G-7 - The Hunt Notes

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The Hunt

Circumstance- a condition that accompanies some event; situation
hung over - remain, persist
colts- young male horses
pricked- to point upwards
hounds- special breeds of dogs used for hunting having large dropping ears
cantered- ran fairly fast
hedge- a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs
tearing down- break apart, dismantle
whine- make high pitched- screeching noise
galloping- running at full speed
Snorted- make a puffing sound by exhaling hard
Whipped off- to remove something
astonished- surprised
squire - landowner in a rural area
farrier- a person who makes shoes for horse’s hooves
tolling- ringing

A. Summary:
When he is less than two years old, Beauty observes the hunt pass by. He sees the hare's
violent death and the serious injuries of two horses and one man. Some of the horses say it
serves the men right, but Duchess disagrees. She claims she never understood why men
hurt, for "they often hurt themselves, often spoil good horses, and tear up the fields and all
for a hare or a fox, or a stag,that they could get more easily some other way". But, she
continues, "we are only horses and don't know." They learn the injured man is
Squire Gordon's only son, George Gordon and he is very seriously hurt. The black horse
that was injured has broken his leg and is shot to put him out of his misery. Beauty's
mother is saddened by this death, saying the horse was one she knew, a good one named
Rob Roy. Later beauty observes the funeral for Squire Gordon’s son, who also has died of
his injuries.
B. Answer the following questions.

1. Who is the narrator of the story? What was the narrator’s age when the incident took
Ans: Black Beauty, the young horse is the narrator of the story. The narrator was less
than two years old.

2. Describe the last and final part of the hunt?

Ans: The final part of the hunt was rather tragic, a young man and a horse, both lost
their lives. Not to mention the hare who was being hunted lost its life too.

3. What is the mood or the atmosphere that the author has created in this story?
Ans: The story creates a tragic and a somber mood.

4. What was the narrator doing at the time of the incident?

Ans- The narrator was playing and straying in the field during the incident.
5. Why were the dogs chasing the hare? Why were men in green coats following them?
Ans-The dogs were chasing the hare to hunt it down. The men in the green coats were
following them because they were the hunters.

6. Why did everyone look serious when he was raised?

Ans- The young man was young George Gordon, the Squire's only son. Everyone looked
serious when he was raised because they understood that he had broken his neck.
7. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
“they have found a hare,'' said my mother.
a. Who are they?
Ans- 'they ' refer to the Hunters.
b. Why were they looking for hare?
They were looking for a hare to hunt.
c. What would they do with the hare?
ans- They would hunt down the hare.

1. ...and all for the hare or a stag, that they could get more easily some
other way. What is the narrator’s mother referring to here? Is she
justified in what she says? Give reasons.

Ans : The narrator’s mother is referring to the incident of the hunters

hunting down the hare. She says that hunting and the risk involved in it is
absolutely not worth it. If one wishes to have a hare or a fox, they can opt
for a much easier option.
She is absolutely justified with what she said. Hunting is not a healthy
sport to engage in. Innocent lives are lost and fatal injuries are always

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