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Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion


Name: ___________________________ Date: _________ Rating/Score_________

Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or

qualitative), data gathering instrument, sample, data
collection and analysis procedures, prepares
data gathering instrument


Directions: Identify the type of Sampling Method depicted in each picture.




Q3 Week 7 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 1 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion




Q3 Week 7 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 2 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion




Directions: Read the statement carefully and write the specific type of data collection
method on the blank provided before each item. List of choices can be found at the box

__________1. Respondents are asked to answer questions that are relevant to the research
__________2. Meteorologist watching the Doppler Radar as a storm approaches.

Q3 Week 7 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 3 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion
__________3. A Zoologist watching lions in a den after prey is introduced to determine the
swiftness of the animal’s response.
__________4. Observing a group of children playing.
__________5. Data Obtained from internet searches or libraries.
__________6. Census records or survey data that was collected in the past.
__________7. Observing a High School Classroom.
__________8. An agency wants to open a group home for developmentally disabled adults
in a quiet residential area.
__________9. Psychologist looking at mental institution records from the 1900s to
determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients at the time.
_________10. Information about schools and educational achievements.

ACTIVITY 3. Experimental Research Design and Non – Experimental Research

Design Topics and/or Research
Directions: Identify whether the given situation is an Experimental Research Design or a
Non – Experimental Research Design. Write your answer on the blank space provided
after the statement.
__________1. Investigation of the crowd effect or psychology in a particular group of
__________2. Mixing different chemical elements together to see the effect of one
__________3. A researcher is interested in the relationship between self-esteem and
school achievement could collect data on students’ self-esteem and their
GPAs to see if the two variables are statistically related
__________4. Determining the effect of adding Nitrogen gas to Hydrogen gas.
__________5. Investigations into the characteristics of different chemical elements.
__________6. Students in a class are lectured on particular courses and an exam is
administered at the end of the semester.
__________7. An investigator may be interested in the average age, sex, most common
diagnoses, and other characteristics of pediatric patients being transported
by air.
__________8. Before employing a job seeker, organizations conduct tests that are used
to screen out less qualified candidates from the pool of qualified
__________9. A researcher conducting ‘a prospective correlational study on effect of
maternal infection during pregnancy on fetal development & pregnancy
__________10. Students assigned to each teacher is carefully selected probably due to
personal request by parents or due to stubbornness and smartness.

Q3 Week 7 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 4 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or

qualitative), data gathering instrument, sample, data
collection and analysis procedures, prepares
data gathering instrument

Activity 1: Data overload!

Directions: Classify the following data collection methods whether it's quantitative or
qualitative. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
__________1. Survey
__________2. Interviews
__________3. Focus groups
__________4. Observations
__________5. Experiments
__________6. Ethnography
__________7. Literature review
__________8. Intervention
__________9. Documentary
__________10. Journal analysis

Activity 2: Key Differences

Directions: Classify the following approaches to inquiry that guide data collection and
analysis, whether quantitative or qualitative.
__________1. Focuses on control to establish cause or permit prediction
__________2. Focuses on interpreting and understanding a social construction
of meaning in a natural setting
__________3. Conducts analysis that seeks insight and metaphor
__________4. Conducts analysis that yields a significance level
__________5. Faces statistical complexity
__________6. Faces conceptual complexity
__________7. Favors fieldwork
__________8. Favors laboratory
__________9. Uses statistical scales as data
__________10. Uses text as data

Q3 Week 8 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 5 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Activity 3: What’s-the-Data?
Directions: The following terms/phrases talk about data. Classify each data, whether it is
quantitative data or qualitative data. Write QND if it is quantitative data and QLD if it is
qualitative data.
______1. Deals with descriptions
______2. Deals with numbers
______3. Data can be observed but not measured
______4. Data can be measured
______5. Color
______6. Length
______7. Texture
______8. Height
______9. Beauty
______10. Ages

Activity 4: Quantitative Data or Qualitative Data?

Directions: Given the following research titles, identify what kind of data is needed. Write
QND if it is a quantitative data and QLD if it is a qualitative data.
______1. The Impact of Education on Obesity
______2. The Impact of IT infrastructure Usage in the New Normal Education
______3. Different Teaching Strategies in the New Normal Education
______4. The Link between Micro Financial Participation and Expectations
______5. The Effect of Quarantine on the Anxiety Level
______6. The Perception of Grade 12 Technical Vocational Livelihood Home-
Economics Students towards the Disaster Risk Reduction Subject
______7. The Family as an Institution: Parental Separation and its Influence on
the Well-being of Senior High School Students
______8. Influence of Online Appearance on Businesses
______9. The Increasing Rate of Alcohol Consumption among Teenagers
______10. The Role of Teacher in the New Normal Education Setting

Q3 Week 8 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 6 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Activity 5: Parts of the Method Section

Directions: Label the parts of the method section from 1 to 5.
______ Data analysis
______ Research Setting
______ Sources of Data
______ Participants
______ Research Design

Activity 6: Analyzing Quantitative Data

Directions: Study the given data and results and answer the following questions below.
A researcher surveyed 15 students in a school whether they engage in playing
musical instruments or not. The participants were further asked if playing helps them
relieve stress and motivates them to study. They were also asked about their choice of
musical instruments. Below is the tabulation of the codes and the coded data in the
Coding Sheet

Variables Code Variables Code

Sex (S) Musical Instrument (MI)
Male 1 Guitar 1
Female 2 Piano 2
Violin 3
Flute 4
Grade Level (GL) Stress Reliever (SR)
Grade 11 1 Yes 1
Grade 12 2 No 2
Playing Musical Instrument Motivated to Study (MS)
1 Yes 1
2 No 2

Q3 Week 8 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 7 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

Grade 12 – Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion
Coded Raw Data
Participant S GL PMI MI SR MS
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 1 1
3 1 1 1 3 1 1
4 1 2 1 4 1 1
5 1 2 1 4 1 1
6 2 2 1 3 1 1
7 2 1 1 2 1 1
8 2 2 1 1 1 2
9 2 2 1 1 2 2
10 1 2 1 1 1 1
11 1 2 1 2 2 2
12 1 1 1 2 2 2
13 2 1 1 3 1 2
14 2 2 1 4 1 2
15 1 2 1 3 2 1

1. Compute for the frequency count and percentage of the following variables

Variable Code Frequency Percentage

Grade Level

Playing Musical 1
Instrument 2
Musical Instrument
Stress Reliever
Motivated to Study 1

Q3 Week 8 (Learning Activity Worksheet) Page 8 of 8

Target Competency: Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data gathering
instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares

data gathering instrument

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