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Alonzo G, was a 19 year old college student who early in his fall term,
developed an insatiable appetite, yet he did not gain any weight, His
roommate Ricardo was irritated by the fact that Alonzo was in the
bathrooms often . Alonzo complained of being thirsty all the time . He
resorted to carrying his bottle with him around campus. When Ricardo, and
his buddies wanted go out Friday evening, Alonzo was too tired, Alonzo used
to love to party and dance until the early hours of the morning. Alonzo
thought he was tired from studying too much and shrugged off his fatigue.

When Alnozo’s parents came to visit on parent’s weekend in late October,

they were shocked to see how thin he had become. Alonzo agreed to see a
doctor on Monday. The doctor took his history and tested his urine and blood
and then admitted Alonzo to the hospital with a diagnosis of Type I Diabetes

1. State a brief condition of Alonzo as a patient who is admitted to the
As stated in the study that Alonzo experienced insatiable appetite, always
thirsty, tiredness also extreme fatigue. Alonzo never consult to a doctor until
his parents were shock. When the doctor examined his urine and blood, the
hospital admitted him because the hospital found out that he has type 1
diabetes Meletus as evidenced by his laboratory and his assessment.

As a student nurse, what specific Diabetic Diet that you’ve assumed that
Alonzo will have during his admission on the hospital and for lifetime?

As for the condition of Alonzo. the hospital always recommends

Mediterranean diet as for the patient who have a type 1 diabetes mellutus

2. Can you give 5 foods that you can recommend to the patient that
would relate to the kind and specific Diabetic diet that the patient will
practice as part of his eating pattern.

The 5 foods that I recommend for type 1 diabetes mellitus patient are
those food that less of carbohydrates but high in nutrients like fish that
high in omega 3, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus food, whole grains,
and beans. These foods are high in nutrients like calcium, potassium,
fiber, magnesium and other vitamins
3. What subjective and objective assessment data that you can gather
basing on the patient’s condition?
Subjective data
I experienced being thirsty all the time, often goes to the bathroom due
to frequent urination, and always tired, fatigue and body weakness as
verbalize by the patient

Objective data: The patient experiencing body weakness and tiredness

due to high blood sugar level that can affect the ability to meet the
energy needs. Also, the patient was so emaciated/ weight loss due to
burning of fat and muscle energy, causing the reduction overall body

4. Give at least 5 intervention basing on the field of nutrition that

relate to the patient’s condition.

The Mediterranean diet plan is often recommended for people with

type 1 diabetes because it is full of nutrient-dense foods, including
lots of fresh vegetables, some fruit, plant-fats such as olive oil and
nuts, fish such as sardines, and occasional meat and dairy.

Encourage the patient to do physical activity

Consult a dietician to educate the patient the proper diet for


The nurse should monitor the carbohydrate intake of a patient

The nurse shoul monitor and maintain the blood pressure and lipid
levels of the patient

5. What other health topics does Alonzo need to learn to understand his new
diet? Who else need to be in these classes with her?
Alonzo must need to learn the important of his diet in order to know his own limits.
If you have diabetes your body cannot make or properly used of insulin. This leads
to high blood glucose. Healthy eating helps keeps your blood sugar in target range.
Controlling blood sugar can avoid complications of diabetes.
The family of the patient will also learn to understand the new diet of the patient
because only the family can monitor the patient diet in the house.
7.What other risk factors does Alonzo have and what does he need to do about

The possible risk factors of Alonzo are not adopting the new diet and also doing
unhealthy lifestyle. Alonzo should must discipline himself in order to avoid

8. What would be your suggestions and recommendation to adopt his new

diet compared on what they are used to before.
I will encourage the patient the important of having this right kind of
diet and introduce to him the benefits of having this kind of diet

9. Can you give a Short term goal and Long term goal for him that would
relate to his lifestyle pattern

10. What recommendation that you are going to recommend as a student

nurse to prevent any further complication ? and why are you suggesting that
kind of recommendation to the couple?

As a student nurse I would recommend the patient doing healthy diet

and proper exercise because eating the right kind of diet can prevent or
avoid complications to the body. Example Carbohydrates restriction
intake can prevent glucose level to increase called hyperglycemia that
can damage the vessels and increase the risk of heart disease and

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