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Food :  Milk = susu
 Rice = nasi  Water = air putih
 Pizza = pizza  Chocolate = coklat
 Noodles = mie  Ice cream = es krim
 Soup = sup Adjective (Kata sifat) :
 Egg = telur  Sweet = manis
 Meatballs =bakso  Bitter = pahit
 fried fish = ikan goreng  Sour = asam
 fried chicken = ayam goreng  Yummy = enak
 fried rice = nasi goreng  Hot = panas
 cake = kue  Cold = dingin
 bread = roti  Salty = gurih
Drink :  Spicy = pedas
 Tea = teh  Delicious = enak
 Juice = Jus
 Coffee = kopi

Adjective Noun
Bitter Coffee
Hot Tea
Spicy Chicken

Useful Expression!
Expression of Like Example
They/We/I/You + like + object (noun) We like cold tea
He/She/It + likes + object (noun) He likes yummy fried rice
Expression of Dislike Example
They/We/I/You + dislike / don’t like + object They dislike spicy noodles
I don’t like spicy noodles
He/She/It + dislikes / doesn’t like + object She dislikes bitter coffee
He doesn’t like bitter coffee

Exercises :
John : What’s for dinner tonight, Mom? I’m getting hungry.
John’s Mom : I’m cooking my specialty. I will make my special hamburger steak!
John : I …………………. (1) a hamburger steak. Do you have anything for dessert?
John’s Mom : What do you think about cake?
John : No, I ……………………….(2) . Can you buy pudding?
John’s Mom : I’ll buy some.
John : Wow, great! You’re the best, mom!!
3. Dina and Rina ……………. (like/likes) Salty egg
4. She …………………..(don’t like/doesn’t like) sour juice.
5. It is ………………………. chicken. I can’t stop drink because it has too much chili.

 Clothes = Pakaian  Socks = Kaos kaki
 Uniform = Seragam  Shoes = Sepatu
 Caps = Topi  Sandals = Sandal
 Hat = Topi  Dress = Pakaian wanita, gaun
 Short = Celana pendek  Belt = Sabuk
 Shirt = Kemeja  Tie = Dasi
 T-shirt = Baju kaos  Veil = Kerudung
 Skirt = Rok  Pajamas = Baju tidur
 Trousers = Celana panjang  Gown = Gaun
 Jacket = Jaket  Raincoat = Mantel hujan

Useful Expression
Present Tense
Kalimat yang menyatakan kebiasaan atau hal umum.
Subject (subyek) Verb (kata kerja) Object
They/We/I/You Wear (memakai) Uniform
He/She/It Wears Pajamas

Present Continuous Tense

Kalimat yang menyatakan sedang melakukan sesuatu.
Subject (subyek) To be Verb (kata kerja) Object
They/We/You Are Uniform
He/She/It Is Wear(ing) (memakai) T-shirt
I Am Pajama

Exercises :
1. We ……………………………………………….. at school every day.
2. I ………………………………………………. because today is so cold.
3. We ……………………………….……………… when we sleep. 
4. blue – I – wearing – am – and – cap – short – black.
Answer : ________________________________
5. gown – party – white – long – She – and – heels – wears – gold – her – in – wedding.
Answer : _________________________________


 Monday = Senin  July = Juli
 Tuesday = Selasa  August = Agustus
 Wednesday = Rabu  September = September
 Thursday = Kamis  October = Oktober
 Friday = Jumat  November = November
 Saturday = Sabtu  December = Desember
 Sunday = Minggu  Today = Hari ini
 January = Januari  Now = Sekarang
 February = Februari  Tomorrow = Besok
 March = Maret  Yesterday = Kemarin
 April = April  Before = Sebelum
 May = Mei  After = Setelah
 June = Juni  Next = Selanjutnya


Pembacaan tanggal dan bulan di kalender dalam bahasa inggris berbeda bahasa Indonesia. Dalam bahasa
Inggris, tanggal dibaca ke- misalnya 1st January (dibaca: tanggal ke-satu bulan Januari), 2 nd July (tanggal ke-dua
bulan Juli), 3rd March (tanggal ke-tiga bulan Maret), 4 th April (tanggal ke-empat bulan April), dst.
Yang perlu diingat hanya 4 angka pertama!
1. First (1) = 1st (pertama/ke-satu memakai st)
2. Second (2) = 2nd (ke-dua memakai nd)
3. Third (3) = 3rd (ke-tiga memakai rd)
4. Fourth (4) = 4th (keempat memakai th)
Angka selanjutnya hingga 10 sama dengan angka 4 memakai th. Contoh :
5. Fifth (5th)
6. Sixth (6th)
7. Seventh (7th)
8. Eighth (8th)
9. Nineth (9th)
10. Tenth (10th)
Jika kembali ada angka satu maka memakai st lagi, begitu seterusnya, kecuali angka 11, 12,13 tetap pakai
11. Eleventh (11th)
12. Twelfth (12th)
13. Thirteenth (13th)
14. Twenty first (21) = 21st (karena kembali ada angka 1, maka pakai st lagi) dst.

Examples :
1. 21 Februari 2021 = 21st February 2021 (Twenty first, February, twenty, twenty one)
2. 30 Maret 2022 = 30th March 2022 (Thirtieth, March, twenty, twenty two)

Exercises :
1. A: Today is Friday. What day was yesterday ? 
B: Yesterday was……….. 
2. A : Today is Saturday. Is tomorrow Thursday?
B : ………………….
3. The Month before April is ............
4. The month after July is …………
5. Look at the picture beside! What date is today?
Today is ………………………..

Weather (Cuaca) : Seasons (Musim) :
 Sunny = Cerah  Rainy season = Musim hujan
 Snowy = Bersalju  Dry season = Musim kemarau
 Windy = Berangin  Autumn = Musim gugur (September to
 Wet = basah November)
 Warm = hangat  Winter = Musim dingin (December to
 Foggy = berkabut February)
 Hot = Panas  Spring = Musim semi (March to May)
 Summer = Musim panas (June to August)

1. The weather is ……………….. . The rain falls every day.
2. The flowers are blooming. It is …………………… season.
3. Characteristic of summer is …………….. and ……………..
4. Indonesia has .......... seasons. Europe has ………………….. seasons.
5. A: How many seasons are there in Germany?
B: There are …………………………

Adjective (kata sifat)
Face (wajah) Build Nose Hair
Square = kotak Slim = langsing Straight = mancung Long = panjang
Oval = oval Full figured = berisi Hooked = bengkok Short = pendek
Round = bulat Thin = kurus Flat = datar Straight = lurus
Triangular = segitiga Fat = gemuk Small = kecil Curly = keriting
Heart shape = bentuk Skinny = kurus Big = besar Black = hitam
hati Chubby = tembam Pointed = mancung Blond/blonde = coklat
Thin = kurus Large = besar
Wide = lebar
Chiseled = pahatan
Eyes Height Age General Appearence
Big = besar Tall = tinggi Young = Muda Beautiful = cantik
Small = kecil Short = pendek Teenager = remaja Handsome = ganteng
Dark = gelap Everage = rata-rata Old = tua Ugly = jelek
Bright = terang Skin Smart = pandai
Round = bulat Dark = gelap Elegant = anggun
Slit = sipit Bright = terang Cute = imut
Sharp = tajam Pale = pucat Polite = sopan
Soft = lembut Exotic = eksotis Funny = lucu
Pretty = cantik

Subject (subjek) To be / Verb (predikat) Adjective (kata sifat) Object (objek kata benda)
They/We/You are tall -
He/She/It is young -
I am beautiful -
They/We/I/You Have Long Hair
He/She/It Has Round Face

Exercises :
Mr. Gunawan is my uncle. He is a farmer in the country. He is 41 years old. He is handsome and tall. He
is 174 cm. He has sharp eyes and a pointed nose .He has curly hair. He is very strong. His arms and legs
are strong. He has dark skin. He is very diligent. He also smart and patient. He is a nice person and we
love him very much.
1. What Does Mr. Gunawan look like?__________________________________
2. How old is he? _______________________________
3. Is he nice and patient? ________________________________

4. Describe two children beside!

Answer : _____________________________________________
5. She has blonde hair, sharp eyes and a pointed nose. She is beautiful.
Translate into Bahasa!


• Whiteboard = Papan tulis putih • Map = Peta
• Blackboard = Papan tulis hitam  Clock = Jam
• Mop = Pel • Book = Buku
• Chair = Kursi • Window = Jendela
• Drawer = Laci • Door = Pintu
• Lamp = Lampu • Bookshelf = Rak buku
• Chalk = Kapur • Broom = Sapu
• Marker = Spidol • Cupboard = Lemari
• Bag = Tas • Fan = Kipas
• Computer = Komputer • Globe = Globe
• Desk = Bangku siswa

Use of things in the classroom

1. Whiteboard/blackboard = to write something in front of class
2. Chair = To sit in the class
3. Desk = To put book and stationary
4. Marker = To write in whiteboard
5. Chalk = To write in blackboard
6. Broom = To sweep the floor
7. Bookshelf = To keep books
8. Cupboard = To keep classroom’s equipment
9. Window = For air circulations
10. Fan = To refresh the classroom
11. Mop = To clean the floor
12. Bag = To bring books and stationary to school

Present Tense
Kalimat yang menyatakan kebiasaan atau hal umum.
Subject (subyek) Verb (kata kerja) Object
They/We/I/You write In the whiteboard
He/She/It writes In the whiteboard

Present Continuous Tense

Kalimat yang menyatakan sedang melakukan sesuatu.
Subject (subyek) To be Verb (kata kerja) Object
They/We/You Are
He/She/It Is writing In the whiteboard
I Am

Exercises :
1. Mrs. Catherine writes on the blackboard using ………
2. Alya ………………………… (sedang meggunakan) a mop to clean the floor
3. We ………………………….. (menyapu) the floor with ………………. (sapu)
4. Arrange the words into right sentence! (Urutkan kata menjadi kalimat yang benar!)
I – bookshelf – the – the – in – books – keep
Answer : ____________________________


Mention the name of the objects above according to the number! (sebutkan nama benda diatas sesuai
dengan nomer!)
Answer : ____________________________

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