © | Indications for forceps delivery in modem obstetrics 1 ee 96 © | Classical Caesarean “ 1 |. Aor96 538 ae © | Vaccum forceps 2 95 554 © | Caesarean hysterectomy Mer =) © | Internal podalic version eri! «fares = © | Craniotomy sa O° Vaccum Extensor Apr-94 cm © | Complications of LSC’s Apr94 553 cu 2 [Incications for Lsc's Nov-83 546 | — © | Prophylactic forceps Nov-93 537 we © | Mention 4 - contra-indications for external cephalic version Sept-9t 541 BL [[o [Mention four destructive operation done on dead body 7pr1991 s (© | Mention four complications of forceps delivery ‘Apr1991 537 ES © || Indications and requisites for forceps delivery rary aL w 3 | Mention four conditions to be satisfied before application of abstetric | @ forceps 90 o| eee Of suction cup oe a et hE See s © | Lower segment caesarian section scar ae we — Jan-87 552 © | Complications of Episiotomy Oct-85 531 © | Classical Caesarean section wy © | Outlet froceps delivery Werens = © | External cephalic version Mater =o VERY SHORT QUESTIONS. eerie Ee: (© | Complications of Forceps Delivery aa LONG QUESTIONS: Madalior & Aveston) Fitay | ome | es —Texiemal Cephalic version’ oxen ecrest 391 2 avnte Weslo eae Teer eT ae —Tyrention 4 indications for episiotomy wee | 528 oa aerate 5 prerequisites of outlet forcepa — 536 385 = [pre requistoe of forcepa’ delivery ‘Sep 531 383 5 vec Deliveny Sep08 538 ‘9. Complications during caesarean section Mariipr-08 551 404 [5 episiotomy Mayo? 528 9 | Internal podalic version oazo04 542 393 2 | Indications for Eipisiotomy ‘Sop 2008 528 9 | Ventouse Ontos 538 387 2 | Prophylactic Forceps. ° Define social obstetrics. ‘What are the alms and objectives of MGH (Matemal and Child Health) Care? What are the measures that can improve the MCH care? Causes of perinatal mortally in India, [> ease oat moratyin ini reventie steps | avons | Mar.08 557 ° Wat are the causes of stil births? how do you investigate such a Gass 64 563 ? What measures do you take to prevent stil births we ‘SHORT QUESTIONS 6 ° Maternal Mortality (Oct-2001, 27 558 413 Oct-97 2 Predisposing factors for perinatal mortality an 362 420 Safe motherhood initiative, Feb-13 556 ponies tI © Causes of perinatal ‘mortality Feb-tt 562 420 ja jet 2 Causes of maternal mortality | poraooe 560 413, ° (Perinatal mortality eae — sen 419 o) 2 [Perinatal OBSTETRICS Montour | D.C Dug orig of Exam | tay Qvestion(t) ‘Apr-96 > |IMR May 95 560 > | Causes of maternal mortality opt, Dec-88 | 564 > | Define perinatal mortality - 7 tality rate in 1-90 56; | | Definition of perinatal mortality ? What is the perinatal mortality & . india? Jan-87 561 2 | Perinatal mortality rate ] 0ctes © | Cervical fibroid 7 si! VERY SHORT QUESTIONS a a 2 Baby friendly hospital ini — a © _ Mention the predisposing factors of perinatal mortality S = Jane Mention 4 causes of maternal mortality in India z a 13,0005 | 562, © | Causes of perinatal mortality, dised = © | Perinatal Mortality SEY = | Maternal mortality Manor = 2 Causes of maternal mortality er 08, aan LONG QUESTIONS © | What isthe cilerental diagnosis of mass in ight Hac fossa in @35 YESS] yas cold woman ? How will you manage ovarian tumour in this patient ? VERY SHORT QUESTIONS © | Amniotic fluid embolism Jan-t6 584 ‘SHORT QUESTIONS © Ultrasound examination in first trimester Mariapr-2003 | 601 ] © | Uses of Uttrasonogram in Obstetrics tann | Sap [ae © Indications of ultrasound in first trimester ae i © | Indications for ultrasound in late pregnancy vt Ps © | Role of ultrasound in first trimester 26" 0nt.98 601 ° in obstetrics Uttrasonogram none ms 2 | Choiron vili biopsy Now96 © | Fundoscopy in toxaemia May 95 © | Mention four uses of ultrasonography in the first timost © | Uses of eee an ultrasonography © | Indication for uitrasound in 1 trimester biatacteeeendacs atl Maxitp.05 600 G34

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