Ib HL Math Spec 2014 p2

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Seema EEL © Ph International Baccalaureate’ — | Baccalauréat International, BY sachillerato internacional MATHEMATICS Candidate session number oe eels fol Tay ‘SPECIMEN Examination code - Gist TeL INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your session number in the boxes above. Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. Agraphic display calculator is required for this paper. Section A: _answerall questions in the boxes provided. Section B: answer all questions on the answer sheets provided. Write your session number on each answer sheet, and attach them to this examination paper and your cover sheet using the tag provided. + Atthe end of the examination, indicate the number of sheets used in the appropriate box on your cover sheet. © Unless otherwise stated in the question, all numerical answers should be given exactly or correct to three significant figures. + Aclean copy of the Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics HL formula booklet is required for this paper. + The maximum mark for this examination paper is [120 marks]. DS 1S pages © Intemational Baccalaureate Organization 2012 cr -2- SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZO/XX * E Full marks are not necessarily awarded for a correct answer with no working. Answers must be supported by working and/or explanations. In particular, solutions found from a graphic display calculator should be supported by suitable working, e.g. if graphs are used to find a solution, you should sketch these as part of your answer. Where an answer is incorrect, some marks may be given for a correct method, provided this is shown by written working. You are therefore advised to show all working SECTION A Answer all questions in the boxes provided. Working may be continued below the lines if necessary 1, [Maximum mark: 6] Given that (x—2) isa factor of f(x) = x° + ax? +bx—4 and that division of f(x) by (e=D) leaves a remainder of —6, find the value of a and the value of b By corde titan, len 222, 5 —a— SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX [Maximum mark: 5] The first term and the common ratio of a geometric series are denoted, respectively, by @ and r where a,r.€Q. Given that the third term is 9 and the sum to infinity is 64, find the value of a and the value of r. Able e6F qe eye ch BA A—t4e* alee ve a a Ahond - L oy act = =| ‘Turn over = 3. 5 SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX [Maximum mark: 6] The heights of all the new boys starting at a school were measured and the following cumulative frequency graph was produced. Cumulative frequency ec me an ol ares Height (m) (@) Complete the grouped frequency table for these data. [2 marks] Intervs Frequency | 71.0, 1.1] 6 J, 1.2] GE = iq 712,13] S2-= 13, 1.4) 66-5)- 14 114,15] lo 115,16] lb (This question continues on the following page) r =e SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX (Question 3 continued) (b) Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the heights of these 80 boys [2 marks] (©) Explain briefly whether or not the normal distribution provides a suitable model for this population. [2 marks] est DPI TE IER TGF MG FD FORT PIT Ss a cb) Men ‘Turn over E =G= SPECISMATHLAP2ENGITZOxx | [Maximum mark: 6] . fe? The complex number 2 =—V3 +i. E (@__ Find the modulus and argument of z, giving the argument in degrees. [2 marks] (©) _ Find the cube root of z which lies in the first quadrant of the Argand diagram, giving your answer in Cartesian form. [2 marks] (©) Find the smallest positive integer n for which 2" is a positive real number. 2 marks} Gy let Te Ge rot of «fae? val tae | Ne es bag pr 95 I~ in ge a den |e, Z G2 lop ren, shih 1 kp oil ea ading, | lene n-fz 4% OD 4 =j- SPEC/S/MATHL/HPYENG/TZO/XX [Maximum mark: 6] ‘The particle P moves along the x-axis such that its velocity, v ms” at time r seconds is given by v=cos(#”). , 2 : pf Zor) He (a) Given that P is at the origin O at time ¢=0, calculate \ 2 (the displacement of P from O after 3 seconds; a [sn ) +C (ii) the total distance travelled by P in the first 3 seconds, [4 marks] (b) Find the time at which the total distance travelled by P is 1m. [2 marks] let. MO) a ‘Turn over 4 SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX [Maximum mark: 6] ata bxte asymptotes x=~4 and y=~2, and that the point (3. 1) lies on the graph, find the The function f is ofthe form f(x) =", v=—€. Given that the graph of f has values of a, b and c, -9- SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX_ [Maximum mark: 9] ‘ship, S, is 10 km north ofamotorboat, M, at 12.00pm. The ship is travelling northeast ‘with a constant velocity of 20 kmhr™. The motorboat wishes to intercept the ship and it moves with a constant velocity of 30 kmhr” ina direction @ degrees east of north. In order for the interception to take place, determine (@) the value of 0; [4 marks] (b) the time at which the interception occurs, correct to the nearest minute. [5 marks] oy lef, fe. Ae hs ccf bef o ‘les 7 in : joe Pe a be Turn over FI [P | ~10- SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX 8. [Maximum mark: 9] OABCDE is a regular hexagon and a, b denote respectively the position vectors of A, B with respect to 0. (@) Show that OC =2AB. 22 marks] () Find the position vectors of C, D and E in terms of a and 6 [7 marks] -i- SPEC/5/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX [Maximum mark: 7] ‘Aladder of length 10 m on horizontal ground rests against a vertical wall. The bottom of the ladder is moved away from the wall at a constant speed of 0.5 ms". Calculate the speed of descent of the top of the ladder when the bottom of the ladder is 4 m away from the wall. Leg. beat. Wc ccecceeeeeaseneceed HAD? a1 eee iq 02h mfr ‘Turn over r -12- SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX Do.NOT write solutions on this page. SECTION B Answer all questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 10. [Mexcimwm mark: 12] The points A and B have coordinates (1, 2, 3) and (3, 1, 2) relative to an origin O. @® @ Gi) Gi) ) @ Gi) Find OAx OB. Determine the area of the triangle OAB, Find the Cartesian equation of the plane OAB. (5 marks] Find the vector equation of the line L, containing the points A and B. = V(2\ 0 The line L, has vector equation | y |=| 4+] 3 |. z) (3) (2 Determine whether or not Z, and L, are skew. 17 marks} 5 ae SPEC/5/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZO/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. 11. [Maximum mark: 13] ‘A bank offers loans of $P at the beginning of a particular month at a monthly interest rate of I. The interest is calculated at the end of each month and added to the amount outstanding. A repayment of $R is required at the end of each month. Let $5, denote the amount outstanding immediately after the n monthly repayment (@) (i) Findan expression for S, and show that ge. = 3, =P(1+_) -2 (145) > 100 100. (ii) Determine a similar expression for S,. Hence show that 100R a 108{(f5) =). [7 marks] (b) Sue borrows $5000 at a monthly interest rate of 1 % and plans to repay the loan in 5 years (i.e. 60 months). s, =P(4e 100 (Calculate the required monthly repayment, giving your answer correct to two decimal places. (ii) After 20 months, she inherits some money and she decides to repay the Joan completely at that time. How much will she have to repay, giving your answer correct to the nearest $? [6 marks] ‘Turn over =] r -14- SPECISIMATHLMP2IENGITZ0xx 7 Do NOT write solutions on this page. 12. (Macximum mark: 17] ‘The weights, in kg, of male birds of a certain species are modelled by a normal distribution with mean jz and standard deviation . (@) Given that 70 % of the birds weigh more than 2.1 kg and 25 % of the birds weigh more than 2.5 kg, calculate the value of 4 and the value of o [4 marks] (b) Arandom sample of ten of these birds is obtained. Let X denote the number of birds in the sample weighing more than 2.5 kg. @ Calculate E(X). Gi) Caleutate the probability that exactly five of these birds weigh more than 2.5 kg. Gil) Determine the most likely value of X. 5 marks] (©) “The number of eggs, Y, laid by female birds of this species during the nesting Season is modelled by a Poisson distribution with mean 2. You are given that P(” > 2)=0.80085, correct to 5 decimal places () Determine the value of 2, Gi) Calculate the probability that two randomly chosen birds lay a total of ‘two eggs between them, (il) Given thatthe two birds lay a total of two eggs between them, calculate the probability that they each lay one egg [8 marks] -15- SPEC/S/MATHL/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. 13. [Maximum mark: 18] ‘The function f is defined on the domain (0, 2] by f(x)=In(x+1sin(xx). @ ) © @ © Obtain an expression for /"(x). Sketch the graphs of f and f” on the same axes, showing clearly all x-intercepts. Find the x-coordinates of the two points of inflexion on the graph of f. Find the equation of the normal to the graph of f where x= 0.75, giving your answer in the form y=ms-+e Consider the points A(a, f(a), B(b. f(b)) and C(c, f(c)) where a, b ande (a to te) => o_ Sia (q@rJeo XH =} bejic__oyk = O X=0 Tt 0 7 ee § Te: Xeo a kel er ted Here — te XV teags ot CR) ne 2) U2) ad Qo) for fli) xo eft, Fa) a) = z a4 % un GC Xe06RS oI. Fs 2062 QR LSe J 3+ 2 GTO] 2 a RS z1 x - £0) (Miles Feur Fecrmlieadifcocleth = {3 © fe fluj=eo fron (h) eden) =3 pit _ tk Xe ob a k+ [Spare fine O46 f= oY Hne plete oe (2623 2H) od (1. 5 Fe-52T) D @) Wyn x= Oy f'U)= ~2. $399 Gredint — rnd t f= Sim = Le dix)~ 0. HF Ine te Guecin Ip ge ode" PAE (= O75) 4 = Lx _~ 9 Hee V2 flix eAy Xu t) ) Un 6G A yC oo) Bu GSH, 2 Ba ad Cis C |-mese, —288)21) Here ote Lt Dh ~1i|° 14 ap o-f Mp a ae omen o-¥3ls o] SSR HR ot32o} Cantey re-ttes J f = oP 1/_(E) Ae $4 ule Ww Made by u/TamnlarKniaht9®

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